I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 184 The fox returns, either to repay a favor or to seek revenge

Chun Yuan said this, and looked at Dong Ye Yu for a moment.

When summoned by gods, ordinary monsters will indeed be inflated, thinking that they have entered the realm of gods, becoming arrogant, complacent, and even pointing fingers at the world.

What's more, the boy in front of him is just a little fox under 20 years old.

After thinking about it, Chun Yuan decided to give this junior a few words.

"The Water God of Hishizawa has ignored the affairs of God for many years, and there are only a few believers left. Even if he has encountered a disaster and has come to his senses, it will take more than a day or two to regroup, so he needs help. Although your cultivation is low, your talent and fortune are all-"

She paused when she said this.

"——Not bad. There has never been a fox under 20 years old who can achieve your level of cultivation. At least I have never seen it. It is rare among monsters."

"But in fact, on the road of cultivation, talent is secondary, and the main thing is luck."

"Lucky fate?"

Dong Yeyu lowered his head and pondered. In fact, many people think that talent is the most important thing in cultivation, but in fact, to a certain extent, luck is more important than talent.

After all, no matter how strong the talent is, without immortal fate, there is a high probability that you can only waste your life in the world. Don't you see that there are so many seekers of Taoism from ancient times to the present, but how many of them can achieve Taoism?

Not to mention achieving Taoism, there are very few who can get started. Mortal craftsmen have to examine the character and talent when teaching apprentices, not to mention that this road to longevity is naturally not to be passed on lightly.

But if you have deep luck, it will be different.

Even if you don't have talent, as long as you have enough luck, there will be immortals to help you become immortals. As for how to be saved, don't ask, just open your mouth and drink medicine to death.

But what does she mean by saying this suddenly?

Dongye Yu thought about it, and did not make random guesses. He bowed slightly: "Please teach me, senior."

Chunyuan saw that he was humbly asking for advice, nodded with satisfaction, put on the appearance of a big fox senior, and taught earnestly.

"This is an elusive talent, destiny, and heaven's way. You can understand it as luck, but it is by no means as simple as luck."

"Monsters with deep blessings not only have a smooth path of cultivation, but also do things smoothly, so this kind of monsters are very favored by gods. Many gods recruit messengers and mostly put blessings first."

"You have good blessings, and you just appeared when He was going through a disaster. It is estimated that He regarded you as a lucky star, so He was happy to see you as a messenger, but it is not that you are really qualified to participate in things related to gods now. Don't be arrogant."

Chunyuan said meaningfully, and then shook the pipe and knocked it on Dongye Yu's head.



Dong Yeyu was caught off guard and took the blow, and immediately covered his head in pain.

You can talk, but what's the matter with fighting?

Although this woman only hit lightly, the force was not small, just like a medium-sized stone suddenly hit my head. Although my head was hard, it really hurt.

When I looked up again, the figure of the witch had disappeared, and only the voice sounded in my ears.

"Therefore, whether it is Dongtianting or Takamagahara, or Kunizu God of Awahara China, it is not something you, a little fox, can say. What you should do now is to lie dormant and practice with peace of mind, and don't be too ambitious."


When did I become too ambitious?

Dong Yeyu rubbed his head, recalled his words and deeds just now, and thought for two seconds, and roughly understood.

It is probably because of the question he asked about Dongtianting and Kunizu God just now that Chunyuan thought he was inflated.

This is normal, just like when you are interviewing a new person as an HR, but before the person joins the company, he starts to evaluate the company and another larger company, which inevitably gives people a sense of shallowness and arrogance.

However, I was not prepared to join the company as a god's messenger, so I guess it's almost there.

But what Haruhara said just now is more interesting. Will Takama-ga-hara have any conflicts with Higashi-ten-ting because of this matter?

Is it possible that he will be in trouble?

Higashino Yu thought for a moment and prepared to wait and see what happens. If not, he will pack up his belongings and flee to Shenzhou to become an illegal fox.

Leaving the shrine along the shrine road, it was about seven o'clock in the evening. After coming out of the torii, it was like passing through a mysterious curtain. It was only a step away from quiet and solemn to lively and noisy.

Passing the mountain road of Ayase-zaka, walking down the stairs leading to the residential area-Tokyo is not really a large plain, the terrain is undulating.

Sometimes there are dozens of stairs in a row, just like the scene where the hero and heroine look at each other at the end in Your Name.

