I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 883: Meet the Bronze Bell

In the undeveloped area of ​​the Alliance, somewhere in a cave.

"Eh? You... did you agree?" Looking at the motionless bronze bell ahead, Zhou Jiang had an incredible expression, and Chen Yongan and the others had similar expressions.

With the light from a large number of fluorescent stones, Zhou Jiang and others could clearly see that on the high platform not far in front of them, an ancient bronze clock stood upright there.

This bronze clock was originally the goal of Zhou Jiang’s trip, but at this time

Back to two hours ago.

Zhou Jiang rested for a while, and after digesting the food in his stomach, they left the camp and headed towards the territory of the bronze bell.

Since Xanaduo needed to save her stamina to deal with possible troubles, they were brought by the vultures in the Thunder Beast Territory to fly over and let Xanaduo rest in the Elf Ball. As for the Raiden Beast, because it was a little big, it didn't sit like a eagle, but ran directly on the ground. Its strength is close to the mid-level of the heavenly king, and its physical strength is still very strong. If it is not running at full capacity, it can last for a long time. At least one or two hours is no problem.

The territory of the bronze bell is in a cave in a valley. They followed the thunder and lightning beast to the territory of the bronze bell. After entering the cave, they soon met the elves patrolling in the territory of the bronze bell.

Although the Thunder Beast had very little contact with the Bronze Bell, it was neighbors after all, and the younger brothers of the Bronze Bell could still recognize the Thunder Beast. So under the face of the "big face monster" Raiden Beast, they didn't need to wait for them to report. After showing their intentions, Zhou Jiang and the others were taken into the depths of the cave by the patrolling elves and came to the bronze bell. before.

The deep part of the cave is a place that is more vacant than the passage when you came, but this is only compared with the passage when you came. In fact, it is full of calculations, and there is almost only one hundred square meters here.

In the middle of the cave, there is a square stone platform about half a meter, and the bronze bell stands in the middle of the stone platform.

After leading Zhou Jiang and the others, the patrolling elf confessed to the bronze bell and left, and the bronze bell did not care about it, and a light purple thought power appeared on his body.

This bronze bell may have been alive from ancient times to the present. It may be a bronze bell that was sacrificed by ancient humans. It may also be gifted and able to speak their human words through thought. Although the voice is a bit strange and the tone of Chinese is a bit awkward, but Zhou Jiang's words were at least understandable.

After Bronze Bell simply greeted the Thunder Beast, he focused his attention on Zhou Jiang and the others.

No way, Zhou Jiang and the others are now in a group of four people and two elves (Sanaiduo has come out). Among them, Zhou Jiang is standing alone at the forefront, and Chen Yongan and them all maintain almost the same position as him.

Standing in this way directly indicated that Zhou Jiang and his party who were visiting this time, Zhou Jiang was the talker, so the bronze bell did not waste time, and directly focused on Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang didn’t know it very well, so he didn’t have much to talk about. He went directly to the subject and said: “Lord of the bronze bell, we have some news. Soon, there will be a war and disaster here. We come here this time. I came to you to form an alliance. Lord Shanaido has already agreed to form an alliance with us..."

Before Zhou Jiang had finished speaking, the strange, unusually gentle tone of the bronze bell rang directly.

"Okay... I promised..."

"Huh? You agree?" Zhou Jiang was taken aback.

"Yeah... agree..." The unhurried tone sounded again.

Hearing the same answer again, Zhou Jiang and the others were really speechless. He did not expect that the bronze bell would not ask anything and agreed directly...

You know, he just talked about forming alliances, and he hasn't said anything about the form of alliances!

In the end it agreed...

Zhou Jiang was almost ill.

You know, before they came, they thought about a lot of words to persuade it after it refused, and they had already prepared the Thunder Beast to be "robbed" by it. As a result, they were all useless...

Zhou Jiang glanced at Xanadu on the side, and after looking at Zhou Jiang, Xanadu immediately knew Zhou Jiang's thoughts. Zhou Jiang wanted to ask whether the bronze bell was controlled by others or something. , Why is it so strange.

In this regard, Shanaido was also confused, but she could see that there was nothing wrong with the bronze clock, so she slowly shook her head.

Zhou Jiang didn't actually find anything, just because he felt it was too weird, so he wanted to ask people for confirmation.

