I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 203 Don’t be in a hurry

Grand Duke Wen Cheng only thought that it was a small matter for his second son to go out, and that Paradise City... should only be a small place.

Who would have thought that after his blood clone appeared, Rhodes would die...

Back then, Simon also encountered disaster, and the blood clone of Grand Duke Wen Cheng directly suppressed Jin Kui, who had just been promoted to Crimson at that time.

This time, Jin Kui didn't even take action. Grand Duke Wen Cheng could feel that he was not restless in his proliferation thousands of miles away.

"Father, are you saying that Princess Baiye has gained superpowers?" Simon said in disbelief.

Grand Duke Wen Cheng nodded slowly, his eyes deep and calm.

"Come to think of it, that girl left the imperial capital with an excuse, probably because she found a way to awaken her powers... Even though she has just awakened, her strength is very good. Simon, you should know why, right?"

Earl Simon sighed and nodded: "Accumulation...Princess Baiye's superpowers have been accumulating. I think, Rhodes must have discovered Baiye trying to awaken the superpowers, so he took action to stop it."


Reciting his brother's name, Simon burst into tears.

Grand Duke Wen Cheng slowly raised his head, looked at the dark ceiling, and said after a long time: "Although I often teach you brothers and sisters, don't make mistakes, don't despise the enemy..."

"But Rhodes reached the crimson level at a young age. Even with the help of White Rose, it was still an incredible achievement. It is precisely because of this that he behaves erratically and often decides everything based on his own emotions... I am confident that I have a blood clone. I can protect you guys, and with Lao Mo following along, there should be nothing wrong with me."

"It was me who harmed Rhodes."

Grand Duke Wen Cheng finally sighed for the first time.

He turned to look at his eldest son, who had red eyes and big tears falling on the floor.

Compared with the second son Rod, the eldest son Simon's talent is much lower. This has something to do with the time when he gave birth to the child.

When Simon was born, the imperial army was still fighting, and he had not reached the level he is today. After everything settled, he had his second son, Rhodes, and several other children.

He values ​​Rhodes more, and even Simon himself knows that.


Simon wiped away his tears. He was over fifty years old this year. In the past, he was a calm and dignified Earl in the eyes of others. Now his clothes were wet with tears and he looked much older all of a sudden.

If outsiders saw this, they would sigh that Viscount Rhodes was much younger than him, and his eldest brother was more like a father most of the time.

Grand Duke Wen Cheng shook his head secretly, and said in a deep voice: "Send someone to investigate."

Earl Simon nodded vigorously: "Yes, father! I must avenge my second brother!"

As he said that, he frowned again: "Did Princess Baiye's people kill Rhodes?"

Grand Duke Wen Cheng shook his head, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes: "Bai Ye was stopped by me, and Rhodes' traces were also covered up by me... Either someone can see through my method, or someone has been guarding those few steps for a long time. Before the contact point."

Simon mused: "Princess Baiye doesn't have enough people to mobilize. At most, it's just a few Crimson lower-level people. Uncle Mo shouldn't be afraid of it alone - Jin Kui of Paradise City doesn't have the ability to do it either."

Grand Duke Wen Kun's eyes were deep: "Jin Kui didn't take action, but I saw one of his men... I think Bai Ye reached a cooperation with Jin Kui's men, but the boy I saw was only a king-level man, please note He ran away after I showed up, and he wanted to attack Rhodes, which was not enough."

He slowly looked out the window: "The secret stronghold of Bai Qiangwei is only known to the direct lineage, and the only force that can investigate it... If someone can see through my methods, I should have heard about this kind of person, but they are not here Near Paradise City...Bai Ye is madly trying to kill Rhodes..."

Simon's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he said in a deep voice: "Father, you mean...that one?"

Grand Duke Wen Cheng did not confirm or deny. He just glanced in the direction of the palace from a distance: "Although it is a guess, we have to consider...Simon, investigate as usual. If you really find out where..."

