I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 847: Mattress "wool"

Anyway, the original fragment is held in your hand, and it does not exist. Now if you don’t open it to the monarch, it will not be able to open again. There seems to be no restriction on this thing. The original fragment can be opened when you drop it. It does not matter when you are .

Although it can be opened at any time, the sooner the elves open the origin, the better they can control the origin. However, if you compare the experience value and level of the elves, then Zhou Jiang thinks it is better to control the level first.

The level of the elves can only be improved through battle and training, and for the control of the source, as long as the source fragments are poured down to increase their source level, it can be improved.

Moreover, the original fragment can be obtained from the mission, and the experience value is not available, so now the monarch snake still has to raise the level first.

The third day.

Perhaps it was because Zhou Jiang didn't give them energy cubes at the end of the second day, or other reasons Zhou Jiang didn't know about. In short, there were fewer elves coming to fight them.

On the second day, it was more than two hundred, and on the third day there were only more than one hundred and sixty, a full forty fewer!

Although on the third day, the Thunder Beast was idle and had nothing to do or tasted the sweetness of the game, so it came to Zhou Jiang to fight, but it only gave him 80 points, and the more than forty elves were almost eight. More than a hundred points, ten times!

It is a pity that the original fragments can only be used once a week. Otherwise, if there are about seven original fragments in the account, Zhou Jiang may not feel that it has lost much.

All gains and losses are always within the same thought, and this "mind" is basically caused by "contrast".

On the third day compared to the second day, there were only one hundred and sixty elves, 40 less, and 800 points. It looks like a loss, but compared to the first day, it can only reach 100, is it not? What is it?

The points received on the third day did not exceed five thousand, but there were four thousand five, which is already a huge sum of money. Just save it, and the two thousand five super modifier can be exchanged for two with a card. So far, This thing is considered a luxury to Zhou Jiang. The elves in his hand are on this, and none of them are fully modified.

Although he can now use eight super modifier cards with 20,000 points, Zhou Jiang still plans to save it.

Although there is no interest in deposits, and he does not accumulate points, Zhou Jiang just likes to save. If he does not have points in his hand, he always feels insecure in his heart. Looking at this string of zeros, Zhou Jiang’s persecution Paranoia can be alleviated.

On the fourth day, the number of elves who came here to find Zhou Jiang to do battle training decreased again, from one hundred sixty to one hundred and five, and the quality of the elves was also reduced, from the lowest level to the first level of elites (31~40) Many young elves are in the average (21~30) stage.

Although these young elves came to fight against Zhoujiang and their elves for training, it didn’t do much for Zhoujiang and their elves, but the words were all released, they couldn’t drive away the elves, they could only let them stay. With.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang’s second team and Chen Yong’an’s elves are both low in strength. Chen Yong’an can compete with those young elves and often win, while those of Zhou Jiang’s have not trained much. The elves can use their experience, so even though they have lost points, but the second team's level has gone up, it is not a loss.

On the fourth day, Zhou Jiang scored a total of over 4,000 points, which was not bad. On the fifth day, more elves came, but only a few more. It can be said that there is not much change. It is estimated that the scale will be set at this point, and Zhou Jiang is not dissatisfied with the start of 4,000 points a day.

On the sixth day, after the game with the addicted Thunder Beast, which would be uncomfortable without being beaten for a day, he was given ten energy cubes. After playing, Zhou Jiang took it to the side to talk. He asked the Thunder Beast to talk about something. .

"Thunder Beast, I heard that there are three other elves' territories near your territory, how about it, can you accompany me to fight with their boss?"

'Don’t do it, I don’t give you any energy cubes. I’ll just say why you suddenly became generous today and gave me five more energy cubes. There’s no way to eat the energy cubes. If you want me to vomit it to you. . Lying on the warm blanket that Zhou Jiang deliberately discarded two points from the system, the Thunder Beast glanced at Zhou Jiang beside him and said silently.

Thunder beasts can't speak naturally, but as long as Shanaido connects them with a spiritual link, they can talk freely. Although Shanaido can translate, but translation is not a long-term solution. Second translation Although the meaning is still there, many emotions in it will be screened out.

