I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 882: Go to the Bronze Bell Realm

"Huh~" After tidying up his messy hair, Zhou Jiang took two deep breaths, and after calming his excitement, he climbed down from the lying wind speed dog.

As soon as Zhou Jiang stepped off the wind speed dog, Chen Yongan with his bright eyes surrounded him, holding Zhou Jiang's shoulders and shaking him constantly, shaking Zhou Jiang while shouting: "I want to ride, I want too!"

"Don't don't..." After slapped his hand away, Zhou Jiang said in a huff: "What are you telling me? Ask the wind speed dog if you want it, don't ask me, it just agrees."

"Okay!" Chen Yongan nodded, and excitedly turned his target to the wind speed dog that got up from the ground.

Although the owner is Zhou Jiang, he is familiar with Chen Yongan, Fengshou Dog, and he hasn't run into it just now. It only stopped when Zhou Jiang called it to stop. Therefore, Fengshou Dog did not refuse Chen Yongan's request. .

But Chen Yongan is not the only one who wants to "ride", other elves also want to play.

Ibrahimovic, who has the best relationship with Wind Speed ​​Dog, refused to let him go and jumped directly onto the Wind Speed ​​Dog’s head. The Wind Speed ​​Dog didn’t say anything about it. After all, it has a really good relationship with Ibrahimovic. In Zhoujiang’s elves, too There are all kinds of small circles.

Although it is unlikely that other elves will be squeezed out, for most elves, everyone is just a companion relationship, and above the companion relationship, there will naturally be a similar relationship of "best friends".

The relationship between Katie Dog and Ibrahimovic, who started at about the same time, is a close friend relationship.

After all, when starting with Katy Dog and Ibrahimovic, the other elves in Zhou Jiang’s hands were all modified. Those who can directly participate in the battle, only the two of them, can only act as younger brothers, under the supervision of the older brothers. And do exercises for help.

Since the two elves existed as the "lowest level" at the time, they inevitably became friends. They worked hard and trained together. Even if there were new elves in Zhou Jiang later, many new elves from Guisi came in. Now, the relationship between them is still the best.

So when Ibrahimovic jumped on the head of the wind speed dog, not only did the wind speed dog not get angry, but also shook his head slightly to put it in a comfortable position...

The wind speed dog ran wildly in the wilderness again, with the excited roar of Chen Yongan and Ibrahimovic.

Zhou Jiang turned around, looked at the elves who looked at the Wind Speed ​​Dog longingly behind him, and said: "Alright, you guys don't look at it, go back and continue exercising. If you want to sit in Wind Speed ​​Dog, wait. After your training goal is completed today, you can ask it yourself, and you won’t be given a holiday until the training mission is completed!"

"Oh~!" After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, the elves nodded in excitement, then dispersed, returned to the place where they had exercised before, and continued to implement their training plan. Chen Yongan's elves were no exception.

Seeing the elves whose enthusiasm was mobilized, Zhou Jiang nodded with satisfaction.


However, when Zhou Jiang withdrew his gaze, he realized that there was still an elf in front of him.

The small orange figure has the horns on his head like the iconic electrical socket. That's right, it's the electric shock monster, the elf Zhou Jiang asked for from Miss Joey.

Unlike Guisi and Casey, Zhou Jiang asked Miss Joey that they wanted to shock the monsters because they really wanted to train and then send them to the field to fight.

Zhou Jiang didn't have a Thunder Elf in his hands, and this electric shock monster was the main electrical Elf that it wanted to cultivate.

The electric shock monster is also a very strong elves. The final evolutionary electric shock monster has a racial value of "540", which is higher than that of the Yusanjia.

Although this world has not yet discovered its final evolutionary form, it can only evolve to the electric shock beast at this stage, but even so, it ranks in the forefront of the "electricity" elves in this world and is quite popular. .

As the main power of the electrical system that Zhou Jiang is optimistic about in the future, it will naturally not disappoint Zhou Jiang’s expectations. In normal times, Zhou Jiang’s training tasks and indicators given to it can be completed very well, but now other elves I went back to training, why is it still stopping here?

