"Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world ( to find the latest chapter!

"Huh? Free access?"

"Well, Shanaido will come back here when they rest every day, and I will give them a massage at that time." Zhou Jiang said while doing warm-up exercises.

"Hmm..." Zheng Guoqiang was considering.

"Let's do that, or if you put it here today, you also go to the "other world" to see?"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang stopped his exercise and turned to look at Zheng Guoqiang.

"Can I stop this?"

"Well, one day is not a big deal. If you want the elves to fight in a "different world", wouldn't it be nice for you to follow along and see.

And it happens that today I also have something to do. "

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Zhou Jiang looked at Zheng Guoqiang speechlessly.

The latter sentence is the point, right?

However, Zhou Jiang still agreed. After all, he is not too anxious to exercise, and if he has something to do, then he is not too embarrassed to "occupy" him and let him stay with him for training.

Although he has nothing to look at in the "other world".

After all, he was still trapped in the "different world" for a while, and now he was only in the base, and then resisted the coming wave of elves with other people and elves. Compared with the original, it was really nothing.

"Well, I'll go and see."

"Well, let's go, I'll give you a certificate, do you know where the passage is?"

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded.

Not to mention the landmark signs set up in the lobby, even the handbooks that were distributed are also marked.

So the two walked out of the training room and walked towards Zheng Guoqiang's office.

Along the way, Zhou Jiang and the others were faced with cold walls, and none of them encountered them.

Although this base is very large, you can hardly see anyone outside at ordinary times. It looks empty. If people who don't know it, they think it is a ghost town.

When passing the dormitory area, Zhou Jiang returned to the room to take a backpack.

Although going to the "different world" is just a look, but take the backpack, after all, this is a space backpack, and the materials inside are enough for him to live in the wilderness and be self-sufficient for a while.

Although there is food in the space ring, the changed clothes and sleeping bag tent are all in the backpack.

Although he will only go for a day and will not encounter any trouble, what if?

Anyway, just a backpack, not heavy.

Fortunately, none of the things in Zhou Jiang's backpack were taken out and put in the room, so he didn't need to pack anything, just carry the bag and leave.

It only took less than ten seconds to open the door, go in, carry the bag, and close the door.

Speechless all the way, the two came to the office, swiped their card, and then pushed in.

Zhou Jiang followed Zheng Guoqiang and walked in.

But before he saw anything, he heard a woman's voice inside.

"Huh? Director, why are you back? Are you okay?"

Zhou Jiang walked to the side so that Zheng Guoqiang would no longer cover his vision, and then he saw the people inside.

An ol woman in uniform, wearing a pair of red-rimmed glasses, looks very capable.

She was sitting on the office chair in the office with a document in her hand.

"Oh, today he is again, let him take a day off." Zheng Guoqiang said, stepped forward, came to the front of the desk, and said: "Since you are sitting where you are, please help me get three passes for the "other world" Right."

The woman glanced at Zhou Jiang before saying, "You are all back, do you want me to do these things? This is your responsibility, the director."

With that said, she wanted to get up and give up the position to Zheng Guoqiang.

"Don't!" Seeing her about to get up, Zheng Guoqiang quickly stopped her.

"I have other things to do in the future, but I still have to trouble you to do all the official duties."


The woman squinted at him slightly, and said with some suspicion: "You didn't mean to say that because you wanted to be lazy?"

"How is it possible!" Zheng Guoqiang immediately retorted, and stared at her slightly.

"It's useless even if you scare me no matter how much you want, still you want me to find Aunt Xiazi?" Regarding Zheng Guoqiang's "intimidation", the woman showed no fear at all. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and looked at him with a smile.

Aunt Xiazi?

Zhou Jiang, who stood behind and looked at the two, moved his mind slightly, and instantly replenished the plot of Zheng Guoqiang and an old woman in love and killing each other.

Well, based on Dr. Oki and Orange...

