It's embarrassing to say, except for the three tents where they sleep, there is no other place for them to shelter from the rain.

However, it is still early in the morning. According to the saying that it will not rain for a long time, the rain will not be too small today. It is likely that it will fall into the evening. It is difficult for them to stay in the tent. Until night?

Although their tents are not small, they can’t be said to be big. If they have to lie in them all day, it’s really tormenting. Zhou Jiang may be fine. After all, he’s used to salted fish in his previous life. There are no games on mobile phones, but if you pass the time, it’s okay to survive today, but if Chen Yongan and others do the same, they can’t stand it.

And not to mention this, just talk about the issue of eating. If you stay in the tent, what should you do if you eat?

They can eat the ready-made food in Zhoujiang Space Ring in the tent without cooking, but what about the elves?

Energy cubes can be made in the tent, but the elves cannot eat in the tent!

The tent is so big, even if they are allowed to come out one by one, the large elves still can't get out. As for going to the rain screen outside to eat...

I'm afraid that the energy cube will get wet as soon as I get out, and people will feel uncomfortable when exposed to the rain, but the elves will not?

"Would you like to build a shelter from the rain? Although the time is a bit short, if the elves are sent out, it should be done right away." Chen Ziang scratched his hair and said, "If I lie in the tent for a day, I will be crazy !"

"Yes, I don't want to lie down there all day." Chen Fan nodded in agreement.

"Yeah!" Chen Yongan was the same. He shuddered when he thought of lying in that small tent for a day.

Zhou Jiang did not agree with the idea that they would be fine if they sit for a day, but they would die for a day, but it is almost understandable.

Zhou Jiang felt that he was different from their "orthodox" trainers.

Trainers in this world basically advocate sports and like to travel. They can't stop sitting or lying down if they can walk.

Zhou Jiang was originally an ordinary house, a quasi-community animal, the kind who can be lazy or lazy...

"Then act quickly, the rain is going to be heavy." If there is a shelter outside, Zhou Jiang feels that it is good.

Compared to a person playing with a mobile phone in a small tent, it’s more interesting to sit outside with them and listen to the rain. After all, if there are too many people, you can still talk and chat. Although he won’t provoke a topic, as long as If there is a topic, he can even talk.

The so-called canopy is actually to let the elves cut down trees, and then build a pavilion-like structure in the "kitchen" where they usually cook.

Time is urgent, Zhou Jiang and the others need to immediately determine what the canopy should be built into. Fortunately, the four of them have no aesthetic requirements for this kind of rain shelter, so they just follow the simplest method and directly set up four pillars. Then put a rain-proof "lid" on the top.

Well, it's like an enlarged square table with four corners...

The efficiency of the elves is very high. Their camp here is close to the forest, so there is no need for wood or anything. They don’t need big needle bees. Chen Ziang’s flying mantis passed, and after a flash of silver light, two or three Four big trees of individual thickness fell.

There are not only magical elves and fruit in this world. In the wild, even ordinary trees can grow to a height of tens of meters. And as they go deeper into the forest, these trees become more and more common. Now the flying mantis cuts down. These trees are 30 meters high on average.

In less than ten seconds, the Flying Praying Mantis cut off ten good trees, and then they were transported to the destination by Xanadu, and then the elves waiting here began to process and build the wood.

Wood processing and construction are carried out together.

Some sharp-edged elves, such as the Flying Mantis, process wood other than the four woods used as the pillars to make a four- to five-centimeter thick plank. At the same time, Zhoujiang’s Xanadu and Big Needle Bee are starting Columns, pilings.

Xanadu controlled the pillars with thought force, transported them to the designated place, and then stood up, and then the big needle bee flew up to the pillar and punched the pillar into the ground with strange force, and then Chen Fan and their giant marsh monsters and marshes were waiting aside. The king used the mud spraying skill to spray the mud on the pillars that had been driven into the ground. Then, the elves of the fire system used jet flames to dry the mud.

Although the production is still very rough, it is more than enough to deal with today’s rain. If there is any flaw, it will be corrected later. Anyway, it is the elves who contribute, and these things are for the elves with these incredible powers. Said it is nothing at all.

The four pillars were quickly set up, and then two whole pieces of wood were taken, and after splitting them in half, after a little processing, they were placed on the four pillars and the grooves were made by the big needle bee. On top of the pillar.

After that, the thin frame and roof were erected on it. These were completed by Xanadu, Big Needle Bee and Flying Praying Mantis. Big Needle Bee and Flying Praying Mantis processed wood, and Sanaduo was carrying wood. And place.

It took less than ten minutes to build a simple rain-proof pavilion from zero. This is the power of the elves!

If it is constructed by pure human resources, this may not be possible in two hours. This is the power of the elves, and this is why the profession of trainer is so popular.

In about ten minutes, the rain was heavy. Fortunately, the last thing they lacked for travel was the poncho and umbrella. Since the wind was not strong, they didn't wear the poncho, but just opened the umbrella.

However, Zhou Jiang and the others still miscalculated. No matter how small the wind is, it is not without it, so before they entered the newly built rain shelter, the trousers were already wet a lot.

The land in this area of ​​their camp has basically been replaced by them. It was originally a lush grassland, but now it is a rocky land, although only a layer of soil is dug out of the ground and the rock elves are covered with rocks. That's it, but this is indeed a prescient move.

If you change to the previous grass, after the rain soaked, 80% of the soil will become sticky, and then pants and shoes will definitely have a lot of sticky.

Now that it has been replaced with rocky ground, it doesn't matter if rain hits it.

The four of them looked at the newly built rain shelter and came to the middle position. Just when they were about to take out the stools to sit down and rest, suddenly a drop of rain dripped from above and landed on Zhou Jiang's head.

