I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 890: Poison Rose's... mother?

Therefore, Zhou Jiang and the others decided to settle down on the edge of Dakeng.

Fortunately, the big pit is big enough, and there is some distance from the deep pit in the middle, so they don't need to step back.

Although Zhou Jiang still had spare tents in their bags, since the tents at the original base were not broken, there is nothing wrong here, so they planned to go back and recycle the tents.

Waste is always bad. Each of them only has one spare tent. What if they don’t recycle it now and then run into trouble and lose the spare tent?

Therefore, it is necessary to recycle tents.

But recycling the tent is not a big deal, and it doesn’t require everyone to go there. So after discussing it, Zhou Jiang took Shanaido to recycle it. Big Needle Bee and Zhou Jiang’s other elves that can take on combat power are. Be left behind, guarding here with Chen Ziang.

Well, although the Wind Speed ​​Dog has evolved, Zhou Jiang didn't want it to fight the elves of the "other world" prematurely, so instead of leaving it behind, he let it serve as the mount for this action.

Although it won't be any discomfort to fly with Shanaido's thought power, but it really feels good if there is a strong wind blowing on your face, right?

Maybe this is the reason why others like to go for a drive in the previous life?

Well, maybe people just want to show off the car, but Zhou Jiang does like the feeling of the wind blowing from the front.

Although the mount was a wind-speed dog and didn't need Shanaido to fly with him, Zhou Jiang didn't dare to take Shanaido back. He was alert to the surrounding situation and needed Shanaido to come.

Although the nose of the wind speed dog is very good, it can't smell anything when running fast, and it has experienced little and no experience, so it is best to let Shanaido take the protective measure.

As for why you have to be so careful in the Territory of Wind Speed ​​Dog...

Isn't it okay to be careful?

The ghost knew if there were any elves from the "other world" coming out of the pit before they rushed to the pit, and if they saw the movement here, it would be more dangerous for any other elves to touch them.

And there is no big difference between Xanadu and putting it outside, so he just won't take it back. It's always good to have a snack when going out.

The wind speed dog runs very steadily, even if it keeps beating on the fallen tree trunks, Zhou Jiang does not feel any discomfort.

When they were halfway out of the way, Zhou Jiang saw the three elves running ahead.

It's the ring bear, the two-tailed monster hand, and the cunning tengu, the three quasi-king-level elves sent by the Thunder Beast to lead other elves out of here.

After the two sides met, they both stopped.

After seeing the elves on the opposite side, Zhou Jiang patted the Fengshou dog on the head and motioned it to stop.

After the wind speed dog stopped, Zhou Jiang, who had been lying on his stomach slightly, sat upright and asked them: "Why are you back here, where are the other elves?"

Huohuanxiong waved his arms and roared: "Ho Ho Ho Ho --"

Shanaido translated: ‘It said that they took the elves out of the forest and made them wait there, worrying that the Thunder Beast rushed back. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded clearly and shouted to them: "Nothing is happening right now. We need to wait in the south. You can go over and I will go back and get some things."

Although the three elves wanted to ask more from Zhou Jiang, they didn't say anything when Zhou Jiang didn't want to say more, and silently gave up the middle of the road.

Zhou Jiang nodded at them, and then patted the head of Fengshou Dog. The wind speed dog knows it, and immediately accelerates and runs, and Shanaido follows closely.

After the wind speed dog carried Zhou Jiang to run past, the three elves withdrew their eyes from looking at Zhou Jiang, turned and ran towards the depths of the forest.

For Zhou Jiang, the encounter with the bears was just a small episode, and it was not worth noting at all. He soon put the matter behind.

Before long, Zhou Jiang saw the exit of the forest and the open plain.

More than 50% of the trees have fallen, and the elves deliberately cleared the road, so Zhou Jiang, who was far away, could see the exit. If it used to be, it would only be within 50 meters. It can be seen from inside, and now it can be clearly seen from a hundred meters away.

On the plain, Zhou Jiang and his original base were surrounded by a large group of elves, and they were all brought out by the bears.

