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The north wind whizzed up the coldness all over the ground.

Somewhere on the undeveloped plain of the Alliance, three groups of men and horses stood in opposition, each with solemn expressions.

This was the twentieth day after Zhou Jiang and the others arrived here. The rare gloomy weather gave the gambling battle between the thunder and lightning beast and the giant vine lords a little bit of murder and blood.

Among the three parties present, in addition to Zhou Jiang and the Thunder Beast, the giant vine and its younger brother and allies, there are also the bronze bell and Xanadu who serve as the referee.

Thunder Beast and Giant Vine are the main contestants, so they bring a lot of elves, while Bronze Bell and Shanaido are here to be the referees, so they only brought a few capable players.

The leaders of the three parties took the lead and came to the middle of the plain to gather their heads to decide the more specific details of the subsequent game.

Zhou Jiang didn’t follow along. Although Zhou Jiang’s trouble with the thunder and lightning beast was looking for giant vines, it was it and it was the bet on it, so just let it go. Zhou Jiang will be its thug. .

It didn’t take long for the three leaders to return to their respective positions. After the Thunder Beast came back, they began to explain some details of the following game to Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang listened to it. There was nothing too important for him. The battle between the elves is over, and everything else is about the Thunder Beast, which has nothing to do with him.

When the game is finished, it can begin.

Everyone's little brothers stayed in the battlefield and could not be brought in. The Thunder Beast took the participating elves and Zhou Jiang and they walked inside.

When Zhou Jiang and the others walked in, Jumanteng didn't say anything, just glanced at it and didn't look at it.

Zhou Jiang enthusiastically used the system's identification function to scan the elves present. Of course, he mainly looked at the elves in the giant vine team.

Although Zhou Jiang said that it had nothing to do with him, he felt that after all, this was the result of his own tricks, so he did not want to fail.

Among the seven elves on the opposite side of the giant vine, Zhou Jiang carefully observed one, and found that there was one of the middle-ranked elves of the heavenly kings, the first-tier elves of the heavenly kings, and the two that were approaching the middle-ranked elves, and the rest were all high-rank quasi-heavenly kings.

As the Thunder Beast said before, the giant vine did ask its neighbors to help. Zhou Jiang did not think that the two elves of the heavenly king level besides the giant vine were its little brothers, let alone one The strength is stronger than the giant vine...

In addition to the level, Zhou Jiang also carefully looked at their skills and other things, and he was relieved when he found that there was nothing worthy of special attention.

If there are no surprises, their side will be stable.

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhou Jiang's original heavy heart relaxed.

After sweeping the giant vines and the seven elves, Shanaido and Bronze Zhong Zhoujiang, who were the judges, would naturally not let go.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang was still very interested in the Lord Shanaido. Before he settled down here, he thought that if the Thunder Beast rejected him, then he would run to find Shanaido, believing it would Seeing that he had talked with him on the face of Shanaido, he still underestimated the power of the energy cube, and the Thunder Beast directly agreed to him.

Although I saw Xanadu and the bronze bell the day before yesterday, he didn't stay long at that time and he didn't bother to identify the other party's attributes. Now he is in a good mood, and he is also idle when he is idle, so he can't help it. Give them a shot.

Compared with Zhou Jiang's ease after knowing the level of the opponent, Chen Fan and the others were a little nervous, especially Chen Ziang, because he wanted to be the first.

But after all, they are people who have experienced many winds and waves, so although they are a little nervous, they are not going to make a mistake.

The two sides did not delay. Although the giant vine invited two foreign aid at the level of lord, after seeing the thunderbolt beast's confident appearance, its mocking mood disappeared, and it was even slightly nervous.

But the gambling has been set, the bets have been placed, the referees have been invited, and the foreign aid has also spent resources on the invitation. In any case, it is too late. It can only hope that the Thunder Beast just looks calm, but it is actually inside. It was panic.

The giant vine danced its tentacles and nodded to one of its own little brothers, indicating that it is ready to go.

On the side of Thunder Beast, Chen Ziang saw the elves on the opposite side and began to walk out, so he took out the elves and walked forward.

