I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 202 Everyone has their own thoughts

The blood clone that was so powerful just now disintegrated instantly, leaving only Bai Ye standing there.

Her eyes were filled with surprise, and the moonlight surrounding her body tentatively poked at the pool of dead liquid.

There was no movement.

"This should be Grand Duke Wen Cheng's superpower. He uses the blood of his descendants as a host body, and it is related to his life..."

A hint of surprise flashed through Bai Ye's eyes.

Rhodes is most likely dead...otherwise the blood clone will not disintegrate.

Who killed Rod?

Bai Ye thought of Sean first. This guy liked to cut grass and roots.

But it was unrealistic. Sean's strength was too low. Even if Rhodes was seriously injured, his father would still cover his tracks. It was impossible for Sean to see through Grand Duke Wen Cheng's methods.

Who is that……

The other crimsons must have been held back...

While she was thinking, the moonlight lingered, bringing a unique sense of warmth and coolness to her body and mind.

Tonight, Bai Ye showed a smile that no one could see for the first time.

She knew that this was her own power operating automatically.

Looking at the dark pool of blood in a daze, Bai Ye's breathing gradually became heavier.

Superpower... I finally have it.

Rhodes, who knew my secret, is also dead...

The entangled emotions and pressure rushed up, and the princess fell to her knees and let out a whimper.

Big tears rolled down her face, and she bit her lips tightly, letting the moonlight twine between her fingers.

"Is the pressure so great?" Sean lurking in the shadows muttered.

However, she is worthy of being the Queen of the Moon. She has just awakened her powers and is able to deal with the clone of Grand Duke Wen Cheng. She has the strength of an upper-level king, right?

Of course, Bai Ye may be the only one in this special situation. She should have awakened long ago, but the obstruction of the evil sky delayed everything. Of course, she also accumulated enough strength for her.

The Queen of the Moon... is quite moist.

In the shadows, the corners of Sean's mouth raised slightly.

In addition to further lowering Bai Ye's bottom line, he also needs Bai Ye to attract firepower.

Jin Kui suffered a loss, and Sean was not prepared to suffer it again.

It was naturally Sean's intention to talk to Rhodes about the very moist Bai Ye.

Although Bai Ye did this, it didn't mean that she wanted to be known by others, especially an enemy like Rhodes.

It just so happens that Grand Duke Wen Cheng will definitely not kill the princess of the empire...

Sean used quick steal to steal the thoughts from Rhodes' mind. In this case, what the other party was thinking must be related to the stronghold.

Although it lacks a lot of information, overall it was a successful attempt.

It was impossible for Sean to let Rhodes return to the imperial capital, and there was only one way for Rhodes to survive - to tell him that Bai Ye had slept with Sean when Grand Duke Wen Kun showed up.

However, Rhodes obviously didn't think that much.

In other words, he never thought that he would die.

In the shadows, he silently looked at the emotionally broken Bai Ye for a while. Sean just let his round pupils secretly record it and did not show up.

Just kidding, I had nothing to do with Rod's death.

When Bai Ye returned to where the main force was, she saw many people standing there with solemn expressions.

The leader was Sean, who had a bad expression and seemed to be cursing.

"Your Highness." Seeing Bai Ye's return, Shadow was the first to greet him.

The others also looked over, and Sean stepped forward, his expression not very good.

"Solve it?"

Bai Ye did not reply, but glanced at the shadow.

The latter shook his head quietly.

After Sean returned to the peloton, he never left.

Apparently, it was not Sean who killed Rhodes... However, that also means that Sean didn't know Rhode's current situation...

Thoughts passed through his mind, and Bai Ye pulled Sean aside with an ugly expression.

The moonlight shrouded the two of them in a pale white circular cover.

Sean looked up and said, "Tsk, there's also soundproofing... Congratulations, Your Highness, you've got the superpower you've always dreamed of."

Bai Ye raised his chin slightly, and the arrogance of a princess returned.

There was anger in her voice: "Sean, is it worth showing off? Do you have to tell Rod?"

Sean sneered: "Isn't it worth showing off after sleeping with a moist princess?"

"Shut up!" The moonlight around Bai Ye became much stronger. She came closer, as cold as ice, "Swallow this matter into your belly, Sean, we are just partners now, it's that simple."

Sean spread his hands indifferently: "I can forget, but my little brother can't - when will we try again?"

