I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 148 The Pain Points of Paradise City

"Gene stimulation potion, awakening potion, superpower overdraft potion——"

Sean smiled and held a few potions between his fingers.

Among them, the cheapest one costs tens of thousands of credits.

"As long as you can provide valid clues, you can get a complete set of potions - and for two people."

As soon as the words fell, the residents who came from the slums suddenly became short of breath.

The total price of the potion for two people on the black market is close to 800,000 credits!

Eight hundred thousand credits, this is a number that 99.9% of the poor will never see in their lifetime.

And this only requires providing so-called clues!

More than a dozen portraits of characters were posted on the nearest notice board, which also detailed their types of abilities and behavior styles.

In order to take care of the majority of the illiterate people in the square, there was even someone assigned to recite the poem.

The people from [Twilight Tower]... some knowledgeable people recognized the identities of several of them.

[Golden Ghost] This is strangling the remaining personnel of [Twilight Tower].

No wonder the price is so high...

The news gradually spread, and many gentlemen in wealthy areas frowned.

Even if a group of poor people had the chance, how could they dare to approach a vetoer with powerful powers?

However, the madness in Paradise City still exceeded their expectations.

Even the young boy who has not yet grown a beard is stepping up his feet to imprint the appearance of those people firmly in his heart.

The poor man turning around is generally called a daydream in Paradise City, but now, this is an opportunity for everyone in the city!

And that's not all, Sean continued with a smile: "It's just a little bit of fun - let's talk about free shopping time."

The square was clearly divided, and in the wealthy area where there were fewer people but no crowds, many people had some bad premonitions.

Sure enough, Sean grinned and revealed a set of neat white teeth: "Those who provide effective clues will be rewarded with potions - those who directly provide the accurate hiding place will get a chance to shop freely."

He turned his head and smiled at the gentlemen in the wealthy area, which made their hearts skip a beat.

"Just like the literal meaning, free shopping..." Sean's smile became brighter, "You can choose an area in Paradise City, and after entering, you can choose whatever you want, such as jewelry, credit points, cars, and houses. ...Afterwards, [Golden Ghost] paid for you."

He emphasized the last two words, and many gentlemen in the wealthy areas turned pale.

[Golden Ghost] Pay the bill?

This is naked robbery!

They had already seen the red faces and eyes of the rats in the gutter across the square.

Pure crazy wanted poster!

As the target of hatred, the gentlemen know all too well that the so-called free shopping is aimed at them!

Then, Sean added a sentence, which was addressed to them.

"This mission of mine is released to everyone in Paradise City."


"This is not an arrest. This is inciting the entire Paradise City to fight against each other..." After hearing what Xiao Xiao did, Ai Youqian's eyes flickered.

"Isn't he afraid that other people will secretly join forces to fight against him? [Golden Ghost] is indeed the largest force in Paradise City now, but this is a city-state with 20 million people after all, and it can't be controlled." Ai Huagan asked doubtfully. .

Looking at his innocent son, Ai Youqian sighed: "Use your brain... Paradise City is different from the imperial capital. There are no effective laws and no royal family that sticks to their word. The poor people only dream of turning over, and The rich are clinging to the channels of upward growth."

"It was indeed possible for the rich to unite secretly, but Sean did not exert this pressure himself. Instead, he spread it to the largest number of poor people in Paradise City."

"At the same time, the so-called 'free shopping' is issued to both the poor and the rich - if you secretly join forces, will you worry about someone stabbing you in the back? By then, all the wealth you have worked hard to save will become the property of your neighbours. …”

"He grasped the pain points of Paradise City, which are the irreconcilable conflicts between the rich and the poor, as well as the interests and risks between people... This method has great hidden dangers, and the entire Paradise City may be in chaos. only……"

Ai Youqian sighed: "How can a person who dares to blow up his own headquarters worry about riots?"

"He even took the opportunity to warn the forces and resources that were being integrated by the [Golden Ghost] - I don't care, so you try to make me trip?"

"It's really cruel..."

Everyone in Aihuagan was stunned. He said in disbelief: "Can you analyze so much?"

Ai Youqian sneered: "So it was you who was caught by him, not you who caught him."

Ai Huagan suddenly became dejected.

"Study hard. I don't ask you to be like Sean, but at least stop being so stupid."

"I know, Dad..."

"He will probably come here soon to see how they do."

The commotion on the surface of Paradise City did not spread to the Great Crack, but the underground was also in trouble at this time.

The team that had been steadily advancing towards the depths of the large crack came to a halt, and many people looked at the scene in front of them with headaches.

Those strange-looking 'spurs' with purple veins all over their bodies gathered here at some point.

It is a fine tradition of Paradise City to embarrass people in the Great Crack. Over the years, the number of despised people at the bottom of the pit has grown to quite a large number.

The leader of the construction team, wearing a mask, said with a headache to the large army of despised people: "Why are you blocking it? It will be good for you if the poisonous gas is drained away."

But even though he said this, the despised people were blocking the front and refused to move.

Until someone came to the bottom of the pit.

"There can be traffic jams in this damn place. It's new." The yawning man came over and the crowd automatically separated into a road.

Seeing Ai Youqian and his son here, Sean said hello in surprise: "Boss Ai is here to supervise the work in person?"

Ai Youqian smiled and said, "Don't dare to neglect the work that Boss Xiaon has asked you to do. It just so happens that I haven't seen this big crack before, so come and take a look."

"What's going on?"

Ai Youqian motioned for one of his men to come forward, and the latter immediately explained in detail.

It turns out that this group of despised people gathered together and blocked the only way for the team to pass. If it was just like this, it would be okay, but the current situation is a bit tricky.

Some of the people in front of the spurned people looked particularly terrifying. After evaluation, they speculated that these spurned people in front were probably the most poisoned group - once they died, they would explode like poison gas bombs.

This kind of poisonous gas will accumulate, and the construction team will spend a lot of time and energy whether it is detouring or cleaning up.

In addition, this group of people was also stuck in a strange place, which was a poisonous gas accumulation place that looked like a void. One look at it made them feel a little irritable.

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