"What's the matter with that hole? How about throwing things in and have a look?" Chen Fan joked, touching his chin.

Zhou Jiang looked at him speechlessly.

"Good idea, you can try!"

Zhou Jiang: "???"

Zhou Jiang looked at Chen Ziang in surprise.

what happened?

It's fine for Chen Fan to say that. Why even you agree? It's not that his mind has been manipulated!


Seeing Zhou Jiang looking at him in surprise, Chen Ziang coughed twice and said, "What, I'm joking."

Zhou Jiang: "..."

If it wasn't for the large number of people here, and for his senior's sake, he really wanted to go up and have a meal.

At this time, will he be very happy at once?

Sure enough, people still have to rely on themselves, and it is unrealistic to rely on others to find solutions.

Zhou Jiang turned and looked around.

Well, apart from the big hole and the dark hole in the middle, there is nothing worth noting around.

In other words, the key point is still in that dark cave.

But how do you explore this and go straight on?


However, in less than a second, Zhou Jiang rejected this idea.

This cave is dangerous at first sight. Who dares to go down?

They would definitely not dare to let Thunder Beasts go, and if Shanaido and Big Needle Bees go, he would not bear it.

If you can't go down, maybe just wait here?

It's like waiting for the rabbit. When something comes out of this cave, they will find a way to deal with it?

Although this seems a bit unbearable, it is indeed a way.

If they are guarding here, after they call the two lords of Bronze Bell and Xanadu, safety will be more guaranteed.

But it will take two or three hours for Shanaido to come over, they have been standing here stupidly?

Shall we explore first?

But to...

By the way, Shanaido's thought power can be directly probed!

Thinking, Zhou Jiang looked at Xanadu and asked, "Xanadu, can you explore the cave with your mind?"

As soon as Zhou Jiang finished speaking, Shane Duo shook his head and said weakly: ‘I tried it just now. There was evil energy in the cave. After my spiritual power passed, I was sucked away by the opposite side. ’

Zhou Jiang: "!"

Hearing what Xanaduo said, Zhou Jiang was startled. Only then did he realize that Xanaduo's face was indeed pale.

That was the pale face caused by weakness!


Zhou Jiang couldn't help taking a breath, feeling that the cave was becoming more and more dangerous.

Even the mental power that Shanaido sent out to investigate has been sucked away, and when it was sucked in this way, Shanaido was directly in a state of weakness, which is too strong!

Why don't you hurry up before this thing is in danger?

Anyway, the relationship between them and the Thunder Beast is basically maintained by profit. In just one month, the relationship is not much better. If it is ordinary trouble, he would be happy to help the Thunder Beast and let it owe them favor. , But this thing this time looks very dangerous!

Shanaido’s mental power has been sucked away. If it is really troublesome, what should be done if Shanaido can’t move instantaneously and take him away...

The reason why he dared to wave was that if there was danger, Xanadu could take him to run away at any time, if there was no such protection, he would dare to wave casually.


After looking at the Thunder and Lightning Beasts, and then at Chen Ziang and the others, Zhou Jiang still gave up this idea.

Fleeing without fighting or something, this is really impossible to do!

Not to mention whether Chen Ziang would accept or not, even his elves would not accept this kind of result, right?

Especially the Big Needle Bee and Xanadu.

Their lowest strength is also the highest rank of the Heavenly Kings, and they will run away without hitting them when they encounter danger.

If you follow the routine of fantasy novels, this kind of escape without a fight will leave them with a psychological shadow, right?

The elves need to understand the origin to break through to the level of the king of heaven, and this thing can be done by the system, and if the things needed to break through the championship or to go to the next level are not done by the system and need the elves to comprehend by themselves, then their hearts are deceived. If it is overshadowed, it will be difficult to break through.

So in any case, it is impossible to flee without a fight.

Since you have to flee without fighting, then seriously consider what to do now.

Shanaiduo's invincible thought power is useless, how can I investigate the situation inside?