It's better to talk directly.

Like what Raiden Beast said now, what would she say if Shanaido translated it?

The main meaning, that is, "Don’t do it, don’t do as many energy cubes as possible." She won’t leak it, and 80% will translate it into "Thunder and lightning beast says it won’t go." It still means this, but the taste has changed a bit. "I'll just say why you suddenly became generous today. You gave me five more energy cubes. There is no way. You have eaten the energy cubes. You want me to vomit it to you." This kind of joke is normal and witty, if not Through the spiritual link, Zhou Jiang really didn't know that Thunder Beast would say so.

Before getting along with the Thunder Beast, Zhou Jiang always felt that the Thunder Beast was very serious. On the one hand, its position is here. In addition, it does not have a gentle expression on such a genie. It is usually "faced". So it seems easy to misunderstand. On the other hand, Shane Duo's translation directly sifted out the "human touch" in his words, so Zhou Jiang couldn't feel it at all, and the conversation was cold.

This was until later Zhou Jiang needed to have a good relationship with the Thunderbolt, hoping to use it to be the "wool" of other domain lords, that is, the elf of the heavenly king, so Zhou Jiang needed to talk to the Thunderbolt frequently, so he asked Shanaiduo to give Open the spiritual link between them.

Although half of the previous misunderstanding can be said to be Shanaido’s pot, Zhou Jiang did not mean to blame her. One is that this is just a small matter and there is no need, and the other is that Shanaido’s weight in Zhou Jiang’s heart is very heavy. Even if a major disaster was caused by her mistakes, Zhou Jiang would not be too harsh on her, let alone a trivial matter now.

Returning to the topic, Zhou Jiang was a little helpless after listening to the words of the Thunder Beast, feeling that he was too eager, and on the fifth day he had to fight with his neighbors with him.

When Zhou Jiang was in the land of Wind Speed ​​Dog, Zhou Jiang only went to find fault with Wind Speed ​​Dog almost a month later. Now the relationship between Zhou Jiang and Thunder Beast is obviously inferior to that of Wind Speed ​​Dog, and the time to get along with the Wind Speed ​​Dog is short. It seems to be rejected. Nothing wrong?

'By the way, I can’t deduct my energy cube after the game tomorrow, or I won’t do it, but if you give me another ten yuan, and it will be the same afterwards, I might be able to consider what you said after a while . ’


Listening to Leiden Beast's follow-up supplement, Zhou Jiang directly cursed angrily.

Of course, the true thoughts in his heart are definitely not like this, but he will still bargain.

The current price, that is, the value of the energy cube, is up to Zhou Jiang. As long as Zhou Jiang says that this thing is precious and the quantity that can be supplied to it is scarce, then its value will increase. If you have something to do with the Thunder Beast, It can be done without paying more energy cubes.

And if Zhou Jiang gave too much, the energy cube would be worthless in the eyes of the Thunder Beast. For example, if Zhou Jiang played with it once a day, and then gave it a hundred energy cubes, how much would it be necessary to give it later?

Even if you give more every day, then its favorability will rise quickly, but no matter how quickly the favorability rises, it will not be able to help him unconditionally. It must be "blackmailed".

And the increase in favorability must be the more you send, the better?

Not necessarily.

Give a chestnut, diamond.

In the earth of the previous life, diamonds can be said to be very many in that world, and it is not very useful in itself. It can be said that it is a little higher-grade glass (well, it is harder than glass), but because it is operated, it directly becomes The existence of "equivalent" to love has become a symbol of love, and its value has soared directly.

Due to the operation and the control output, the value of diamonds remains high, and the current energy block is the same as a diamond. The value is determined by Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang said that it is rare is rare (although this thing is indeed rare in the human world , Very expensive), sending the Raiden Beast has a rare value and a powerful energy block, and the affection will never stand still, right?

Since he intends to make it a rare thing, then it cannot be flooded. Except for the "tribute" given to them every day, Zhou Jiang does not intend to shed more energy cubes, even if it is the reward after the Thunder Beast fights with him every day. , I can only give five yuan, the others can't be more.