"Huh? Is there no roof on it?" Zhou Jiang stepped back two steps and left the leaking place, then looked up at the roof and found that water was leaking in the middle of the wooden boards, and it was still dripping drop by drop.

Naturally, Chen Yongan and others had seen the situation on Zhou Jiang's side. The three of them quickly left the area, and then looked up and saw that water was still dripping between the two wooden boards.

"Ah... it seems that it is not finished..." Chen Fan gave a dry cough, a little embarrassed.

Seeing that the rain was getting heavy, Chen Fan took the lead and walked into the sheltering pavilion with wooden planks on top, while Zhou Jiang and the others followed him in.

But after they came in, they saw that the elves who were working had nothing to do, so they thought they were laid out, so they took them back. Who knew that the roof was not laid out yet...

Reluctantly shook his head, Zhou Jiang could only release Shanaido again.

In addition to paving wooden boards, the roof also needs stones and mud to make a waterproof layer on it, just like the concrete layer on the pillars.

Give the job to Shanaiduo and the others. Zhou Jiang and the others found a middle point. There was no water leaking on the top and the rain outside couldn't blow.

Wipe off the water on the folding table with a clean towel, and then Chen Fan said to Chen Ziang: "Boil some hot water."

Chen Ziang nodded, and took out a solar electric kettle and bottled water from the "kitchen" backpack.

Chen Ziang is their chef. Although Chen Fan occasionally helps, he cooks most of the time, so he uses the "kitchen" backpack most of the time.

There is no socket board in the wild, so the solar electric kettle is driven by batteries. Although there is a power converter with uniform accessories (convert the electricity of the wizard and charge it into various batteries), the battery will not be eliminated in a short time. s things.

As for the barreled water, this thing was originally bought barreled water (not the type of drinking fountain, with a lid), but after use, the barrel is left and can be used to hold water in the river. And now the barrel is filled with clean river water in the wild.

The water was burning on one side. Zhou Jiang and the other four were sitting around the folding square table. Look at me, I will see your big eyes and small eyes, it's really embarrassing.

It was too embarrassing to sit face-to-face, Chen Ziang couldn't bear it, and broke the silence first.

"Ah, by the way, Zhou Jiang, your Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo now have the power of a high-ranking king?" Chen Ziang coughed dryly and asked Zhou Jiang.

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang didn't expect Chen Ziang to ask this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted, ready to follow the topic he had thrown out, "Yes, I can already fight the high-level elves of the Heavenly King."

Affirmed by Zhou Jiang, the three of Chen Yongan were amazed. The three of them sighed with emotion and envied them, especially Chen Ziang and Chen Fan. Although they are also influential figures now, they have spent ten years on their feet. Some of this achievement.

On the way of the trainers, they don't know how much they have suffered and how tired they have suffered. They have been working hard until they have not given up until they finally succeeded in achieving fame and their glory in the trainer conference.

And Zhou Jiang?

They achieved such an achievement just one year after their debut. Their main elves are still in the quasi-heavenly king, sprinting towards the heavenly king level, and Zhou Jiang’s elves have already reached the peak of the heavenly king level and may advance to the championship at any time.

The difference in strength is fine, but the comparison between this year and ten years is really hurtful.

If it weren't for their good mentality, they would have exploded long ago.

Looking at the three people there, Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed.

To be honest, this system is so perverted, he himself is a little embarrassed, people have worked hard for ten years, in the end it is not as good as he has been playing for a year.

He felt that if he were to be replaced by Chen Ziang and the others, he would be autistic if he met someone who opened up.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in Zhou Jiang's pocket vibrated. He glanced at the three of them. Seeing that they were still feeling emotional, he took out his mobile phone to see who had sent the text message.

"Yeah!" Zhou Jiang opened his eyes slightly, and it was actually a text message from Dr. Zhao Jianbai.

Zhou Jiang glanced at it and collected the information in his eyes. The general content of the text message is that Dr. Zhao Jianbai said that he has published a paper on light metal and the giant pincer mantis with the characteristics of "light metal" in conjunction with the Jiang family. Among them, Zhou Jiang's name is naturally It’s also on the top, and he is now sending a text message to tell Zhou Jiang that he is keeping his previous promise, “After sending the paper, tell them Well, the text message is more than this, this is just a "business", a private matter. The fire-breathing dragon on Dr. Wang Hongru's side has been researched and recorded. Since Wang Hongru does not have Zhou Jiang's phone number, Wang Hongru sent the wizard and some information to Zhao Jianbai and asked him to transfer it to Zhou Jiang.

The fire-breathing dragon matter is not in a hurry. Anyway, he is in the deep forest and cannot receive it. Chen Ziang and the others can only bring it back when they go back to supply supplies. And Zhao Jianbai talked about the paper. Up.

Well, not talking with Zhao Jianbai, but with Chen Ziang. After all, it is too awkward to sit stupidly, and after being asked by Chen Ziang just now and he answered "honestly", he felt even more embarrassed, so he is in urgent need Some interesting topics are used to divert their attention, and the light metal formula he and Chen Ziang and Chen Fan got together is a good topic.

Although Chen Yongan has no sense of substitution in this matter, he can guide!

The elven academia and their trainers are also closely related. For example, the other evolutionary papers of Ibrahimovic published by a doctor several months ago have an intuitive impact on their trainer community, so they are still in this matter. I can talk.

However, when Zhou Jiang raised his head and wanted to speak, the phone in his hand buzzed again, and when he thought it was someone's text message, his phone rang.

The ringing of the phone succeeded in drawing the attention of Chen Ziang's trio again, but he had no longer focused on them at this time.

Looking at the name of the contact person on the phone, Zhou Jiang's eyes widened slightly, and then he shook his heart, secretly saying that it was bad, the pill.

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