"By the way, should we ask the Shuitian King and the others, if there is really a passage to the "other world" below, then we can definitely get some information from them, right?" Chen Yongan said suddenly.


Zhou Jiang, who was thinking, was shocked when he heard Chen Yongan's words, and looked at him suddenly, looking at God's eyes.

Sure enough, the three heads are the same as Zhuge Liang. Many people think about the problem differently. No, I haven't figured out what to do here, others thought of it.

Chen Ziang nodded too, and then looked at Chen Yongan's eyes full of praise.

"good idea!"

Chen Fan directly patted him on the shoulder and praised him loudly: "You are a genius!"

Seeing Chen Yongan's joyful expression, Zhou Jiang silently complained. Fortunately, the meaning of "genius" in this world has not been distorted, otherwise he would not be so happy.

After having a good solution, Zhou Jiang and the others are very happy here, but the Thunder Beast and the elves have a dumbfounded look, do not understand what happened, why Zhou Jiang and the others are so happy...

Although they heard what Chen Yongan said, they didn’t understand human society, and they didn’t know the mobile phones that could communicate remotely, so they could only look at Zhou Jiang and the others with a dumb face, but they didn’t understand what they were sending. .

Zhou Jiang and the others did not care about the Thunder Beasts. Zhou Jiang took out his mobile phone directly and called Shui Gentle. Chen Yongan and the others also gathered around, looking forward to it.

Fortunately, there was no accident this time, and the phone was connected after ringing for a few seconds.

"Hello?" A soft and gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Master Shui, I am Zhou Jiang."

"Yeah." Shui Qingrou naturally knew that it was Zhou Jiang. After all, she would watch the caller ID. Otherwise, if it was a stranger, how could she answer the phone?

But if it's a stranger, she won't have her mobile phone number.

But even though she knew it was Zhou Jiang, she was still a little tired.

Because once Zhou Jiang calls her, it means that something is in trouble again...

She has just finished working all night, ready to rest...

Although I wanted to pretend that I did not see the person who did not answer, I thought that Zhou Jiang would only trouble her unless there was an emergency or something important, otherwise she would not be contacted, and Zhou Jiang was her favorite disciple. Her brother is also a good trainer, so even though she has sleepy eyes, she still answers the phone.

On Zhou Jiang's side, listening to the soft voice of the water on the phone, Zhou Jiang was slightly embarrassed.

He also thought that he would only call her when something happened...

But even though it was embarrassing, it was necessary to tell her what should be said and troublesome.

After simply organizing the language, Zhou Jiang said: "This is the case. You also know that we are now conducting special training in the wild. We are now in the territory of a lord spirit, but this morning, suddenly its territory was It exploded, and there was a large earthquake, and finally a black beam of light rushed into the sky..."

"Wait, what are you talking about?! The black beam of light?" Before Zhou Jiang could finish speaking, Shui gently interrupted him.

Listening to the serious tone of the opposite, Zhou Jiang swallowed, and looked at Chen Ziang and the others a little nervously, then nodded and said: "Yes...Then we found the place where the beam of light was suspected to erupt. Big pit, inside the pit is a pit that has been blackened all around."

"Hiss~" An inhalation sound came from the other end of the phone, followed by another helpless sigh.

"You guys called me at this time and asked me, did you guess what that thing is?" Shui Qingrou said helplessly. Although it was a question, what she said had a certain flavor in it.

Listening to Shui's gentle words, Zhou Jiang also sighed in his heart.

Is it really the same as he guessed?

But he kept talking, and said, "Is it the gateway to the "other world"?"

The water is soft and does not have any ink marks, which directly affirmed him.

"Yes, if there is no accident, it is the thing. Recently this thing has appeared more and more frequently, alas..."

"Uh, then we..."

Before Zhou Jiang finished speaking, Shui gently said, "But you don’t have to worry too much. This kind of channel that just appeared is unstable. At the beginning, there will be no "other world" elves coming out of it. There will be one or two who are lucky enough to come from the "different world", and that is not a threat to you, right?"

