Although the Thunder Beast had already taken action, Shane Duo had taken action just in case, and pulled the five walking grasses with his mind.

The 100,000 volts of the Thunder Beast hit the fallen tree trunks, and the strong current resembled a sharp blade, directly cutting off the thick trees.

The five walking grasses that were taken away by Xanadu's thought force were panicked at first, but after seeing the Thunder Beast and then discovering that it was Xanadu's handwriting, they calmed down and showed a smile after the disaster.

But soon, their smile disappeared.

Shanaido held them up and brought them to the Thunder Beast. Before the Thunder Beast could ask them what was going on, they panicked and started talking to the Thunder Beast.

Since Shane Duo did not translate, Zhou Jiang and others did not know what they were talking about with Thunder Beast.

When the Thunder Beast said something to them, it continued to fly towards the depths of the forest. If the five walking grasses bowed to Zhou Jiang and thanked them, they walked along Zhou Jiang ran outside in the direction they came in.

Zhou Jiang still had a lot of big trees in the direction they came all the way. They didn't know whether the five walking grasses could safely run out of the forest and reach a safe plain.

But compared to these five walking grasses, Zhou Jiang and the others are more concerned about the center of the Thunder Beast Territory. What happened there? Is this earthquake just a simple earthquake, or is there any other reason?

Everyone continued to run towards the interior of the Thunder Beast Territory, but this time, Zhou Jiang and the others knocked down all the trees that had been teetering on the way and had fallen.

I didn't do this when I came in before. I didn't expect to encounter those young elves who had gone away. They could only shiver under the earthquake and the fall of the big tree.

Now Zhou Jiang and the others ran all the way inside, knocking down all the trees along the way, and when they met those elves who were unable to resist, they would be able to run out in the direction they came in.

Fortunately, Thunder Beast and Shanaiduo are strong enough, even if they need to be distracted to knock down those trees, their speed will not slow down.



Just when Zhou Jiang and the others were about to reach the center, a loud noise suddenly came from the front, and then Zhou Jiang and the others saw a dark beam of light rising straight into the sky.

The vision was highlighted. The Thunder Beast leading the front hurriedly braked and landed on a fallen tree trunk, stopped running, opened his mouth, and looked at the beam of light with a serious face.

Zhou Jiang and the others also stopped, staring at the beam of light blankly.

Looking at the beam of light, Zhou Jiang shuddered directly. After being wrapped by Shanaido’s mind, the temperature will automatically adjust to the most suitable human body temperature, so that people will not feel cold or hot, but after seeing it Behind the dark beam of light, Zhou Jiang actually felt cold, bitterly cold...

"That...what is that!" After a second, Chen Yongan recovered his senses and called out aloud.

However, no one answered his question.

"Thunderbolt, what's going on, do you know?" Zhou Jiang shouted at the Thunderbolt.

After all, this was sent from the thunderbolt beast's lair, so although the probability is very small, Zhou Jiang still wanted to ask.

"Oh!" Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Thunder Beast looked back at him, and then shook his head severely.

Although the Thunder Beast didn't know it, Shane Duo told Zhou Jiang through the spiritual link: ‘That breath has the smell of "another world"! ’

'Ok? really! Xanadu? Hearing what Shanaido said, Zhou Jiang was shocked.

Is the door connecting the "different world" really here?

No way!

This is just their random guess!

Is it really this?

Zhou Jiang instantly felt Alexander, and had the urge to run away...

The army of elves in the "different world" left him too deep. It was not something ordinary humans could resist. Only the "army" could contend with it!

Although he was very scared, Zhou Jiang didn’t slip away after thinking about it. First, let’s take a look at the situation. They still have allies. If the number of elves in the "other world" is small, they can still defend. If they lose, they can't escape if they want.

The elves of the "other world" will attack when they see the elves. They don't think of "catch the thief first". If they can't beat the elves of the "other world", then everyone will move towards the distance. Run away, and Zhou Jiang and the others only need to run faster than the other elves and they will be fine.

With Xanadu, they will definitely be able to stay at the first level of the speed. In other words, the possibility of them encountering danger is not high, and they still have a wave of capital.

Although it is not good to say what they said, but there is no way. They did their best. Before this time, it would have saved them a lot of face. If they are defeated or lost, they will run fast. Who dares to say that they are not?

And this is still possible when the movement is the light gate leading to the "other world", what if this is not?

It's just that something awesome from the ordinary "other world" has come to this world?

For example, ruins or something.

This is not impossible, is it not?

So, in the end, you still have to go inside and see what is going on.

Just as Zhou Jiang was thinking about it, a large group of elves ran toward them. Although they were far away, Zhou Jiang and the others could not see clearly, but the elves of Thunder Beast and Shanaido could clearly see. Arrived.

It should be because the mind link is still connected to Xanadu, so Zhou Jiang's curious thoughts were conveyed to her, so Xanadu said to Zhou Jiang: ‘They are strange forces. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded. He guessed it was a strange force. After all, they didn't encounter many elves this way, and their strength was still very low, and the highest was only the elite mid-level.

Zhou Jiang and the others didn't believe that the quasi-king-level elves of Weird Force would be killed so easily, but the reason they didn't see them was because they were presiding over the situation and stabilizing the elves' emotions.

After all, the little brothers of Thunder Beast are all here. As the management, they should also take care of the little brothers below.

Seeing Wei Li and them, Zhou Jiang and the others ran towards them. After meeting, the elves of Wei Li and their seven quasi-kings began to report to the Thunder Beast.

With Xanadu translating, Zhou Jiang and the others also understood what had happened.

Things are like this,

This morning, the Thunder Beast took four Bi Diao out to find Zhou Jiang and the others, and handed over the territory to the elves of the seven quasi-kings.

