When he came here with Dajia before, Zhou Jiang got a lot of intelligence from Dajia's mouth, including information about surrounding territories.

There are three surrounding areas of Thunder Beast Territory, and the lords are Giant Vine, Bronze Bell, and Xanadu.

And the "crimination" goal proposed by Thunder Beast to Zhou Jiang is the giant vine!

Zhou Jiang didn't know what kind of grievances they had in them, and didn't want to know, he just needed the original fragments from the giant vine.

The Thunder Beast uses Zhou Jiang's power to dry the giant vines. Didn't Zhou Jiang use its power to drag the giant vines' little brothers?

Both of them took what they needed, and only Zhou Jiang proposed it first, so he is now in a passive state and needs to pay the Thunder Beast some energy cubes as a reward.

But Zhou Jiang didn't care, just some tree fruits and auxiliary condiments, he could afford it!

The battle between Zhou Jiang and the Thunder Beast basically took place at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Now the stamina of the Thunder Beast is gone, and their elves are also fighting, which consumes a lot of stamina. If you go now, you have to wait for them. Recovery, unless they are given drugs, otherwise it will be night until they recover.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to fight at night. They used to find trouble instead of capturing the territory of giant vines.

If you find the giant vines in trouble, the opponent will not counterattack frantically. After all, this is their daily operation, but if they attack the occupied territory, it will be different. Not only will they counterattack without letting go, but the lords of the surrounding territories may also not look at it. Now, it is very likely to intervene, and then it will be troublesome.

Since it’s not an occupation, it doesn’t matter when to go, and at night, it’s cold and the field of vision is small, so it’s natural to ignore it. So they quickly decided. Today’s battle training ends early and both sides have a good rest. Now, let’s go dry the giant vines tomorrow morning!

Chen Yongan is commanding his elves to fight, and Chen Fan and Chen Ziang are training with the elves, but their training is also simple exercises like running with weights, and naturally they cannot be as tall as the elves. Intensity.

Although they felt that Chen Yongan would not refuse, Zhou Jiang still wanted to ask them.

Of course, if they refused, it would be fine. Anyway, Zhou Jiang needed their combat power very much.

The Thunder Beast and the Giant Vine are getting along here, and their strength is similar. What Zhou Jiang is afraid of is the number of Giant Vine and their little brothers. The crowds and tactics pile up, Zhou Jiang can't stand it at all. As long as there are the little brothers of the Thunder Beast The little brothers who resisted the giant vines, then nothing else.

The giant vine was handed over to Zhou Jiang to deal with, and there was a thunder and lightning beast on their side that was empty.

It can be said that in terms of combat effectiveness, there are not many Chen Yongan and others, and there are not many if they are less.

Zhou Jiang first went to ask Chen Fan and Chen Ziang who were training. There was no surprise. They did not refuse. Because Chen Yongan was playing passionately, Zhou Jiang stood by and watched. After the game was over, Zhou Jiang asked his opinion. No Unexpectedly, he did not refuse, and agreed to go find the giant vines for a stand with Zhou Jiang tomorrow.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone dispersed.

Lying in the tent, Zhou Jiang looked at the system panel and looked at the harvest over the past half month.

Too many points have been accumulated!

The points directly broke the 70,000 mark, reaching 72,000. This is the first time Zhou Jiang has won so many points, right?

With so many points, Zhou Jiang really couldn't control it.

Zhou Jiang expected that the reserved points would be around 10,000. With 10,000 points, he was basically not afraid of any trouble. Now there are more than 60,000 points, which is really bad for Zhou Jiang to bear.

But that's the end, Zhou Jiang decided to relapse tonight!

More than 60,000 points can be used by him, really...

Can't help it, can't help it, this temptation is too great.

However, although it can be used casually, Zhou Jiang still has to consider how to use these points "correctly".

Can't be wasted after all?

These points are not brought by the wind, they must be used on the blade!

So far, most of the use of points has been exchanged for modifier use cards. A super modifier use card requires two thousand five hundred points, and the upper limit of its modification has not yet been discovered. As you can imagine, What kind of bottomless pit is this.

