I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 860: Xanadu's Territory

I found out that the previous chapter was transmitted incorrectly. I was really sleepy last night. I uploaded it in a hurry and didn't take a closer look at which chapter in the word was copied. Now I have changed it back.



Finally, it was decided.

Today, the brothers of the Thunder Beast will report to Bronze Bell or Shaneduo, and then wait for the response from the other party. After it is confirmed that Zhou Jiang is okay in the past, Zhou Jiang will set off the next day and head to the territory of Bronze Bell and Shaneduo alone. Inside.

He wants to "persuade" them to engage in friendly elf battles.

After all, hiding in the territory all day decayed or something, it would be a waste of their strength and good years.

The so-called youth is the fireworks that bloom in battle!

Don't rot on the bed! Bastards!

Of course, this decision was the result of discussions between Zhou Jiang and Leiden Beast. Chen Yongan and the three of them were not here, so they didn't know.

But I believe that they are only asking some questions at best. They will worry about Zhou Jiang's safety, but they will not oppose him.

In the evening, after a day of fighting, at dinner, Zhou Jiang told Chen Yongan of his decision to the three of them. As a result, the three of them almost lost their jobs.

Chen Yongan even directly shouted subconsciously: "No, are you here again?"

Chen Ziang's focus was a bit strange, and he spit out at Chen Yongan: "Why do you say "again"?"

"Huh?" Chen Yongan scratched his head, a little dazed. Obviously, he didn't know why he shouted the word "again".

Chen Fan looked at them speechlessly, and said helplessly: "I said you guys...Isn't it obvious that Zhou Jiang told us a few days ago that he was going to fight the giant vine with the Thunder Beast."

"Oh, yes, yes." Chen Yongan suddenly realized that he nodded and said yes.

"But this is not the point." Chen Ziang spit out, then looked at Zhou Jiang and asked: "Why are you going to the territory of the bronze bells again? Isn't it okay to stay in the territory of the Thunder Beast? Many elves train with us for free."

Chen Fan and Chen Yongan also looked over, waiting for Zhou Jiang's answer.

They really don't understand why Zhou Jiang would "make things" like this.

Zhou Jiang looked at them, shrugged helplessly, and said: "There is no way, Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo are idle, so I want to bring other lords to fight with them."

"Um..." The three of them were obviously not light.

But Chen Yongan asked, "Then you can call them over, why are you going to their territory."

It was indeed Chen Yongan, the same as Zhou Jiang thought before.

After Zhou Jiang told them what the Thunder Beast had said before and his plan, they stopped and said nothing.

But after digesting the information thrown by Zhou Jiang, Chen Ziang said, "Why don't we go with you? It's a bit dangerous for you to go alone?"

"Uh..." Although Zhou Jiang was a little touched by what he said, Zhou Jiang would naturally not and could not agree.

The first one is trouble.

After all, he was only familiar with bronze bells in the past and made them aware of the effects of energy cubes and healing potions, so it won’t take too much time. Even if the three of Chen Yongan followed, they wouldn’t. What substantive help is there for this matter, on the contrary, the large number of people will also cause inconvenience.

The second reason is related to what Chen Ziang said is dangerous.

Chen Ziang was worried that Zhou Jiang would be in danger by himself, which really moved Zhou Jiang, but...I was moved and moved. Isn't it more convenient to run away when he is in danger?

After all, there was Shanaiduo's teleportation. If Chen Yongan and the others followed, they would really be in danger. Zhou Jiang would definitely hesitate if he wanted to run away. After all, Shanaido couldn't move multiple people at once.

To put it harder, if there is any danger, they will be a burden!

So in general, Zhou Jiang will not, and it is impossible for them to follow.

After rejecting Chen Ziang's proposal, Zhou Jiang talked with them for a while before turning away from this topic and talking about other things.

In the evening, Zhou Jiang lying in the tent counted today's harvest and calculated the preparations for leaving here tomorrow.

The first is the energy cube automatic production machine. Naturally, one of these things should be kept here, but if one is left, one will be kept. Anyway, this thing is cheap, so you can replace it yourself.

