I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 868: Return, a day of leisure

For Zhou Jiang's "final" proposal to go once every seven days and to increase the energy cube, Lord Shanaido was finally moved.

The reason it refused before was actually not trying to blackmail Zhou Jiang to obtain more energy cubes. It really felt that the Thunder Beast’s territory was too far from here. If it wanted to run to the Thunder Beast’s territory every day, it would be troublesome. That's why I refused.

Although the energy cube is indeed delicious, it doesn't want to leave it, but...but...ah, if you want to go so far to work, you should be a salted fish!

But now I go once every seven days, and the energy cube given has increased to three hundred and fifty yuan. Lord Shanaido thinks, maybe you can try?

After Zhou Jiang put forward the conditions, seeing Shanaido hesitating, his heart was also worried. Fortunately, after considering it for a long time, he finally nodded and agreed to Zhou Jiang's proposal.


Seeing Lord Shanaiduo agreed, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, and his slightly tense nerves relaxed.

Shanaiduo and the original fragments of the Thunder Beast were harvested on the same day, and the distance to harvest again, including today, there are three days.

Zhou Jiang told him the date he needed it to come. Although Lord Shanaido felt a little strange, he didn't think much about it, nodded and agreed.

After seeing it agreed, Zhou Jiang's mission here was also completed and he was about to leave.

But before leaving, he still needs to hand over the wound medicine and energy cubes to Lord Shanaido.

For the gift from Zhou Jiang, Lord Shanaido would naturally not refuse, and after accepting it happily, Shanaido, who was guarding the door, sent it to the tree hole where it lived.

Sure enough, krypton gold is power. After receiving Zhou Jiang's parting gift, Lord Shanaido's eyes looked at Zhou Jiang more friendly.

In the end, Zhou Jiang didn't talk much with the lord Shanaido. Under the guidance of a lord Shanaido sent by Shanaido, surrounded by the big needle bee and Shanaido, he walked towards the thunder and lightning beast territory.

After stepping out of the realm of Shanaiduo's territory, the task of Shanaiduo who led Zhou Jiang was completed. After showing Zhou Jiang the direction of Thunder Beast's territory, he took the energy cube sent by Zhou Jiang and went back.

The Bi Diao who had sent Zhou Jiang over had already gone back long ago. Zhou Jiang also declined the Lord Shanaido to let Bi Diao in his territory send him. He planned to let Shanaido take him back.

Looking at the vast expanse of the empty plain, Zhou Jiang exhaled a long breath, shook his head, and after throwing some strange thoughts out of his mind, Zhou Jiang retracted the big needle bee and nodded at Shanaiduo.

Xanadu naturally understood Zhou Jiang's meaning, and directly wrapped himself and Zhou Jiang with thought power, and then the two figures rose from the ground and swiftly swept away into the sky.

Although Bi Diao is said to be the second fastest flying speed among the known elves in the world, its strength is different and its flying speed is naturally different.

The strength of the Bi Diao that sent Zhou Jiang over was only the first level of elites, and it was far worse than Shane Duo. In addition, Zhou Jiang was sitting on its back, and it could not fly at full strength, so its speed had to be reduced. It would take an hour or two for Laibiao to send Zhou Jiang, and if Shanaido brought Zhou Jiang, it would only take about half an hour.

Even Zhoujiang's Shanaiduo would have to fly for about half an hour. One can imagine the distance between the two territories. This is why Lord Shanaiduo didn't want to come.

Zhou Jiang set off at 7 o'clock in the morning, and when he returned to the base, the time could reach 8 o'clock.

Although Zhou Jiang had been away for four days, there were still wound medicine and energy cube automatic production machines, so Chen Yongan and the others were still training here as usual.

With the energy cube and the wounding medicine, the younger brothers of the Thunder Beast also came to fight as usual, but without Zhou Jiang, the Thunder Beast was idle. After all, it was close to the strength of the middle-ranking king, Chen Fan and Chen Yongan really couldn't beat it. Wheel warfare will not work unless they go together, and even if they go together, there are less than three elves for nothing.

