I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 892: Immortal Xiaoqiang


The centipede king's eyes opened with anger, and after a long hiss, the corner of his mouth spit out green blood and fainted.

Zhou Jiang glanced at it, and immediately saw its current state.

Severe internal injuries, but not to death, with the wizard’s powerful recovery ability, it can slowly get better even if left alone. It only takes a few weeks, and after the recovery, the function of the body’s organs will also decline, leaving the body with dark injuries.

But that is to say that it can survive later.

Now that the strange force does not kill it, it does not mean that it will not be killed later, nor does it mean that Zhou Jiang and the others will not kill it.

No matter why the strange force didn't kill it, Zhou Jiang and the others would just continue to watch the show.

After being beaten down before, the Centipede King stood up again, and then rushed towards them frantically and desperately. This shocked them. When the Centipede King woke up again, he stood up and killed him. I can teach them this lesson and let them know how crazy the elves of the "other world" are.

Of course, if it's bad luck, it suddenly wakes up and turns around and runs, then they can only tell them the strangeness of the "other world" elves.

It's just that the words spoken are after all the truth and shock that didn't really appear in front of them, so they would just leave it alone and silently remind them.

The centipede king fell and couldn't fight anymore. The strange force released the claws on the side of its neck. Without the support of the strange force, the centipede king fainted and fell to the ground with a bang.

After defeating the Centipede King, there is nothing exciting about the strange power. After all, the strength gap is there, even if the Centipede King is "strengthened."

The difference in level is not so easy to surpass, and it is not like the Zhou Jiang system.

Guai Li turned around and returned to its original sitting position.

The two waves of victory against the Centipede King made the Thunder Beasts feel better.

But that's it?

Maybe not as serious as expected?

This is what they think at this time.

‘"Don’t be happy too early." After seeing their thoughts, Zhou Jiang, who only wanted to watch the show, could not help but reminded him aloud.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, the Thunder Beast looked over, and the bronze bell floated to Lord Shanaido's side, and used his mind to communicate with it.

Zhou Jiang didn't say it directly, but looked at Chen Ziang and the others and nodded slightly at them. Although he could also say it directly, he still needs to ask.

This is not a big deal, Zhou Jiang just talked about it. Chen Ziang and the others nodded when they saw him inquiring, and motioned to do whatever they wanted. They had no opinion.

Zhou Jiang nodded, expressing his understanding (nodded omnipotent), and then looked at the Thunder Beasts. Just as they were about to speak, he saw Shane Duo suddenly raising his head and looking towards him.

After spending a long time with Xanadu, he naturally knew what her reaction meant. This meant that an elf had come, but Zhou Jiang couldn't guess whether it was a friendly or an enemy.

So he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

As the most powerful being here, Zhou Jiang's Shanaido is not an exaggeration to say that her every move will attract everyone's attention.

Seeing her suddenly looking in one direction, everyone looked over, even the talking lord Shanaido and Bronze Bell.

Under the gaze of everyone and the elves, about twenty seconds later, a large group of elves appeared in Zhou Jiang's field of vision.

"Huh?" Looking at the elves, Zhou Jiang thought they were the little brothers of Thunder Beasts, and said with some doubts: "How did they come in? Didn't they let them stay outside?"

Zhou Jiang whispered to himself Chen Yongan and they didn't hear it, but even if they heard it, they didn't know how to answer his question.

In fact, it is not only the little brothers of Thunder Beast, but a large part of them are the little brothers brought by Lord Shanaido to support. This is a large force composed of Thunder Beast and Lord Shanaido's subordinates.

Because when they came to Lord Shaneduo’s territory to inform it in the morning, Lord Shaneduo felt that the situation was urgent, and the speed of its subordinates was also fast or slow. It was worried that Zhou Jiang and the others could not handle it, so it decided to fight The subordinates separated, it rushed to this side at full speed, while its subordinates came together.

Although its quasi-king-level Sanaido can catch up with its speed if its firepower is fully fired, it is worried that the elves under it will have an accident, so it lets those quasi-kings who could come with it. We came with the other elves.