Walking all the way to the apartment, when passing by Matsushige Supermarket, I saw the boss Matsushige himself standing at the cashier.

He looked to be in his thirties or forties, in the prime of life, a little fat, wearing a classic shirt with a sweater, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and thick and curly hair.

He seemed to have Nanyang ancestry, with a slightly dark complexion, compact features, a hooked nose, a pair of thick, black and somewhat messy eyebrows, with his hands behind his back, scanning the few customers in the store with the eyes of a thief.

A customer who was about to pay was also stared at with suspicion by him. It seemed that he could not stand such a gaze, so he glared back at him, and simply did not buy it. He put down the things and was about to leave angrily.

"You, stop!"

Matsushige boss immediately stopped him and wanted to check, but the customer naturally refused. The two quarreled, and saw other customers looking at him one after another.

Probably thinking of the turnover that had fallen into the abyss, he did not persist to the end, pestered him for a few more words, and let him go.

Instead, he frowned and checked the number of items in the shopping cart. He put the items into the checkout counter first while mumbling, probably cursing something.

Is it just a stereotype, or is there some truth to it?

Dong Yeyu could guess what kind of person this boss was after just one glance. He really didn't look like this in vain. This is what you do.

Although Miko did not say how she was treated after reminding her boss, but judging from the current situation, it is completely conceivable.

Higashino Yu had previously decided to cause trouble in his store, and he did not waver after Iori Tadamichi's persuasion. Now he couldn't wait to hear his screams.

Just kidding, people who practice Taoism have a clear Taoist heart, and the decisions they make may be wrong or right, but no decision is not in line with the Taoist heart.

Those who can be persuaded by just one or two words of advice are too unstable, and their practice will go astray sooner or later.

Back at the apartment, this street leads directly to Kita Ayase Subway Station. There are a lot of people coming and going at this time in the evening. There are couples walking arm in arm, a family of three returning from a walk, and many office workers who have just returned from socializing. Wearing a suit and leather shoes, carrying a briefcase.

I just think it's still a little too early - family members here in the island country have a strange view of office workers. If you go home too early, you will be regarded as having no future, so even if you don't have social activities, you can stay outside even if you have to. He didn't go home until late at night.

So when some office workers saw the warm yellow light coming from the izakaya with blue curtains in the alley around the corner, like moths attracted by the light, they turned in and pushed open the frosted glass shoji door. The boss said cheerfully. The welcome sounded immediately.

When I have more money in the future, I might be able to have late-night snacks occasionally. Anyway, Boss Oda’s izakaya will be open until two in the morning.

Dong Yeyu turned around and walked into the dark apartment building under the dim light of the street lamp.

After returning home, Xiuji stood by the window and waited. When Dong Yeyu came back, he spread his wings and glided to the entrance, folded his wings, and bowed respectfully.

"My lord, the crow monster hasn't come to knock on the door yet."

Dong Yeyu asked while changing his shoes, "Are you sure you will come tonight?"

"That's right."

Xiuji looked hesitant, shrugged his wings, walked back and forth on the floor, and scolded with some annoyance: "This guy can't even write a letter of challenge. He is really ignorant and incompetent!"

I don't think you're any better.

Dong Yeyu complained in his heart, and then said: "Then wait a little longer. If you don't come yet, I will go to Matsushige Supermarket to teach the boss there a lesson."

As he said this, he put away his shoes and tidied up his backpack. When he came back, he just leaned his backpack against the wall and didn't take out anything.

However, there is nothing in the backpack, except for a set of clothes, which are just some odds and ends, some talismans and the like that I got from Jinguji Hiiragi.

These talisman papers are not for use. The main reason is that Dong Yeyu wants to observe the internal structure of this talisman paper and see if he can make some substitutes.

This kind of talisman paper is specially made and can carry mana. The production method is controlled by some families of exorcists, and it is purchased and sold by the Ministry of Religion, Culture, Science and Technology.

The price is expensive, just tens of thousands of yen per piece. I heard that the top-grade talisman paper can be sold for hundreds of thousands yen per piece - this is just the price of blank talisman paper.

However, although it is expensive, it is an indispensable daily necessities for exorcists. It has a wide range of uses. It is used for purification, exorcism, demon removal and even setting up barriers.

Ten sheets can earn him a week's part-time salary. Dong Yeyu thought that his family was too poor to afford it, so he could only think of finding some substitutes in a crooked way.

