I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 881: Caty Dog Evolution

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Tea is a good tea. The water used to make tea is average, but at least not bad. Zhou Jiang can't tell the difference between good and bad when making tea. He only knows that it is much better than when Chen Ziang made it.

In general, the tea made by Shanaido is awesome!

Although tea is available in the wild, it still needs to be fried before it is soaked to drink. Lords Shanaido and Elle Doo, who had never drunk these things, were immediately fascinated by two cups of hot tea.

Seeing the expressions of enjoyment on the two elves, Zhou Jiang took a sip with some doubts, and found that there were no hallucinogens in it, and the taste seemed to be no different from Chen Ziang's. Why did the reaction be so big?

Zhou Jiang, who was puzzled, looked at Chen Yongan and found that he had no special reaction, so he could only attribute it to the fact that they hadn't drunk the tea, and it felt fresh for the first time...

After drinking the tea and sitting for a while, Lord Xanadu was ready to leave. The mission of the alliance has been completed, and Zhou Jiang also knew that it wanted to go back to the house, so there was no retention, just reminding it not to forget to come here in seven days to fight with his elves. Lord Shanaido nodded, indicating that he remembered, and then He held up Alreduo with his thoughts, and then stood up to the ground with the waiting three Shanaido and flew towards the distance.

After watching them go away, let the elves continue to train, Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan returned to the shelter.

As soon as he sat down, Zhou Jiang said to Chen Yongan: "Call Chen Fan and the others, and ask them how they are doing there."

"Yeah." Chen Yongan nodded and took out his mobile phone.

The phone was turned on and put it in the middle of the table.

After a few beeps, the call was connected.

"Hello?" Chen Yongan called Chen Ziang, his voice came from the phone.

"How about your side, do you need our help? We have successfully reached an alliance with Xanadu." Zhou Jiang asked.

"So fast!" Chen Ziang yelled in surprise, and then said again: "If you help, we'll be fast here too. You can come back after another stroll. The main investigation task is not us, but weird forces. "

"Are there any results from the investigation? Thunder Beast was okay last night?" Zhou Jiang asked again.

"There is nothing wrong with the Thunder Beast. I slept well last night. As for the results of the investigation, we haven't found anything here. Please ask the other elves when you return to the Thunder Beast's den."

"Well, then hang up, wait until you come back to talk, pay attention to safety!"


After hanging up the phone, Chen Yongan took back the phone.

Zhou Jiang shook his head and said, "Since they don't need help, let's wait here first. They should be able to come back before lunch, and ask about the situation when they come back. You can go to Bronze Bell in the afternoon. Take a look at the territory."

Chen Yongan nodded, stretched, got up and said, "Then I'm going to train."

After speaking, he trot towards the trained elves.

As a result, Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo were the only ones left in the shelter.

"Well, Shanaiduo, how is the state of recovery now? Return to the poke ball to recover?" Zhou Jiang turned to look at Shanaiduo and asked.

Seeing Shanaiduo hesitated, Zhou Jiang continued: "You don't need to worry about the security issue. After all, this is just our guess, and even if there are enemies, I don't think I will come so soon."

After Xanadu listened, he nodded slowly.

"OK." Seeing her consent, Zhou Jiang took out the Elf Ball and took her back.

Looking at the wizard ball in his hand, Zhou Jiang shook his head slightly.

To be honest, he was still quite curious. How comfortable was it inside the healing ball that was replaced by the system with a red and white ball?

But this thing is obviously because he is curious and unable to get the result. After all, this thing cannot pretend to be human, and if he feels, no matter what others say, he does not feel the truth and reality personally, so his curiosity cannot be affected after all. fulfilled.

Putting the elf ball with Xanadu on the buckle on his waist, Zhou Jiang walked out of the rain shelter and walked towards the elf who was training.

Looking at Chen Yongan who was practicing thunder and lightning fist with his electric dragon, Zhou Jiang swept across his elves, and finally stopped his eyes on the Katy dog ​​who was practicing the skill of ghost fire.

It's been so long since Katy Dog got it, with a 0.5 times the experience value bonus of Lucky Egg, and experienced a complete weight training process, now it can be alone.

