"Bi Diao and they are back?" Chen Yongan asked subconsciously.

Chen Ziang nodded and responded with an affirmation.

Among the people and elves "eagerly looking forward to", two of them fell from the sky in a messy atmosphere. Next to them was the lord Xanadu, and only lord Xanaido and the elf.

Lord Shanaido and Bi Diao were still confused after they fell to the ground together.

Didn’t it mean that something happened in the Thunder Beast Territory...


Four humans were sitting together and eating, the Thunder Beast, its subordinates, and the four human subordinates were also lying on the side eating energy cubes. If it weren't for the big pit beside them and in the middle of the big pit, it would emit With the deep pit of the disgusting breath, Lord Shanaido thought they were outings and camping.

what? Lord Xanadu didn't know what an outing was?

It doesn't matter, this is just a talk, just take a look.

But Lord Shanaido was still very angry.

In the morning, the big earthquake and the dark beam of light soared into the sky, which can be felt from far away in the territory of Shanaido. Although the earthquake is almost invisible there, and the beam of light is hard to see, it is an elf of the heavenly king level. But it's not only that it is stronger than other elves, especially when it is a super-powered elves, perception is also extremely powerful.

Although there is a feeling of disturbing it, it is impossible for it to detect it alone, and it does not feel the specific source of the disturbing feeling, and the duration is not long, so it has no action. , Until the two statues came to its territory.

They rushed to its territory anxiously, and told it nervously that something happened in the Thunder Beast Territory and Zhou Jiang and the others needed its help.

Lord Xanadu thought of the previous movement and the faint feeling of anxiety, and agreed without thinking.

Worried that Zhou Jiang would be overthrown when they were late, so it and the two Compassion Eagles had full firepower and flew directly toward the Thunder Beast Territory, while the other elves in its territory came together behind.

You know, it has directly brought two-thirds of the combat power in the territory!

As a result, when it and Bi Diao arrived, what they saw was not a fierce war of elves, but Zhou Jiang and the others enjoying their meals there?

Ok? ? ?

You guys are playing with me!

Why did I rush over all the way but didn't have time to eat, but after coming over, I saw you relaxing here?

Lord Shanaido instantly exploded.

Seeing the lord Xanadu with a dangerous aura in his eyes, Zhou Jiang put down his chopsticks in a jealous manner.

The content of the previous agreement was that they would only take action after encountering uncertain troubles. Now they call it over before they start a fight. This is indeed a bit unnatural, so Zhou Jiang quickly explained to it to prevent it from getting angry. Up.

Fortunately, he thought about it when he told them to call Shanaiduo. When they didn't fight or encountered ordinary enemies, he would give them an excuse to explain.

"Ahem, Lord Shanaido, this is actually the case. This time the enemy is indeed very powerful. Without you, we would definitely not be able to deal with it, but this time there was an accident."

With that, Zhou Jiang pointed to the dark cave in the middle of the big pit.

Lord Shanaido looked along the way he was pointing, listened to Zhou Jiang's words, squinted his eyes and felt it carefully.

When it first came here, it saw the black cave. After all, the pitch black color and the dangerous aura exuding it were too obvious.

It was just that at that time it saw Zhou Jiang and the others leisurely wandering, it was really too angry, so it didn't pay much attention. And it saw that Zhou Jiang and the others had camped here, and they were still eating here leisurely, and it subconsciously felt that the black cave was solved by Zhou Jiang and others, so they dared to stay here.

After all, it can feel the danger from the black cave, Zhou Jiang and others can certainly do too, and they can feel that the danger has not left or destroyed, and they still have a leisurely look. It must have been resolved, so it has not. Pay attention again.

Zhou Jiang said: "Look at that cave, our enemies will come out of it at that time. It is only due to miscalculations and we have no confidence to deal with them. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, we call you over. ."

"Oh, by the way, besides you, we have also formed an alliance with the bronze bell. We also called it before, but its speed is not as fast as yours, so you are the first to rush over."