The elf's food does not need to be considered. If he eats his own food, there is room for the ring, so it is no problem. There is ready-made food in it. Chen Yongan's backpack also has rice and some dishes.

Although space backpacks cannot keep fresh forever, it is still possible to greatly extend the shelf life of food, so there are a lot of ingredients in their backpacks, so Zhou Jiang does not need to consider this.

The ingredients are all like this, and the medicine is even more so. They also have it in their backpack, so he doesn't need to take it out and leave it to them.

In addition to these things to take away, there is only this tent under him.

Although there is no way to take a bath at that time, it is impossible for him to even take the bath tub with him at the headquarters, so he can only go there and think of a way by himself. Either do it again, or endure it, anyway. It won’t be too much without taking a bath for six days in winter...

Well, even if you don’t take a bath, you need to wipe your body, and you have to change your clothes, otherwise the six days will be really hard.

After considering the big and small things, basically everything that needs to be considered, and after confirming that there is nothing missing and possible errors, Zhou Jiang closed his eyes and emptied his head to go to bed.

Quiet night without insects, nothing happened.

Early in the morning, after eating the sumptuous farewell breakfast made by Chen Ziang and the others, Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan came to the battle arena, where Thunder Beast and its little brothers were already waiting.

They are naturally not here to send Zhou Jiang farewell, but because of Zhou Jiang's "request."

Zhou Jiang asked to have a game with the Thunder Beast when he left, that is, to play a game with the Thunder Beast.

As for the reason, it is not a mysterious reason, just because it is the 22nd day, which is the beginning of a new week that the original fragments on the Thunderbolt beast can sleep...

That's right, it is for this reason that Zhou Jiang had to play a game with it before departure.

After all, he will be away for almost a week. If he doesn't fight now, isn't it a loss?

And it was just a discussion before the departure, or it was impossible to say that it was a discussion. In short, even if the match had no effect on his future plans, Zhou Jiang could not give up this original fragment that was about to be acquired.

Zhou Jiang’s strange request was naturally unable to refuse the Thunder Beast, so it challenged it, and the other elves who were supposed to be mingled with Chen Yong’an and their elves were all gathered around at this time. Prepare to watch the game honestly.

Although it was a casual battle, it was obvious that it was unusual in the eyes of the elves.

The battle naturally ended with Zhou Jiang's victory.

After seeing that the points and the original fragments on the system panel were indeed Sister Zeng, Zhou Jiang satisfactorily retracted Xanadu and prepared to leave.

After riding on Bi Diao, who is both a thunder beast and a passerby, Bi Diao fluttered his wings and flew.

The closest to the Thunder Beast Territory was the Bronze Bell Territory, but Zhou Jiang wanted to go around and go to Shanaiduo Territory.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it looks like Shane Duo can handle it, right?

And he also has Xanadu, maybe it's better.

So to sum up, Zhou Jiang is more anxious to believe in Xanadu than the bronze bell that is closer.

It also flew for nearly an hour at the speed of the Eagle. Although Zhou Jiang was present, it could not fly at full strength, but that was not slow. If Zhou Jiang was changed, he would have to go three or four. Hours?

I was sleepy during the code word at night, so I adjusted the alarm clock and prepared to take a nap, but I didn’t expect that the alarm clock didn’t wake me up. It was just after eleven o’clock, and there was no way. The time was too late, so I had to mix it up and change it later. .

So cold...

Has it rained? Why is it so cold... Well, the clothes on the balcony are still confiscated...

A cold wind blew, Chen Yu, who was sleeping in a daze, shuddered, and began to slowly wake up.


The sound of birds began to echo in his ears, and he was too sleepy. Although it was difficult to open his eyes, Chen Yu, who was almost awakened, couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"It's made of toad skin, without closing the window, another bird flew in. I hope you don't shit."

Under the dual motivation of picking up clothes and catching birds, Chen Yu barely opened his eyes. However, what appeared in Chen Yu's sight was not the white ceiling and white walls, but a forest with lush green grass and numerous vegetation!