Turning his head to look at the bronze bell, Zhou Jiang coughed dryly, and asked weakly: "Um... Lord Lord, don't you first listen to how we are going to cooperate?"

"No need...how did you and Xanadu cooperate...we just cooperated..."

Listening to the words of the bronze bell, Zhou Jiang suddenly understood.

I thought how it promised so quickly, it turned out to be because I believed in Shanaido!

Because he believes in Xanadu, Xanadu has cooperated with Zhou Jiang and the others, so it will accept it indifferently, and even bother to listen to how to cooperate...

Well, coupled with this posture that it doesn't even bother to move after they come to the door, Zhou Jiang is sure that this guy is an old salted fish that is saltier than Shanaido!

But even though he understood the reason why it agreed so quickly, Zhou Jiang didn't know what to say later.

He finally knows the embarrassment of the topic being talked to death, no wonder his friends in the previous life gradually broke off the relationship with him, every time he chats with him on the topic, he can easily talk to death, plus he does not like to go out, over time, Isn't this relationship broken?

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang won't say anything, he can still ask for help off the court.

So Zhou Jiang looked back at Chen Ziang and motioned to him to help save the scene.

Chen Ziang understood Zhou Jiang's eyes. Although he was a little surprised, he nodded to him and walked forward.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, brushed shoulders with him, and stood where he stood before.

Chen Yongan and the others looked at Zhou Jiang without saying anything, and then continued to look at the bronze bell.

Chen Ziang stood still, smiled slightly, and said, "Lord, if you want to hear the specific content of cooperation, after all, this matter is still quite important."

The bronze bell did not speak, and Chen Ziang said that he had acquiesced, and then briefly summarized the content of the cooperation.

The content of the alliance and cooperation was discussed together in the group before, so he naturally knew it.

After talking about the specific needs of the two parties after the alliance, the bronze bell said a word with unusually high coldness.

"it is good."

Then there is no more...

Now, it was Chen Ziang's turn to feel the embarrassment before Zhou Jiang.

This bronze clock really doesn't play cards according to the routine, and there are not many words. It is a topic killer.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the Thunder Beast beside him, and asked in a low voice, "Thunder Beast, it was like this before?"

Although Zhou Jiang deliberately lowered his voice, in this kind of cave, especially when there were no other sounds, his words were still heard by the people and elves present.

However, Zhou Jiang had expected this result long before he could speak, so even though they all watched it, he didn't think it was embarrassing.

It's different if you are psychologically prepared.

Thunder Beast looked at Zhou Jiang, then at the bronze bell, then slowly shook his head.

Ok? What does it mean.

Uh... forgot to understand it...

Zhou Jiang looked at Xanadu, and Xanadu nodded, connecting him with the Thunderbolt Beast.

‘I don’t know, I had very little contact with it before. ’

Zhou Jiang: "..."

As soon as the psychic link was connected, the Leiden Beast directly typed back Zhou Jiang's next question.

God doesn’t know.

As one of its three neighbors, Raidenmon doesn't know the character of the bronze bell?

Do you want to be so unreliable!

‘By the way, it shouldn’t be you or anyone in it who just became the lord not long? Asked Zhou Jiang.

If one of them had just become a lord and didn't know the character of the other party, Zhou Jiang would be somewhat acceptable.

'Ok? Why do you ask? No, we are all veteran lords, at least five years ago. ’

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Well, Zhou Jiang didn't bother to continue talking to it.

I haven't understood the bronze clock for more than five years. It's really amazing.

Have you been lying in the den in the territory and not going out!

Uh... wait...

Zhou Jiang turned to look at the bronze bell above the stone platform.


Well, maybe this is not the pot of the Thunder Beast. Looking at the bronze clock like this, I am afraid that it will not go out if nothing happens. In this case, it is no wonder that the Thunder Beast doesn't understand it.

While Zhou Jiang was thinking about it in a mess, Chen Ziang's words suddenly came into Zhou Jiang's ears.

"...So, then we will leave first."

Ok? Finished? So fast!

Zhou Jiang stared intently, Chen Ziang had already turned around and walked towards this side, and Chen Yongan and the others moved around, ready to leave.