Although the home was basically destroyed, the lord and the high-level were still there, so the elves had not dispersed yet, but were waiting here according to the high-level instructions.

After Zhou Jiang and Fengshougu came out of the forest, they were depressed. The elves who were lying there resting found them and cast their eyes on them.

Zhou Jiang just glanced at them and didn't say anything. He rode the wind speed dog and walked slowly towards the collapsed tent.

Fortunately, this is Zhoujiang and the others. Many elves are aware of it, so although no one in Zhoujiang and the others are here, even the tent has fallen, but no elves surround it, and even the fallen tent has no elves to move. Over.

With the help of Shanaido, Zhou Jiang put the tent away, put it in the backpack, looked at other things in the camp, shook his head, turned around and prepared to flash people.

Just when Zhou Jiang got on the wind speed dog and was about to leave, an elf walked out and came in front of Zhou Jiang.

That is a poison rose.


I noticed that an elf was coming here, and the target was himself. Zhou Jiang, Shanaiduo, and Fengshougou all looked over. The eyes of one person and two elf directly frightened the little guy, and Poison Rose's body stiffened. , The hands composed of red and blue roses respectively guarded his chest, and the steps towards them also froze in place.

However, Poison Rose still mustered up the courage and continued to walk towards Zhou Jiang and the others.

Zhou Jiang didn't rush away, but when he saw Poison Rose walking towards this side, he was obviously asking for something, so he looked at it with interest.

After reaching a position about five meters away from Zhou Jiang and the others, Poison Rose stopped.

After the poison rose walked in, Zhou Jiang could smell the smell it exudes, a little bit sweet.

It is said that poison rose can exude a strong aroma when it is in a good mood, and relax the people who smell it. Although this faint sweet smell is also very good now, it is definitely not the smell that it emits when it is in a good mood. Than.

Smelling the breath, looking at the poison rose in front of him, Zhou Jiang was lost in a moment, wondering in his heart whether he was going to get a poison rose.

The scent that comes out when he is in a bad mood can make him feel good. If he is in good spirits and the scent that comes out when he is happy, wouldn't it make him go to heaven?

In addition, the poison rose can purify Roselle, and its strength is very strong.

He can play and "lick", no wonder so many people like grass elves, this talent is really not covered.

When Zhou Jiang was yy, the poison rose in front of him finally summoned the courage and whispered to Zhou Jiang.

The voice of Poison Rose, as crisp as a little girl, made Zhou Jiang regain his senses and looked at Shanaido.

As a ruthless translation machine, Xanadu was used to it a long time ago, so there was no dissatisfaction, and she dutifully translated for Zhou Jiang.

I just don't know if it is an illusion. How does Zhou Jiang feel that Shanaido's expression is a little strange?

‘It’s asking, is its mother okay. ’

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang raised his brows slightly.

There seems to be no Roselle among the seven quasi-king elves, right?

Or does it mean that its mother didn't come out with them and was still inside, so she asked me?

"That...its mother is Kyuubi..."

Zhou Jiang: "!"

"Nine...Nine-tailed?!" Zhou Jiang was so scared that he called out.

Is there any mistake, Poison Rose’s mother is Kyuubi?

Zhou Jiang looked at Poison Rose, who was trembling with his surprise cry, with a dazed expression.

How is this born!

The Thunder Beast's territory also doesn't have a quasi-king-level Rose Reduo, who is so powerful, actually gave the quasi-king's nine tails.

No... the key is not this, the key is...

Can Kyuubi and Roselando get married and have children?

Zhou Jiang's whole person is not good.

Although he doesn't know the egg group, he also knows that it is basically impossible for the grass and fire to have children!

‘Ahem, Master, you scared it. ’

Xanadu's voice sounded in his heart, and Zhou Jiang recovered.

Yu Guang glanced around and stared at the elves watching here, fearing that the crying "child" would be besieged, Zhou Jiang quickly apologized.

"Ahem, sorry, sorry."

After apologizing, in order to change the subject, he said: "Your mother is fine, but it can't come out to accompany you now. It must stay there with your lord Thunder Beast in the forest to block the enemy."

