I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 851: About to start gambling

Remember in one second【】

Ju Manteng looked at Zhou Jiang and then at the Thunder Beast.

Ju Manteng: Is this the foreign aid you invited? Humanity?

Leiden Beast curled his lips in disdain: Humph! What foreign aid do I invite does not require you to talk, one sentence, dare to compare?

Jumanten: Hmph, yes, I use the bet you lost to me last time, but what are you betting with me this time?

Raidenmon's expression was a little distorted, but it quickly recovered: I also used the same note.

Ju Manteng: Yes, I can decide the time of the game, right?

Thunder Beast: No problem, time does not matter, how many pairs do you want?

Jumanten: How many pairs do you want?

Thunder Beast: Ten to ten, how about it, why?

Ju Manteng: No, I choose seven to seven.

Thunder Beast: Yes, seven to seven is seven to seven.

Looking at the thunder and lightning beast that Miao agreed, the giant vine felt a bad feeling in his heart, but he still said hard: Humph! What? It seems that you trust this foreign aid, but do you really understand the so-called foreign aid you invited?

Raidenmon curled his lips in disdain: Oh, it's useless to instigate discord.

The Thunder Beast naturally wouldn't be caught in the giant vine's scheming to instigate discord. With regard to the energy cube that Zhou Jiang took out, it didn't believe that he would be an undercover agent sent by other elves.

Giant Vine: Huh!

The conversation between the two elves was over, and at this time, the Thunder Beast was invited to serve as the referee, and Shanaido and Bronze Bell, who maintained the game between Thunder Beast and Giant Vine, arrived.

Although the game does not start now, and the time has not yet been set, the beginning of everything needs to be carried out with the intervention of the referee. In other words, the Thunder Beast and the Giant Vines have to compete without letting the lords on the side. If you intervene next time, you will need to pull Shanaido to be the referee.

Under the witness of the bronze bell and Xanadu, the gambling agreement between the Thunder Beast and the Giant Vine was officially established, and the time has been set. At nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, they will fight on the great plain between the two territories.

The battle book was finished, and things were basically over. It didn't make any sense to say harsh words, so the Thunder Beast led a bunch of little brothers toward home.

Walking on the road, Chen Yongan yawned and asked helplessly at Zhou Jiang: "So what are we doing here..."

"That's it, it's cold to death in the early morning, so I might as well stay in the bed." Chen Ziang nodded in agreement.

"Cough cough." Zhou Jiang coughed dryly, and said in embarrassment: "I don't know that, I thought I would start calling this morning..."

Chen Yongan and the others just complained about it. They basically talked about it. In fact, they didn't think so much, so after seeing Zhou Jiang's explanation, they didn't continue to talk about this matter.

A group of four followed the Thunder Beast and they returned to the camp.

The battle will take place the day after tomorrow. If you choose this matter, there is basically nothing to choose. Seven elves, thunder beasts plus Zhoujiang’s Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo account for three, and the rest will be in the quasi-king. Just great.

It doesn't matter whether you can let Thunder Beast's men play, or you can let Chen Fan and their main elves play. Anyway, with Zhou Jiang, it's impossible to lose. …

After returning to the camp of Zhoujiang and the others, among the many little brothers of Thunder Beast, those who came here on weekdays to participate in the battle training. They all picked their opponents and started to fight, while the remaining salted fish served as spectators. Lie on the side and watch them fight.

In addition to them, the Big Needle Bee also fought against the Thunder Beast on a daily basis. Zhou Jiang ignored them and ran to the side to train the low-level elves.

The level of those elves from Joey’s family is too low. They don’t even have the qualifications to participate in combat training. Only training is their daily routine, but the Katy dogs in his team have grown up. Although Zhou Jiang didn't modify it, his strength was indeed saved in his daily training, and it was no problem to fight against the average level 30 elves.

Of course, there is no problem with a fight, but it is a bit difficult if you want to win...

After the big needle bee and the thunder beast had finished fighting, they silently came to Zhou Jiang and lay on the soft blanket to rest.

Zhou Jiang looked at the Thunder Beast, his mouth moved, and finally couldn't help but ask: "The giant vine saw Shane Duo or accepted the challenge, don't you think there is a problem?"

