I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 126: A money-grubbing idiot full of lies

After Dong Yeyu finished speaking, he was in bed for a while. Yuzi leaned out of the bed with a head of frizzy curly hair. Her eyes were slightly squinted, as if she hadn't woken up yet.

After taking a look at Dong Yeyu, he didn't understand why he wanted to get up and walk.

How can I walk without my crutches?

And it's only seven or eight in the morning. If you wake up so early on the weekend, the Toyano Nissan must not have woken up.

"don't want."

She murmured softly, turned over, and turned her back to the light coming from outside the door. The shoulder straps of her white nightgown slipped down, and her fair and delicate skin glowed like a movie filter in the morning light.

Will Miko actually act coquettishly because she sleeps in?

Dong Yeyu leaned at the door of the tea room, feeling a little surprised, and his understanding of Yuzi changed slightly.

In my own impression, Miko is a calm and ethereal girl. She didn't like to smile much when we first met her. Later, she smiled more after getting to know her better. She is generally still a quiet girl.

When we get along, we often get distracted for one reason or another. The misty amber eyes of Dongquan give people a dreamlike feeling.

Combined with her grades in school, it is easy to judge that this is a girl who looks weak and dreamy, but has her own opinions and should be very self-disciplined.

He was able to rank among the best in the school with such a frail body despite often being absent from school due to illness.

It requires not only talent but also enough hard work, and self-discipline is essential.

But the girl lying in bed in front of her made Dongyeyu silent.

Damn, bad judgment.

This person is not a master of learning, but a god of learning - a legendary creature who is said to be able to achieve top rankings in a series of intelligence tests of the same age, or even of the entire terrifying upright ape species, without spending much effort.

The scary thing is that they can get perfect scores while playing games, turning all test papers into clowns.

It was the creature I hated most in my previous life.

What? In this life, are you a fox who cheats on cultivating immortality?

That's okay.


Grandma Iori said softly, she actually wanted to see what happened to Miko after taking the elixir that her husband called a god.

It's just that even the old lady who is very persistent in etiquette can't do such a thing as dragging her frail granddaughter out of bed.

So he had no choice but to smile at Higashikata Yu, "This girl is often willful and makes Higashi-kun laugh."

Before Dong Yeyu could answer, Iori Miko seemed to notice something in the bed. Her body stiffened for a second and she suddenly sat up from the bed.

Her petite body was facing away from Dong Yeyu, and her waist-length fluffy brown-red curly hair exploded like a little lion, a bit messy.

She lowered her head and seemed to be observing her hands. One side of her white nightgown was hanging on her arm, and she saw that the other side was also slipping down.


Grandma Iori exclaimed in a low voice and quickly took small steps over.

At the same moment, Dong Yeyu lowered his head, took out his mobile phone and walked away.

Although he and Miko are now very familiar with each other, they are not the children who were brought up in the orphanage after all.

Anyone who has a baby sister at home knows that parents are sometimes too busy to take care of them, so the responsibility of taking care of their newborn sister falls on the shoulders of the older brothers.

It is always necessary to give her a bath and carry her to the toilet.

Mr. Miyazaki's private kindergarten is short-staffed and sometimes doesn't have enough volunteers, so he has to play this older brother role himself.

However, even the girls in the orphanage began to avoid it when they reached the age where they could take care of themselves.

Not to mention that Miko is now in junior high school, and there is only a year or two gap between her apparent identity.

After Higashino Yu left quietly, Grandma Iori knelt down next to Yuzi and found that her granddaughter was looking at her hands blankly.


"Grandma, I, I seem to have become stronger?"

Grandma Iori seemed to have thought of something and looked expectant: "Just now Mr. Higashino asked you to get up and walk, does that mean that the elixir is very effective? Grandma will help you to walk for a while?"

"No, Grandma."

Iori Miko pursed her mouth slightly, her amber eyes flashing with determination.

She put her hands on the ground, slowly adjusted her posture, and whispered stubbornly: "I want to walk by myself."

Grandma Iori pursed her lips tightly, watching her granddaughter awkwardly trying to stand up on her own, falling again and again, putting her hands in the air, and wanted to help her more than once, but she held back.