In fact, it’s not a crooked approach. The Ministry of Religion, Liberal Arts, and Science doesn’t prohibit exorcists from tinkering with exorcism magic weapons themselves. As long as they don’t sell them, there should be no big problem.

Of course, this is something for later. Now let’s see if the crow monster comes. If not, I will have to go to Matsushige Supermarket.

It was a bit hot tonight, and Higashinoyu, who had always been frugal before, had to turn on the electric fan.

Bang bang bang~

The fan blades made the sound of an old electrical appliance that makes people worry that it will fall apart in the next second. He turned the bed out and spread it on the floor. He sat on it and leaned against the wall, feeling the moist and warm wind pushed by the old electric fan. Higashino Yu He told Xiuji to stand guard, and he continued to study the magical power of Fa Tian Xiang Di in his mind.

After refining the jade slips, although I can't learn this knowledge immediately, I can read it in my mind at any time, which is extremely convenient.

It's just that Fa Tian Xiang Di is a great magical power, requiring the caster to have an extremely profound understanding of heaven, earth and Tao, and the threshold is extremely high.

Therefore, even though the records of this magical power on the jade slips are extremely detailed, there are even comments from unknown people in many places to facilitate later generations to understand the practice.

But after getting it, Dong Yeyu still couldn't put it down, and there were problems everywhere.

After pondering for a while, his frown relaxed. There was no need to study hard for the questions that he couldn't solve.

Switching between the jade slips in his mind, he began to practice the fire avoidance technique.

Compared to the Law of Heaven and Earth, the Fire Avoidance Technique is much simpler. The records in the jade slips can be said to be step-by-step instructions, from the seals to the incantations to the extended explanations of the fire path touched by the magic. Vermilion's annotation.

When Dong Yeyu practiced this spell, he also gained some understanding of the fire element. It has only been a few days since he learned this spell, so he can't say that he has made some progress, but it is no problem to use it initially to avoid ordinary fire and some weaker demon fire.

The scenery outside the window seems to be unchanged. The lights of Tokyo are on all night. The flow of people on the streets of Ayase-cho gradually becomes sparse. The izakaya is quiet after welcoming and sending off people. The tired Oda Saburo took off his apron and sat on the threshold of the store with a bottle of sake.

It was already one o'clock in the morning.

Dong Yeyu slowly opened his eyes. At the same time, Xiuji, who was dozing on the window frame, was startled, stood up straight, looked down from above, and glanced left and right, looking quite vigilant.

"It seems that he won't come tonight. Xiuji, you stay at home. I'll go out for a while."

Higashino Yu ignored Xiuji's personal performance and said softly, closing his eyes slightly. A white light like a rainbow appeared in front of his eyes. After a moment, a white fox jumped out of it, stood on the window frame and looked up at the stars and moon for a moment, and turned into a white mist and floated towards Matsushige Supermarket.

"Lost again? How is it possible? What happened? I watched it all day today. There were not many customers. I didn't even blink. How could so many things be lost again?"

Matsushige Hisa rubbed his hair angrily, holding a notebook in his hand to check one by one, and occasionally wrote a question mark on it with a pen.

After a thorough check, he counted and found that there were probably tens of thousands of yen worth of goods lost, mostly food, and some daily necessities.

Although the value is not high, it is unbearable because of the frequent occurrence. It comes once every one or two days. There is no gold and silver in the family. Who can bear it?

"These policemen are also useless. They take taxpayers' money but don't handle the case properly. They can't find anything. They are a group of tax thieves."

Matsushigehisa muttered and threw his notebook aside. He picked up a calculator to calculate today's turnover and found that it was nearly 20% less than yesterday. He simply threw the calculator and punched the cash register in anger.

"It's all the fault of the little ghost of Iori's family. She said that the monster was causing trouble. Isn't it just to get work for her grandfather? Bah, I won't do what she wants. These customers are also stupid. Just think about it. How can there be such a thing as a monster in the world?"

At this time, someone pushed the door outside the supermarket and entered. He quickly stopped his mumbling, looked up, and showed surprise on his face.

"Good evening, Officer Uesugi, is there any news?"

Facing the supermarket owner who was repeatedly visited by the thief but the police were still unable to solve the case, Uesugi Hongxia subconsciously looked away and shook her head awkwardly.

"There is no clue yet. I just came to buy things."

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