Although it feels a little quick, but since it's over, he can just leave. Anyway, he has nothing to say to the bronze bell.

However, when Zhou Jiang just turned around and was about to leave, the bronze bell spoke.

"and many more……"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang and the others turned to look at the bronze bell.

At this time, the thought power wrapped around the bronze bell was more obvious, and the whole body was also floating in the air.

The bronze bell passed Chen Ziang and floated in front of Zhou Jiang. Looking at the tall bronze bell, Zhou Jiang suddenly felt a tremendous pressure on his face, and his whole body became nervous.

Although he knew that it would not attack him, he still became nervous involuntarily when it stood in front of him.


Shanaiduolian moved lightly and inserted directly between Zhou Jiang and the bronze bell, blocking Zhou Jiang.

The bronze bell did not look at her.

Uh...Well, the bronze bell doesn't even have eyes. Observing the surroundings is done by the perception of mind, so Zhou Jiang doesn't know who it is looking at.

But with Shanaido in front of him, Zhou Jiang felt unusually relieved, and his tight muscles relaxed.

The bronze bell continued to use its strange tone, slowly saying: "Wait a minute...come...fight..."

Zhou Jiang: "..."

"Do you want to fight with me?" Zhou Jiang couldn't help asking.

"That's right... watch the battle... make an alliance again"

Zhou Jiang frowned.

What did you think of, do not plan to form an alliance so soon, want to see the outcome of the battle and then form an alliance?

But it doesn't matter.

"Okay, I promised!" Zhou Jiang directly agreed.

Originally, I was thinking about how to have a relationship with the bronze bell, and then fight against it to search for the original fragments from it. Now that it has all actively proposed it, how can Zhou Jiang refuse?

And this is still related to the alliance, so it must be taken over.

Chen Ziang and the others didn't say anything. If the bronze bell wanted to be hit, then hit it. They all believed in Zhou Jiang.

Well, it should be said that I believe in the strength of Xanadu and Big Needle Bee.

The strength of the bronze bell and the lightning beast are the same, at most it is a little stronger than it. Not to mention the slinging of the lightning beast, the big needle bee and Shanaito, it is no problem to hit it, and the bronze bell is even better than the lightning beast. Strong, where can it be strong?

"Come with me..." The bronze bell said and floated outside, Zhou Jiang and the others quickly followed.

The cave of the bronze bell is very complicated, and there are many forks to death. If it weren't for the elves to bring them in before, they would not know how long it would take to find the bronze bell.

However, the bronze bell is worthy of being the boss here, and it is also a super-powered elves with super brains~www.wuxiaspot.com~, leading Zhou Jiang and the others to turn left and right, and they came outside.

Of course, at this time, there is a long tail of tails behind them.

I don’t know how the bronze bell got along with its little brothers. When the elves along the way saw the bronze bell, they said hello to it, and when they saw him and Zhou Jiang walking outside, they all fell behind. If you want to watch the excitement, you are not afraid of the bronze bell at all.

After walking out of the cave, he continued to follow the bronze bell for a certain distance. After getting away from the cave, the bronze bell stopped.

This is a flat ground covered with fine pebbles. Although the site is not big enough, for the elves of Zhoujiang, this place is nothing at all. After all, no matter if it is a big needle bee or a Xanadu, they will all fly to the sky. call taxi.

And the bronze bell is obviously also flew here, so it's okay to choose it here. For it, it's probably only necessary to stay away from the cave.

The venue has been selected, and the bronze bell floated far away and stood still, waiting for Zhou Jiang's elves.

The elves on the field naturally have to choose from Big Needle Bee and Xanadu.

Today, Big Needle Bee and Shane Duo have already played a game. Although Shane Duo played hard, he played early, and now he has fully recovered. Although Big Needle Bee’s game is over, it has There was no effort between the Thunder Beast, plus the three hours in between, it was enough for it to recover to its peak.

Both elves can be said to be in their peak state, and anyone can be sent, so Zhou Jiang, who has some choice difficulties, is in trouble.

Finally, thinking that Big Needle Bee's fighting system hits steel and super is equal to the damage, and Shanaido's super power hits it only half of the damage, and Shanaiduo has stronger means of protecting people, so Zhou Jiang chose Big Needle Bee, let Xanadu save his strength, just in case.

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