I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 869: Rain, training game


Unzipping the tent, Zhou Jiang looked at the gloomy sky outside.

After a long silence, Zhou Jiang, who was squatting, hugged his head with his hands, and fell backward with a distorted expression.

"Ahhhhh! It is going to rain today!"

Holding his head in both hands, Zhou Jiang kept rolling around in the tent, he was really mad.

It’s been almost a month since I’ve been here, but for such a long time, the rain has never rained, and it’s been sunny all the time. So Zhou Jiang almost forgot about the rain, so he let it out for the elves yesterday. After a day off, I am going to let the elves have a big fight today, but now they come together to find that it is about to rain? !

This is so funny to me!

Yesterday I gave up four thousand points. If it rains today and you can't fight, those eight thousand points will be gone! Eight thousand points can be exchanged for three super modifier use cards, Zhou Jiang's gas will explode.

Sure enough, he couldn't be kind and give the elves a holiday.

holiday? What holiday! Give me three hundred and sixty-five days of work all year round to death!

Rolling in the tent for a while, Zhou Jiang, who was consciously boring, stopped and lay his face up to the sky and looked at the top of the tent. After staying for a while, Zhou Jiang sighed, then slowly got up and walked out of the tent.

Chen Yongan and the others had a good rest yesterday. Naturally, they didn't wake up at this time like Zhou Jiang. They were already training the elves after breakfast.

Except for some elves who were left aside for basic training on their own, Chen Fan and Chen Ziang seemed to be fighting against elves, while Chen Yongan was watching from the side. As the distance was a little far away, Zhou Jiang didn’t watch. Qing Chen Yongan, what are their fighting spirits.

But it doesn't matter anymore, 80% of the breakfast they left for him is already cold.

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang went to the washing area to wash.

After washing, Zhou Jiang came to the folding table. On the table, there was indeed the breakfast Chen Yongan and the others had reserved for him. It was a piece of bread, a bottle of yogurt and a boiled egg. Although it was placed in the thermal insulation foam box, he felt it. By the time, the eggs were almost cold.

Fortunately, this breakfast was not the porridge cooked by Chen Fan and the others. The only thing that was hot was the egg, so it didn't matter if it was cold.

The automatic energy cube maker is placed in the kitchen (a backpack dedicated to storing ingredients and cooking tools), so anyone can use it. Chen Yongan and the others got up early, and they naturally made the energy cube. And it was also backed up for Zhou Jiang's elves.

After feeding the energy cube to the elf, Zhou Jiang put the egg in his pocket, and then walked towards Chen Yongan and the others with the bread and milk.

It should be raining, so not many elves came here to participate in the battle this morning, they only looked like about fifty.

Zhou Jiang walked to Chen Yongan's side with a mouthful of bread and milk. Chen Yongan glanced at him, then turned his head to continue watching the battle between the two elves.

Chen Yongan's gaze hung firmly on the elves who were constantly clashing on the court, and asked faintly: "Why did you get up so late and didn't sleep well last night?"

Zhou Jiang took a sip of milk and swallowed the bread in his mouth, shrugged and said, "No way, I slept too much during the day yesterday and couldn't sleep at night."

"Um..." Chen Yongan was speechless, he just remembered that Zhou Jiang had indeed been lying on the blanket yesterday.

Tian was chatted to death again, Zhou Jiang saw Chen Yongan not speaking, so he silently gnawed the bread while watching Chen Ziang and their elves fight.

Now fighting on the field is the Flame Chicken and the Lizard King. The two elves are both the initial elves and trump cards of both sides, and their strengths are also at the level of the quasi-kings, and they are familiar with each other’s moves and routines, so the two sides are playing very well. Fierce, even if the flame chicken's fire element restrains the lizard king's grass element, the two sides are still fisted to the point of difficulty in distinguishing the outcome.

To be honest, for Zhou Jiang, as long as the elves' battles weren't the stubbornness of the dishes of the two sides, and the difference in strength was too large, then he could watch it with relish.