When Zhou Jiang and Xanadu fell from the sky, a dumb flower who was watching the game first spotted them. The elf's eyesight was very good. Although it was far away, it still recognized Zhou Jiang. Regarding Zhou Jiang, whether it was the Thunder Beast or its little brothers, they were very grateful and in awe. Seeing Zhou Jiang back, the dumb flower immediately told the elves around him the good news.

A small patch of elves around the flower was looking up at the sky, so the chain reaction was the same. A large patch of elves around raised their heads. In less than ten seconds, except for the elves in the game, the onlookers all looked up. Zhou Jiang and Shanaido are falling from the sky.

Shanaiduo took Zhou Jiang and didn't fly very high, and the elves had an abnormal situation, so Chen Yongan who was resting on the side also saw Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo surrounded by purple light.

After Zhou Jiang left here, he would chat with them every day to report on his itinerary and follow-up plans. And when he came back today, he had already talked to Chen Yongan and others, so they were not surprised that Zhou Jiang came back. Yes, but they still stood up one after another and walked over to meet Zhou Jiang.

The plain is so big, and the place of battle is still some distance away from Zhou Jiang’s camp, so Xanadu naturally does not need to land in the elves. She directly led Zhou Jiang over the elves on the battlefield, and then The camp fell down.

As soon as Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo fell, Chen Yongan and the three of them gathered around.

"I'm finally back, are the things over there?" Chen Yongan asked first, who was surrounded.

After landing, Xanadu's thought force on Zhou Jiang retreated, and then stood silently to Zhou Jiang's left and stepped back half a step.

Zhou Jiang looked at Chen Yongan, shrugged helplessly, and said, "Well, it's over, but I guess I will have to go to the Bronze Bell Domain afterwards. After all, it is enough for Shanaido and Thunderbolt, but it is enough for training. The more such things, the better."

Chen Yongan and the others nodded and couldn't comment on Zhou Jiang's current problems.

It is enough for their elves to have the thunder and lightning beasts to accompany them in the battle. Even Chen Fan and their elves have a lot of similar strengths in their own people, so there is no shortage of pair training, and Zhou Jiang’s Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo They generally know the strength of, so they can naturally understand Zhou Jiang's reason for seeking a training partner.

"When do you leave? Should I take a few days off?" Chen Fan asked.

"Well, I need to rest, but I don't know when to leave." Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan said as they walked into the base.

"And this time I went to Shanaiduo’s territory, and I made a deal with it. Then it will come here to fight with me, so I guess I will wait for it to come once before I set off and go to the bronze bell. Right."

Putting down their backpacks, and with Chen Yongan and the others working together, Zhou Jiang's tent was quickly set up.

Zhou Jiang didn't take anything with him when he went to Shanaiduo's territory, so it was over after setting up the tent.

As for the big barrels made over there?

Zhou Jiang naturally didn’t bring that thing back. Although there is only one bathing bucket here, they have to take turns to wash it at night, but they don’t have much to do at night anyway, so a long period of time is enough for them to take turns to wash it. Take a shower a hundred times.

Moreover, the four of them have no habit of cleanliness. The four of them use the same tub or something, and there is no discomfort. Anyway, the bath water will reheat.

As for how to chat together...

The four of them, with no women present, can’t they just move the tub to the place where they usually sit and chat? One person is washing, can the other three people sit on the side and chat together?

After the tent was set up, Zhou Jiang released the elves and asked them to find a place to rest.

That's right, Zhou Jiang didn't let them fight against the little brothers of Thunder Beast, but let them rest!

Although there are not many elves who come here every day for the little brothers of the Thunder Beast to participate in the battle, the points that can be obtained every day can barely be maintained between three thousand and nine to four thousand. If Zhou Jiang asks the elves to participate in the battle, then today’s Four thousand points didn't have to run, but Zhou Jiang let them rest.

Although Zhou Jiang attaches great importance to points, he is not a black-hearted boss, always letting them fight or something.

It’s been twenty-seven days since I came here to practice, and it’s almost a month. During this period, his elves can be said to be training all the time except during meals and at night, and they have been busy for a month. It's time for them to rest.