Every time Miko stood up, her posture would get better, until she stood up completely without relying on crutches, staggered forward, and walked outside the tea room.

There is a bright sunrise outside, fresh air, and warm wind of late spring.

Grandma Iori turned to look at Miko's back, watching her staggering towards the light, covering her mouth, her vision already blurry.

As soon as Iori Tadamichi greeted Higashino Yu, he turned around and saw Miko walking waddlingly like a baby taking steps, and was stunned for a second.

"Miko." He realized something and his voice trembled.

Miko looked at Iori Tadashi, her sweaty little face filled with a touch of joy: "Grandpa, I can walk again."

on the other side,

Higashino Yu estimated that it would take some time for Miko to change clothes and comb her hair, so she left the tea room some distance away and sat on the edge of the corridor.

Then he took out the business card that Ms. Miyamizu gave him last night, the first customer who found out that he had fainted and escorted him to the hospital, and called the number on it.

The call was answered quickly,

"Hello, are you?"

The voice of Hashimoto Lisa was a little soft from the other end of the phone, but it was a little hoarse, probably because she got up early.

There was also a hissing sound next to her, which sounded like something was being cooked.

"Good morning, is this Ms. Hashimoto Lisa? I am Higashino Yu, the front desk clerk at Duke Kobayashi's residence." Higashino Yu said with a smile.

"It's me, Higashino-kun, how are you? Are you okay? I have some things to do at home these two days and can't leave, otherwise I would go to the hospital to see you."

"Thanks to you, I'm fine now and have been discharged from the hospital. When I went back to the restaurant to get my personal belongings last night, I accidentally heard about your life-saving grace the night before yesterday."

"Life-saving grace, Higashino-kun, you are too kind-"

She wanted to say something, but another voice came from the other end of the phone, crisp and pleasant, like a young girl.

"Sister, who are you talking to on the phone?"

"Yes, a very handsome, kind and excellent big brother!"

Higashino Yu: Ms. Hashimoto, your words are a bit hurtful, my buddy is only fifteen years old.

"Great! When Mayuri can see, can she be friends with that big brother?"


The sensitive repaying fox found the bright spot, can she see it later? Does that mean she can't see it now?

Okay, okay, it happens that Miss Hashimoto is my benefactor. When I repay my benefactor in the future, if I get another elixir like Cao Huan Dan, I will send it to her.

Hashimoto Lisa on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "Of course, but this requires the consent of Higashino-kun."

After that, it was silent. Higashino Yu was stunned for a second before realizing that he seemed to be waiting for his answer, so he smiled and said cheerfully.

"If Miss Mayuri is willing, we are friends now."

"Can I call you Ayu? Ayu, your voice is so beautiful, can you sing?"

Is this girl so outgoing? She started calling Ayu before we even met. I dare not imagine what she will do when we meet.

"Miss Mayuri's voice is also nice. I'm not very good at singing--"

"Okay, Mayuri, the doctor asked you to rest more, go to sleep for a while, I'll make breakfast right away."

"Hehe, sister must be jealous, Ayu is going to be snatched away by Mayuri~~" The girl on the phone laughed like a silver bell and ran away.

Hashimoto Lisa said helplessly: "That girl has such a personality, likes to talk nonsense, don't mind it, Higashino-kun."

"Children's words are innocent, Miss Mayuri is very cute."

Hashimoto Lisa chuckled, "Okay, I have received Higashino-kun's thanks for the time being, wait until next week when I go to the restaurant to thank me formally! There's still fish frying in the pan, I'm hanging up the phone!"

Higashino Yu coughed lightly, raised his eyes and saw Iori Tadamichi walking over not far away, the two of them met their eyes, and laughed at the same time.

Higashino Yu held the phone in one hand and pointed to the tea room with the other hand, saying silently: "Miko is inside." He smiled.

Iori Tadamichi nodded to show that he understood, and walked into the tea room with light steps.

Higashino Yu then said goodbye to Hashimoto Lisa on the phone.

"No problem, but I hope you are clear that I will remember your kindness. If I can be of any use to you in the future, please call me."

"Thank you again for saving my life. I wish you a happy life and a healthy family. Goodbye."

After thanking Hashimoto Lisa and saying some auspicious words, Higashino Yu hung up the phone, and then inexplicably felt like a sales representative of a telecommunications company.