Zhou Jiang wanted to ask this question a long time ago. Although Shanaiduo’s true strength is indeed much more than she looks like, it seems that she is also the first-level strength of the heavenly king. At present, each camp has only one heavenly king level. In the case of (not counting foreign aid), after seeing that there is an extra elves from the Thunder Beast, the giant vine happily took over the gambling game. Why is this abnormal?

Leiden beast, lying on the carpet, squinting and resting, listened to Zhou Jiang's words, opened his eyes to look at Zhou Jiang, and roared in a low voice.

Xanadu, who sat beside Zhou Jiang and rested on Zhou Jiang's shoulder, provided Zhou Jiang with an interpreter in time.

'Giant Vine is nothing more than to ask for help from other lords. When we find foreign aid at the level of the king of heaven, if the giant Vine goes to other lords for help, they will basically not refuse, but rely on the giant Vine’s connections. It can only find two more, and even in order to save resources (appearance fee), it will only invite one. ’

After finishing talking, Thunder Beast looked at the Big Needle Bee lying on Zhou Jiang’s left side and Shanaiduo who was resting on Zhou Jiang, and asked: ‘Other lords with similar strength to me, don’t you have confidence? ’

After listening to Shanaido's translation

^0^Remember in one second【】

Translation, Zhou Jiang is a little embarrassed, what the Thunder Beast said is true, but he often suspects that his enemy is the old yin, so he always can't help but think about it, and this series of actions of the giant vine have to Make Zhou Jiang suspicious.

In addition, this matter is a matter of the Thunder Beast, if it loses, the Thunder Beast will be bleeding, so Zhou Jiang has some doubts about its appearance that it has not been in a hurry.

If you are really flustered, Zhou Jiang will naturally not panic. Zhou Jiang will naturally not doubt the strength of Xanadu and Big Needle Bee, especially now that the shortcomings are made up, and after Xanadu has acquired the Super Slate .

Zhou Jiang said, "Okay, just take it as I didn't say it."

Leiden beast gave him a white look, and said nothing, and went down to rest. …

After resting for a while, Big Needle Bee went to accompany the newcomers to train. As for Shanaduo, he always rested on Zhou Jiang like this. Although Zhou Jiang felt a little uncomfortable, seeing Shanaduo kept his eyes closed. He was asleep, so he didn't say anything.

It’s just that if there is nothing to lean against, it’s a bit bitter for Zhou Jiang. If you just sit like this, if you don’t lean against something, your waist will be very tired after a long time. At the beginning, he thought of Shanaido’s treatment of him. All kinds of help, plus seeing her sleeping soundly, so he endured it, but the more he endured it, the more difficult it was, especially when he was thinking about it, the numbness in the waist and legs became When he came, Zhou Jiang even felt that he was not conscious in his lower body.

Zhou Jiang surrendered after only insisting on it for half an hour. The sixth book. 6shu8.

He couldn't help it anymore, and could only shake Xanadu to wake up.

After Shane Duo was awakened by Zhou Jiang and looked at him suspiciously, Zhou Jiang could only smile at her, and then told her that she was dying and wanted to lie down.

Shane Duo didn't say anything, let go of her hand, Zhou Jiang let out a sigh, and as soon as she fell down, Shane Duo also fell, and hugged Zhou Jiang's arm, then closed her eyes...

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Listening to the faint and long breathing, can he say anything...

Fortunately, he was lying on the ground, so he wouldn't be very tired. Although Shanaido was a little uncomfortable holding his arm, I believe he will adapt soon.

As a result, lying down, Zhou Jiang just went to sleep for some reason.

Since they have chosen well so far, basically there is little wind blowing, and they are used to it... So even in winter, Zhou Jiang can still sleep comfortably.

It is impossible to sleep until lunch.

He kept banging around, and being able to fall asleep in this kind of place, Zhou Jiang doubted whether he was a middle elf skill.

Yes, he was awakened by the battle of the elves.

When he woke up, Shane Duo was no longer there. She ran to urge the newcomers and younger brothers and sisters to train. If it weren’t for Chen Yongan’s ridicule, Zhou Jiang even felt that Shane Duo was holding herself to sleep. A dream...

Now that he woke up, Zhou Jiang didn't bother to lie here anymore.