Every time he watched the battle of the elves, whether it was the melee melee combat of the fist to the flesh or the long-range bombardment of the energy beam continuously lasing, he could watch it with gusto.

It's been a year since he came to this world. While he still had fear of these supernatural phenomena, he couldn't help but yearn for them, hoping that he could also have these various abilities.

People in this world can touch elves when they are born. They can come into contact with elves that can emit all kinds of incredible energy rays in reality. Naturally, they will not imagine that they have this ability. The power of subduing the elves and turning their power into their own use is more practical.

Suddenly, just as Zhou Jiang was thinking about it, a drop of rain fell on his face. Zhou Jiang subconsciously raised his hand, palm facing up, and then looked up at the sky.

Zhou Jiang was standing next to Chen Yongan, so he could see Zhou Jiang's movements. Seeing Zhou Jiang looking up at the sky, Chen Yongan's attention was also drawn from the battle of the elves on the field.

Chen Yongan also raised his head and looked at the sky. After staring for two seconds, he saw nothing before he looked at Zhou Jiang and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything in the sky?"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang, who raised his head and squinted his eyes, heard Chen Yongan's words and turned to look at him. Seeing his puzzled look, he immediately reacted and explained: "Oh, a drop of rain just floated on. On my face, let me see how long it will rain."

"Huh? It's going to fall." Chen Yongan raised his head to look at the sky again, then looked at Chen Fan and the others, and shouted: "It's going to rain, please pay attention!"

"To understanding!"


The two didn't turn their heads, just waved their hands and agreed. After all, the battle was at a critical moment and they could not be distracted.

Although the two of them did not command the elves in this game, they let them play by themselves, but they still couldn't help but stare at the elves on the field, especially at the last moment, they didn't dare to look away. For fear that the winner will be decided in the next second.

Rain in the real world also has a process, not just like in anime, just showering your head with heavy rain. The battle between the lizard king was about to end, so there should be enough time, so Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan didn't move either, and they stood there ready to watch their battle.

On the field, the lizard king and the flame chicken are still fighting in close quarters. Since Zhou Jiang came here until now, the two elves have been fighting with the close combat skills. The flame chicken seems to be useless even with the ability to jet flames. However, Zhou Jiang guessed that Chen Fan and the others might have agreed that the attack skills of both elves can only be used in melee combat?

But no matter what, the battle is over.

The two elves fought with high intensity, and their physical strength was lost very quickly. At this time, they were all panting. It was up to whoever could not hold on, revealing the flaws and then being caught by the other party.

Just as Zhou Jiang was thinking about it, the next moment, the lizard king who fisted with the flame chicken on the field was suddenly repelled.

The lizard king seemed to be exhausted, and was directly repelled by the flame chicken, staggering backwards. It looks like a flaw and an opportunity, but after the Lizard King has fought so many times, the Flame Chicken has long been familiar with the Lizard King and can no longer be familiar with it. Regarding its current performance of losing power and falling into a combat disadvantage, Flaming Chicken is totally unbelief.

This is not so much an opportunity as it is a trap!

The flame chicken is naturally not fooled. Instead of catching up and attacking, it jumped back two steps and got a distance from it, and then stared sharply at the periphery of the lizard king to see if there was anything stuck. Little trap and stuff.

However, this time the flame chicken was wrong. The lizard king was repelled this time. It was really not acting or seducing, but really lacking strength.

Although they didn't use long-range attacks between them, they only used melee skills in hand-to-hand combat, but the fire element was the fire element, and restraint was restraint.

Even if it does not need to jet flames, the Flame Chicken has melee skills such as Flame Fist and Explosive Kick waiting for it, and even if it does not use these skills, it can make melee combat with the high temperature that it emits when it is excited. The physical strength of the lizard king accelerated.

The strength is similar, the attributes are restrained, and the lizard king can be labeled like this, which is already very good.

The two elves can only fight in close combat. Although the Flame Chicken cannot use long-range attacks such as flame jets, it is the lizard king who suffers. After all, the flame chicken itself is an elves good at close combat.