As he said, Zhou Jiang raised his head, looked around at the elves looking at this side, and said loudly: "Don’t worry too much. With us, your lord will not have any problems. Stay here for the time being. At the earliest, there will be results in two days. Those of you who have brought the fruit out will not be short of food. Just wait here with peace of mind. After the matter is over, you can go home again. Up!"




After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, for a time, the elves shouted endlessly, but maybe it was too noisy, or maybe it was nothing important and not worthy of translation, so Xanadu did not translate it.

However, although Shanaido did not translate, Zhou Jiang could roughly guess what they were shouting.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at the poison rose. After seeing that it had nothing to say, Zhou Jiang turned around, leaped vigorously, and jumped onto the back of the wind speed dog lying on the ground.

The Poison Rose retreated when Zhou Jiang was on the "horse". After getting news from Zhou Jiang that his mother Jiuwei was okay, it really had nothing to ask.

After looking at Poison Rose and the other elves again, Zhou Jiang patted the head of Fengshou Dog after confirming that they were all right, indicating that he could leave.

The wind speed dog howled happily, then stepped away, and Sa Yazi ran.

Back to the center of the Thunder Beast Territory, which is the side of the big pit.

Seeing that Zhou Jiang came back, the Thunder Beasts didn’t do much, but they were resting on their stomachs. They raised their necks and looked at Zhou Jiang’s side and paid no attention. They continued to lie on their stomachs and watched them leisurely. Without the big pit on the side, I really thought it was when they were resting.

Chen Ziang and the others came over, but before they said anything, Zhou Jiang asked a little expectantly: "How is it, is there a "other world" spirit coming out?"

Chen Ziang: "..."

Chen Fan also said silently: "Why do I feel you are expecting something..."

"Ahem, this is your illusion..." Zhou Jiang looked away with some embarrassment.

Without entangled in this matter, Chen Ziang looked at Zhou Jiang and asked, "How is it, isn't the tent broken?"

"Well, it's not broken." Zhou Jiang jumped off the wind speed dog, and then took the backpack from his shoulders.

After taking out the four tents and handing them what belonged to them, Zhou Jiang asked, "Where to build it, have you found a good location?"

"Of course!" Chen Fan nodded and took the lead to walk towards the location they chose.

It was an open space about 20 meters away from where the Thunder Beasts rested. The open space was very abrupt. The rest of the pit was surrounded by fallen tree trunks and tree stumps left after the trunk was broken. Only that vacant lot is nothing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a pure land.

Although Zhou Jiang's memory is not very good, if there was such an abrupt place before, he can still remember it, but he can't remember it, it means that they cleared the place after he left.

With the help of Shanaido, they quickly set up the tent, but although the tent was set up, they needed to wash the exterior.

Before a major earthquake, the tent collapsed. Although the inside was not dirty, the outside was stained with dirt and dust. Although this thing is waterproof and can prevent dust from sticking to a large extent, a large amount of dust came up. It must be dirty if it is not dirty.

And when Zhou Jiang was recycled just now, it was directly put into the sack, so it is necessary to clean it now.

But the cleaning is simple, just let the water spirit water gun flush it again, but because the water spirit water gun is too powerful to wash the tent down, I need to let Shanaido stand on the side and watch.

And in order to prevent the water from spreading everywhere, it is also necessary to dig a small trench on the side of the tent to let the water flow away.

As for where it goes...

This naturally flows into a pit they let the elves dig at will.

After washing the tent and all the water has flowed in, let the fire elves use spray flames to boil the water in the pit, and then let the elves fill in the pit and the small drainage ditch.

At noon, the thunder and lightning beasts lie on the side and eat their food, enjoying the same energy cube treatment as Zhou Jiang and their elves.

As for Zhou Jiang and others, they were also sitting on a square folding table and eating.

At this moment, Bi Diao's cry sounded from afar.

"Huh?" Hearing the cry, Zhou Jiang pinched his chopsticks instead of picking up the dishes, but turned his head to look in the direction he felt the sound was coming from.

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