I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 183 You smell like His incense

In the past few decades, Dong Yeyu has defined many beautiful moments in the world. He looked up at the clear stars and moon on a midsummer night, strolled in the fields in October and smelled the wheat aroma after being baked in the sun, sat cross-legged at the edge of the house in the late winter afternoon and guessed with other children what would come at the end of the snowy path, and stepped into the campus in the early spring in the cherry blossom rain.

Now, there is an early summer evening to tutor Miko.

It was already the end of dusk, and the air was filled with the smell of ink and a little camphor balls. The setting sun outside the window was about to set, and the appearance of the guarding forest was coated with a layer of brilliance. The warm light dragged an orange-red light band on the beige wall. The Ukiyo-e style silk screen was full of ancient charm, and the bright light in the study cast a delicate shadow on the girl's dreamy profile.

"Ah, Bo, Ci, it's like the 50-sound chart on the island, all of which are pronounced in Roman pinyin. You may feel a little awkward and funny when you first read it, but you'll get used to it."

This set of pinyin was really funny when I first learned it in my previous life. The pronunciation was quite strange, and there were a lot of unheard pronunciations. I could laugh for a long time learning one pinyin.

But later, when I became more mature, I found the greatness of the people who invented and promoted this set of pinyin.

In ancient times, learning Chinese characters and Chinese was not as simple as it is today. At that time, there was no pinyin. The most commonly used method for learning to read and write Chinese characters was the fanqie method, which was the longest-used method of pronunciation in ancient China. Two Chinese characters were used to pronounce a word.

Take the initial consonant of the previous character and add the final vowel of the next character to get the pronunciation of this character.

But the problem is that to learn the fanqie method well, you need to master a large number of Chinese characters. In addition, the Chinese characters in ancient times were traditional characters, and the strokes were much more complicated than simplified characters. The difficulty increased sharply when the two problems were combined.

This is one of the reasons why there were many illiterates in ancient China. Of course, the situation like the Qing Dynasty, where the illiteracy rate was as high as more than 90%, was deliberately caused by the ruling class.

When there are too many sensible people, the emperor will see that it is too milky.

Dong Yeyu wrote a complete set of pinyin in a notebook, and marked the four tones, initials and finals, etc.

He started learning this set of pinyin in elementary school, and relied on the solid foundation laid by it to leap over the dragon gate. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can recite it backwards now.

"A" Although Yuzi has a poor talent for cultivation, her learning talent is not low. She can basically read it with a fluent voice just by reading it once.

It took less than ten minutes from knowing nothing to mastering it. The rest just needs more practice.

While teaching, I sighed and said that sometimes some geniuses really make people feel desperate. Fortunately, I am not stupid.

Dong Yeyu looked at the girl who was a little clumsy in learning his pronunciation, and felt a kind of satisfaction and peace from the bottom of his heart.

Pulling a slightly autistic congenitally disabled girl out of the abyss of bullying, teaching her carefully, and watching her gradually become excellent, what kind of sense of accomplishment is this?

After the college entrance examination in the previous life, I should have applied for a normal university.

Of course, it's just a thought. Teachers have never been a good profession, not in the previous life, and not in this life.

Dong Yeyu, who has long been baptized by reality, now has eyes full of the brilliant glory of Akamon, which represents the class crossing and money of the island country.

The monks on the road of high spirits said that they would become teachers in the past, but they were just looking back with a little meaning of returning home in glory. Even if there was a little intention, they were all laughed at in the torrent of the world.

Reality cannot accommodate the ideals of most people.

Dong Yeyu understood this cold truth in his heart, but it was not a good thing for a monk to be full of money. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that his heart of Taoism had fallen into the eyes of money.

But although money is dirty, it can bring purity, and I am not like the gods in ancient legends who have all the magic.

If you have no money, you can use magic to turn a gold bar into a big meal and you can get a lot of real money. After eating and drinking, find a place to wait for a while, listen to the miserable howling of the restaurant owner, and shake your head and call it the game of the world.

You can print money anytime and anywhere, of course you regard money as dirt.

Miko read the somewhat difficult pinyin, and felt that she had almost learned it. She felt that Dongye Nisan was indeed a very excellent existence.

Not only is he good-looking, but he is also very academic, knows Chinese, and knows many magic.

However, even such an excellent Dongye Nisan is not very good at cooking. Although he cleans his house carefully, the placement of various books and furniture is very random.

This is not okay. If you place items randomly, it is sometimes not easy to find them.

I should help Higashino Nissan sort out the things at home, otherwise if I encounter some monsters who like to steal things and steal important things when Higashino Nissan is not paying attention, it will be troublesome.