"Don't think that if I compromise once, I will have different feelings for you." Bai Ye stared at him, "I'll treat it as a bite, but if you still have other ideas, don't blame me for being rude. .”

It seems that Her Highness the Princess's self-esteem is still strong.

Sean smiled and said nothing.

Bai Ye continued to say with a stiff face: "Rhode escaped... Grand Duke Wen Kun stopped me and didn't give me any chance. Rhode's traces were also covered up."

Tsk, Your Highness, you are so dishonest...

Sean showed a gloomy expression in cooperation, and said angrily: "You let him run away?"

Bai Ye sneered: "Don't think I can't tell, Sean, you deliberately revealed that information, didn't you just want me to make up my mind to kill Rhodes?"

"So what if I do what you want? Grand Duke Wen Zhen's strength is unfathomable. Even if it's just a blood clone, I can't compete with him - Ha, Sean, you just like to be smart."

She said with a sullen face: "Rhodes is not dead. After he returned to the Imperial Capital, he had a way to threaten me. Originally, as long as I returned to the Imperial Capital with my powers, the White Rose family would have to pay a huge price. Now, this Everything is ruined because of your cleverness.”

The smile on Sean's face gradually disappeared, and he looked at Bai Ye calmly: "Your Highness, this is not suitable for joking."

Bai Ye sneered: "Are you kidding? Do you think you can be lawless in the Imperial Capital's Paradise City? Even the makers of the Imperial Capital's rules need to abide by them. This is the foundation of the Imperial Capital. I could have taken back everything I deserve, but because of you , all of this will be postponed indefinitely.”

Sean curled his lips: "As long as I can get the balance back, that's it."

Bai Ye snorted: "I'm different from you. My promise will always be fulfilled - but because of your stupidity, this promise will inevitably be postponed."

Sean finally frowned: "Tell me, what do you want?"

Bai Ye raised his head and looked at Sean, who had a bad expression: "I need more confidence - the channels in Paradise City must be opened to me."

"Your Highness, are you too greedy?"

As he said this, Sean smiled secretly in his heart.

Bai Ye still has a lot of thoughts. Even though Rhodes is dead, she still wants to set up a strong target for Sean... In the end, she still needs more support.

Moreover, the princess who had just moaned in his bed not long ago was trying to find some balance between the two of them.

She knew very well that she and Sean had been tied to the same chariot. However, Her Royal Highness obviously did not want to be the hotbed on the chariot. She wanted to be the helmsman of the chariot.

It's a pity that I put a lot of effort into creating the illusion that I'm in the same place. Aren't I just waiting for you to come and negotiate terms with me?

Your Royal Highness, you will become more and more obedient...

Hearing Sean's bad tone, Bai Ye felt better.

Instead, Rhodes became a sharp blade for him to restrain Sean... He just didn't know who the person who helped him kill Rhodes was...

She raised her chin: "Greedy? This is the first lesson you taught me, Sean. I think you are not qualified to use this word to describe me, right?"

Sean came closer and said threateningly: "Your Highness, I must go to the Imperial Capital..."

Bai Ye retorted: "After Rhodes returns to the Imperial Capital, without me, Bai Qiangwei's army can push directly to Paradise City."

"But you have the handle, Your Highness."

"That's because of your stupidity - I need to pay more, and this part of the price must be borne by you. It's okay not to bear it. My reputation is ruined, so you can wait in Paradise City for the arrival of Bai Qiangwei's family emblem. ”

Sean put on a bad face.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly proudly.

I've been suffering at the hands of this bastard, and even slept with him... Now, it's my turn to trick you into bleeding, bastard!

At this time, Bai Ye didn't even have the intention to think about the future gains and losses. As long as he could see this guy's frustrated expression, he would be extremely happy!

'Didn't I just sleep with you all night and let you pose a little bit? I hold a grudge like this... I said I just thought it was a bite, but in fact I took it very seriously...' Sean cursed in his heart, while the expression on his face was ugly. .

Finally, the veil of moonlight parted.

Others looked over, and they all noticed that Sean's expression was not good.

"Okay, let's go back to our respective homes and find our respective mothers." Sean waved his hands uninterested.

Bai Ye raised her head slightly. She glanced at Ai Youqian and his son, then at Sean's men, and then left here with the shadow.

