I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 850: Grievances with giant vines

Finally Zhou Jiang held back.

Sixteen cards have been put in, but still can't see the upper limit.

Obviously, the upper limit of the use of the third stage of junior high school and senior high school was set, and the law was the same. In the end, the ultimate super modification used 16 cards and the upper limit was not reached.

Zhou Jiang was really confused.

Now he still has 30,000 points, which is the opportunity for twelve super-modifications. Zhou Jiang didn't dare to continue to strengthen Shanaido.

The number of modifications spent on Xanadu has been too much, so let's give the other elves a chance.

And Zhou Jiang faintly guessed that maybe there is no upper limit for super-modification?

This seems not impossible.

In the end, Zhou Jiang modified Big Needle Bee eight times, Menus and Monarch Snake twice.

Zhou Jiang added the eight modifications of Big Needle Bee to its defenses, just like Shane Duo.

The current attack power of the Needle Bee has reached "342". Although it is not as good as the special attack of Shanaiduo's abnormal "577", the Needle Bee has a speed bonus when attacking and a skill bonus to strength, so it hurts It's not low either.

The physical attack, speed, and physical strength of the Big Needle Bee have been modified, and the value is far beyond other attributes. Just like the previous Shanaido, it has high attack and more physical strength, but its skin is thin. If it is accidentally exposed If an evenly matched opponent hits during a phase battle, the situation may not be much better, so it is absolutely necessary to improve the defense.

After all, Big Needle Bee relied on speed and a bunch of dodge skills to dodge attacks from opponents, but as the level gets higher and higher, the skills are getting harder and harder to dodge. Anyway, it will be improved sooner or later. Then Zhou Jiang Simply put it up now.

At this point, except for the special attack, Big Needle Bee has no disadvantage.

As for the remaining four super-modified Menas and Monarch Snakes, Zhou Jiang did not increase their attack or speed for their modifications, but added their physical strength.

In fact, compared with Big Needle Bee and Xanadu, the attack and speed of Menus and the Monarch Snake are still not enough.

Although they have all used up the number of revisions in the third stage of junior high school and high school, and the super revision has been used twice, they are different from the big needle bee.

The upper limit of the number of modifications of the Big Needle Bee is twice that of other elves, and Shanaido's race advantage does not require a speed bonus, just keep strengthening special attacks, she can use her mind to drive her speed. So, in terms of attack and speed, Big Needle Bee and Xanadu are twice the other elves!

If the change is normal, Zhou Jiang's additions to Menus and Sovereign Snake will definitely be added to the attack and speed, and physical strength and defense must be kept back.

The reason why Menus are now added to their physical strength is purely that he will continue to stay in the forest for a while, and if he fights against quasi-king-level elves such as Weird Power to score points, the main thing is that Menus and the monarch. snake.

Their attack speed at this time was already sufficient, and even Menus was faintly passing that fuzzy boundary.

Their current strength is stronger than the quasi-tian king, but they are not too strong to cause them to be crushed by strange power, thus losing the mind of fighting.

Therefore, in order to make this journey of scoring points go smoothly, Zhou Jiang does not plan to strengthen Menus and Monarch Snake too much now.

Compared with the blessings in attack and speed, the increase in physical strength has little effect on their fighting with quasi-king-level elves such as strange power.

Increase physical strength. For battles that are basically not lost, Minas and the Sovereign Snake can save more physical strength, and how they originally need to fight, they still need to fight, and it will not cause much impact.

Furthermore, their physical strength and double resistance will also need to be increased later, so now there is no big problem for Zhou Jiang to increase their physical strength.

At this point, Zhou Jiang's gains in the past half month have all been devoted to the elves, and Zhou Jiang, who has no points, finally stopped and stopped thinking.

All the "big money" in his hand was spent, Zhou Jiang slept very peacefully at night, and he slept well before, but Zhou Jiang felt that this is the most comfortable sleep he has had since he came here. Overnight. Even when they woke up the next day, Chen Yongan and the others asked Zhou Jiang what was wrong, if something good had happened, suddenly they became more energetic, as if they had changed themselves...

Today, that is, the eighteenth day after coming here and stationing here, Zhou Jiang and the others are finally going to "criminally" other lords.