Naturally, the reason to be pulled out was that he could not completely fool the lord Shanaido.

Although the dark cave can indeed bring pressure to it and make it tense, it is not enough!

Thinking about it, Zhou Jiang looked at his Xanadu.

Shanaido nodded slightly, brought the energy cube that had been prepared a while ago, and placed it on the table.

What else cannot be solved by an energy cube?

If not, then another pot!

Well, of course, he only prepared a pot now, but it was enough to "cope" Shanaido.

Of course, if it still doesn't work, you can only give it the pot of energy cubes prepared for the bronze bell.

As for the bronze clock?

Looking at the indifferent and salty look of the bronze bell, as long as you get the lord Shanaido, when the time comes, he will see the lord Shanaido and say nothing, and Zhou Jiang will give it a reasonable explanation and believe it. Will not say anything.

But it's also good luck for the bronze bell.

When Zhou Jiang handed the food containing the energy cube to the lord Shanaido, the lord Shanaido, who was solemnly observing the dark cave, came back to his senses. He looked at the energy cube in front of him, thinking about the darkness. In the faint cave, Lord Shanaido's fire dissipated, and he "understood" why Zhou Jiang and the others called it in such a hurry.

That cave is dangerous!

Seeing that there were good reasons and to prepare energy cubes for it, Lord Shanaido decided to forgive them.

After taking the snack bowl from Zhou Jiang, and nodding to Zhou Jiang, he found a place to "sit" down.

"Huh~" Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief when Lord Shanaido took away the food bowl containing the energy cube and said nothing.

A pot of energy cubes are sent away. This is the best situation, and then wait for the bronze bell.

Lord Shanaido can be dealt with by a pot of energy cubes. I believe there should be no problem with the bronze clock that is easier to deal with than it. I just don't know when it will come. I hope to come before they finish eating.

If he came back after Lord Shanaido had eaten the energy cube, Zhou Jiang would be a little embarrassed to take the energy cube out, as if he had bribed it.

Although there is a meaning of bribery in it, don't make it so obvious!

Fortunately, when they were about to finish their meal, the bronze bell came, and when the bronze bell just arrived, in the dark cave in the center of the big pit, an elf from the "other world" emerged.

It was a centipede king, with a level of fifty-three, that is, a high-level elite.

As a poisonous centipede, the centipede king can count on its temperament?

With the addition of the elves who are still in the "different world", a layer of "madness" is passively applied, and its desire to attack becomes even stronger.

After drilling out of the cave, the Centipede King saw Zhou Jiang and the others, and immediately launched an attack, spitting out poisonous needles and venom at Zhou Jiang and them desperately.

However, it is a pity that although the movement of the Centipede King is not big, it is still big for Zhou Jiang, who has been watching the cave carefully, so Shane Duo discovered it in the first place.

They were all discovered by Shanaido, it still wants to attack Zhoujiang and them? Dreaming is better than this.

Without Shanaido's shot, the seven little brothers of the Thunder Beast shot together, and the seven skills flew out together. Not only did they stop the Centipede King's attack, but many energy rays also hit it.

Although he is the younger brother of Thunder Beast, his strength is also the quasi heavenly king, which is much stronger than the centipede king, and the number is still dominant. The centipede king is instantly killed, and his eyes fall to the ground in circles.

Zhou Jiang and the others knew that they would not stop attacking unless they killed the elves of the "other world", but they didn't remind them. It is still necessary for them to see the horror of the elves of the "other world". .

Although these elves living in the undeveloped areas of the Alliance are also very fierce, they will not be able to attack even if they don't even kill themselves.

Let them see it, and prepare psychologically, so that when the "other world" elves attack aggressively, they won't become confused due to surprise.

Zhou Jiang and the others ate calmly, the bronze bell and the two statues fell from the sky, the Thunder Beast, the lord Shanaido, and the seven younger brothers of the Thunder Beast looked at the Centipede King with expressionless faces. Thoughtful.