Chen Yu: "..."

After sighing, Chen Yu closed his eyes again, and then turned over laboriously. However, the texture and smell of the familiar pillow did not come. At this time, Chen Yu realized that there was nothing under his head. , No wonder there is something wrong.

No, now is the time to think about this!

The slight smell of mud and grass coming from the nose and the scenery that I saw before opening his eyes made Chen Yu's sleepiness completely disappear, and a sense of panic came from the bottom of his heart. Chen Yu suddenly opened his eyes and propped them up with his hands. body.

Perhaps his movements were too large. Not far from him, he fell on the ground and pecking at the ground from time to time. The red bird whose name Chen Yu could not name was flapping into the sky with its wings.

The movement of the bird flapping its wings attracted Chen Yu's attention, and Chen Yu, who was in a daze, turned his head to its side unconsciously and watched the bird flap its wings and disappear into the sky. Chen Yu did not react at all.

This is not a house shared with friends, but a forest!

A gust of wind passed by, skipped the grass, passed Chen Yu, hit the woods, and finally disappeared into the distance.

Chen Yu's heart was in a mess at this time, and his thoughts were completely unable to concentrate. The ordinary and mediocre life for more than 20 years has left Chen Yu's heart in a state of numbness. He has never seen him in the world, facing the situation at this time. Spiritual situation, I don't know what to do for a while.

Just when Chen Yu was sitting on the grass looking forward in a daze, a muffled hum came from behind Chen Yu.

In the relatively quiet forest, there was another ghostly event. Such a sudden sound directly frightened Chen Yu, his heart twitched, and Chen Yu was so frightened that he rushed forward!

Originally he wanted to run subconsciously, but he was sitting on the ground and his legs were soft, so he couldn't stand up at all, so he performed a dog-eating **** on the spot...

However, Chen Yu had no time to take care of his own image at this time. After crawling around, he barely climbed a distance of about one meter, and then subconsciously looked behind him...

people? Not a ghost? !

Chen Yu was stunned. Behind him, lying half-and-half on the ground, supporting his body with his hands, the three women and one man who wanted to get up were also stunned.

Both sides were stunned for four seconds. From fear to shame, Chen Yu's brain went blank, until he was sitting on the ground opposite him, looking at one of the four young women of Chen Yu. With a light laugh, Chen Yu came back to his senses.

After recovering, Chen Yu's tight body was finally relaxed. The result of the sudden relaxation was that Chen Yu's whole body was weak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and collapsed to the ground.

The young woman's laughter didn't last long before she was interrupted by a uniformed working woman.

Cai Ying got up from the ground, looked at the crowd condescendingly, and asked, "Does any of you know where this is?"

Although it was an inquiry, her tone was very strong, condescending. Needless to say, she was definitely not an ordinary employee before, and she was definitely a manager.

Perhaps it was Cai Ying's tough relationship, or the discovery that he was not in a familiar place but ran into such a forest, so the three of them were a little nervous. After Cai Ying inquired, the three of them unconsciously answered her question only consensually.

"No... I don't know." Pan Danmei was the first person to answer her, as if she was rushing to answer. She answered directly after Cai Ying finished speaking. Obviously, she was nervous, and she must have been managed by her boss before. That's the kind of dead, so I answered Cai Ying's question subconsciously.

The other men and women, Xia Xinou and Su Meng slowed down Pan Danmei for half a time, and when Cai Ying came over, they slowly shook their heads blankly, indicating that they did not know.

Cai Ying will naturally not forget Chen Yu. Although Chen Yu's embarrassed appearance disgusted her, she still looked at it.

Pan Danmei and three of them watched with her.

It is naturally impossible for Chen Yu to answer her or anything at this time. In fact, he didn't hear what she asked before...

His mood was ups and downs, he was almost frightened and he was still resting and recovering.

Looking at Chen Yu who was lying there, Cai Ying's brows frowned. Just when she wanted to say something, Xia Xinou suddenly shouted.

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