Regardless of how Zhou Jiang's brain made up later, Zheng Guoqiang broke his merits instantly when he heard the threat of a woman.

After a dry cough, Zheng Guoqiang smiled bitterly: "Will you not change Xiaoqin for something else? You always use this to threaten me..."

"Then you go to see Aunt Xiazi?"

"Ahem, forget it, let me go, but this time I really have something to do. I originally planned to push it later, but I will just do it today when I have time."

"Hmm~" Looking at Zheng Guoqiang, Xiaoqin nodded, "Okay, okay, who made me your secretary?"

As she said, she held the mouse beside her and started to operate it on the computer.

Seeing them finished talking, Xiaoqin was also busy, Zhou Jiang also stepped forward and came to Zheng Guoqiang's side.

Although the computer is placed at an angle, it is not easy for Zhou Jiang to see what he is here, and he is not familiar with Xiaoqin, so it is not easy to walk over to see or make some extraordinary movements, so there is nothing to do. , Then looked away from her.

"All right!"

Zhou Jiang was looking at the files on the desk, and then he heard the sound of Xiaoqin.

She shifted her gaze and looked towards Xiaoqin, and she was also looking at Zhou Jiang. The two looked at each other, Xiaoqin smiled and said, "Hello, I am Xiaoqin, but you want to call My sister Xiaoqin~"


Zhou Jiang was embarrassed and hesitated. After watching her for two seconds, he called out to sister Xiaoqin reluctantly.

Looking at Xiaoqin who was "satisfied", Zhou Jiang also introduced himself and said, "My name is Zhou Jiang."

"Yeah, I know, it's the person who trained with Grandpa Zheng, and he's also the champion of the league tournament. Very powerful!"

"Ah ha ha……"

Zhou Jiang scratched his head awkwardly.

Every time he was praised as the champion of the league, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

After all, my family knows their own affairs.

The strengths of Bumblebee and Xanadu are all modified. Although they have also undergone arduous training, their training is really far worse than other elves participating in the league tournament.

They have only trained for less than a year, and everyone has at least five years!

In a world-class competition such as the league tournament, because of cheating and winning, to be honest, Zhou Jiang's thin face can't be held!

Xiaoqin smiled, did not say anything, just handed the three electronic cards to Zhou Jiang.

"This is?" Zhou Jiang took the electronic card and turned his eyes, but he didn't see anything famous.

The meal card and room card I received before have names and introductions on them, but now these three electronic cards are all white and there is nothing on them.

Before Xiaoqin spoke, Zheng Guoqiang spoke first.

"This is a pass, don't lose it, it will be troublesome if you lose it."

Zhou Jiang rubbed the smooth card and nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Okay, take the card too, then go to the "other world", I will take you there."

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang looked at Zheng Guoqiang, a little surprised.

"I can go by myself, so I won't bother you."

"Don't worry, I didn't go there specifically for you. I have something to do with the "other world", so I just went there."

"Okay..." Zhou Jiang nodded and said nothing.

Since Zheng Guoqiang wants to give it away, let it go, no matter if the "something" he said is true or not, it doesn't hurt him anyway.

Zheng Guoqiang nodded and smiled at Xiaoqin: "Okay, let's go, Xiaoqin, come on, don't be lazy!"


Listening to Zheng Guoqiang's ridicule, Xiaoqin was instantly angry.

Looking at Xiaoqin who was so angry that he was about to bite people, Zheng Guoqiang laughed twice, patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder and walked out of the office.

"Hey...really." Looking at the closed office door, Xiao Qin's anger dissipated, stroked the frame of the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and sighed helplessly.

However, when she thought that there were still many documents waiting for her, her face had a tendency to gather anger again.

Do you want to complain to Aunt Xiazi...


Zheng Guoqiang, who was walking in the aisle, suddenly sneezed, shocking Zhou Jiang.

"Senior, you have a cold?"

