I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 125: Illiterate fox evolves into a junior high school student fox!

These books still have a slightly pungent smell of mothballs. They are well preserved and can be seen to be carefully maintained.

Looking at this pile of books, Higashino Yu inexplicably felt like a hungry mouse entering a granary.

He picked the top one, sat next to the sleeping Miko, and read it under the bright light of the tea room.

The name of this book is Four Seasons Wish, and the author is Iori Tokifuyu, probably an ancestor of the Iori family.

The content inside is about how to ask the power of Inari God to pray for people to avoid disasters, with rituals, spells and some precautions.

There is also a part about some deeds of the author himself when using magic, which inexplicably has a sense of self-praise. It is a magic that mortals can use.

It is of no use to me who is not a believer of Inari God, but it is also good to read it and broaden my knowledge.

Time is always relative in people's perception. After immersing yourself in books, you will find that time passes quickly.

In the early morning, there was a light rain outside, and then a gust of wind blew, and then it returned to calm. The silence in the tea room was never broken.

Higashino Yu, who was highly alert, kept an eye on the surroundings while flipping through the Iori family's collection of books on cultivation.

Most of these books were spells related to gods, which needed to be cast with the power of the Inari God.

Rather than saying it was a spell, it was a way to connect oneself with the gods - a one-way telephone line.

You speak, and the gods listen. Whether it works or not depends on the gods' intentions. If you are in a good mood, you can kill the enemy with a spell, and if you are in a bad mood, you can call whatever you want.

However, there are still some that can be cast with your own magic power. There are not many spells that are directly used for attack. I didn't find any spells that can create super explosions or thunder after reading them all.

Most of them are spells such as talismans and barriers, which are used to exorcise evil spirits, filth, drive away demons, and protect the home.

It is quite consistent with the situation of the Iori family's hereditary priests.

Dong Yeyu was not disappointed. In fact, he had no shortage of offensive magic.

On the surface, he had demon-slaying magic and a hidden energy source. In the fox fairy industry, the lethality was already superb.

After all, the average Hu Daxian could only transform and seduce. It was OK to deceive a scholar, but he would be a poor opponent if he met a stronger mortal.

Not to mention meeting a knight like Yan Chixia who practiced both immortality and martial arts, even if he met Zuo Qianhu, Hu Daxian would die on the spot.

Therefore, compared with offensive magic, Dong Yeyu actually lacked the talismans and barrier magic to fight against filthy evil spirits.

Thinking that he might be able to put some talismans on his home to prevent some ignorant little monsters from stealing things, he was very interested in watching.

Occasionally, he used his magic power to draw the spells on the book collection on the floor. The spells with faint fluorescent light flashed for a short time and then disappeared, and the tea room became clean instantly.

This kind of cleanliness is not to sweep away dust or other stains, but to remove the invisible negative things that have accumulated in the room over time - some people's negative emotions also have some external filth.

Thus, it can reach a pure realm similar to the realm of God, where there is no evil and filth.

Some techniques for communicating with gods require this kind of environment. Dong Yeyu doesn't care whether it is useful or not. He is really poor and learns it.

Inadvertently, a pile of books and scrolls are placed around him.

As time goes by, the ears are relatively quiet for a while and then noisy again. The part-time college student who delivers newspapers in the town is trying to pedal a bicycle.


He seems to have slipped, and the wheel hub of the bicycle turns and makes a clattering sound.

The part-time college student lay on the ground for a long time without moving, gritted his teeth and hammered the ground that was a little wet because of the rain, sobbing.

This city has another person who is not appreciated for his talent.

Sitting in a quiet teahouse, Dong Yeyu, who is drinking tea and reading a book, sighs for the part-time college student who has collapsed thousands of meters away.

After a while, the light on the paper-covered shoji door changed slightly. Dong Yeyu looked at his phone. It was past five in the morning, so it should be sunrise soon.

He put down the last scroll, turned around and looked around at the pile of books around him, and stretched his body with satisfaction.

In one night, Dong Yeyu had read through the Iori family's collection of books and gained a lot.

At least for an illiterate fox in the field of magic like himself, it was a hot patch.

Although most of them were read in a hurry, they didn't understand much, and many of the spells in them were not verified one by one.

However, the books on the island country that record spells are not like the Taoist Canon, which quotes classics while talking, but are more practical and concise.

For example, some scrolls directly draw a spell, and it is written on it. The precautions and usage when drawing the spell are written on it, which is more like an electrical appliance manual, and it doesn't require much understanding.

The book says this and that are difficult, which is like the author's intimidation to later generations. Dong Yeyu occasionally verifies it after reading it, and feels that it is not difficult.

Dongye Yu spent some time to put away all the books and scrolls he had read and stacked them neatly.

Yuzi was still lying on the bed, but her face looked much better than last night.

The fragrance of plants and trees in the tea room gradually dissipated, and it seemed that she had initially absorbed the Grass Rejuvenating Pill and no longer leaked the medicinal effect.

Of course, it was impossible to say how much she had absorbed. As a mortal who had not embarked on the path of cultivation, it was impossible for Yuzi to completely absorb the medicinal power of the Grass Rejuvenating Pill in one night.

After all, it was a elixir made by a Jindan cultivator who found a bunch of spiritual objects from heaven and earth and used true fire to refine it for 49 days. It contained a lot of Yimu essence and spiritual essence.

If you don't actively refine it, but only passively absorb it, this time will be very long.

However, as long as you absorb it initially and don't leak out the medicinal power, you can be a little relieved.

Otherwise, there will be a fragrance of grass and trees everywhere, which is just like the ginseng fruit walking back and forth in Zhu Bajie's mouth.

Seeing that she was still awake, Dong Yeyu gave up the plan to go out and refine today's purple air, turned off the lights, and lay down in the bedding next to her to sort out what he got last night.

Although the Iori family is behind the shrine and is blessed by Chunyuan, it is more reassuring to guard it in person.

At about seven or eight in the morning, an alluring fragrance came from the kitchen of the Iori family. Iori Tadamichi passed by the tea room and did not come in, but went directly to the shrine.

Dong Yeyu listened subconsciously and found that he seemed to be doing the routine work of a priest in a certain hall.

About half an hour later, there was a gentle knock on the door outside the tea room.

"Ayu, are you awake?"

It was the voice of Grandma Iori, very kind and gentle, and her tone of voice was a little slow.

"You can come in now, Grandma Iori."

Higashino Yu walked over and opened the shoji door. He first said good morning to the old lady, and then looked at Miko, who was lying on the bed, frowning and shrinking into the quilt because the door was suddenly opened and the light shone into the tea room.

"Close the door quickly, Higashino Nissan." The muffled voice of the girl came from the quilt.

Higashino Yu smiled: "Good morning, Miko, get up and walk a few steps, see how it works!"

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