Now is not the time to discuss business and chips. Ai Youqian and his son walked towards the city together.

On the way, Ai Huagan exclaimed: "Sean is really brave, but he seems to have suffered a loss from Her Highness the Princess."

Ai Youqian's expression was not good. In this operation, their caravan was completely tied to Sean and Her Royal Highness. It was easy to get on the car but difficult to get off...

After hearing what Ai Huagan said, Ai Youqian kicked his son angrily: "Think about why we are here, think about how we were pulled onto the pirate ship, and think about how Sean dealt with it. Viscount Rhodes’s.”

"This kind of person puts on a bad face and tells you that he suffered a big loss from Her Highness the Princess?"

"It's just for idiots like you, and then it's for Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Aihua rubbed his butt dryly and said with some confusion: "You don't know what's going on here, how can you be so sure..."

"I don't know, but I know that Sean has schemed against our family to the point where he can't scheme any more! Her Royal Highness is indeed not an ordinary person, but can she really get benefits from Sean?"

After listening to his father's words, Ai Huagan nodded in confusion, and then took a breath of air: "Dad, according to what you said... Sean not only dared to deal with the viscount, but also dared to scheme against the princess... Hiss, he What kind of courage is this?"

"Just pray that he won't be bolder in the future, because no matter what he does in the future, the Ai Shi Caravan will be his backing."

Ai Youqian sighed and looked into the distance.

"Business in the imperial capital is in trouble...I was forcibly tied into his chariot. It's not just Bai Qiangwei's family that I have to deal with in the future...but my son is still an idiot...what a crime committed by his mother's ancestors..."

Ai Huagan: "...Dad, are you scolding me?"

"I'm cursing myself."

Imperial capital.

Outside the palace, in the largest manor.

Residents passing by only dared to take a look at this luxurious and majestic building from a distance.

Grand Duke Wen Cheng, who is less than one person but more than ten thousand people, lives here.

Although it was already dark, the lights in the manor were brightly lit, and a banquet was being held here.

This is a charity party, and at the same time, it also serves as a blessing for the princes who have just returned to the imperial capital.

The eldest prince, who had just donated his armor during the march as an auction item, became the most generous gentleman tonight. Of course, the host of the banquet, Earl Simon, who bought the armor at a high price, was also praised.

Tonight, Grand Duke Wen Cheng only made a brief appearance at the beginning of the banquet, and his eldest son, Earl Simon, will handle the subsequent reception.

Grand Duke Wen Cheng's actions will not dissatisfy anyone, including the members of the royal family who came to attend the banquet.

"Simon, it seems that when I led the troops on the expedition, the imperial capital was also extremely prosperous under your management." The eldest prince had a heroic and rugged face, and looked extremely generous.

This is already considered a very 'extraordinary' compliment.

Earl Simon was polite and changed the topic.

Everyone in the circle knows that the Bai Qiangwei family is very close to the third prince, but it seems that the eldest prince is not ready to give up this huge help.

An elegant voice sounded again: "Brother, please let Simon go. He has been very busy during this time."

The visitor was the third prince, the prince whom Grand Duke Wen Cheng was more optimistic about.

The eldest prince narrowed his eyes slightly: "Third brother, you are not in the city, so you know very well."

The third prince bowed and said, "Let me know if you want. After all, my father is ill."

"I see, the third child is more considerate. It seems that I need to know more about it."

"Brother, if you want to, just understand."

The other princes were fine, but the eldest prince and the third prince were particularly difficult to deal with. They would get into fights every time they met in public.

Simon shook his head secretly, and when he was about to go forward to smooth things over, a footman walked over quickly and said a few words in his ear.

Noticing Simon who was walking away quickly with a solemn expression, the two princes who were tit-for-tat just now glanced at each other unconsciously.

In the huge bedroom of the manor, Simon stood bowed.

On the huge velvet back chair, a somewhat thin figure slowly opened his mouth.


"Father, I am here."

"Rhode...is dead."

"Rhodes is dead?! Who is it?!" Simone shouted angrily, but the joy in his eyes flashed.


I drank some wine with my dad and felt dizzy...

When I was writing, I found that there were exactly two hundred chapters, and it was still during the Chinese New Year...


I wish you all a happy New Year, good health, wealth in the Year of the Dragon, and an increase of one centimeter a day!

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