Although this is an undeveloped area of ​​the Alliance, the elves here are not unheard of human beings. Naturally, they know the Elf Ball, so Chen Ziang went straight up and didn't make a fuss about Elves.

Jumanteng's game is a leave king, and Chen Ziang's is his main spirit, the water arrow turtle!

Let’s not talk about the king of leave. A very abnormal kind of spirit, with a race value of "670", but the ability value is high, but the laziness characteristic is really incomprehensible, hitting and stopping, making it often caught in neutral. Then it was set on fire.

It can be said that if the king of leave can only kill the enemy with one blow, he can only kill the enemy. The key is that this is not a game where you punch me and fight each other. The attack of the leave king can be avoided by the elves, but during the period of laziness, the leave king can only passively take the damage.

So incomprehensible, almost no one played, even if someone played, they all developed in the direction of defense. There are no thousands of miles in this world, and there are no superb people who play the king of leave, so it has very few activities in the various competitions in the human world.

After saying leave the king, it was the turn of the water arrow turtle.

Needless to say, the water arrow turtle is one of the three imperial families in many parts of Asia, but the main habitat is still in China and an island country.

Water Arrow Turtle is Chen Ziang’s ace elf and his initial elf. It has been with Chen Ziang for twelve years on a battle journey. It can be said to be a veteran, although it is not comparable to the opposite king of leave. But the water arrow turtle also has other advantages, that is, the experience is much richer than the leave king!

Don’t look at the water arrow tortoise’s age only less than two-thirds of the leave king, but during the twelve years, it has fought with all kinds of elves in the human world. There is no experience, but the leave king has these Where is the spirit in the deep forest?

They basically live in a territory throughout their lives, and the elves they can encounter are really limited, especially after their strength is upgraded to the high-level elite, there are not many elves that are comparable to or stronger than them, and they It is less convenient to be able to fight and gain experience.

With few battles, it is naturally impossible to get rich experience, even if they are all of the same level.

However, experience is not a panacea, it just plays a supporting role, and it depends on hard power.

However, the hard power of the water arrow turtle is not low, the comprehensive quality in all aspects is very high, and the various values ​​are not much lower than the leave king. With the turtle shell, the winning side is still very high.

There is no referee in the elves in the wild, even if it is like a gambling fight between two realms.

Although the Bronze Bell and Xanadu were invited referees, they just maintained the gambling and fighting, and they were not in charge of other things.

Although it is said that the previous games of the Water Arrow Turtle have to guess the order, and the referee has to say it to start, but I have lived here for 20 days, and I have played so many games with the boys of the Thunderbolt. I've long been used to the situation where the two sides here sign with each other's eyes and then start fighting.

At the beginning of the game, the leave king directly "flyed" like a cannonball, and his fist called towards the water arrow turtle. Although Chen Ziang did not fight the leave king several times, the leave king was a classic. The elf naturally knew the situation, so he immediately made the water arrow turtle harden, then shrink the shell, and then spin it at high speed.

It can be said that the classic set of skills of the water arrow turtle is easily used by it.

There are only a few ways to hit the king of leave. The easiest is to carry it down or get out of the way, then greet him with a big greeting and pat his face.

The special defense of the leave king is very low, only "65" points, and big tricks like destroying the dead light are considered special attacks, so in the human world, not many people play the leave king.

It is impossible to withstand the bombing that destroys the dead light!

Using your face to destroy the death light, who can stand it?

On the field, the fist of the king of leave was already facing the water arrow turtle spinning at high speed.

The "160" physical attack racial value makes the leave king's attack power abnormal, but the physical defense of the water arrow turtle is not a joke, let alone it has been used to harden and shrink and rotate at high speed. , After such a set, the defense of the water arrow turtle has also become a perverted level.

It can be said that now is the battle between "The Strongest Shield" and "The Strongest Spear"!


The familiar sound of collision came, and the king of leave and his fist collided with the shell of the water arrow tortoise. Although the water arrow tortoise was shaken back for a long distance, it immediately turned and hit it.