Chen Yongan came back to rest after the battle, and the old tortoise Leiden beast ignored it, and it has always been like this.

Zhou Jiang came to Menus and Monarch Snake to watch their battle.

Chen Fan’s elves, Chen Ziang’s elves, and Thunderbolt’s little brothers, except for Zhou Jiang’s elves, there are 18 quasi-kings of strength here, enough for the monarch snake and Menus to brush for a whole day. That’s right, so it’s hard for them to take time off. They are either fighting or on the way to fighting all day long.

Because they are stronger than the opponent, basically they only go to rest after playing two games, and then they can continue fighting after their physical strength is replenished. This phenomenon is that the longer they fight, the better their performance.

After all, a lot of experience can be gained throughout the day. If the performance gets worse and worse, it will be fine.

Watching it win the game perfectly from the side of the monarch snake, Zhou Jiang encouraged him to take a rest, and then went to watch other elves' games, some of them belonged to Zhou Jiang’s own elves. The battle is more about Chen Ziang and their elves. …

After walking around, another hour was gone, and it was almost time for dinner.

At this time, there are not many elves staying in their camp in Zhoujiang. Many of them have already gone back to eat. Only a few elves are fighting fanatics, or are still fighting, or watching other elves fight. Basically, as long as there is a battle that does not end, they will not go back.

At noon, except for the thunder and lightning beasts who were too lazy to move and stayed to occupy Zhou Jiang's blankets and wanted Zhou Jiang to provide food, the other elves returned, and the lively camp was completely quiet.

After eating, everyone did not pay attention to the thunder and lightning beasts lying there, looking for a place to lie down and rest.

After a short lunch break, elves came out of the forest one after another, and then they went to the elves of Zhou Jiang to fight against them.

In this way, on the eighteenth day, except for the large-scale assembly at the beginning of the morning to find things in other lords' sites, the rest of the time was the same as before.

But today, Zhou Jiang got a little more points than before. After all, in the morning, almost all the little brothers of Thunder Beast came, and there were a lot more elves left to fight with Zhou Jiang’s elves, so He got a lot more points than before.

But it’s not much, it’s less than five hundred...

After all, the extra elves are not high in strength, so they can't make up many points.

The nineteenth day is the same as the eighteenth day

^0^Remember in one second【】

How much, although the competition will start tomorrow, the Thunder Beast is not anxious at all, as stable as an old dog.

On the contrary, its subordinates are very anxious, especially the seven quasi-kings.

After all, they have never played against the Big Needle Bee, so although they know that Big Needle Bee and Xanadu are better than their bosses, they don't know how strong they are and how strong they are.

After all, the big needle bees are still serious about releasing water, and only after they have tried it in battle can they know how abnormal they are.

Just say one.

No matter what kind of attack can not hit them.

Just this one is enough for the Thunder Beast to be uncomfortable. From the beginning to the present, the powerful single skills of the Thunder Beast have never hit the Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo. It is either hidden or blocked, and only Some large-scale, low-power attacks can cause damage to them.

And the ones who fought with Wei Li were Menus and Monarch Snake, so they would inevitably worry.

However, after they had a secret conversation with the Thunder Beast, they did not move much, and continued to engage in the battle with Zhou Jiang and their elves.

Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I forgot to say it.

In the afternoon of the nineteenth day, Chen Fan and Chen Ziang looked for Thunder Beast, hoping to get a place to play. Of the seven places, Zhou Jiang and Thunder Beast accounted for three, while Chen Fan and Chen Ziang took the two days. The more they thought about it, the more they wanted to participate in this battle, and they heard from Wei Li that it seemed that the quota hadn't been determined yet, so they started to ask for it.

For Chen Fan and their participation, Thunder Beast is indispensable.

Although they do not have elves of the heavenly king level, they have excellent cultivation of elves. Through scientific cultivation and excellent feeding and care, they are much stronger than the younger brothers of the thunder beasts in the wild, so their participation can actually increase the height. The chance of winning is (although it is optional), so Raiden Beast did not refuse, and readily agreed.

At this point, the nineteenth day is about to pass, and the twentieth day is about to come.

The time of the game has already been determined, so in the evening, Zhou Jiang and the others ended the night meeting early, and each entered the tent to rest and recharge.

Although they are not fighting...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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