"Oh wash kelp, wash kelp..."

When the bell rang, Dai Haoge picked up the side's cell phone and looked at the ID. After seeing that it was not the harassing call, but the acquaintance Jiang Wei, he picked it up.

"Hello? What's the matter?"

Jiang Wei used to be Dai Haoge's roommate. The two had a good relationship. After graduating from university, they often contacted and made appointments for dinner, so he didn't have to cover up his words, he was too polite.

And the most important thing... This grandson has never done anything good when looking for him!

"Big brother, Ergouzi is coming out, are you playing?" Jiang Wei's voice came from the phone.

The so-called "Ergouzi" is actually a game, a synonym for the name "Second World".

Originally, it was released five years ago that the "Second World" is about to come out of a completely sneaky game. As a result, many players who are eager for this epoch-making game have waited for five years...

So the "Second World" became the "Two Dogs".

"Play, I bought all the helmets." Dai Haoge replied indifferently.

He dragged the mouse with his right hand and looked at the introduction information about "Ergouzi" on the computer screen, such as basic information such as occupation.

He prefers to play games, he has been looking forward to the arrival of this "two dog" five years ago, but he has been waiting for five years!

After finally waiting for it, how could Dai Haoge let it go? Moreover, this epoch-making game is not only fun, if it is played well, it will definitely make money first-class.

Since graduating, Dai Haoge and his girlfriend Xie Yunxi have lived in a house with two bedrooms, one kitchen and one living room in Zhejiang.

This house belongs to Xie Yunxi’s family. Her family runs a small company in Zhejiang city, and she has a small amount of money. After graduation, she worked in the family’s small company as a treasurer, helping the family manage the money, and Dai Haoge said , He stayed at home and played games...

Of course, it's not the kind of ordinary play, he is considered a professional, leveling up people, brushing gold coins, bringing newcomers to play bosses, etc., on average, he can earn five or six thousand a month. Good business and good luck. When good equipment is released, there can even be 10,000.

Although Dai Haoge played games at home, it was a bit of a bad job, but fortunately, Xie Yunxi didn't care too much.

The two of them have no foreign debts. She runs a small company and Dai Haoge also runs a large parts processing plant. Both of them have small money at home. And Xie Yunxi didn’t have the problem of spending money and spending the most money on cosmetics, but she didn’t pursue a major foreign brand. Even if she gave her some medium-sized goods, she could still use it, as long as it wasn’t inferior skin damage. .

Dai Haoge has no hobbies. His only hobby is game animation, so he has nothing to buy. Eighty percent of the money he earns every month is given to Xie Yunxi, and the remaining money goes to buying and selling snacks.

In this way, the biggest hidden danger in the family, the money crisis will naturally not break out.

In contradiction, both Dai Haoge and Xie Yunxi had good tempers. Even if they quarreled occasionally, Dai Haoge would not lose his temper at Xie Yunxi. He just went back to the game and abused food. When he died out, Xie Yunxi almost disappeared, and took the initiative to lie down on the bed to admit his mistake.

In terms of housework, both of them have planned a day for one person. You cook and I wash the dishes, and you mop the floor and I clean the toilet...

In this way, the lives of the two of them can be regarded as having fun and enjoy it.

"Great! Big guy, take me if you play, so I can go and pretend to be coercive with my colleagues." Jiang Wei's words came from the phone, causing Dai Haoge to roll his eyes.

Jiang Wei and Dai Haoge are university roommates, and they have a good relationship. He is also the only person who has contact with each other after graduation, but there is one thing that is not good about him, that is, food!

Play the game Thieves!

He likes to play League of Legends very much, but his strength is thirsty, and the food is fine. As a result, he still hasn't forced the number. After provoking others, he often asks Dai Haoge to solo him and others.

Solo is a trivial matter, and this guy often asks Dai Haoge to take him...

Although League of Legends is one of his power leveling games, it is really exhausting to carry a bottle of oil.

Fortunately, this guy still has a little remaining force. After being dragged to the diamond, he stopped looking for Dai Haoge. Only when he was about to fall back to silver, would he continue to look for him.