Although the level is only twenty-nine, even the "normal" stage has not yet reached, but it has a huge amount of attribute points obtained through training, and it is relatively easy to fight a spirit of more than 30 "normal" stages. .

Looking at the Katy dog ​​that he had learned almost all he had to learn, Zhou Jiang stroked his chin, considering whether he could evolve.

With the assistance of the lucky egg and the weight-bearing package, the potential value of the Katy dog ​​is basically digging. The physical fitness is heavy, the training is very good, and the skills are also due to the existence of the lucky egg, so more experience points are obtained. , It has learned everything that should be learned, even before it has evolved, it has vaguely reached the threshold of learning [Fast Speed].

It can be said that the Caty Dog has passed its childhood and is considered an "adult elf".

After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang decided to ask him whether he should evolve now.

After all, the potential value of the Katy Dog is about to be tapped, but it can be dig deep. If the Katy Dog refuses to evolve and chooses to continue to tap the potential, Zhou Jiang will not say anything, this is just its choice. It's not like Xiaozhi's first generation of wonderful frog seeds, Jenny turtles and skin gods completely refuse to evolve.

If the Katy Dog dared to completely give up evolution and just want to keep the Katy Dog's posture, Zhou Jiang would not force it, but he would throw it back to his hometown and raise it as a pet.

If you want to fight, it won't work if you don't evolve, and it's not a flying mantis, and the race value has not changed without evolving.

Generally speaking, if you don’t evolve, your strength will be the same. The upper limit is limited and it’s difficult to continue to increase. Even if he has a cheating system that can modify and increase the various values ​​of the wizard, he does not want to waste this kind of thing because he does not want to evolve. On the elves.

Since you don't want to evolve, it means that you don't like and want to fight. Since you don't want to fight, go back to your hometown to take care of them. Zhou Jiang can raise them without pressure. This is his attitude.

"Kati Dog, come here." Zhou Jiang spit out a faint blue flame and shouted at the Kati Dog who was about to continue.

"Huh~Wang?" The Katie dog, who was about to send another [Ghost Fire], heard the voice of Zhou Jiang, turned his head in doubt, and saw Zhou Jiang beckoning to it, and found that Zhou Jiang was indeed calling it. At that time, Katie stopped exercising and ran over.

The other elves who exercised naturally saw the situation of the Caty Dog, and even Chen Yongan took a look. However, although their attention was attracted, they did not stop the training program in their hands. They just glanced at this side and continued to complete the work in their hands.

Katie dog ran up to Zhou Jiang, sticking out his tongue to show cuteness to Zhou Jiang.

Looking at the Katy dog, who was one meter tall and his waist, Zhou Jiang smiled and rubbed its dog's head.

Looking at the Katy dog ​​with squinted eyes and a comfortable expression, Zhou Jiang squatted slightly and asked: "You have almost trained, do you want to evolve?"

"Woo~?" Katie dog first looked at Zhou Jiang with a confused face, obviously he was still immersed in Zhou Jiang's comfortable feeling of rubbing his dog's head in anger, but he didn't come back to his senses, but the elf brain is good after all. After regaining his consciousness, Katie Dog wagged his tail excitedly, nodded fiercely, and looked at Zhou Jiang with scorching eyes.

Zhou Jiang said to these little guys before that if he wants to fight and is sent to the court in an official game, he can only wait for their strength to reach a certain level and complete the final evolution.

Obviously, it has been waiting for a long time for evolution and then to fight.

Zhou Jiang reminded: "If you don't choose to evolve now, but continue to exercise, you can continue to tap some potential, and wait until your level continues to rise before evolving to become stronger. Of course, with your current strength, Evolution is more than enough. After the evolution, the strength is not low, and the potential that has not been tapped can continue to be tapped, but it will be more difficult. How do you choose?"

With that said, Zhou Jiang took out the prepared fire stone and handed it to Katy Dog, then watched it quietly, waiting for its choice.