The bronze bell fell on the ground. Although it was unable to see its emotion at this time due to its lack of expression, Zhou Jiang also felt that it was also a little angry.

It was different from when the lord Shanaido came over.

When the bronze clock came over, it happened to see the elves of the "other world", that is, the scene where the centipede king came out and was easily killed in seconds.

Like the lord Shanaido, it was also because Zhou Jiang and the others said that there was a strong foreign invasion when they formed an alliance, they chose to form an alliance with the Thunder Beast, and help when the Thunder Beast couldn't beat it.

As a result, it dragged nearly six hundred jin of body and hurried towards this side, but when it arrived, it found Zhou Jiang and the others leisurely eating there!

The black cave is indeed terrible, and it feels it, but terrible, are you still stationing and eating here? And the elves inside came out and attacked you all, but you didn’t move your eyebrows, and continued to sit there like an old god?

And the elves that came out...

Just a high-level elite, after he came out, he was immediately beaten.

This is what you call a powerful enemy you can't beat?

The bronze bell feels deceived.

Then, something that made the bronze bell more angry happened.

The thunder beasts were watching the centipede king, but Zhou Jiang and the four humans were still eating there, and after it arrived, they didn't even look at it!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

The bronze bell felt that he wanted to show his sense of existence. It was a dignified lord!

However, just when the bronze bell was about to erupt...


A hysterical roar came from behind, and the madness and the will to destroy everything made the bronze bell stunned.

Looking back at the bronze bell, he saw that the centipede king who had fallen down there had already climbed up.

The blood-red eyes, the hideous expression and the strange black lines on the carapace, these things make the appearance of the centipede king extremely scary, even if it is like a bronze bell, it is usually calm and not frightened, but it is small. 'S scared.

The bronze bell looked over, and the elves that the Thunder Beasts were looking at naturally also saw it, and Zhou Jiang, who was waiting for it to erupt, also saw it.

Seeing the eruption of the Centipede King, Zhou Jiang and the others would all smile, while the Thunder Beasts were shocked.


The Centipede King roared again, and then rushed towards the Thunder Beast, and the two antennae on the top of his head also lit up with deep purple rays.

Compared with the initial attack, the centipede king who was beaten down and then stood up again looks even more scary. This is not only scary in terms of power, but also more powerful in his skills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However...this That's it.

The Centipede King is just an elite high-level elf, even in the "other world", it is not ranked, let alone the top bosses here.

After the previous counterbo knew the strength of the Centipede King, the seven little brothers of Thunder Beast did not go together this time, because it was completely unnecessary!

Even if the centipede king burst, he looked very powerful...

Guai Li got up and walked out.

Facing the Centipede King who rushed over, like a heavy tank, Wei Li grinned in excitement.

After the centipede king got close, the strange force took action.

I saw it leaned slightly, and then the upper two thick arms grabbed the claws on both sides of the centipede king's neck, and the lower two arms also pressed against the centipede king's abdomen.

With a run-up bonus, a powerful impact is transmitted from the centipede king body, even the strange power is constantly backed up, and the ground is instantly plowed into two deep gullies.

However, after the inertia of the run-up was gone, the power of the centipede king was no more than weird power. The two sides first held a stalemate, and then the centipede king was pushed back.

Although the centipede king used the skill [Cross Poison Blade], its horns on the top of its head could not bend and change direction. In addition, the claws on the neck were grabbed by strange force and the head could not move, so its cross poison blade was not hit at all. To strange force.

When the wrestling game is over, the strange force has won. Since the "game" is over, the strange force will not play anymore. He did not continue to wrestle with it, and kept facing its belly with two hands against its abdomen. Laura...

Looking at the strange force of Euler, his belly dented again and again, and he kept screaming at the centipede king. Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched slightly, and he subconsciously touched it because he was a little full and slightly convex. Up the belly.

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