Zheng Guoqiang frowned and rubbed his nose, then shrugged.

"Cold? How could it be possible, it should be Xiaoqin's little girl who said bad things about me behind her back."

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Seeing his empirical talk, Zhou Jiang was a little speechless, but since he didn't want to say anything, then he didn't say anything. Follow Zheng Guoqiang and walk towards the depths of the base.

Before, I hadn't walked into the base much. The "deep" place was Zheng Guoqiang's office. This time, let's see what other facilities are inside and what it looks like.

Without stopping all the way, they soon came to the entrance.

To get to the gate to the "other world", one must pass through a security gate, and the electronic card obtained from Miss Xiaoqin is the pass.

After passing through the security gate, a pass "guarantees" a person. If there is no pass "guarantee", then various organs will pop up in the passage, such as machine guns, lasers, etc., in a hurry. After being swept by these agencies, there is basically no need to consider the chance of survival, because it is already possible to reincarnate...

Of course, this is a human or a trainer who hasn't released elves.

It would be different if the elves triggered the trap and released the elves' trainer.

After all, weapons with large lethality cannot be placed here, so for the elves, those attacks are not difficult to pick up.

Passing an electronic card to Zheng Guoqiang, the two "knocked out" the scanning machine on the wall of the channel when they were still ten meters away from the security inspection channel, and pressed the electronic card on it to scan.

If the elves are kept in the elven ball, it will be fine to pass the security gate, as long as they are not released.

Along the way, listening to Zheng Guoqiang talking about the precautions for the security check passage here, listening to his serious tone and the possible consequences, Zhou Jiang was very worried when he left, for fear that something would happen and he would be shot into a hornet's nest.

Shane Duo is in the Elf Ball, and she has a time to come out. If there is a problem and those institutions are brought out, then he and Zheng Guoqiang will be martyred here...

Although he is not afraid of death, he is just not afraid of the result of death. He is quite afraid of the process of death.

Zhou Jiang felt a little bit shuddered when he thought of being trapped by a hornet's nest, and one hole after another on his body.

Zheng Guoqiang at the side saw Zhou Jiang's worries, but didn't say anything.

For children, it’s okay to be scared the first time you come.

The two passed the long and straight corridor, and finally came to the end of the corridor, in front of a metal door.

This metal door is not so particular, as long as the password is entered on the cipher on the side, there is no mechanism.

As for the password, Zheng Guoqiang had already told Zhou Jiang when he came, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was then remembered by Zhou Jiang.

But in fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t remember it, there are...

The password is recorded in the newbie manual, it looks very low, right?

actually not.

After all, this gate is just to prevent someone from forcibly breaking through the channel's organs and then breaking into it. The ultimate move is the channel full of organs!

The news of that channel was not recorded in the newcomer manual.

If an outsider comes in, then gets the manual and the password and wants to sneak in, it will definitely die miserable.

Only by being informed by insiders will you know that there are such things.

After entering the password, the metal gate was opened to both sides, revealing the space inside.

It was a room made of steel, with a large space, and there was an oval golden vortex floating in the middle.

"Let's go." Zheng Guoqiang said, and walked forward, Zhou Jiang also quickly followed.

After all, it was a space channel that had been entered many times, so Zhou Jiang had nothing to fear, and Zheng Guoqiang was also nearby.

After closing his eyes, Zhou Jiang opened his eyes after the soft light disappeared from his eyes.

I opened my eyes and entered the same room made of metal, but it was different from when I came here. At that time, the door was behind and the light door was opposite, but now the light door is behind and the door is opposite.

If it hadn't been for many times in the "different world" Zhou Jiang might have doubted whether he was simply passing through false illusions. In fact, they were still there, but there was a door opposite the "Gate of Light".

After all, the two places are too similar.

Zheng Guoqiang didn't say anything, and walked towards the door silently, Zhou Jiang didn't think much, and quickly followed.

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