I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 149 Sean Mozza Sherrill

Sean didn't pay attention to the large number of spitters blocking the front. He was just surprised by the void-like accumulation of poisonous gas.

The poisonous gas is just a cover-up on the surface. What's inside is actually the building that sank to the bottom of the pit.

To be able to defend a human area in the world of crazy beasts, Paradise City is not built from scratch.

Otherwise, Endeli's father wouldn't have been able to dig out high-end robots like her mother in the big crack.

In the game, there are many dungeons scattered at the bottom of the Great Rift, and this is what the so-called dungeons look like in the real world.

However, the place where the copy is refreshed has changed...

Although the construction team organized by Ai Youqian is advancing at a slow pace, the large crack occupies such a large area after all, and it has only just left the periphery.

Weird, according to my speculation, the node where the first copy appears should require the construction team to advance without any obstacles for at least a week.

And this place is not really empty, but should be a fixed location...

Is it a 'copy' of the world's auto-completion?

After all, this place is so big that there is no way it only has copies of the games that Sean remembers.

After thinking for a moment, he came to the front of the team and looked at the despised people in front of him.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Sean said lazily.

Among the team of despised ones, an old man with a strangely bulging half of his head came out.

He was covered with tattered black cloth and his voice was hoarse: "Since we have been expelled from Paradise City, why bother us again? Please leave..."

Beside the old man, there were several people with swollen abdomens that seemed ready to explode at any moment.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly: "You are severely poisoned, your body is weak, and there are obvious signs of mutation on the surface of your body... But you can maintain such a clear speech... It's interesting..."

The old man's body stiffened for a moment, as if he didn't expect Sean to be so sharp.

He said in a calm voice: "We all have a low life. You shouldn't be interested in dying with us, right?"

Noticing the old man's movements, Sean smiled carelessly and looked at the others.


Sean noticed that one of the 'gas bombs' behind the old man looked familiar.

Sensing Sean's gaze, a slit appeared in the swollen man's eyes covered by purple tumors.

He looked surprised.

His eyes widened in disbelief. The man's swollen vocal cords were like a kazoo soaked in smelly water, making an unpleasant sound.


Whether it was the construction team or the despised people, everyone looked at him in surprise.

A despised person actually knows Sean?

From a high place behind, Moza, who was observing silently, had a strange look on his face. Beside him, Sherrill, who had followed down in order to escape from the terrible play house of the Wild Mother, also narrowed his eyes.

"Moza, is that guy Wang Ba Dao?" There was a trace of nostalgia in Sherrill's eyes.

Moza nodded: "It's him. Big brother should have recognized it too."

Luo Xi looked at the two brothers in surprise. There was nothing wrong with being able to see into the distance, but the man looked like a mutated purple sweet potato. Can he still recognize him?

She couldn't help but ask: "Your acquaintance?"

Moza and Cheryl both showed a smile, full of weird nostalgia.

"That's so familiar that I can't forget him even after I die several times." Sherrill smiled honestly.

Moza took off his glasses, wiped them, and said softly: "Wang Badao, he used to be our 'neighbor'."


Luo Xi always felt that such humanistic words as neighbor should not be uttered from the mouths of these three brothers.

Moza put on his glasses again and said calmly: "The three of us used to live in a dirty street, where people like Wang Badao were everywhere."

"I was weak before I awakened my powers, and Sherrill was too."

Sherrill touched his head and gestured to his knees with a smile: "About this high."

Moza showed a slight smile: "It's almost the same - three children who pick things up in the garbage can hardly grow taller."

"The eldest brother is one year older than the two of us... He helped us survive in the dirty streets."

"The eldest brother is an orphan, and Cheryl and I's parents are poisoned and have almost no ability to work."

"Jia Jia was not born yet. I was hungry for three days and finally caught a mouse that was thinner than me... Just when I was about to think of a way to eat it, I met my eldest brother."

For the first time, Luo Xi saw Moza, who usually had almost no expression, reveal a bright smile.

"He tricked the rat away, saying he was going to get me more food - and then he scalded the rat in the fire and ate it in two bites."

Cheryl chuckled.

"The eldest brother was working under Wang Ba Dao at that time. It's not appropriate to say he was working as a gangster. He was probably a gangster who instigated the child to do some flexible things."

"After eating my rat, the eldest brother rubbed his belly and said, 'You can hang out with me from now on' - that's how Sherrill joined the gang."

"Usually, the eldest brother takes us everywhere to look for food. When Wang Badao gets a job, he takes us to help - we are like poles. We can drill into the wastewater pipe of a processing plant and steal some. Scrap comes back.”

"Although Wang Ba Dao often beats people and withholds rewards, the eldest brother still follows him. Maybe it's because Wang Ba Dao built a scrap iron nest for him. Ha, maybe it's also because the eldest brother likes Wang Ba Dao's daughter."

"It wasn't until the eldest brother brought another child into the group, probably more than a month later, that child just happened to awaken his superpower."

"The eldest brother went to Wang Ba Dao to claim credit, and then Wang Ba Dao sold the child."

Moza's voice became calmer and calmer.

"The eldest brother had a fight with Wang Badao and he was beaten...but he was unwilling to give in and went to find the child in the middle of the night."

"The child was sold to a rich family. He must have pretty good powers. That family must want to take him as their confidant and treat him well."

"The eldest brother climbed on a thorn tree, made faces at him through the second-floor window, and asked him with a smile if he would come back."

"The kid...just pushed his eldest brother off the tree."

"My eldest brother has been recuperating for more than a month. When he returned, he found that Wang Badao gave the scrap metal nest to another child."

Moza's voice almost lost any tone.

"The next day, my eldest brother asked us if we wanted to help him fight, and Sherrill and I both agreed."

"Both those two children were tricked and beaten to death by us. The one with superpowers was so frightened that he couldn't even use his superpowers."

"Then the eldest brother took us two to another place... At that time, Sherrill and I thought that the eldest brother hated the king's domineering nature."

"However, we were caught stealing food once."

"The elder brother was beaten until his face was covered with blood, so he bit the man's arm so hard that his voice was muffled, but he could still hear it clearly."

"Moza, Cheryl, eat quickly, eat quickly."

Moza calmly seemed to be telling someone else's story, but his eyes under the lenses were frighteningly bright.

"Cheryl and I ate until our stomachs burst. My eldest brother was already in a daze, but he was still laughing."

"We knew at that time that the eldest brother did not hate the king for being domineering. On the contrary, he learned the most important thing."

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