The melee combat is limited, and it also stipulates that the elves of the two sides cannot always run away or get out of the battle. If they can only stand together head-to-head, there will be a lot less accidents and changeable tactics. The competition is basically the most direct force of the two sides. And speed up.

In this case, when the lizard king was fighting, he was given a "faster physical consumption" debuff plus an embarrassing event that he couldn't fight against the flame chicken and flame fist. The lizard king can also kill the flame chicken. His stamina is also dragged to the end, which is really good.

Back on the court.

The Flaming Chicken suspected that the lizard king was tricking it into attacking, and then came to give it a Jedi counterattack, so he stepped back cautiously and watched the lizard king carefully, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the lizard king seemed to be really powerful. Exhausted, it's difficult to even stand firm from being repelled.

Panting heavily, the flame chicken silently felt the surplus of his physical strength, and then squinted at the old opponent opposite, somewhat puzzled.

It has fought with the lizard king many times. Although its attributes restrain the lizard king, there are wins and losses between the two. Basically, it can be said to be 50-50. And it feels a bit now that it still has a percent The stamina of about ten, logically speaking, the lizard king is about the same, but now it looks like only three or four percent.

Installed? trap?

The Flame Chicken couldn't understand it a bit, but although it couldn't analyze whether the lizard king was acting or whether there was a conspiracy, it knew one thing, that is, it must be careful next!

It has been defeated many times by the trick that the lizard king deliberately leaked the flaw and then lured it into the bait attack.

The two stood six meters away, panting and staring at each other.

In fact, the distance of six meters is still not safe for them who are the quasi-kings. If they were in their heyday, it would be no problem to jump six meters or something with their legs. Now even though their physical strength is bottomed, they have to jump like this. It's a bit difficult to go far, but it's not impossible to do it, and if the standing jump is not possible, then the second level jump is impossible?

There is no rule that you can only jump once...

After the Flame Chicken recovered a bit of strength, seeing that the lizard king was still not moving, he couldn't help but rushed up again.

It entered the fierce fire state, in fact, did not want to delay, just thought that the lizard king might be ready to ambush it to lure it to the bait, so it backed away with some psychological shadows about it.

Seeing that the lizard king was not moving now, it couldn't help it.

This is also the reason why it was lured and killed by the lizard king many times before. Its behavior is a reckless word to summarize it!

If there is no trainer holding it behind, it will often pass by, especially during training games, it will be even more reckless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ unless Chen Ziang is directing or telling it to be serious before starting the fight. Otherwise, its training games are focused on its own fun, and its fun is fighting. In other words, it doesn't like to think about conspiracies, and just wants to rush to fight...

However, this time the goddess of luck was still on the side of the flame chicken. Although ten gambles and nine loses, this time it was the right bet. After the flame chicken rushed up, the lizard king couldn't run, and had to grit his teeth. The strange lizard king still didn't hold on, and was killed by the flame chicken three or two times.

This was just a very ordinary training match, and neither trainers participated, so there was no referee or anything. After the outcome was divided, Chen Ziang and Chen Fan ran over to give them medicine.

When they were applying the medicine, the rain had already begun to fall, but fortunately, not much has fallen now, just two or three patters.

Seeing that the rain was going to be heavy, Chen Ziang and the others did not dare to delay, and the medicine stopped halfway through, and after taking back the elves with the poke ball, they ran towards Zhou Jiang and the others.

"What do they do?" After Chen Fan and the others ran to Zhou Jiang and the others, Chen Yongan asked, pointing to the little brothers of Thunder Beast who were still fighting and watching the battle not far away.

Zhou Jiang looked over, glanced, and saw that there were no rock or fire elves in the elves, and they didn’t care much about the rain falling on them, so he said, “Just leave it alone, they are not stupid and will not hide. Rain, now that the light rain is all up, they must be indifferent to the rain if they don’t hide. Let’s go back soon. Although it’s spring, the weather is still very cold. If it gets wet from the rain.

Chen Fan and Chen Ziang nodded in agreement with Zhou Jiang's words, and then the four of them trot back to the camp.

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