Although he didn’t talk with Thunder Beast, Zhou Jiang was not disappointed either. If you can’t do it once, try a few more times. They have a lot of time. Now, and now he is getting four thousand points every day, he is not doing nothing, so this matter Zhou Jiang can take it slowly, not in a hurry.

On the sixth day, Zhou Jiang did not indicate that he would not give it today because he gave ten Thunderbolt energy cubes yesterday, but the number did fall back to five.

The number of elves that came over today has reached the lowest value again. Of course, this is not the result of Zhou Jiang's count, but the increase in points.

Now he won't be bored to count the number of elves, it's too troublesome, and too tired, just look at how many points he has gained.

From the third day to the fifth day, the points can basically be increased by more than four thousand every day, but after the end of today, the points only increased by three thousand seven, which is a full three hundred!

These three hundred, if they were replaced by elite elementary elves, that would be fifteen fewer!

Originally, Zhou Jiang thought that the number was almost constant, but he didn't expect to drop to a new low. However, Zhou Jiang could only sigh helplessly about this, and there was no good way.

The lure warfare of energy cubes cannot be sustained. If Zhou Jiang will place a wave of energy cubes every time they come in less quantity, it will be troublesome when they find out the law. They will definitely be as long as Zhou Jiang afterwards. If you don’t put energy cubes, they won’t come to train the next day, the points will be less and more, and more energy cubes will be sent out.

If that were the case, it would be really cold. Zhou Jiang and the others could only choose dog belts to seek development in other territories.

On the seventh day, Zhou Jiang’s luck was good. Although he did nothing, the number of elves rose again. The number reached one hundred and seven, ten more than before, although there were more elves of the "normal" level. , But overall the points are still more than four thousand.

On the eighth day, the second wave of salvaging the original fragments that Zhou Jiang attached great importance to could begin again.

Although the Thunder Beast didn't feel much, it still played against one of the Big Needle Bee and Shanaido as usual, but after the game ended, Zhou Jiang did get eight original fragments from it.

On the eighth day, except that Zhou Jiang obtained the original fragments, the rest was the same as usual. The elves were fighting. Zhou Jiang and the others went to command the elves to fight in a hurry. If they were not bored, stay together and chat, or accompany the elves. training.

All in all, the boring and tedious life of training has just begun.

The dull and boring days lasted for more than half a month, and only changed on the seventeenth day.

For the past half month ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have been mixing with the Thunder Beast all day long. Zhou Jiang finally became acquainted with the Thunder Beast. After repeatedly asking the Thunder Beast if he could accompany him to find the fault, the Thunder Beast did not agree. , Until now.

Today, after the game ended as usual, Zhou Jiang asked if Thunder Beast could accompany him to trouble other lords. As a result, Thunder Beast said yes!

At first, Zhou Jiang hadn't reacted, and he was going to continue to cheekily complain and beg, and then use the energy cube to lure him, but when he was just about to speak, he remembered that the Thunder Beast just said "um"? !

Zhou Jiang's eyes widened and looked at the Thunder Beast, but the face of the Thunder Beast still had that plain expression. Zhou Jiang didn't think he had a problem with his ears, and it was not what he heard, but directly. In my heart, how could this be wrong?

However, "to be on the safe side," Zhou Jiang still asked, "You just "hmm" right now! You just said that you agreed!?"

Leiden Beast looked at Zhou Jiang and nodded.

‘I did agree to accompany you to trouble with them, but whoever troubles you, you have to listen to me! ’

The Thunder Beast lying on the blanket stood up and looked at Zhou Jiang, his original serious expression became more serious.

Zhou Jiang ignored these and nodded in agreement.

Zhou Jiang said that as long as it can cover the original fragments of other elves, then these conditions are not a problem!

Moreover, the Thunder Beast’s request is only the trouble of whom it needs to decide. It doesn’t matter to Zhou Jiang, anyway, according to his prediction, the three lords in the surrounding territory will be his target, that is, the target of the Thunder Beast. It will also be its goal!

Now it’s just the trouble of finding an elf. It’s hard to tell the latter, but if you start this, can the latter be far away?

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