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"It's also a wizard center..."

Looking at the familiar environment, Zhou Jiang was a little emotional, but doubts arose in his heart.

Looking at Zheng Guoqiang who was walking ahead, Zhou Jiang asked, "Senior, why do the light gates of the "other world" have to be repaired in the wizard center? I think other places are also in the wizard center. Does it have any meaning? "

"Huh?" Zheng Guoqiang was taken aback. He walked in front, naturally he did not see Zhou Jiang's eyes behind him, so he was a little surprised that he would ask this question.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Guoqiang said: "It should be easy to retreat. After all, the injured elves are in the elves center. If the base here cannot be guarded, then those elves who are injured and healed here can retreat as soon as possible. ."

Zhou Jiang nodded clearly.

Zhou Jiang stopped saying anything, Zheng Guoqiang naturally closed his mouth and walked intently.

There are not many people and elves in the center of the elves. It should be because there are less riots in the "other world". After all, if there are more riots in them, then there will be more injured elves. At that time , Not to mention that the Wizard Center will always be very busy, but the lucky eggs and Miss Joey walking around are indispensable.

And now?

The empty hallway was silent, not to mention the shadows, and even a little sound could hardly be heard.

Looking at the quiet surroundings, Zhou Jiang wondered if soundproofing materials were mixed in during the construction, otherwise it shouldn't be that no sound can be heard.

Even if there is no inside the wizard center, there will be no sound outside, and it is not a place tens of meters underground.

Uh... wait!

It seems that I never said that the light gate must be on the ground, right?

Most of the world light gates over there are underground, so in the "other world", there is nothing wrong with being underground, right?

Maybe this is underground?

It's just a pity that Zhou Jiang didn't ask Zheng Guoqiang who was walking in the front, so no one could answer him and answer his doubts.

The wizard center here is not very big either, they soon came to the hall, and at this time, Zhou Jiang could finally hear some sounds.

Of course, other living people finally met one.

A Miss Joey in uniform was sitting behind the counter in the lobby.

Looks like she is playing on the computer?

I don’t know if it’s processing files or playing games...

But Miss Joey's words, shouldn't she be playing games, but doing business?

She should have heard footsteps. When Miss Joey came out of the corridor beside Zhou Jiang, she also looked back.

"Ah, it's the director!" After seeing the person who came, Miss Joey was slightly surprised, and then stood up from the chair.

"Director, do you have anything to do here?"

"Well, I have something to find Xiao Zhao, so please keep busy with you."

Miss Joey smiled slightly, was about to sit down, and then saw Zhou Jiang behind Zheng Guoqiang.

"Huh! Zhou Jiang, you are here."

Seeing Miss Joey with surprise on her face, Zhou Jiang was taken aback, then smiled and responded.

Sure enough, his favorability on the Joey family's side was maxed out, and Miss Joey knew him wherever he went and greeted him with a smile.

Although it's just a smile to welcome others...

But how to put it, it should be said that when they talk to Zhou Jiang, their smiles will be more natural.

Of course, this does not mean that their usual smiles are very false. If it is true or false, then their status in the world will not be so high. Their smiles are basically sincere, but the degree is different.

"Just right, would you like Miss Joey to take him around here?" Zheng Guoqiang, who was standing by the side, suddenly said when Zhou Jiang was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Huh?" Miss Joey was taken aback, Zhou Jiang was also a little surprised.

But Miss Joey is in the "service industry" after all, and she quickly reacted.

Although it is not clear why Zhou Jiang wants to visit the base here, she does not need to know the reason, she only needs to make a simple choice.

Take Zhou Jiang around the base here.

Do not take Zhou Jiang to visit the base here.

Very simple choice.

Sometimes, the questions are often very simple multiple choice questions, only because of the inner complexity that makes him very messy.

"Very happy!" Miss Joey smiled and counted, then looked at Zhou Jiang.

Zheng Guoqiang also looked at Zhou Jiang, waiting for his answer.

Although he didn't think he would refuse it.

Looking at Zheng Guoqiang, Zhou Jiang looked at Miss Joey, nodded, and said solemnly: "Then trouble Miss Joey!"

"Mama~ No trouble, no trouble, anyway, it's okay now, and I'm just idle."

Zhou Jiang only reacted to Miss Joey, who looked like she was relieved from the shackles and was a little excited. Isn't she going to guard the front desk? If you take him to get acquainted with the base here, what should we do here?

Hearing Zhou Jiang's question, Zheng Guoqiang said before Miss Joey spoke.

"An Xin, there is usually no need to use the center of the elves here, unless the elves from the "other world" attack, and then elves or people are injured and sent over. However, there will be alarms at that time, so there will be problems. Just come back again."


Since Zheng Guoqiang, the director, said that there was no problem, Zhou Jiang naturally didn't have any opinions.

And compared to Zheng Guoqiang, a rough guy or someone he didn't know, to bring him, it is more pleasant to be brought by the beautiful Miss Joey.

No matter where you are, your appearance is very important!

Even if you don't want to see it through, just appreciate beauty, it's better than looking at a rough guy.

Of course, if life is a matter of life and death, it is naturally better to be a rough guy. After all, his life will be lost. What is the use of "beauty"?

Zheng Guoqiang is gone.

He went to find Xiao Zhao. Although Zhou Jiang didn't know who Xiao Zhao was in his mouth, he could guess it. It is probably the person in charge of the base in the "other world".

Although the person in charge is Zheng Guoqiang, he is in two worlds after all, so it is better to have someone who can manage.

Although these two places are not far away, you can walk back and forth in less than ten minutes...

Miss Joey led Zhou Jiang out of the wizard center.

The base here should have been established for a long time, and various facilities have left traces of time.