But even if it is a bottomless pit, Zhou Jiang is willing to feed it, after all, the bonus to the elves is too big!

It's just two thousand five hundred points, which is nothing compared to the 30 added attribute points.

However, although it is a huge profit to redeem the super modifier card, Zhou Jiang is more curious about other items.

For example, the slate of Arceus...

There are a total of 17 slates of Arceus in the system store, corresponding to 17 attributes. Each slate is worth 10,000 points. Zhou Jiang has been curious about this stuff for a long time, but there is no chance to change it. Of course, the most Mainly there are no points...

Now that he has 60,000 spare points on hand, Zhou Jiang said that he was very generous, so his heart was about to move.

In the animation, the function of the slate is to make Arceus immune to the attribute attacks represented by the slate. In the games played by Zhou Jiang, the slate can only increase the corresponding attributes of the equipped elves by 20%. Can Arceus also change attributes (Zhou Jiang never caught Arceus)? For the special comics, he couldn't find resources to watch later, so he didn't know the specific situation.

But what happens in reality now?

Zhou Jiang said he was curious!

Looking at the seventeen slates in the system list, Zhou Jiang was lost in thought. He needed to think about which slate to change was the most cost-effective.

This is the real world. Zhou Jiang doesn't know whether the slate can be used by elves other than Arceus. If it can be used by chance, then it is necessary to consider how effective it can be for ordinary elves.

Regarding Arceus's slate, Zhou Jiang's greatest expectation is that they can make the elves on the equipment immune to attacks with their own attributes, even if they are not equipped with Arceus. However, this is the result of the best situation. If it is normal, Zhou Jiang estimates that it will not make the elves immune to attribute attacks, and will only increase the slate attribute ability of the elves. If you wait again, the increased ability will be very low. The worst situation is that only Arceus can be equipped.

The best immune attribute attack and the worst can't be equipped are not considered first, because it is useless to consider it.

He wants to change a piece of slate. If he is immune to attribute attacks, he naturally chooses the four common attributes of water, fire, grass, and electricity, which are the best. However, when this is the best luck, Zhou Jiang is not confident about his luck. , So it is also necessary to consider the effect of increasing attribute power, and this is the focus of consideration.

And the worst case in the back, the case that cannot be equipped...

This can't be equipped anymore. Which slate is not the same?

So Zhou Jiang now considers adding attributes and whether he is lucky enough to be immune to attributes.

The direction of consideration for the slate is determined, and then the problem of matching the wizard on hand.

If the effect of the slate is to enhance the elves’ attributes, Zhou Jiang would naturally want to equip the strongest Xanadu and Big Needle Bee, and if you choose between Xanadu and Big Needle Bee, then there is only Two choices, super power and fighting.

The "plug-in" skills Zhou Jiang changed to Big Needle Bee were all combat skills, so although it was an insect type, the insect type was not considered, and Shanaido's super power type was not mentioned.

As mentioned above, if it is the immune attribute, consider the four most common attributes of water, fire, grass, and electricity. Among these four attributes, water, grass, and fire have corresponding menas, monarch snake and fire-breathing dragon. Although their strength is not as perverted as Shanaido and the others, they are also the top ones in the team, so there is no problem with them.

Among the three types of water, fire and grass, considering that the water system of Menus and the grass system have restorative skills, but only the fire system does not have the fire-breathing dragon, Zhou Jiang's heart is inclined to the fire-breathing dragon, although it The strength is not as good as Minas, but it can evolve Mega!

So the focus of Zhou Jiang's consideration was on Xanadu and the fire-breathing dragon.

But embarrassingly, the fire-breathing dragon is not on Zhou Jiang now.

Although he has a fire-type Katy dog, he can also install the Katy dog ​​to try the effect after swapping out, and then wait for the fire-breathing dragon to return to it, but now Zhou Jiang is still making a decision, the fire-breathing dragon is not here , This is a deduction item, even if it can be exchanged in Zhoujiang or not, but I hesitate in my heart. When the original balance is still in a balanced state, it means it has lost.

So Zhou Jiang chose Xanadu.

