I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 856: Change Big Needle Bee

Shanaido played with Hei Lujia for nearly ten minutes. During this period, she would give He Lujia whenever she had time. Although it was not fatal, it would consume a lot of its physical strength.

Although it was an acting, Shanaido didn't want Black Luga to attack herself, so for Black Luga's attack, she either blocked it with a light wall or moved it away with her thoughts, and never once was eaten.

In the end, seeing that it had been dragged for long enough, the "panting" Xanadu finally gave He Luga the final blow, and a shadow ball took it directly away.

Shanaiduo won again, and the elves of the Thunder Beast's camp cheered, and the elves of the giant vine's camp did not look good.

This is the rhythm to lose!

Shanaido doesn't seem to have much combat power now, but the Thunder Beast has not yet appeared!

The strength of the Thunder Beast and the Giant Vine are the same, it can be considered as 50-50. Even if the Giant Vine defeats the Thunder Beast, Shane Duo who has recovered a lot of energy after a rest for a while, and the Giant Vine has little physical strength. Can Fuji win?

The giant vine that had finished fighting with the Thunder Beast, even if there were other elves who delayed it to regain its stamina, the wounded giant vine recovered a little bit of stamina and fought against Shanaido, who had no injuries on his body and had a lot of stamina. No matter how you look at it, Xanadu has a big advantage!

Moreover, Shanaido’s losing streak bites Lu Shark and Hei Lujia, two powerful foreign aids. Facing this fierce enemy with a fierce record, they really can’t trust their boss...

After Hei Lujia came off the field, the giant vine, which had fully recovered his physical strength, came on the field, but his opponent was not the Thunder Beast, but Zhou Jiang.

Of course, you have to pretend to be a little bit like. If Shanaido can still beat the giant vines in this state, it is really rubbing the IQ of other elves on the ground, unless there is another wave of infinite hypnosis. ?

But the infinite hypnosis is really not all the credit of Shanaido. If it weren’t for the time when the guy bit Lu Shark woke up and gave Shanaido a chance to operate, she would not be able to achieve such a perfect infinite hypnosis, you can say , To play this set of infinite hypnosis, half of the credit is to bite the shark itself...

Without the infinite hypnosis egg, it would be a little difficult for the "stamina" Shanaido to beat the giant vine, but fortunately, he is not only an elf, Shanaido.

However, compared to Shanaido, the scenes of Big Needle Bee are not as good as Shanaido. After all, its control is not as strong as Shanaido. Shanaido can use as much strength as he wants. There is nothing to worry about. But Big Needle Bee is different. It used to be dedicated to maximizing its power to attack, so it is not very good at controlling small strength.

But fortunately, for nearly a month in the battle with the Thunder Beast, it has become familiar with the unfamiliar strength control, and the strength of the mid-level hitting king can still be controlled.

But this is also the mid-level of the heavenly king. If it is allowed to hit the elves of the heavenly king level, it is likely to be smashed and half dead when the opponent is shot down. Of course, the most likely situation is that it shot past. Because I was afraid of using too much strength, I took a large part of the force, resulting in very little damage, like taking a bath.

When Zhou Jiang stood in place and didn't move, and then retracted Shanaiduo before releasing the Big Needle Bee, he stopped at the giant vines coming from here on the battlefield.

Another Beginner?

And this "first-level heavenly king" is really the first-level heavenly king?

Like Shanaiduo, he is an elementary-level heavenly king from a perceptual point of view, but after losing two mid-level heavenly elves in a row, the giant vines are really scared, afraid that not human elves can achieve higher-level battle?

Well, it naturally ignored Chen Fan and Chen Ziang.

Who made their elves only the quasi-tianwang level.

For the giant vines, if you don't consider factors such as territory, younger brother, comprehensive strength, etc., then the elves with strength below the heavenly king level will not be able to enter their eyes.

Only those who climbed up step by step by themselves knew how much talent and effort the quasi-Uranus required to advance to the level of Uranus.

Although the giant vine was astonished that Zhou Jiang once again released the elves of the "First Rank of Heavenly King", he already felt hopeless to win, but at this point in the battle, it was impossible to stop or something.