The girl was thinking wildly in her heart. Just as she was about to ask for the knowledge behind, she found that Higashino Yu, who was sitting next to her, was leaning on the desk, holding his face with his right hand, as if observing herself.

Are you looking at me?

Miko blinked her eyes, but did not lower her head shyly. Instead, she looked into his eyes. Her delicate and cute little face showed childish curiosity and undisguised love, but the faint blush still slowly climbed up her slender white neck.

After a while, the girl found that his eyes were empty, and he was obviously not looking at her.

I don’t know if he was in a daze or thinking about something else, and occasionally he would smile from the heart.

At this time, the blond-haired woman she saw that day appeared in Yuzi's mind again, and Yuandai frowned slightly.

"Huh? Have you finished studying?"

Dong Yeyu came back to his senses and asked softly.

The girl pursed her thin cherry-colored lips slightly, her expression calmed down in an instant, her butterfly-wing-like eyelashes lowered, and the light cast mottled shadows, "Yes."

"Very good, Miko, now you have mastered the Chinese spelling method, now let's learn Chinese characters."

"The old man said: The great road is invisible and gives birth to heaven and earth."

As Dong Yeyu spoke, he began to copy down an entire Taoist scripture in traditional Chinese characters on his notebook.

There are a total of 100,000 Chinese characters. Mastering 3,500 characters can meet 99% of the needs in life. Other times when you encounter rare words, just look through the dictionary. There is no need to really learn all the rare words.

My original intention of teaching Yuzi to learn Chinese characters was to let her learn to sit and forget through the Qingjing Sutra. Yuzi was very talented and showed no difficulty in learning Chinese characters and ancient Chinese literature at the same time. Therefore, it was most appropriate to start teaching from the Dao Jing.

As for why traditional Chinese is used instead of simplified, this is actually based on Yuzi's situation.

Because China has experienced hundreds of years of catastrophe in modern times, in order to make it easier to learn Chinese characters, it began to promote pinyin and simplified characters.

Although simplified Chinese characters are inferior to traditional Chinese characters in terms of text aesthetics, a detailed analysis of the specific situation shows that the implementation of simplified characters was necessary when the illiteracy rate was alarming.

Let’s understand the words first, and then talk about beauty or art.

However, considering that she is studying Taoist scriptures, in the field of monasticism, words also have power, and the island Mandarin that Miko has learned since she was a child also includes the learning of some traditional Chinese characters, so it is more appropriate to teach her ancient Chinese characters.

With Miko learning word by word, from pronunciation to meaning, Higashino Yu explained patiently and in detail. Whenever Miko didn't understand something, he would explain it in Japanese Mandarin from many angles to help her understand the memory.

If you want to learn to sit and forget with the help of the Qing Jing Sutra, it is not just about being able to read and write. You must have a deep understanding of the meaning of the Qing Jing Sutra and understand the author's understanding of the Tao recorded in the text.

It would be ridiculous if you just mechanically eat fast, chant Buddhist scriptures, meditate, and beg the gods to see and hear you, give you some power, or simply go down to the next world to help you ascend.

For those who practice Taoism, all dharma belongs to themselves. Worshiping gods is more about respecting their teachers. When encountering monsters that are difficult to deal with, they occasionally borrow the power of their ancestors.

But if you want to achieve enlightenment, you have to rely on yourself.

At first, Miko still thought about the blond woman that day and the scenes of Higashino Yu getting along with her. Her thoughts switched back and forth between learning Chinese characters and guessing about the relationship between the two, which was a bit annoying.

The nightmare must be causing trouble again. This kind of monster can not only give people nightmares, but also make people feel depressed.

The girl pouted her mouth slightly and decided to ask Haruyuan to drive away these annoying bad monsters later.

But as the study deepened, Yuzi found that her concentration was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She was a very fast learner and had finished studying an entire Taoist scripture in less than half an hour.

After all, although the Taoist scriptures are precious, they contain subtle meanings. There are actually not many words in the entire text. Even if you explain it word by word and quote from other sources, it won’t take too much time to explain it all.

Yuzi has outstanding learning talent. After studying it for the first time, he has probably memorized this Taoist scripture and its explanation in his heart.

As for her own understanding of Taoism, she needs to go further through study and life.

This is also the reason why some schools of Taoism advocate joining the world. The great road exists in all things in the mountains and wilds, and also in the world of mortals in the city.

But even so, the effect of Qingjing Sutra has been initially revealed.

"Higashino Nissan, is this some kind of magic to get rid of monsters?"