If it is a spirit alone, although it may encounter some danger, but the strength of the mid-rank of the heavenly king makes it confident to face any danger.

Even if it can't beat, it can't run?

Even Xanadu of Zhou Jiang didn't dare to say that he could stop it trying to run.

As for the fact that they can come back with the lord Shanaido, one is because they can fly fast, plus they can be selected by the Thunder Beast to become Zhou Jiang's mounts, and their strength and speed are even more difficult to say. They are in the Thunder Beast Realm. It is also one of the best, so they can keep up with the speed of the lord Xanadu; the second is that they are not under the lord Xanadu, so Xanadu is not good to order them to let them follow its elves.

So at that time, the lord Shane Duo and Bi Diao came back together, which is what Zhou Jiang and the others saw before.

And the elves who came now were mainly the supporting elves brought by Shanaido. They met the little brothers of the Thunderbolt beast resting there on the plain, and then they also "abducted" them in.

Although the subordinates of the Thunder Beast staying there didn't know that Zhou Jiang and the Thunder Beast forces that represented them were allied with the lord Shanaido, but before, the situation of Bi Diao and the lord Shanaido flying towards the center of the territory , They saw it, and they were running out before, and when they met Zhou Jiang halfway, Zhou Jiang and the others also said that they were going to find Lord Shanaido, so they probably guessed it too.

Even if the little brothers of Thunder Beast didn't know, not sure, the little brothers of Lord Shanaido knew!

After all, they were brought out by lord Shanaido to support them, so they should always know what they came out for?

So after everyone met and a simple explanation, the little brothers of Thunder Beast believed that the elves who came here were allies.

Then the elves who were able to fight under the Thunder Beast saw that the face lord Shanaiduo's family came to help, and felt that they could not lose face, so they also formed groups and prepared to follow up and help.

After all, what happened was your homeland. Don't you want to solve it yourself, and you have to wait for your allies to help you solve it?

They can't afford to lose this elf.

As a result, those elves who were able to fight and willing to fight stood up one after another, and followed the lord Shanaido and their elves towards the depths of the forest.

When a large group of people act together, it is easy to agitate everyone's emotions. In addition, Lord Shanaido’s younger brothers ran from their territory. Although the rhythm was controlled, their physical strength was still consumed very much, so they mixed with a large group of elves Not long after running, the elves that ran in front became elves in the thunder beast territory. Even the quasi-king-level elves led by lord Shanaido were overtaken, flooded, and squeezed behind. ...

The elves in the front are all the elves under the thunder and lightning beasts, and Zhou Jiang only knows the seven quasi-kings of the elves under the thunder and lightning beasts. He does not know the rest of the elite level elves. After all, there are too many elves, not very outstanding. , He has no need to remember at all.

The three people of yellow, white and black looked at each other and felt that each other looked the same, not to mention that Zhou Jiang looked at the elves, and he still had face blindness, so he couldn't tell who was who, so he got the first impression. I think those are the elves staying outside under the command of Thunder Beast.

Until Zhou Jiang saw several Xanadus and Eluledos in the Wizard Sea.

There is no Xanadu under the Thunder Beast. After all, the real leader of Xanadu is the Xanadu tribe, not a certain Xanadu. In addition, Xanadu is very friendly to the people of the tribe, so the nearby La Luras and the evolving elves are all involved. Arrived in the territory of Lord Shanaido.

The Thunder Beast’s subordinates do not have Shanaido. In other words, they are under the command of Lord Shanaido?

It brought the little brother too?

Zhou Jiang turned to look back at Lord Shanaido, but he met him before he expected...

Zhou Jiang didn't do anything bad, and didn't feel that he was sorry for it, so he looked away without any guilty conscience. Seeing that it has been looking at him, he has been watching him.

If there is a beginning, there will be an end.

No matter how savage one person and one elf are, this "farce" will always end due to various reasons.

Zhou Jiang and Lord Shanaido looked away at the same time.

Without thinking about Lord Shanaido anymore, Zhou Jiang looked at this group of elves who had come unexpectedly.