"It's okay to take you. You can choose a nurse or a mage for me. If you can't, you can only use the archer. Don't choose the assassins and warriors who need skills. You can use your skills, that is, the stance." Dai Haoge's mouth is merciless.

"No problem, I choose a mage, I want to play a melee mage!"

"Fuck!" Although he knew he was joking, Dai Haoge still felt a headache.

Melee Mage... This reminded him of bad memories before.

"Then it's settled, you must come and take me when you get up!"

"Well, all right." Dai Haoge nodded and agreed.

Although Jiang Wei did not force the number many times, it was not completely.

For example, now, he knows that Dai Haoge is a professional player. If he plays "Ergouzi", he has to develop hard in the early stage. So although he begged him to take it, he won't bother him in the early stage. He will only be allowed to take it when he develops well. This is also the reason why Dai Haoge dared to agree to take him.

After talking about the game, the two talked about other things, mostly about former classmates and friends. After graduation, Dai Haoge didn’t have much contact with others. Jiang Wei still had some. He often told him the embarrassment that some other classmates had happened. Because Dai Haoge was tight-lipped and didn’t even tell his girlfriend Xie Yunxi, Jiang Wei was always right. Dai Haoge complained about his colleagues and classmates.

It's been half an hour since the phone was hung up.

Shaking his head, putting down the phone, Dai Haoge continued to browse the official website of "Er Gouzi", wanting to learn more before the game started.

Whether it is for professional play or for the fun of the game, becoming stronger is very important, especially in the early stage.

"Brother Hao, it's time to eat." His girlfriend Xie Yunxi's voice came from outside the room. Dai Haoge responded, and then dropped the mouse and walked outside.

"Er Gouzi" won't start serving until the young, and it's not too urgent now.

In the kitchen, when Dai Haoge passed by, Xie Yunxi had already put the dishes on the table.

Xie Yunxi is different from other girls in that she does not reject cooking, and the food she cooks is delicious, just a little lazy. In the past, when the two were just together and did not live together officially, she often made small desserts, such as cakes and the like for Dai Haoge, but when the person came together, except for a small quarrel between the two, she was still When something is wrong, she will do it to him as a reparation after she is finished and calms down.

Smiling and taking the white porcelain bowl full of rice and chopsticks that Xie Yunxi handed over, Dai Haoge asked, "Er Gouzi is about to start serving, will we play together?"

Xie Yunxi also likes to play games, otherwise she would not chase Dai Haoge.

Yes, between the two, Xie Yunxi took the initiative to chase Dai Haoge...

Xie Yunxi is one year younger than Dai Haoge. He is a student in the same school, but in a different department. At the time, Dai Haoge was not well-known in the school. Even in the class, he didn't have much sense of existence, because he spent a lot of time in games. Although he never missed class, he has never participated in some social activities.

And Xie Yunxi is different from him. When Xie Yunxi first entered the school, he was directly named the school flower of their school based on his appearance.

Although their school has a lot of flowers, there are two to three in each grade...

When Xie Yunxi took the initiative to confess to Dai Haoge, their school caused quite a stir.

Although Dai Haoge is still handsome, but there are more people who are handsome than him. What about other advantages? Only one game played well...

It turned out that he was actually chased by the school bachelor, which caused many Xie Yunxi to vomit blood.

Many people wonder about the relationship between Dai Haoge and Xie Yunxi, because Dai Haoge has no social circle. Except for class, he is playing games. As a result, he can be chased by school flowers? And after being together, the relationship between the two is still very good? Why is this!

They don't know. In fact, the two people have known each other a long time ago, but not in the real world, but in the game world.

Some dog-blood routines.

In a game called "Sky Castle and the Demon King", Dai Haoge brought some little white Xie Yunxi to make pictures and copy books as a boss in a game called "Sky Castle and the Demon King". The two were teammates. This area was three years.

Although it has been more than three years, the two have only maintained their identities as friends on the Internet, and have not touched on reality, and have not even added contact information such as QQ.

This relationship has been maintained by Xie Yunxi until his senior year in high school.