The elf who had been training turned around and faced Zhou Jiang and the others. When he saw the stone of fire in Zhou Jiang's hand, plus the Katy dog ​​squatting in front of him, it roughly knew what was going to happen. Up.

The elves felt that "evolution" was a very sacred thing, so the elves who knew what was going to happen later stopped their training and looked towards Zhou Jiang and the others.

One elf stopped training and looked towards Zhou Jiang. When the other elves saw it, they looked at it suspiciously. After spotting the Fire Stone and the Katy Dog, they also stopped training. Within a minute, all the elves stopped exercising and looked at Zhou Jiang and Katie Dog.

Although being watched by a bunch of eyes, Zhou Jiang and Katie Dog were unmoved.

Katy Dog is wondering whether he should evolve now, and Zhou Jiang is waiting for Katy Dog to make a decision.

Well, it looks so handsome.

But to be honest, Zhou Jiang regrets it...

In order to pretend to be coerced, he squatted motionless in front of Katy with the fire stone in his hand. Looking at the still thinking Katie dog, even if his legs started to numb because of the wrong squatting posture, Zhou Jiang did not dare to move.

Especially after those trained elves nearby looked over.

Think about it, this kind of scene, if he moves before the Katy dog ​​makes a decision because of squatting numb, how unpleasant?

So he could only persevere, calm on the surface and expressionless, waiting for Katie Dog to make a decision. In fact, his heart was already turbulent, and he called himself an idiot. He could even make mistakes in the squatting posture, resulting in such a short time. My legs are tingling...

In this way, Zhou Jiang and Katie Dog were so quiet, and stood motionless for three minutes...


Katie dog suddenly uttered a long howl, so scared that the evolution stone in Zhou Jiang's hand almost fell off, but before he could say anything, he felt that his finger touched the furry thing. Before he could feel it carefully, suddenly his eyes There was a dazzling white light...


Zhou Jiang only had time to shout a national curse, and then he felt a dazzling white in front of him.

The evolution stone in his hand also disappeared. Zhou Jiang closed his eyes tightly and covered his eyes tightly with his right hand. He instinctively wanted to go back. As a result, his legs became numb, which caused him to stand up and fell directly. Land...

Fortunately, after the elves have been fighting for nearly a month, the grassland has already been replaced by rocky land, so although it is still a bit wet, at least it will not stain his clothes and pants too much.

After falling to the ground, he calmed down instead, continued to cover his eyes with his hands, and then quickly turned around, facing the evolving Katy Dog, the big bulb.

The speed of the evolution of the elves is fast or slow.

For nearly a minute, Katie Dog successfully completed the evolution, and turned his back to it, and then Zhou Jiang, whose gaze was restored, got up from the ground.

It's just that when he just got up, he felt a sense of weightlessness coming from him before he even turned to look at the wind speed dog's posture...

Zhou Jiang: "?!!!"

Damn it? !

Although he didn't shout out, Zhou Jiang was really frightened. His hands and feet danced in mid-air until he landed on a soft, warm meat mat.

Looking at the beige mane in front, Zhou Jiang reacted, this girl is the evolved wind speed dog!

Before he could say anything, the wind speed dog raised his head and let out a long howl, and then, like a bull out of the hurdle, Sa Yazi ran.

Feeling the oncoming wind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing the excited wind speed dog, Zhou Jiang's complaint was swallowed.

First, he was startled by the sudden long howl, and then the white light of the evolution flashed into his eyes, and finally the evolution was over, and he was startled again after he got up.

Although the evolution of the Katy Dog was very unfriendly to him, the feeling of riding the Wind Speed ​​Dog was really good. From now on, it will be Zhou Jiang's mount. As the master, it is not unreasonable to forgive his mistake a little bit.

The wind speed dog runs very fast, but it is very stable. He sat on it without any bumps at all, and the furry, warm fur underneath him, as the wind speed dog's body temperature came, it felt more comfortable , It's like a low-end version of winter hot springs.

Well, although it's not as cool as going to hot springs in winter, when riding a wind speed dog, there is a cold wind blowing on you. This is a fresh experience that you can't experience in hot springs, so the two can be said to be half a catty.

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