With such a large group of elves coming in, it seems that we have to clean up the place again...

This area itself belongs to the central area. Originally, there were only thunder beasts and seven quasi-king-level elves inhabited. At most, some patrolling elite high-level elves were added.

Although a large area of ​​the orchard has been poured due to the earthquake and a large area has been vacated here, the place is still not big enough for them to live in.

But for the elves, destruction is the easiest.

It's just clearing the open space. Three or five elves are enough to make a place for nearly two hundred elves.

However, this is the territory of the Thunder Beast after all, or the core position of the territory. Even if the surrounding orchard has been shaken torn by the earthquake, they must get the permission of the Thunder Beast to dig up the stumps and tear down the trees to station here. .

However, the Thunder Beast would not disagree. After all, there are not only the younger brothers of Lord Shanaido but also its own younger brothers, and they are still here to help, there is no reason to be unwelcome.

The Thunder Beast and its seven quasi-tian kings' younger brothers took them to clear an open space on the side and let them settle down first, while Lord Shanaido and Bronze Bell came to Zhou Jiang and the others.

Lord Xanadu did not find Zhou Jiang directly, but used his mind to communicate with his Xanadu.

Zhou Jiang looked at the silent communication between them, feeling a little boring. When he was about to see the situation of Thunder Beast, Shanaiduo connected him with the lord Shanaiduo.


Zhou Jiang looked at Lord Shanaido with some doubts.

Xanadu would not connect him to it for no reason. They were still communicating just now, but now they are connected. It must be Lord Xanadu that has something to say to him.

Facts proved that Zhou Jiang still knew Xanaduo very well. Just as he thought, this connection was indeed made by lord Xanaduo.

Lord Shanaido looked at Zhou Jiang with a smile, and said: "You lied to us and I won't say anything. Since we are here, we also want to see here to see if it is as serious as you said, but mine The subordinates are here, too, do you always have to take care of the food? ’

Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "We will take care of the food, but if I want to trick you, then I can't assume that I haven't heard.

'Oh? ’

Lord Shanaido smiled slightly, waiting for Zhou Jiang's explanation.

Zhou Jiang opened his mouth. Just when he was about to "showdown", his peripheral vision saw that behind the lord Shanaido, the centipede king who had fallen there and no one cared about finally got up again!

Seeing the Centipede King wake up, Zhou Jiang did not directly explain it, but what he witnessed came true.

Shutting his mouth, Zhou Jiang smiled mysteriously, pointed behind it, and said, "Look behind you."

After talking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lord Shanaido and Bronze Bell turned and looked at them, and after hearing Zhou Jiang's words, they had nothing to do to look at the Thunder Beasts, Chen Ziang, and they also looked over and looked at the Centipede King. .


A roar mixed with a variety of unidentified emotions sounded, and everyone and the elves at the scene looked over.

Especially when they just came here, the elves who had never fought with the Centipede King before suddenly heard the weird roar of the Centipede King, and they were all startled.

Watching the Centipede King, whose painful body was twisting forcibly to stand up, Zhou Jiang's mouth was slightly raised.

Very well, it seems that Centipede King's sanity did not recover during that rest period, and the pain in his body made it crazier.

The elves of the "other world" are like Xiaoqiang. As long as they don't die, they will attack stronger and stronger under the influence of pain.

Pain under the irrational irritation will greatly increase their power. For those who are irrational, if there are enemies who dare to beat them, then they have to rush to tear it up at all costs!

It was very painful when the strange force hit it before, and the pain stimulated its cranial nerves, making it crazy at the same time, it also cut off the possibility of raising the emotion of "fear".

Now, it has no retreat, just want to fight as much as you want!

it hurts…

kill! !

it hurts! !

kill! ! !

The crazily distorted voice echoed in its mind, and the physical pain combined with the mental madness made the Centipede King almost collapse.

Suddenly, it saw the strange power in the elves group that made it almost painful before.


Staring with scarlet eyes, the hideous expression on the centipede king's face became solid, and then he ran towards Wei Li frantically.

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