"But this "different world" channel can't be left alone. You can send me your current location. I will report it and let someone garrison it to take over. If the supervision is not suppressed, the number of them will be over time. It will become huge, and even if it is far away from human society, it will threaten us."

"Oh oh." Zhou Jiang responded subconsciously.

"Is there anything else? If it's okay, just hang up, ha~" Shui Gentle couldn't help it, and yawned.

Hearing Shui Gentle yawning, Zhou Jiang thought that the recent passage to the "different world" that Shui Gentle said had appeared more frequently, and he suddenly understood that her workload had increased recently, and she must have been awake now. it is good.

So I was a little embarrassed to disturb her at this time, and said: "Uh, sorry, I disturbed you to rest..."

"It's okay, I just finished work, and I haven't officially taken a break. If you officially take a break, I'm afraid I won't be able to hear you if you call me, haha. Not much to say, my sister is also sleepy. Hang up first, by the way, you can send the address to Zhao Feng, he is young, he must be able to withstand this amount of work, how can I look like an old aunt like me who doesn’t want it... hey~ No one wants it...ooh~"


Zhou Jiang: "..."

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Zhou Jiang could not complain.

The water is gentle, this is not sleepy, this is a fake bar after drinking?

With her personality, she would cry and complain about her age? And also said that nobody wants it?


This is definitely fake wine, um, or oolong tea.

"Cough!" Chen Ziang coughed heavily.

Since the mobile phone was put externally, Chen Ziang's complaints about Shui Qingrou similar to aegyo were also heard by Chen Ziang. Although they were shocked by Shui Qingrou's self-destruction, as their idols, they still unconsciously wanted to forget. Ignore her last blew.

So Chen Ziang said to Zhou Jiang: "Hurry up and contact Zhao Tianwang, send someone over soon, so we can feel at ease sooner. Although Shui Tianwang said that at this time there will be basically no "other world" elves coming out of it, but it is still People from the alliance can make people feel at ease when they come, right?"

Chen Fan and Chen Yongan also nodded pretending to be serious. Sure enough, Shui’s gentle gaffe had a great impact on them. After all, it was their idol.

And the people in this world...how to put it well, it just feels that many people in Zhou Jiang's previous life are different, like the way they chase stars.

If you change your previous life, fans will feel embarrassed when they see this kind of female idol's gaffe~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it's fine if you can't close your legs without being excited.

However, Zhou Jiang had no idea about Shui Qingrou's gaffe. After all, he was an acquaintance. If he was unfamiliar, he could still talk about it. If he was an acquaintance, there would be no way.

I found out Zhao Feng's phone number and dialed it.

Compared with the soft side, Zhao Feng is slower.

The first time I called, no one answered. I hesitated for a while before dialing. It rang for about ten seconds, and it was about to hang up automatically before the call was finally answered.

"Hey...who!" Zhao Feng's tired and impatient voice came over the phone.

Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed and said, "Ah, Brother Zhao, it's me, Zhou Jiang!"

"Zhou Jiang?...Oh, Zhou Jiang...what's the matter, call me at this time?" After half asleep, Zhao Feng almost didn't remember who Zhou Jiang was, but fortunately, he and Zhou Jiang had a good relationship. , Not to forget.

Although Zhao Feng looked tired, but the phone calls were over, then he couldn't say it was okay. Excuse me, call him or something next time.

If he said so, then Zhao Feng would never thank him, but would like to have him a meal.

It took so long for the phone to be picked up, and with the tone of his speech, it was obvious that he should have been working overtime like Shui Genu up to now, and he was still asleep.

Shui Gentle hasn't slept yet, so she can resist fatigue, so when he called just now, he could not find her tired at the first time. Unlike Zhao Feng, if she sleeps in a tired state and then wakes up, yes A very painful thing.

If Zhou Jiang called him without any important matter or legitimate reason, then he would be miserable, and he would definitely be taken into account.

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