In his previous life, he received too many sales calls, and he felt that it was not good to hang up directly, so he had to patiently listen to the salesmen finish.

They talked for a long time, and no matter whether Higashino Yu accepted it or not, they would always come up with one or two formulaic auspicious words at the end.

Ding Dong!

At this moment, a new message came from the mobile phone. It was a message from Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami's line.

"Mr. Higashino, please arrive at the Kotanari Onsen Hotel in the Tone-cho Nature Reserve in Inzai City before midnight today, and try to arrive before 5pm. There will be a meeting in the evening to briefly introduce this operation."

Ding Dong!

Another message.

"This is the hotel room number reserved for you. You can pick up the key at the hotel front desk."

Higashino Yu: ? ? ?

No, you are the eldest daughter of the Jinguji family. It's ok to give me a job as a dispatched demon exorcist, but you also let me take a bus to Inzai City alone?

You should know that there is no Shinkansen or other trains that go directly to Inzai City in Tokyo. You have to change train routes twice to reach Inzai.

Is this something a human can do?

Although I am not a human, you are a real dog.

Higashino Yu quit line, looked at the latest pormax fruit phone given by Miss Moon Witch, and sighed in his heart.

I can only say that there is a gap between the eldest daughters.

Putting away the phone, Higashino Yu entered the tea room and saw Iori Miko staggering out of the tea room. Iori's grandmother and grandfather were stunned, their faces full of tears.

Iori Miko found Higashino Yu coming in.

"Higashino Nissan!" She called softly, her soft voice full of excitement and joy.

The girl took a few quick steps, her unskilled steps staggered, and she fell out of the slightly dim tea room. The bright morning sun shone down obliquely, and the light and shadow cut the space into distinct light and darkness, and the golden sunlight stretched on the floor of the tea room.

She fell to the floor where the sun shone, and the fine beads of sweat on her forehead flashed bright colors.

"Be careful!"

Higashino Yu quickly slid forward and knelt to catch her.

Miko hugged the young man in front of her tightly, burying her face in his broad chest. There was no fear of falling on her face. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she whispered something that even Dong Yeyu could not hear.

After being happy for a while, Dong Yeyu found some unsatisfactory things.

Iori Miko has basically recovered her health. The flexibility of her arms is not affected, but her legs can only walk with difficulty, and her eyes still can't see clearly.

I don't know if the effect of the grass elixir has not been fully absorbed, or if Iori Miko's congenital disability of legs and eyes has been too long and is a bit serious, requiring long-term rehabilitation training.

But even this is enough to make Miko's grandparents happy and relieved. They have already made plans that Miko's body will be like this for the rest of her life, or even worse.

It is a pleasant surprise to be able to recover her health now. As for the disability of legs and eyes, it should be able to recover to the point where it does not affect daily life through rehabilitation training.

In this way, the old couple can rest assured.

Afterwards, Miko went back to her room to change clothes, wash and dress. Grandma Iori followed Miko, who was staggering, happily and worriedly, fearing that she would fall.

Iori Tadamichi found that Higashino Yu was looking at Miko's back, frowning and sighing: "One Cao Huan Dan seems to be not enough."

From what he said, it seems that he is still a little dissatisfied with the efficacy of Cao Huan Dan?

One pill can make the weak Miko recover to the point where she is almost a normal person. Isn't this good?

This is what young people lose their temper.

The old man smiled and stepped forward to comfort her.

"Ayu, this is enough. There is an old saying in Shenzhou that greed is insatiable. I am satisfied that Miko can recover like this."

As he said, he thought of Higashino Yu paying such a big price for his granddaughter, and he wanted to say some words of thanks.

But when the words came to his lips, he felt that in front of such a divine object, any words seemed extremely pale.

They treat Miko as their closest relatives, and treat themselves and Tomoko as their elders. It is not appropriate for me to say those words.

So I just smiled and patted Higashino Yu's shoulder, "Come on, have breakfast with me."

Higashino-kun treats the Iori family as his beloved relatives, and the Iori family naturally regards him as a family member.

Higashino Yu was wondering what reward he would get for repaying his kindness this time - probably because the effect of the medicine has not been fully absorbed, the repayment has not been settled.