The so-called management is to constrain subordinates when there is no emergency, so that they do not run around everywhere, at most it is to adjust the small conflicts caused by too many elves gathering together, it can be said to be quite Easy work.

However, not long after the Raiden Beast had gone, disaster happened.

There was a loud noise like the sky had collapsed, and the elves who were sleeping in the den were frightened to death. They were low in strength. The courageous elves were all lying in the den and shivering. After a few of them with strong strength came out of their own den, they saw that their boss, that is, the position of the thunder beast's den had been "flattened"...

Before they were surprised, a strong earthquake followed.

Under the earthquake, large areas of the ground bulged and cracked. Beneath the huge mouths of the abyss, fruit trees fell one after another, even their residences were overturned one after another.

Feeling that something is not good, they hurriedly summoned the shivering elves hiding in the den. Since there are so many elves, it takes a lot of time, so they collect the fruits from the fruit trees while calling them.

Fruits are the most important ration. If they want to escape from here, they can’t bring some. After all, there is no other place to have tree fruits except for the territories of other lords. If they don’t eat them, they are the grass elves. Can survive through photosynthesis, but other elves are difficult.

It took a lot of time to summon the elves and collect the fruit, which is why Zhou Jiang and the others were about to reach the center of the territory before they encountered them.

As for the black beam of light that burst out suddenly, and where it burst out, they don't know. At that time, they were ready and started running away.

As the earthquake gets stronger and stronger, it is too late for them to run away. Who cares about the black beam of light?

After listening to Shanaiduo's translation, Zhou Jiang glanced at the Thunder Beast with some suspicion.

From the words of Wei Li, they learned that the first place where the accident occurred was the Thunder Beast’s home. After they came out of the house after hearing the loud noise, they found that the Thunder Beast’s home was moved to the ground, and then the earthquake shook.

The earthquake broke out after the loud noise. According to the routine, there is definitely something in the underground of the Thunder Beast's home, like a seal.

Zhou Jiang suspected that the black beam of light erupted from its flattened home, and even the half-asleep and half-awake state it fell into before was due to its location.

But it seemed that the Thunder Beast really didn't know, so Zhou Jiang just doubted it, and didn't ask it anything.

"Huh? The earthquake stopped!" Chen Fan's words sounded in his ears, and Zhou Jiang also recovered from his thoughts.

Sure enough, the earthquake had stopped, the loud rumbling noise had disappeared, and there was no other sound besides the voices of the thunder and lightning beasts.

Zhou Jiang looked up towards the beam of light, and found that the beam of light that had soared into the sky had also disappeared. From their side, looking into the distance, except for the various fallen trees and the trees that persisted. I can't see anything else anymore.

The earthquake disappeared, and the Thunder Beasts felt it for the first time.

After discovering that the earthquake had disappeared, Raidenmon and its little brother also ended their conversation.

"Leiden Beast, you let them go out quickly, let's go inside to see the situation." Zhou Jiang shouted at the Thunder Beast.

The Thunder Beast looked over, nodded, and then yelled at the little brothers of the seven quasi heavenly kings a few times, and told them to take the other little brothers to the plain over a few, while the others followed it and Zhou Jiang to the territory. Check the situation internally.

Chen Ziang said: "For the sake of safety, let Bi Diao notify Shanaiduo? If there is any danger, he can support us early."

Leiden Beast thought for a while, nodded, and looked at them flying by Zhou Jiang and them.

"Bi~!" The four Bi Diao nodded their heads when they saw the boss, and the two groups flew towards the distance.

Although the earthquake has stopped here, no one can guarantee that there is no danger here, so the three quasi-king elves who led the elves out, greeted the Thunder Beast and Zhou Jiang, and started to act.

Four or five hundred elves rushed in the direction Zhou Jiang and the others had come.

After all the elves passed, they needed to make way, and the Thunder Beast jumped off an unfallen tree beside it.

There are only four quasi-tianwang-level younger brothers of the Thunder Beast, which are Guai Li, Emperor Blue, Nine Tails and Coconut Egg Tree.

The four quasi heavenly kings of them can be kept, naturally because they are the best among the seven.

The same quasi heavenly king, the strength will also be Now, the little brothers of the Thunder Beast are gone, and the remaining strength can be alone (Chen Yongan:???), they just There is nothing to worry about, nodding to each other, and then continue to run towards the center of the territory.

Before long, Zhou Jiang and the others came to the center of the territory of Thunder Beast.

As soon as they passed by, they saw a large circular pit with a diameter of at least 20 meters, and in the middle of the pit there was a dark pit leading to the ground.

"There... it was originally your home for Thunder Beast, right?" Zhou Jiang asked the Thunder Beast nearby.

Although the surrounding terrain has been destroyed and the original appearance is completely invisible, and as a road idiot, he can’t tell the location and can’t remember the surrounding buildings. He has only seen the home of the Thunder Beast once, but Zhou Jiang’s first Six senses told him that there was the original home of Thunder Beast!

Hearing Zhou Jiang's question, Thunder Beast nodded with a sullen face.

It certainly knows its own home, even if its home and the fruit trees around it are gone, and only bare potholes are left, it can recognize it.

Looking at the pothole, the Thunder Beast was rejoicing while fearing.

Fortunately, it came out early this morning, otherwise if it is still like before, if it is still sleeping at home at this time, then it doesn't know if it can survive.

Looking at the dark hole in the center of the big pit in front of it, it knew that the previous black beam of light rose from here.

Before seeing the beam of light so far away, it felt cold and had an urge to turn around and run away. If it stays here when the beam of light rises and is hit by the beam of light, it will look like the one next to its home. Many fruit trees and the soil that has been stripped of several layers of skin are directly "evaporated", right?

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