This doesn’t make much sense to Chen Yongan. After all, it’s obviously unrealistic to have Thunder Beast and Giant Vine build a good relationship, coexist peacefully, and do battle training together, so for them, this time the action It is not meaningful.

For Zhou Jiang, it’s different. There are no too many things like Origin Fragments. As long as you open up the channel on the giant vine, then the income of only seven or eight pieces a week can double. The Xanadu and the bronze bell on the edge of the territory are also fixed, and it can be quadrupled, from about seven to twenty-eight in a week, and the 100 essence fragments that need to be synthesized only need four weeks. Less than a month!

Although this is still a bit slow, it is better than before, with almost no source of income, and this is only the three lords of the territory bordering the Thunder Beast, if you put the giant vine and other three lords next to them When other lords pull in, the speed of brushing the original fragments will be faster.

Early in the morning, after Zhou Jiang and the others had breakfast, the Thunder Beast brought the little brothers over and gathered with them.

The territory of the giant vine is in the northwest direction of the Thunder Beast Territory. It happened to be a shortcut from the current camp of Zhoujiang and the others, so the assembly was here in their camp.

After crossing the plains and rivers, another dense forest appeared in front of them. Although there was no snow, I couldn't help feeling chilly just by looking at the large, cool-toned scenery.

The elves such as Thunder Beasts naturally don't have the distress of Zhou Jiang and others, and their high cold tolerance is remarkable.

The territory of the giant vine is in the depths of this forest. Zhou Jiang and the others walked for nearly half an hour to arrive.

When Zhou Jiang and the others met with the giant vines, the giant vines had already summoned its little brothers, lined up to confront the younger brothers of the Thunder Beast.

After all, this forest is the territory of giant vines. Zhou Jiang and the others must be able to hide from them. In addition, they did not rush over, but came over slowly, so it is not surprising that they were discovered and intercepted. .

Soon, a path was separated from the elves on the opposite side, and a huge giant vine came out of it.

Seeing the densely squirming rattans on its body, Zhou Jiang was disgusted again. Although he had made preparations, Zhou Jiang couldn't stand it every time he looked at this stuff.

The giant vine and the thunder beast confronted each other, and the two bosses began to confront each other and questioned them.

With Shane Duo's translation, Zhou Jiang and the four of them could also clearly know what they meant.

Ju Manteng: What are you doing this time, and want to fight?

Raiden: What are you proud of, shameless fellow!

Giant Vineyard: Humph! Being able to find foreign aid is also part of my strength, and there is no rule not to invite foreign aid, right? Why, can't afford to lose?

Raiden Beast: Ha! No, I want to talk to you about this matter, you can invite foreign aid and I can also invite it, this time I also found foreign aid, come on, dare to accept the challenge!

Giant Vine: Foreign aid? Who? where? Bronze bell? Or Xanadu?

As he said, the giant vine looked at Shanaiduo who was standing behind the thunder beast and standing with the seven quasi-king elves like Wei Li, Zhou Jiang and others... beside.

Well, it is Zhou Jiang's Shanaido.

Thunder Beast: Hmph, don't think I can only invite them!

Leiden Beast turned to Zhou Jiang and nodded, indicating that it was Zhou Jiang's turn to perform.

Zhou Jiang nodded, and walked forward with Shanaido, standing in a row with the Thunder Beast, nodding to the giant vine.

The grievances between thunder beasts and giant vines originated from a rule here, the rule of the weak and the strong!

The alliance is basically controlled by the elves of each lord level in order to explore the territory. The territory is so big and the resources are so many. After the resources are divided, there will always be elves who are dissatisfied with the number of resources they hold, so they will Stared at their neighbors.

In addition to really wanting to occupy the territory, otherwise it will be difficult for the lords to turn their faces and beat them to death, and resources are indispensable. If they really want to grab them, they are worried that other lords around the territory will take advantage of the fishermen. So this This place gradually gave birth to a special game.

For example, if the Thunder Beast wants some resources in the giant vine domain, then the Thunder Beast must "post war posts" to the giant vine (you can ignore it) and send referee invitations to other surrounding lords (required), inviting them to be referees , To host the game.