Seeing Iori Tadamichi calling me for breakfast, I looked at him and saw the old man's expression, and I understood what he meant at that time.

This is just right. If they are always grateful, kowtow and thank you, I will feel uncomfortable, and the relationship will become more and more distant.

Higashino Yu smiled and nodded in response.

Everything is self-evident.

Iori Tadamichi and Iori Tomoko probably communicated with each other, and did not worship Higashino Yu as a great benefactor, but treated him like a relative.

Miko seemed to be the same, not considering Higashino Yu as a benefactor, and her behavior and words were no different from before.

But I don't know if it was an illusion or something, Higashino Yu felt that Miko was closer to him.

After breakfast, Higashino Yu said goodbye to the Iori family.

After leaving the courtyard, he came to the worship hall, threw five yen as usual, and said goodbye to the Inari God, and asked him to bless him for a smooth trip.

Ding Ding!

Shaking the rope to make the big bell hanging in front of the temple ring, it was considered to convey the meaning to the Inari God.

At this time, a gust of wind came from nowhere, and the maple forest of Ayasezaka surged, and the golden morning sun fell on the stone path of the shrine through the gaps between the leaves.

Maybe he heard it?

Higashino Yu was thinking about whether to use the magic he had just learned to call the Inari God and remind him not to forget to bless him.

As soon as he turned around, the morning sun became hazy, and the blue sky seemed to be blurred by some kind of filter. The green maple trees on the mountain turned crimson in an instant, as if they were on fire.

Is it Chunyuan again?

Dongye Yu looked around and found Chunyuan on the Komainu stone sculpture on the approach to the temple not far from the worship hall.

She sat on the head of the Komainu stone sculpture that looked like a fox, still wearing the shrine maiden costume and fox mask, with a pipe tucked into her belt, and a white wrist supporting her chin, as if she was watching him.

Dongye Yu was about to thank her for lending him the hairpin last time, when he heard her ask softly.

"Are you willing to give up such a magical medicine?"

You asked a strange question.

Dong Yeyu answered without hesitation: "Isn't the elixir made for people to eat? I can't give it away, and it's useless to me, so can't I just give it to Miko? I can't just leave it there for show."

Haruhara smiled, and her cold voice contained natural charm: "You are honest."

She took out a string of wind chimes from her pocket and threw it down, and the wind chimes instantly appeared in Dong Yeyu's hand.

"If you encounter danger after leaving Edo, this wind chime will protect you."

After saying that, the mirror image in front of her changed instantly and returned to normal.

Dong Yeyu observed the wind chime in her hand, which looked exactly like the cheap glass wind chimes worth one thousand yen that vendors pushed carts to sell everywhere.

But although it didn't look very good, he could clearly feel the divine power contained in it.

It can only be said that as the messenger of the Inari God, Haruhara is also quite simple.

Dong Yeyu put away the wind chimes, thanked the fox Komainu stone sculpture just now, and strode away.

I quickly returned to the apartment, packed my luggage, and prepared to go to Inzai City.

In fact, there is not much luggage to pack. Except for Chengming Ichimonji Nagamitsu and money, there is nothing to bring.

He is very single. He can go on a trip at any time with a knife in hand. He is more vagrant than those wanderers who ran around in the Warring States Period.

Before leaving, Xiuji

Dongye Yu is not going to take Xiuji with him to Inzai City this time. First, this time he is going to eliminate monsters. Xiuji's cultivation is not enough and it is easy to die suddenly.

Second, he is still worried about Miko and needs Xiuji to follow and protect him.

This bird is a novice. It is no problem to sneak attack and make a few junior high school students look humiliated. If he is more ruthless, he can even make them disfigured and blind.

Dongye Yu was about to leave the apartment and go to the subway station when the phone rang with a notification tone of receiving a message.

He opened it and saw a message from Miss Moon Witch.

"Sir Knight, have you left Tokyo?"

Oh my god, you don't want to follow me, do you?

Dongye Yu thought for a moment, and the fox's talent skill was activated, the master of deception!

He quickly typed a line of words and sent it out: "Yes, my dear prince, I have already set off."

