I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 857: Shi Lezhi’s giant vine, the battle is over

If    can't hide, then it can only be tough.

If you just deal with Feiye Storm in its current state of hiding its strength, the Big Needle Bee will definitely be seriously injured. After all, the side effects of Feiye Storm are not for nothing. With such a powerful side effect, where can the skill power be low? go with?

However, even if it suppresses vision, it is difficult to be innocent in Flying Leaf Storm with the attack method of the Big Needle Bee, unless it uses violence to control the storm, and directly uses the strange power skills to slash in front of it, shake and fly towards it. Feiye coming.

   But if it came this way, it would be too exaggerated. It was a flying leaf storm that shattered the giant vines with one shot. This strength is not the beginning of the king or the middle level...

   What's the point of the previous acting?

   Therefore, the Big Needle Bee can no longer fight head-on, and it does not have the power of Shanaido to protect itself, what should I do?

Faced with the choice of letting the big needle bee suffer serious injuries and exposing its strength, Zhou Jiang is naturally more inclined to let the big needle bee expose its strength. After all, it is hidden strength, but Zhou Jiang himself feels that the greater the strength of the needle bee. Closer to giant vines and other lords, the higher the probability that they will agree to fight with him.

   But think about it, this is just what Zhou Jiang himself thinks, and the facts are not necessarily like this. Moreover, Shanaiduo has hidden his strength and fought very well before, basically there are no obvious flaws, at most it is just suspicion.

   In other words, it is acceptable to expose the sting bee's ability to fight against giant vines.

   Just when Zhou Jiang made up his mind and was about to let the big needle bee let go of it, a green light suddenly appeared on the big needle bee, and then formed a circle, directly wrapping the big needle bee.

   Seeing this, Zhou Jiang did recognize what skill it used.

   Yes, this is the invincible [protection]!

Zhou Jiang remembered that when he had left the juvenile period, every elves who were able to participate in the battle had a protection skill. Naturally, the big needle bee was also included, but it was basically basic. No need to use this skill similar to absolute defense, so Zhou Jiang almost forgot that it still had this trick.

   Zhou Jiang felt relieved after seeing that Big Needle Bee had used his protection.

After the big needle bee used its protection, the flying leaf storm also came directly. The flying leaf storm submerged the big needle bee's location, and Zhou Jiang’s view was completely blocked, and the big needle bee could not be seen. status.

However, Zhou Jiang is not very worried about this. At least until now, he has never seen any protection skills being broken. Although his elves use less, the hardness of this skill cannot be ignored. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an absolute defense.

   Judging from the setting, Zhou Jiang felt that perhaps only the attack of the beast could break the protection skill.

The tornado composed of dense leaves lasted for nearly a minute. When the giant vines finally couldn't stand it and stopped the release of the skills, the sky full of leaves without the master's control lost their strength and speed, and slowly Falling from the sky.

It is difficult to find the protection skills that emit green light among the green leaves in the sky, so even if the giant vine stops the skill attack, but Zhou Jiang just looks at it, the shadow and status of the big needle bee will be difficult for a while. Sure, you need to wait for those dense leaves to fall automatically to find it.

   Soon, after the fallen leaves that fell to the ground, the shadow of a large needle bee finally appeared in the air.

At this time, the green light produced by the protection skills of the large needle bee body surface has long since disappeared. Fortunately, the leaves that slowly fall have lost their previous power, so the large needle bee stays in the leaf group in the usual state. It won't be hurt.

The leaves are finally about to fall. Except for the accumulation on the ground, the flying leaf storm of the giant vines does not seem to cause any effective damage to the squirrel bee. At least the surface of the spur bee has no signs of injury. .

   "Big Needle Bee, is nothing wrong?" Zhou Jiang subconsciously asked. Big Needle Bee looked back at Zhou Jiang, nodded, and waved his spear a few times, indicating that he was fine.

   There is nothing wrong with the big needle bee, but the giant vine has a problem.

The average flying leaf storm lasts approximately between 20 seconds and 30 seconds. Forty seconds is already the elf forcibly outputting. Now the giant vine has lasted a full nearly 60 seconds of flying leaf storm. Consumption, the giant vines are directly empty, and even the reduction of the special attack genus is more severe than expected.