And unlike the base in the "other world" on the "Battle Island", the various buildings on the base here are well constructed.

On the "Battle Island" side, the bases in the "Other World" are basically rough frames. Except for the sprite centers and dormitories, the rest are very shabby.

And here...

The moment Zhou Jiang went out, he thought he was back in the city. This was the gap.

Although the buildings are very standard, the scope is still too small, and it is completely incomparable with normal cities.

Also, the place itself has not been considered for long-term residence, and the size is naturally sufficient.

"This is a dormitory, and there are many empty rooms. If you want to stay here for a long time, you can go inside to get the room. If you want to get the room, fill in the slip in the doorman’s safekeeping room and take the room. Clean them regularly. Don’t worry about hygiene. If you leave, don’t forget to put the key back and mark your name."

"This is the cafeteria, um, it's the place to eat. Just like the base over there, the same meal card is used."

"This is an exchange. It used to be very lively. After many trainers found rare materials in the "other world", they would get it here to exchange goods, but now the elves of the "other world" are aggressively attacking. The trainers have been assigned to other bases to guard. There are no elves attacking here, so there are a lot fewer people."

Miss Joey looked at the building in front of her with emotion. Back then, it was a hustle and bustle all day and night. She complained that the trainers didn’t sleep. It was too noisy. I didn’t expect the noises to disappear now. Instead, I am not used to it, I miss it...

However, she was just a little bit emotional, she didn't even cry, shook her head, and signaled Zhou Jiang to leave and go to the next place.

Miss Joey took Zhou Jiang around for more than two hours before almost finishing the entire base in the "other world".

At the beginning, she only took him to get a rough understanding of the various buildings. After walking around, she saw that there was nothing to do, she took Zhou Jiang around again, but this time she took Zhou Jiang into the building. He introduced the facilities inside in detail.

On the way to the tour, they will inevitably meet people. Regarding the "scenario" that Miss Joey took Zhou Jiang to visit, those people didn't say anything, they just said hello to Miss Joey, and then greeted them friendly. Zhou Jiang nodded and expressed welcome.

In this regard, Miss Joey explained to Zhou Jiang that people often join and leave before they are here, and every time someone joins, someone will be familiar with the environment here. After all, although this place has also entered a state of alert, it is relatively In other bases, it was really peaceful. In a single day, the number of sieges in the "other world" basically did not exceed fifteen times, and this counted in the night.

And every "siege"...

Except for the occasional night when it is a little bit fierce, it can basically be solved directly by modern weapons...

So although there will be a lot of trainers and elves stationed here, everyone is actually quite idle, so if there are new people coming in, everyone will take a tour when they are bored, so there is nothing surprising.

But speaking of it, it's a bit strange to be shown by Miss Joey...

Although Miss Joey is very nice, no one can let them take a tour.

After visiting these common facilities, because it was still early, Zhou Jiang asked Miss Joey to take him to see the front line of the base.

After all, he didn't come here to stay permanently, just to help Shanaido and the others see where they will live for a while.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zheng Guoqiang asked him to come and see, he has other things to be busy.

Otherwise, Zhou Jiang is still exercising now, right?

Well, maybe the exercise is over.

Regarding Zhou Jiang's visit to the front line of the base, Miss Joey agreed without thinking, but when she took him to the front line by car, she was a little confused and asked why he wanted to visit there.

Zhou Jiang had nothing to hide about this, and he told her directly that he wanted Shanaido and Big Needle Bee to come here to help and exercise.

"Eh~ Let Shane Duo and Big Needle Bee exercise..." Miss Joey was thoughtful.

Of course, it is also possible that she was not distracted while driving, but no matter what, Zhou Jiang closed her mouth when she saw that she didn't say anything.

"When your elves are here, I will take care of them for you."

Inside the car, after a while of silence, Miss Joy suddenly spoke.

Zhou Jiang was taken aback, and then he thought of something, and said: "Then please Miss Joey, but I want you to do some ideological work for them. I have always worried that they will be out of mind if they stay here for a long time. Question, I asked other Miss Joey before daring to let them come here, but even so, I am still a little worried."

"Hmm~" Miss Joey turned her head slightly to look at Zhou Jiang who was sitting in the co-pilot, but she quickly looked back to the front.

"I'm worried that they have psychological problems~www.wuxiaspot.com~Is they had psychological problems before?"

"Huh?" I don't know if it was an illusion. Zhou Jiang felt that Miss Joey sitting next to her suddenly changed. The feeling of spring breeze had disappeared, and she felt a little cold?

However, when he felt it carefully, the feeling disappeared again, as if it were his illusion.

Although a little confused, no matter what, let's answer her question first.

Zhou Jiang scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "No, but they are too young. Although their strength is unexpectedly strong, I am afraid that their excessive killing will cause psychological distortions..."

"Um..." Miss Joey was speechless.

She thought it was an elves who had been psychologically traumatized, and Zhou Jiang wanted to let them come here to fight again, so suddenly her affection for Zhou Jiang was greatly reduced. She didn't expect this to be the reason...

Smiling and shook her head, Miss Joey said, "Well, if it's the reason, then there is no problem, but I think there may be no problem with your elf."

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang looked at her curiously.

Miss Joey didn't know what she thought of, and Wei Wei said with some emotion: "Elf, it's not as fragile as you think..."

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Although he didn't know why, he knew that Miss Joey before him was also a person with a story.

But he didn't want to ask more about this.

After all, 80% of the other party would not say about this kind of problem, and since the other party would not say it, then I am not curious.


Just as Zhou Jiang was thinking about it, the car suddenly slowed down. Zhou Jiang quickly cast his eyes to the outside of the car. Unconsciously, they had left the center of the base and came to the front line!

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