In response, Zhou Jiang squatted down slightly, looked at the electric shock monster, and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Dian Dian Dian Dian!" The electric shock monster pointed excitedly at the wind speed dog running in the distance and shouted.

Zhou Jiang couldn't figure out its meaning, so he asked tentatively: "Do you want to ride it now?"

"Dian Dian Dian!" The electric shock monster shook his head fiercely, then pointed at Fengshou Dog again and at himself.

Zhou Jiang raised his brows slightly, guessing what it meant, and asked: "Do you want to evolve too?"

"Electricity!" Seeing that Zhou Jiang was right about his idea, the electric shocker nodded fiercely and looked at him excitedly.

"Uh..." Looking at the excited electric shock monster, Zhou Jiang was ashamed. He didn't expect that this belligerent little guy wanted to evolve after seeing the evolution of the Caty Dog.

Also, the relationship between Katy Dog and it was still good before. After all, among the new generation elves in Zhou Jiang's hands, there were not many elves who wanted to fight to become stronger, and Katie and Katy were one of them. , So the relationship is pretty good.

Now that the Katy dog ​​has evolved, it is naturally a little unbearable.

The Katy dog ​​was evolved by Zhou Jiang with the evolution stone, so it wanted to ask Zhou Jiang if he could also evolve.

Looking at the expectant little guy, Zhou Jiang shook his head helplessly and said, "I can understand how you want to evolve, but you are not yet ready to evolve."

Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, the electric shock monster's expression immediately became frustrated.

Zhou Jiang continued: "Moreover, the evolution of the Katy Dog needs the Stone of Fire, but you don't need it. As long as your strength reaches a certain level, then you can directly evolve without my extra help. And now you Haven't evolved yet, which means you haven't reached the point where you can evolve, so if you want to evolve, you should exercise more and fight with your companions.

The Katy dog ​​can evolve, and that is the result of its exercise. Think about it when you and the Katy dog ​​compete against each other, can you beat it? "

After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, the electric shock monster fell into deep thought. Two seconds later, the electric shock monster raised his head and looked at Zhou Jiang firmly: "Dian Dian Dian!"

Patting his abdomen excitedly, and after shouting twice, the electric shock monster turned around and ran away regardless of whether Zhou Jiang understood it.

Seeing the electric shock monster leaving, Zhou Jiang smiled and shook his head, then slowly got up.

Looking at the electric shock monster's attribute panel, Zhou Jiang touched his chin and muttered to himself: "It seems it's time for it to wear weights for training, after all, the little guy has grown up."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang turned off the system panel, glanced at the wind speed dog running in the distance, and smiled slightly.



At 9:40 in the morning, Chen Ziang and the others came back here with the Thunder Beast.

Seeing them, Zhou Jiang let the wind speed dog and the iron armored tyrannosaurus continue to fight, and then he and Chen Yongan walked towards them.

"How is it?" Zhou Jiang asked before he even reached them.

Chen Ziang shook his head and said, "No, I didn't find anything."

"Really." Zhou Jiang didn't have much mood swings.

After all, in their previous discussions, it was difficult to gain anything.

If the elves really attacked the Thunderbolt beast, it can succeed without the Thunderbolt beast knowing it. The possibility of leaving traces is very low. What's more, there was a heavy rain yesterday, even if there are any traces, It was enough to be washed and covered by rain.

In their expectation, if they could find any traces, it was on the premise that there was a sneak attack by the elves, and after they left yesterday, the other party came once, and they had to accidentally leave any traces, and they were lucky. Was not washed away by the rain...

Under such harsh conditions, they have no hope at all, and the investigation is just a trial, pretending to be the Raiden beast. After all, the Raiden beast is the master of the sneak attack. It is inevitable to get angry. They live here. If the allies in its territory do nothing, it can't be justified.

And although the hope is slim, if you don't do it, it's really "impossible". How can you know if you don't try?

Anyway, they are only at this stage of pure speculation, and they have not even found proof that the crisis is approaching, so time is both tight and loose for them.

And to find evidence, even if the possibility is small, it is not a waste of time.