At that time, due to the need to prepare for the college entrance examination, she could not play the computer for a year, and the game was naturally untouchable, so she was going to bid farewell to Dai Haoge. After all, she was taken by the boss for three years, and she was also against him. Some good feelings, good feelings as friends.

Dai Haoge was one year older than her. At that time, Dai Haoge was already a freshman and had good grades. He passed the entrance exam to a good university. When Xie Yunxi said that he was going to prepare for the college entrance examination and could not play games, although he was a little sad and embarrassed, but I also wish her a smooth college entrance examination.

However, the relationship between friends for three years is not good, so they gave up, so the two added QQ friends and prepared to chat through QQ. After all, although the computer can't play, the mobile phone can still play. After all, it is impossible to be with friends. The relationship between them is also broken, right?

So the two added friends, and then they realized that they were both from Zhejiang City! What's more coincidental is that the person who came here is considered an alumnus, well, a junior high school alumnus, not a high school.

After finding out that it was an alumnus, the two chatted, and not long after they proposed the face base. During the holiday, Dai Haoge was going home, and she had time to go out for a stroll, so the two of them came out to face the base.

Two people, Xie Yunxi's appearance is not to be mentioned, Dai Haoge is not low, although it is a bit too straightforward to say that, but the fact is that appearance is the first impression on others.

The face value of the other party is online, plus three years of getting along in the game, plus Dai Haoge's good grades, and one grade higher than Xie Yunxi, so I can help her with her homework, so the exchanges between the two become more and more frequent , Offline meetings are often held during holidays.

After the relationship between the two is at this point, as long as there is no major mistake later, the two will basically be together.

So before the college entrance examination, Xie Yunxi confessed to Dai Haoge, and Dai Haoge naturally wanted to agree. After all, if he didn't like it, he wouldn't put so much energy into Xie Yunxi.

It can be said that the two can come together because of the game, so even if Dai Haoge stays at home to do power leveling, she will not be repelled.

"No, you can play first, I will go to Shu City with Xiaoying in a few days."

"Shu City?" Dai Haoge was slightly surprised, not understanding why he had to travel so far.

"Well, Xiaoying's hometown is over there, invite me and a few other sisters over to play."

"Well, you must pay attention to safety when you are outside." Dai Haoge nodded without saying anything.

One is that Xiaoying Xie Yunxi said is her best friend, and Dai Haoge also knows her. She thinks she is a good person and often comes as a guest. Besides, they are not two of them. There are others. The other is because Xie Yunxi's strength is worth.

Even though she is a girl, she is despised even if she is beautiful. She has learned women’s anti-wolf technique for three years, and there are three cans of anti-wolf spray in her bag. Dai Haoge doesn’t know what it is, he I just know it's spicy! Dai Haoge once tried to spray on his skin out of curiosity, but the result was sour...

After eating, Xie Yunxi sat on the sofa and watched TV. After Dai Haoge finished washing the dishes, he accompanied her to watch TV for a while before returning to the room.

Although the two moved in together~www.wuxiaspot.com~, a further relationship occurred, but they did not sleep in the same room, and they were obviously very close. The two rooms were next to each other. As a result, they had to talk on the phone before going to bed late. It's a bit weird.

Back in the room, Dai Haoge continued to look at the introduction information of "Er Gouzi" published on the official website. He had read the basic occupations before, and he had already chosen the occupation in his mind.

The game "Ergouzi" is made according to the Western Fantasy system.

There are only four basic professions, namely assassin, warrior, archer, and mage, and each initial profession has two advanced directions.

One of the assassins' advancement direction is an assassin, and the other is a thief.

Assassins and thieves. Assassins pay attention to attack and sneak attack, while thieves pay attention to speed and opening of boxes (Box: The treasure chest drawn from the map immediately can be opened by anyone, but it takes time. Other professions need three minutes to open the box. Time, and the thieves only need one minute).

One direction of advancement for warriors is swordsman and the other is knight.

A swordsman has mediocre attributes, average blood, defense, offense, and speed. There are no strengths or weaknesses. In the case of a knight, the attack and speed are low and the blood is low and the defense is high.


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