Like this time, Thunder Beast came to find the giant vines. The trouble was also incidental to grab resources, so it called Bronze Bell and Xanadu to serve as the referee.

The so-called competition is naturally based on strength.

The lords of the territories participating in the competition each take out the corresponding chips, and then discuss and discuss with each other the number of elves that they will fight, and then pull together for one-on-one battles, and wait for the elves on either side to lose the fighting ability, then Indicates that the battle is over.

The chips from the losing party will be handed over to the winning party.

The rules of the game are very simple, basically fighting hard power. Because everyone has the same number of boys, even if you don’t use this kind of competition, if you do group fights, you basically look at the ability of high-end combat power, so this kind of competition is fairly fair.

But since it is fair, there must be unfairness, such as foreign aid...

The grievances between the giant vines and the thunderbolt beast are also caused by this.

Before Zhou Jiang and the others arrived, the two lords of Thunder Beast and Jumanteng came to such a game, and as a result, the Thunder Beast was pitted by foreign aid invited by Jumanteng.

The giant vine and the lords of other territories bordering its territory, but not bordering the Thunder Beast's territory, picked up an elf who had just been promoted to the level of the quasi-kingdom, and then let it join the Thunder Beast's territory.

The number of quasi-king-level elves here is also very small, so the Thunder Beast cannot refuse the opponent, but it will not trust it all at once, and the giant vine does not need the invited foreign aid to become the trusted subordinate of the Thunder Beast. That would be a waste of time, but even so, there are routines.

After the invited foreign aid elves joined the Thunder Beast's territory, the giant vine sent a challenge application to the Thunder Beast, and the Thunder Beast did not refuse.

The difference in the strength of their two territories is actually not big. The strength of the lord is almost the same, and the number of quasi-kings is the same. The number of younger brothers is the same, and the thunder beast has just added one to eight, which suppresses the giant vine. The giant vine is taking advantage of this. After the two sides met, they pretended to know that the Thunder Beast had an extra quasi-king. Therefore, when discussing how many elves should be sent by the two sides to fight, it killed only eight. Only elves (count the lord).

Since the challenge cannot be cancelled unless it is given a benefit, but this compensation is basically not as good as the benefit it can gain from defeating, so the Thunder Beast needs to fight for the two sides to send nine elves to fight, and then guarantee the giant vine. Don’t return and choose compensation to end~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So the Thunder Beast increased the bet on the chip, and the giant vine can not raise the bet, but the premise is that it must agree that the two sides want nine elves to fight.

Although this is only a tentative proposal by the Thunder Beast, it is unlikely that it will succeed consciously, but I did not expect the giant vine to hesitate!

Seeing that it hesitated, the ecstatic Thunderbolt added some more chips, even the fruit tree was pressed up, and the superb vine saw that the fruit tree was pushed out by the Thunderbolt, so he decisively stopped and agreed. The two sides sent nine elves to compete.

On the side of the Thunder Beast is the Thunder Beast itself plus eight subordinates of the quasi-tianwang level, while the giant vines are the giant vine plus seven quasi-tianwangs and an elite high-level peak.

Seeing this, the Thunder Beast thought it was stable, so it overturned, and was stabbed from the back by the younger brother who had just been under his command.

Originally, the two sides were evenly matched, but now it becomes 8V9. Even if the extra elf on the opposite side is not as strong as the quasi-king, after all, it is the pinnacle of elite high-level, and it is not a cannon fodder. There is nothing wrong with consuming a wave.

After being betrayed by his teammates, the mentality was blown up, and there was an elf on the opposite side, so the Thunder Beast failed miserably, and all the resources it pressed were given to the giant vine...

It can be said that the Thunder Beast was played fiercely by the giant vine, it is no wonder that the Thunder Beast is so angry.

Zhou Jiang even suspected that if the energy cube he took out was too bad, this Thunder Beast would not trust him, right? After all, it was just stabbed in the back by someone else, who would change it. Be vigilant.

But that's the case, the Thunder Beast still took more than half a month before agreeing to Zhou Jiang's trouble with other elves, and he was looking for the old rival Giant Vine.

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