Sure enough, Shanaido had love.

Sighing, Zhou Jiang exchanged a super power slate.

There was no thunderbolt in the blue sky, no rays of light, just as usual, the slate appeared directly in Zhou Jiang's tent.

The stone slab is about one meter long. If it is thick, it is only about five centimeters. On the whole, it has a pentagonal shape, but the bottom two sides are very long.

Is it right to say that this is the slate of Arceus, it is in this ordinary state, the surface looks very mysterious, the color of blue and purple is mixed, and the surface is slightly bright.

The texture is very good. Zhou Jiang's hand feels a piece of smoothness without any roughness, as if it is marble or ceramic tiles, and the slate is not as cold as imagined, but a bit warm, like being touched. The body temperature is the same as it is hot. In winter, it must be very comfortable to touch when your hands are frozen.

Zhou Jiang didn't take a closer look at the appearance. After all, the most important thing is whether it can be carried by ordinary elves, and what effect it has after it is carried.

Xanadu was taken back into the Poke Ball by Zhou Jiang, so Zhou Jiang didn't need to go out to find Xanadu, he could be released directly in the tent.

Zhou Jiang’s tent is not small. Three people can still sleep in a squeeze. If two people, they can sleep well and have a lot of space. So after Xanadu is released, it will not cause any crowding.


Shanaido looked at Zhou Jiang, slightly surprised.

Although in the pokeball, she can see the outside, but when Zhou Jiang is asleep, she will not watch it. She will continue to observe the outside until the next morning when she is released. Circumstances, so she does not know why Zhou Jiang let her out, or she was still in the tent.

Suddenly, I didn't know what was thinking, Shanaido's white cheeks flushed slightly, and his expression also squeezed, as if shy.

But Zhou Jiang didn't notice. Now he just wanted to let Shane Duo try if he could bring this creation slate.

Although the equipment items that Zhou Jiang exchanged can be used to equip Xanadu directly in the system, but after all, things are installed in her body, so Zhou Jiang still has to talk to her.

"Xanadu, I got a very powerful item here. Would you like to equip it for a try?"

Shane Duo deserves to be a master of control. He has good control of super powers, expressions and expressions. When Zhou Jiang looks over, her previous tweaks have disappeared, replaced by the usual smiling face, just Don't know why, Zhou Jiang always feels a little unhappy about her? .

Xanadu nodded, indicating that there was nothing wrong.

Seeing that she agreed, Zhou Jiang didn't think much about it. He hugged him up, put the slate leaning on his thigh into the system backpack ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and clicked on equipment.

Fortunately, the slate can equip Xanaduo, not only Xanador, but other elves can also equip her, but Xanaduo is here, naturally, it is for Xanador to try it. After all, this is a slate of the super power system. Give her the ability to equip her. Know if it has enhanced the corresponding attributes of the wizard.

Shanaiduo’s body is not a bent spoon, but a lucky egg. So far, Zhou Jiang’s elves are equipped with lucky eggs, which can increase the experience gained by 50%, unless it is a special situation, such as When the "other world" was fleeing, he installed the fighting props for the elves, otherwise they were usually equipped with lucky eggs.

The 1.5 times the experience gained plus the double experience bonus of "leapfrogging monsters", this is also the reason why Zhou Jiang's wizard level has increased so quickly.

The props equipped through the system will not be displayed directly to the outside world. Shanaiduo itself has not changed much, but the props carried in her body have become superpower slabs.

Perhaps the effect of the super power slab was too strong, and Xanadu obviously felt his own change.

Looking at Xanadu, who was constantly squeezing his palms, as if changing his body, feeling like a new body, Zhou Jiang asked, "How is it?"

Xanadu nodded and said, ‘Very well, I feel that my mental power has greatly improved. ’

"Compared with a bending spoon, how much is the difference between the two?"

Zhou Jiang didn't ask if the two were the same, because Shanaiduo didn't react like this when he was equipped with the bending spoon, so the bonuses between the two were absolutely different.

Although it is the same in the game, both have a 20% bonus, but this is the real world, not the game world. It should be different.

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