"Since you haven't found it, let's forget it. In the afternoon, continue to plan and go to the territory of the bronze bell to find an alliance with it." Zhou Jiang looked at the Thunder Beast.

Raidenmon nodded, without any comment.

Although it didn't think its "neighbors" would help it before, it didn't oppose it after learning that Zhou Jiang and the others had reached an alliance with Lord Shanaido.

Although this alliance doesn't mean that they will come to help when enemies come, but it won't suffer anyway, will it?

If there is an overly powerful enemy coming, there is at least a glimmer of hope.

If they go to form an alliance, they are going to go after the meal, and the meal time is generally set at eleven o'clock, which is more than an hour away.

The reason why the Thunder Beast and Chen Ziang came back together was Zhou Jiang's request.

Today, I have already fought Lord Shanaido and got the original fragment, so there is no reason not to take the Thunder Beast.

Although it seems strange to have to fight it at this time, it is not a big deal.

Chen Ziang and Chen Fan released their elves and let them either rest or exercise, while they went to lie down in the tent for a while.

Zhou Jiang's words naturally took advantage of this free time and initiated a battle invitation to the Thunder Beast.

He didn't read what he thought. Although the Thunder Beast felt strange, it still came to fight at this time, but it did not refuse Zhou Jiang's invitation to fight.

After all, it wants to recover a little bit. It had been lying down for a day yesterday, and now it has to keep its state at its peak. If it fights against Zhou Jiang's elves, its state will naturally adjust slowly.

Moreover, it has always been concerned about being attacked (it is self-thinking) that it has not found the beast. It feels that it is the consequence of its relaxation of vigilance and negligence of exercise, and its weak strength. So it is now facing He Zhou Jiang The elves fight, and then improve the strength is still very much looking forward to.

If it's not a special time, I'm afraid that Zhou Jiang would have proposed it by himself without having to ask for an invitation to fight.

The battle between Zhou Jiang and Leiden Beast has been around for nearly a month. Except for the few days before going to Shanaiduo’s territory, they will be held here every day. After so long, everyone’s freshness about it is gone, except for the training. Except for the elves and elves who don’t need training, don’t want to sleep, and don’t want to sleep, no other elves will come around and watch them.

Xanaduo and Lord Xanaduo faced off before, and the one-time consumption was too large, and the state has not been fully recovered yet, so I didn't bother to call Xanaduo here, and directly let Big Needle Bee go off the field.

Although Big Needle Bee lent them to Chen Yongan as a means of self-protection, after all, they did not encounter any enemies during the investigation process ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ so its physical strength was still full. And even if it's not full, as long as it doesn't suffer a severe loss, it won't be too difficult for it to win against the Thunder Beast, who is not yet in the middle of the heavenly king.

There is nothing to introduce the battle between the Big Sting Bee and the Thunderbolt. After fighting for nearly a month, everyone is familiar with the opponent's attack methods. Under the premise of understanding the opponent's situation, the comparison is hard power. , And Big Needle Bee is obviously stronger than Thunderbolt, so the battle between the two ended in just five minutes. This is because Big Needle Bee put a lot of water.

Nothing unusual happened throughout the morning. After a short break after lunch, Zhou Jiang and the others took everything except the tent, and followed the Thunder Beast towards the territory of the bronze bell.

Lei Dian Beast went alone with Zhou Jiang and the others. It did not bring any younger brother.

Orders have been issued to their subordinates to leave their homes in the central area during this period of time, even if they go to Zhoujiang to fight against them, so they didn't come over this morning.

At this time, the Thunder Beast felt that the territory was still very important. In the case of its own high-end combat power, there could not be a lack of quasi-king-level elf leaders in the territory, so it did not carry any of its "seven generals".

As for its own safety, it doesn't worry much. Zhou Jiang and the others can definitely trust it. After all, if they want to do it, Zhou Jiang has a chance. Shanaiduo and Big Needle Bee are much stronger than it. If they attack, it is not difficult to kill it directly.

And it went to the territory of the bronze bell with Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang and it were in high-end combat power, and there were also many quasi-tian kings of Chen Ziang and Chen Fan. They were not afraid of the bronze bell turning over.

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