Once the leave king attacked, he couldn't continue to attack, but his arm could still move slowly, so the water arrow turtle that hit it was blocked by the leave king's arm.

The leave king holds the shell of the water arrow turtle with both hands, trying to hold it tightly, but the water arrow turtle is spinning at a high speed after all, and the leave king is also a little weak now. If the legs can’t exert much force, it can be used. The power that came out was actually not much, so it was pushed back by the water arrow turtle, and its legs plowed out two not shallow gullies on the ground.

However, the water arrow turtle, or Chen Ziang, has never played with the leave king a few times, so although he understands its characteristics and the like, it is only on the surface.

Although the Water Arrow Turtle looks like this, it is playing against the leave king, but this is just taking advantage of the lack of power during the activation of the leave king feature.

One hit can't produce an effect, so it should be retired, but perhaps due to the influence of past game experience, Chen Ziang did not let the water arrow turtle retreat, but kept spinning and pushing the leave king back.

So he paid the price for it.

The king of leave resisted the water arrow turtle's attack during the release period, and then waited until the release period was over, then he would naturally fight back fiercely.

After the "laziness", the leave Wang was instantly full of power, and his lazy eyes became sharp after he entered the lazy state before.


With a roar, the king's legs seemed to be rooted on the ground, and he no longer moved back, and then his arms violently tightened, and directly clamped the water arrow turtle!


The water arrow tortoise was smashed to the ground by the king of leave, and the high speed rotation of the water arrow tortoise was directly stopped. But this is not over yet, the king of leave still has time to attack, and in an instant, the big fist of the sandbag landed on the shell of the water arrow turtle.

Without the high-speed rotating shock-absorbing defense, plus the hammer being pressed on the ground, there is no way to relieve the force, the water arrow turtle is instantly beaten.

It can be said that the reversal happened in an instant. Chen Ziang didn't react. When he reacted and his brain clarified the picture coming from his eyes, the water arrow turtle had already taken the advantage of the leave king into a lazy state, and was crawling on the ground. Out of the clutches of the leave king.

Well, the water arrow turtle is a veteran after all, so even if it was hammered on the ground just now, it was hammered, but it did not forget to fight back. After being out of the control of the leave king, it used a high-pressure water cannon to attack it. go with.

The two water cannons on the shell of the water arrow tortoise are not for decorative purposes, and the attack power of the water stream emitted by them will increase, so the water arrow tortoise has changed the previous open mouth spray.

The high-pressure water cannon itself is a super-powerful skill, with a fast firing speed and strong attack power. Now, after being shot by the water arrow turtle, the power is even stronger.

The King of Leave was beaten again and staggered back, but it was much better than being hit by high-speed rotation before.

However, this is only on the surface. In fact, based on the lost physical strength, the water arrow turtle's folding high-pressure water cannon is obviously very qualified, and it has knocked out a lot of physical strength of the leave king.

Replied from the "hard and straight" state, the king slapped the high-pressure water cannon away with a slap, and once again rushed towards the water arrow turtle, two tigers dancing with iron palms alive.

If it is in a normal state~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Water Arrow Turtle will naturally not be able to resist the attack of the King of Leave. Although the King of Leave Request can only passively block the attack with his hands in the stubborn state, if the Water Arrow Turtle chooses "Stand Up" If it does, the water arrow turtle will definitely lose in the end!

After all, the attack lethality of the water system is much different from the skills of other systems. Unless it is attributed to the other system, the damage it can cause will be reduced, and the water arrow turtle is good at defense, not good at offense.

The best attack method of the water arrow turtle is not the water system skills, but the use of the weight advantage to use the contact skills such as Taishan top pressure and high-speed rotation. Now the close combat of the king of leave is too scary, the water arrow turtle does not dare to step forward. Can squirt the water gun in the distance.

In this way, it cannot resist the attack of the leave king, but it needs to consider how to avoid the attack of the leave king during the "Wushuang" period. After all, when the leave king was hammered on the ground before, the water arrow turtle was indeed It hurts. If it weren't for the time-off King to fall into a state of laziness, Water Arrow Turtle would have to confess there.

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