"Is that so? What a pity. I had heard that Your Excellency the Knight would go to the darkest place to exorcise demons and spread the glory and majesty of the mirror moon, so I wanted to give you the promised reward along with the blessing of the Moon Witch."

Reward? Is there such a thing?

Dongye Yu searched everywhere in his new memory, but it seemed that he didn't find such a thing, but since the Moon Witch said it, it must be there!

"If there is anything in this world that cannot be missed, I think it is only Your Excellency's blessing, the warm sun in early spring and the night in midsummer."

"The Shinkansen has just started and will arrive at the next stop soon. Your loyal knight will take the train back to Tokyo!"

Dongye Yu sat on the threshold of the apartment, typing this line of words without blushing, and his mouth was almost grinning to his ears.

"I will wait for your glorious mercy at home until the eternally burning sun ascends to the center of the sky, my dear prince."

Miss Moon Witch was silent for a while, as if she was moved by Dong Yeyu's innocent heart, and sent a reply a few seconds later.

"I have felt your ardent loyalty, Sir Knight, that's good."

Miss Moon Witch is bursting with gold coins again!

Dong Yeyu put away his mobile phone and rubbed his hands in anticipation of the upcoming gold coins, and turned back home.

Xiuji, who was nesting in the temporary castle of Dong Yecheng (referring to the cardboard box bird nest), turned back when he saw that Dong Yeyu had not left yet, stretched out his bird head and blinked his eyes.

"My lord, haven't you already gone to war?"

Dong Yeyu was in a good mood and said to Xiuji as if jokingly.

"There are gentry coming to deliver baggage, equipment, money and food. Waiting a little longer won't affect anything."

"More money and food?!"

Xiuji's eyes lit up and he looked overjoyed. He had been with Dongye Yu these days and had heard a little about the young lady who had generously donated to the Dongye City treasury many times.

At this moment, the Dongye City treasury is still not abundant. If the young lady helps, there will be enough food and fodder, and great achievements can be made!

Besides, who would complain about having too much money?

"My lord, you have the help of the gentry this time, which is what the people want. The people's hearts are for the truth and justice, and the destiny will belong to the Dongye family!" Xiuji exclaimed.

"Don't try to be so rude. Don't think you can be lazy by flattering me. You can't miss even a minute of today's eight-hour training time. I will check your progress when I come back from Inzai City. If you fail, your title of Saemon will be downgraded to Sabei."

Hearing this, Xiuji was shocked and bowed hurriedly: "My lord, don't worry, Xiuji dare not slack off at all!"

Saemon is at least a guard and a confidant, but if he is downgraded to a soldier, he will really become the leader of the foot soldiers.

This is absolutely not allowed!

Although there are only two people in Higashino Castle.

Higashino Yu glanced at Xiuji, felt a little funny, and sat cross-legged on the floor.

Putting Chengming Ichimonji Nagamitsu and the scabbard on his legs, the magic power began to slowly wrap it up, gradually soaking the entire blade.

It is estimated that Miss Moon Witch will take some time to get here, so it is just right to use magic power to warm Chengming Ichimonji Nagamitsu.

Although it was a labor dispatch, it was the first time that I received a serious demon-killing job.

It needs to be taken seriously, and a reputation, glory, and future must be created!

Dong Yeyu planned to keep his sword with him for the next period of time, and always use his magic power to warm himself and strengthen his connection with the sword.

So that he could use the demon-slaying skill on Chengming Ichimonji Nagamitsu and use the pull-out-and-slash skill on the demons later!

This greedy ghost full of lies!

Miss Moon Witch put away her mobile phone expressionlessly and looked up at the closed door on the third floor of the apartment, but she was not ready to expose this lying knight.

As an excellent superior, you must learn to tolerate lies.

She took out an exquisite pocket watch with mysterious patterns from the top pocket of her dark blue double-breasted coat and looked at the time.

She waited for about half an hour before going upstairs.

Brother Meng, do you feel that this note has more than 4,400 words on the surface?

That's right, because I expanded it by 2,000 words, ahhh, these 2,000 words are equivalent to free, woohoo, brothers, please vote, I'm so miserable, I stayed up late to write for nothing.

Thank you brothers for your rewards, subscriptions, and recommendation tickets (ω)

Please give me monthly tickets, subscriptions, and recommendation tickets (╰╯)

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