It can never give up, right?

Who left it with so many cheering brothers behind it, if it weren't for them, it might still consider it, but now that there are so many brothers, it can only bite the bullet.

But the giant vine is also comforting himself in his heart, maybe the big needle bee is really just the first level of the king?

After all, it looks like Shane Duo is a beginner, but is it possible that there are still two who can hang the middle rank of the king?

As a result, the giant vine became majestic and angrily fell on the ground.

Although the cheering and cheering of the little brothers behind him disappeared, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

After standing at the designated position, the two elves nodded tacitly, which meant that the game had started.

At the beginning of the game, the giant vine put all the miscellaneous thoughts behind him.

No matter what the big needle bee is, what the situation is, at least it has to win the game before it can think about the next things. If it loses, then there is no need to think about anything, so it is extra focused and extra serious.

The giant vine threw the vine toward the big needle bee, and the big needle bee quickly approached the giant vine.

Big Needle Bee dodges some vines, and after separating some vines with a spear, he comes to the giant vine, looks at the giant vine condescendingly, and smashes the spear against it.

The giant vine is naturally not only the skill of the vine whip, but the vine whip is the most convenient skill it uses.

When it is close, it also has defensive measures behind it.

Like when fighting the lizard king before, wrapping the opponent's limbs and waist with canes to make the opponent a lamb to be slaughtered is one kind, and fighting against each other with brute force is another.

For the big reminder, like the lizard king, it is naturally the best solution to entangle it with a vine whip, but for the small, flying elves like the big needle bee, it is a little bit to continue to use this trick. Not so easy.

So the giant vine chose the latter one and decided to be tough with Big Needle Bee.

Strong whipping!

The long arms shone with emerald green light, and then the arm of the giant vine collided with the spear of the big needle bee, and the result was unexpectedly evenly matched. The two elves were deadlocked there, and no one could do anything.

The two sides held a stalemate for four or five seconds. The giant vine slowed down and wrapped it around the needle bee with a cane. When the needle bee saw this, naturally he would not continue to play with it, and the spear was slightly added. Li, after flicking the hand of the giant vine, the wings flew towards the sky with a flap.

The big needle bees flew away, and the sticks of the fruitless giant vines could only be retracted.

The space in the sky is really too big. The Big Needle Bee can fly wherever it wants. If it continues to chase it with its vine whip, it will only waste its own energy.

Seeing that the giant vine had taken back the vines that were almost thicker than the body of the big needle bee, the big needle bee flew down from the sky.

The Big Needle Bee, who doesn't have many long-range attack methods, just uses the sky as a place to temporarily avoid the opponent's attack. It will not fly high in the sky, and then use its skills to attack from a distance.

It's not about being shameless, being able to fly and having long-range attacks. This is the talent of the Elf race. It is the talent of novices who do not effectively use their talents.

Big needle bee is just not used to it.

For Big Needle Bee, only close hand-to-hand combat can be considered a battle.

The big needle bee rushed towards the giant vine again, and the giant vine continued to extend the vine, hoping that luck could catch the big needle bee.

The two sides launched an offensive together, but the form of the battle was the same as it was at the beginning. The big needle bee either avoided or opened the vines of the giant vine, and then rushed to the giant vine again.

This time, the Big Needle Bee no longer smashed the spear at it, but stood in front of the spear, and then used its own acceleration to stab towards the giant vine.

Compared with previous attacks, the trick used by Big Needle Bee is more ruthless. Once hit, it is not impossible to cause fatal injuries. Therefore, the main purpose of this wave of Needle Bee attacks is not to cause damage to the giant vines. , But to make it easier to break through the defense of the giant vines.

The attack of the big needle bee is straight, and there is no way to play any tricks like Shane Duo. It has to release water and attack the giant vine to cause some damage to it. In this way, the big needle bee naturally needs to use some The unconventional way of fighting is like the current stab attack.

In the past, it didn't need to be afraid of killing and maiming other elves. Now... anyway, it doesn't attack its giant vines, just to break through its defense. What are you afraid of!