Yuzi murmured the Taoist scriptures he had learned, feeling his mind strangely calm. His thoughts were free from the influence of many distracting thoughts, as pure as glass, and his efficiency was much higher.

The nightmare was driven away?

"Yes, it can help you get rid of the monsters entrenched in your heart. At the same time, it can also help you enter a special state of practice called sitting and forgetting. You can lose your limbs, dethrone your intelligence, and separate yourself from the form to know. This is called Datong. Sitting and forgetting.”

Higashino Yu explained it carefully, but since Zao Wang is originally an extremely abstract description, even if he explained it, it seemed to be in the clouds.

Yuzi tried to understand Dong Yeyu's meaning, but she didn't know what to do. Silently reciting the Jingjing Sutra in her heart only made her thinking clearer.

The girl thought for a long time and shook her head in confusion: "Nissan Higashino, I still don't understand."

Hearing this, Dong Yeyu breathed a sigh of relief and comforted him.

"Take your time, some cultivators can't sit and forget for the rest of their lives. For mortals, this is a relatively advanced state. Even if I can enter the state of sitting and forgetting at any time now, I need to use clear words that everyone can understand. It’s also difficult to describe it in layman’s terms.”

It would be a bit shocking if someone could learn Chinese and Taoist scriptures in one night and then just forget about it.

I taught her to study at Miko's house until about six o'clock. After dinner, I read a book with Miko for a while and talked about some interesting things related to Taoxiang.

Dong Yeyu did not tell the dangers involved. He basically reported good news but not bad news to his valued relatives and friends.

Yuzi couldn't do anything to help her, and saying so much meant nothing except making her worry for nothing.

Before leaving, he taught her to learn the Taoist scriptures. He didn't say goodbye until the moon rose to the east.

Walking out of the courtyard of the Iori family, we came to the courtyard of the shrine. The shrine is open all night, so although it is close to eight o'clock in the evening, there are still sporadic tourists and passers-by who come to worship the gods.

A shrine maiden in white clothes and red legs leaned against the stone sculpture of Komainu and smoked a pipe. She had no manners, but she had a majestic demeanor.

"You have the breath left by a god. Which god did you offend?" She said, her voice lazy and sweet, but not at all vulgar.

After meeting and communicating with Haruhara several times and finding that she was not the kind of god messenger who put on airs, Dongye Yu was no longer so reserved.

When she asked at this time, he didn't think much about it, but just said it in a tone like talking to a friend.

"No, I went to Taoxiang to exorcise demons a few days ago. The local Hishizawa Water God wanted to recruit me to be her divine messenger, but I refused."

"Hishizawa Water God? Oh, that ancient Kunitsu God. I haven't seen him attend the Izumo Divine Council for many years. I heard that he is sleeping in his own fairyland. I didn't expect that he would want to recruit divine messengers."

Chun Yuan said to himself, and the face with the fox mask looked at Dong Yeyu: "His status is not low. Becoming his divine messenger is also qualified to participate in the Izumo Divine Council. As a wild fox, this achievement is not low. Aren't you going? "

Hitsuno Yu shook his head, "Forget it. The demon disaster in Taoxiang Town this time was caused by her neglect of divine affairs. If I were her divine messenger, I would probably be in a mess all day long. Would I still want to practice?"

"It is indeed a rational decision. You may be able to achieve enlightenment."

Chun Yuan praised and asked, "A few days ago, an evil god in Yinxi was killed by the divine thunder sent down by the East Heaven Court. Did you know?"

Hitsuno Yu then briefly recounted the course of events, but she did not ask about the origin of the divine thunder, so it was difficult for her to say it.

Otherwise, it would give people a feeling of showing off. Saying such words in front of such a great Yangshen demon would somewhat lose favorability.

Chun Yuan nodded thoughtfully, "I see, that mortal is bold, but there should be a person with high cultivation behind him to support him."

People with high cultivation? Dong Yeyu thought of the sudden white-hair wind, "That's right, there was a blizzard, but when the divine thunder was about to come down, the blizzard stopped again."

"Blizzard?" Chunyuan pondered, as if he had thought of something, but didn't say it.

Dong Yeyu didn't ask about the origin of the blizzard, but asked another curious question: "Is Dong Tianting considered crossing the line? What is the reaction of the Kunitsu gods?"

Chunyuan glanced at Dong Yeyu and chuckled.

"When facing Takemiya Thunder God, Okuninushi didn't dare to speak, he could only yield his country. How dare he have any opinions about the high and mighty Dong Tianting now? But Takama-ga-hara is expected to quarrel again."

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