Of course, if some of the militants in them are not free to participate in the battle, Zhou Jiang will not object. Anyway, it is for them to arrange freely today, whatever they do.

After sending away the elves, Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan came to the place where they usually rest during the day.

This resting place is actually nothing special, it's just one meter away from their camp, it's the place where they come to rest during the day, when the elves are fighting.

This place is actually nothing special compared to the surroundings. As for the reason why this place will become their usual resting place, it is also very simple. It is just a random place chosen at the beginning, and then after getting used to it, they don't bother to move.

And Zhou Jiang was the first person to lay down a blanket here to rest. Chen Yongan and others just followed Zhou Jiang and then gradually got used to it.

On the blanket sat Zhou Jiang and the four of them as well as Shanaido and Big Needle Bee. In the past, Thunder Beast would also lie here to rest after the battle with Big Needle Bee or Shaneduo, but after Zhou Jiang left, Thunder The beast never came here again, as if it had been staying in the small nest in the center of the territory, and even the energy cube was brought back by the seven quasi-kings under it.

Although Zhou Jiang left for four days before coming back, because everyone used to chat on their mobile phones every evening, they didn’t have a lot of words to say. They just talked around Zhou Jiang for a while, and they all followed Zhou. Jiang lay down together and closed his eyes to rest.

It is a rare day of rest for nothing. Zhou Jiang slept on the blanket all day. Except eating, he spent the rest of the time on the blanket.

On the contrary, because the elves were fighting and training, Chen Yongan and the others just slept with Zhou Jiang until noon. After lunch, they went to watch the battle and did training with the elves.

The news of Zhou Jiang’s return is supposed to be taken back by some of the Raiden Beast’s little brothers who were too lazy to stay here after the game, and then passed to the Raiden Beast’s ears, but Zhou Jiang’s entire afternoon Did not see the shadow of the Thunder Beast.

But anyway, the elves rested today, and they had to wait a few days to go to the Bronze Bell Realm, so Zhou Jiang was indifferent to seeing or not seeing the Thunder Beast, so he stayed there for the whole afternoon.

In the evening, when the elves who had been playing all day were gone, Zhou Jiang "woke up" and went back to the camp to cook with Chen Fan and the others.

Having nothing to do all day, thinking about anything, he just lay there to sleep quietly. Zhou Jiang almost did not get sick, so he usually just watched Chen Fan and the others cooking, but he was unprecedented. Participate in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to give them a hand.

After dinner, it is the usual "party" time.

The four gathered around the bonfire, and then chatted with Zhou Nan who was idle outside through the mobile group chat. Because the weather here was cold at night, they got back into the tent before seven o'clock, and the mobile phone The chats with few topics in the upper group chat are also directly terminated.

Lying in the tent, Zhou Jiang watched the group chat that hadn't been heard for a long time. He sighed and sighed on the phone screen. After dropping the phone just within reach of his hand, he closed his eyes.

Although I slept for a whole day during the day, I can’t fall asleep now, but even if he can’t sleep, Zhou Jiang has to close his eyes and force himself to sleep. Dare to walk around, and it's cold outside, so he can't go out to hang out.

Tossed over and over and couldn't fall asleep, a little irritated, wondering how long to stay here, and suddenly a little desperate.

Almost every day, he has to live a boring life like today, so he hates to come to the forest to practice, and he has no destination or anything. Without a hope, it is really easy to get lost. Fortunately, he abducted Chen Yongan and the others. The three of them don't want to get out of their minds.

After tossing and turning in the middle of the night, Zhou Jiang, who fell asleep in a daze, had a dream after a long time, but the content of the dream was a little strange, and he almost forgot after waking up, he vaguely remembered that in the dream, he was boundless Walking in the endless some gloomy forest, I just walked forward, and I couldn't even remember the reason or purpose.

I felt that I was idle yesterday, and I couldn’t remember the specific content of the dream, so Zhou Jiang, who had been lying there for a while, was too lazy to think about it. After getting dressed, he opened the tent and walked directly. Got out.

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