Suddenly, the big needle bee rushing "at full speed" suddenly braked.

The giant vines sprinkled poisonous powder all around!

Of course, the big needle bee cannot rush in at the risk of being poisoned. The negative state of poisoning is really terrible. If the big needle bee is poisoned, it can no longer hide its strength. The poisoned state will lose blood too much. Ruthless, and the pain that accompanies each episode is extremely difficult. It is not a problem to interrupt the elf's attack. If you have weak willpower, you are afraid that you will directly roll on the ground and cannot stand up.

So if the Big Needle Bee enters a poisoned state, it will no longer be able to hide its strength.

Either the hidden strength was killed by the giant vine, or it broke out and Kai Wushuang directly harvested the giant vine.

In either case, Zhou Jiang didn't want to see it, and it was also something that Big Needle Bee didn't want to see. Therefore, after seeing that the giant vine used the poisonous powder skill, Big Needle Bee's eyes changed. .

The giant vine wielded the vine whip, driving the airflow to make the poisonous powder float towards the big needle bee. The big needle bee was not polite when he saw it, raised the spear high, and then slammed down against the air in front.


A gust of wind howled, the raging wind directly blew the poisonous powder in front of the big needle bee, and the poisonous powder between the big needle bee and the giant vine was directly blown clean.

The purple veil disappeared in an instant. Looking at the big needle bee's figure, the giant vine was stunned for a moment and almost didn't react.

The big needle bee flicked its wings and approached the giant vine at high speed.

In order to prevent it from using any strange powder, the Big Needle Bee decided to speed up and then reduce the intensity of the gun, so that the damage would not change much.

As long as you don't give it strange powder that will cause it to fall into a troublesome state, the big needle bee will have enough time and energy to act with it.

The giant vine is naturally not clear about the bottom of the big needle bee. Seeing that the big needle bee broke out at a faster speed than before, it quickly began to organize defenses, and the countless vines formed a large net. Just in front of the giant vines, which is the direction where the big needle bee flies.


A flash of silver light flashed, and the spear held high by the Big Needle Bee directly pierced the large net used by the giant vine for defense, and then it directly passed through the hole and rushed towards the giant vine without any reduction.

At this time, the big needle bee has already arrived in front of the giant vine. The previous big net can be regarded as its last defense method. There is no room to continue to use the giant vine. It can only wave its arms and the remaining vines~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Head towards the Big Needle Bee.

Don't even think of catching the vines, but the giant vine's hands are confronting the big squirrels again.

However, the Big Needle Bee is determined to inflict some damage on the giant vine this time, so it is too lazy to take care of the giant vine's hand, directly block it with the gun, remove the force it swings, and move along. Its arms flew forward, swinging the spear directly behind its body, and smashing it towards its stomach.

A tremendous amount of power erupted from the spear of the Big Needle Bee, and directly smashed the giant vine, which was about four times its weight, out. However, although it was thrown off, the giant vine was just a little uncomfortable for the stomach. Only, the physical strength is not much lost.

The Big Needle Bee did not chase down the giant vines flying in mid-air, but stayed in place and pretended to be "stiff."

When the giant vine saw that the needle bee was not chasing it, he stretched the vine that was ready to defend against the needle bee to the ground, put the vine on the ground, and let himself land safely, so as not to suffer secondary damage.

After the giant vine fell on the ground, the big needle bee flapped its wings again and continued to fly towards it. On the other side of the giant vine, after it landed, watching the big needle bee that continued to fly towards it, it directly used its big move, Feiye Storm!

Although the special attack will be greatly reduced in a short time after use, the special attack is reduced, and it still has physical attacks. The physical attacks of the giant vines and the branches of the special attacks are similar, so the physical attacks are all good at it.

The dense flying leaves flew out from the giant vine, turning into a giant vortex and flying towards the big needle bee at extremely fast speed.

Judging from the distance between the Big Needle Bee and the Giant Vine, plus the flying speed of the Flying Leaf Storm and Big Needle Bee, it is very difficult for the Big Needle Bee to get out of its attack range directly without contact with the Flying Leaf Storm. Unless it uses shaving in full burst.

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