The giant vine just overdrafted the flying leaf storm. The current state is extremely poor. Even if Zhou Jiang waited for the flying leaf to fall and then showed the shape of a large needle bee, he waited for almost ten seconds, but this time is usually a long time. Time, but for some serious giant vines that are currently overdrawn, this time is not enough to recover.

   But Zhou Jiang can ignore this and direct the Big Needle Bee to attack directly.

Hidden strength is just to prevent the Big Needle Bee from making out-of-specification attacks. Now it only uses protection to take down the ultra-specified flying leaf storm of the giant vine. It is not extraordinary, so the Big Needle Bee is now taking the time to attack. There is no problem.

   As for whether this will lead to the end of the game in a short time, this is not what Zhou Jiang needs to consider. He has already planned to expose his strength before, and now he is even more lazy to think.

   After all, if you break the bottom line once, you can have a second time, and even the bottom line will be broken more thoroughly. Although it hasn't happened yet, it's just the result of his mind, but that's enough.

The big needle bee rushed up, some regretful giant vines forced out their energy, and controlled the countless vines to wrap around the big needle bee, but these things were only "in the eyes of the flexible big needle bee" "Roadblocks" are nothing but, far from reaching the standard of threat.

   either dodged or smashed it with a spear, and the big needle bee broke through to the giant vine again.

   Double needle attack!

The long-lost skill that was almost abandoned by the needle bee was once again used by the needle bee. The spear with a yellow-green light was constantly flying under the work of the needle bee, and the damage continued from the giant vine. Popped up.

  The giant vine will naturally not allow the big needle bee to attack him wantonly. After all, injury is a very painful thing, except for shaking m, otherwise no one would be willing to be injured for no reason.

   The giant vine wielded the vine whip and a pair of big hands constantly attacked the Big Needle Bee, but with Zhou Jiang's bottom, Big Needle Bee did not give up even half a step.

For those entwined vines, about 30% of them were drawn by Big Needle Bee on paper plus its speed to avoid and throw away. The rest of the vines that cannot be shaken off, Big Needle Bee directly ignores them, in the giant vine. The spear on the vine was tapped several times, and the giant vines screamed again and again. When the vines and the arms of the giant vine surrounded them, the big needle bee began to use a penetrating finger gun to break through a **** road.

As for when it can’t run away, the big needle bee will naturally carry the damage down silently. Anyway, its physical strength and dual resistance have been strengthened. It is not a small crispy skin that cannot be injured before, so it is interchangeable. The attack method is still acceptable to the big needle bee.


   When the Big Needle Bee cannot run away, why don’t the giant vines entangle it with vines, but only use vine whips to attack?

   If you can entangle the big needle bee, the giant vine will naturally not be polite, just like when you fight the lizard king.

   However, the giant vine does not want to, but cannot.

It also wants to entangle the Big Needle Bee and output it wantonly, but it can't tie the Big Needle Bee's spear. Its most successful time is that the cane is wrapped around the Big Needle Bee's waist, but after the next second The cane was directly broken by the big needle bee with a finger gun.

   The big needle bee is not the lizard king, it has its origin. The vines attached to the origin of the giant vine are not tough and almost indestructible in front of the big needle bee.

   For Big Needle Bee, these rattans are only a bit thicker and tougher, but in front of a finger gun, they are not enough to see them.


   Being crushed and beaten by a big needle bee, the giant vine is still "crazy".

The Big Needle Bee is constantly making damage on it, hurting the thieves high, and it hurts to death, but its attack is basically not painful to the Big Needle Bee. Seeing this, the giant vine is directly crazy. After a roar, a large amount of poisonous powder was released.

   I have to say that after it became mad this time, the giant vine did indeed use the right skills. Regarding the poison powder, neither Zhou Jiang nor Big Needle Bee would not want to touch it.

   So after a large group of purple smoke spread from the giant vine, the big needle bee could only be forced to retreat.

   But if you want to use the poisonous powder to limit the pace of the Sting Bee’s attack, you really think too much.

The big needle bee did not want to provoke the poisonous powder and backed away. It was just that it was too close to the giant vine before. The two sides stuck too close. After the giant vine used the poisonous powder, it took a short time for the big needle bee to respond. In addition, it is difficult to clean up the poisonous powder at once, so it is forced to retreat.

   But after retreating for a short distance, it is completely unafraid.


The big needle bee once again slashed against the air forcefully, the strong wind swelled, and the strong air turbulence directly took away the poisonous powder from the giant vines. The original purple ball was instantly emptied, and the big needle bee's weakness was "discovered" And the happy giant vine smile instantly solidified.

   The Big Needle Bee does not care what the giant vine thinks now. Although it can clean up the poisonous powder at once, the giant vine can continue to spread!

   So it needs to attack, continue to inflict some damage on it while it is not spreading poisonous powder.

   But perhaps it was an attack on the Big Needle Bee. It was too weak, so the giant vine tended to give up. After the Big Needle Bee rushed over and attacked with a double needle, the giant vine that was rooted underground before being attacked was directly smashed by the Big Needle Bee, and the Big Needle Bee was slightly stunned. .

   is just a short moment, and soon it catches up and continues to output damage to the giant vine.

   Regarding the attack of the big needle bee, the giant vine seems to have given up resistance. It is only a symbolic movement to expel the big needle bee by waving the cane, like an old cow shaking his tail to drive away mosquitoes and flies.

   The Big Needle Bee kept outputting there without any scruples. Zhou Jiang's words were also stunned by the changes of the giant vine, and didn't understand what happened to it.

Although it looks like holding a big move and preparing to wait for the big needle bee to release his vigilance and kill the big needle bee directly, Zhou Jiang did not stop the big needle bee's attack on this, and responded to the big needle bee. Speed, even if it has any powerful counterattack, Big Needle Bee can use its protection skills in time.

However, after the Big Needle Bee has continued to output for nearly twenty seconds, the giant vine is still waving the vine to expel the Big Needle Bee. There is no counterattack, and there is no unshakable defense. The giant vine seems to be only left. The body without consciousness.

   finally saw Zhou Jiang, who was wrong with the giant vine, and directly gave the big needle bee an order so that it didn't need to continue to pretend to bathe it, and just end the battle.

After receiving Zhou Jiang’s order to hide, Big Needle Bee nodded slightly, and the strength of the double-needle attack on the giant vine slowly increased. It was no longer the spear that was quickly thrown over as before, and then it was shot. The strength on the giant vine is indeed very small~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Due to the blood lost from the previous scrubbing and the lack of continued water release, the giant vine was dried by the five needles of the big needle bee, and the eyes were ringing. Slowly fell to the ground.

   Looking at the wounded giant vine lying on the ground, Zhou Jiang's eyes were a little puzzled and puzzled.

   He really couldn't figure out what happened to it, like a sudden Shi Lezhi, standing and being beaten and not fighting back.

   But no matter what, the Big Needle Bee has indeed won the giant vine. At this point, the three king-level elves on the giant vine side have all fallen, leaving only three quasi-king-level elves.

   Regarding the three quasi-king-level elves, not to mention Zhou Jiang’s two perverted elves, there is nothing wrong with the Thunder Beast itself, after all, it is only one-on-one, not a group fight.

   One-on-one, it is not a problem for the elves around the mid-level of the king to fight five or six quasi-kings.

   The battle was over, the giant vine was directly carried back by its younger brothers, and the Big Needle Bee flew back to Zhou River.

   Zhou Jiang did not take back the Big Needle Bee, but looked at the Thunder Beast not far behind, and asked: "You go or me to continue?"

   Thunderbolt beast raised its head towards Zhou Jiang, and it didn't mean to go forward, that means it didn't want to go up.

   Zhou Jiang expressed his understanding, and he was ready to let the big needle bees continue to fight, and then he looked at the giant vines.

   It's just that Zhou Jiang waited for a long time and didn't see any of them stand up and prepare to fight with Big Needle Bee. Just when Zhou Jiang was a little impatient, the referee Shanaido flew over to ask about the situation. Seeing this, Zhou Jiang calmed down a bit.

   Not long after, referee Shanaido flew towards Zhou Jiang and the others.

   But when it flew in front of Zhou Jiang, it just nodded to Zhou Jiang, then skipped Zhou Jiang and flew to the Thunder Beast.

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