Simon's eyes flickered: "It means...he made a choice..."

Grand Duke Wen Cheng nodded slowly: "Rhodes cannot die in vain... If His Majesty has made a choice, then we should also give some response."

He stood up, a calm and confident aura spreading out.

"Inform the Third Prince about Bai Ye's situation and order people to investigate around Paradise City..."

"Yes, father."

Earl Simon walked out of the living room. His eyes were still a little red and swollen, but the joy in them flashed through.

When he walked to the corner, he called his cronies to give him some instructions.

After a while, he found another person to whisper something, and finally said in a deep voice: "Pay attention to your whereabouts, change a few lines to send information to the eldest prince, and wait until the last link is released..."

There was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After everything was ordered, Simon walked to the bathroom and wiped his face.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he let out a long breath.

"Ha, Jin Kui, over the years I have often resented you, and occasionally I couldn't sleep... However, this time I started to like Paradise City a little bit..."

Viscount Rod Arka, the second son of Grand Duke Wen Cheng, was a well-known promiscuous young master in the imperial capital. His death did not spread.

Only a few people knew the shocking news.

Although Earl Simon has been responsible for important matters of the White Rose family all year round, everyone knows that the second son Rhodes is the heir whom Grand Duke Wen Kun is more optimistic about.

Now that Rhodes died unexpectedly, the situation in White Rose has become a little more subtle.

And there is another important element in this news.

Princess Baiye gained superpowers.

In the palace, the third prince frowned deeply. The Bai Qiangwei family was the first to reveal this news to him, and the intention was self-evident.

The weight of the white leaves suddenly became heavier.

Bai Ye has a bad relationship with him. Back then, when the inheritance of Queen Bai Ye's mother was temporarily kept by the Bai Qiangwei family, he secretly pushed for it.

If she knew about it, the relationship would be even more difficult to recover.

However, how did Rhodes die...did his elder brother do it? Or...Father?

On the other side, the eldest prince was also lost in thought.

Rhodes died unfortunately, Bai Ye awakened his powers, and the wind direction in the imperial capital fluctuated slightly.

"This fluctuation is really good."

The instigator, Sean, did not expect that his removal of the grass and roots would cause the imperial capital to rise to prominence. At this moment, he was admiring the fluctuations in front of him.

Zhu Zhu is cleaning her mirror space. Although she can travel into various scenes, it is essentially a transfer of the same space. Therefore, this secret cabin that belongs to her naturally has to be cleaned from time to time.

During this period of time, Zhu Zhu's mirror space has made great achievements, but her secret base has also been piled up with various things and is dirty.

Finally having some free time, the red-haired girl prepared to clean up the mirror space.

After all, the less people know about the power, the more powerful it is. Of course, Zhu Zhu must keep it in a safe place and clean it up.

Sean volunteered to help, but ended up sitting in front of a full-length mirror and watching Zhu Zhu, who was dressed in cool clothes, doing the work for several hours.

This girl is thin and small, and her figure is naturally not attractive. However, with the cool apron hanging down, it is not small when she looks at it like this - at least it makes Sean feel happy.

During this period of time, Zhu Zhu finally got over her previous pain. She raised her head and wiped her sweat. When she saw Sean's unabashed gaze, she just wrinkled her nose in anger.

"You promised to help me clean up?!" She put her hands on her hips, showing her sharp little tiger teeth, and asked dissatisfiedly.

"If you straighten your back, why should I look at you? Be obedient and bend over." Sean said quickly.

"Stop looking and get to work!"

Sean could only shake his head sadly, and he covered his chest: "The side effects are not over yet. The doctor said that I must keep a happy mood and keep my mind active."

"Is your mind active?" Zhu Zhu's face turned slightly red.

Sean glanced down in confusion, and then said sadly: "Have you been too close to Luo Xi recently? When we first met, you were an innocent and beautiful girl, cute and well-behaved, why are you now with that person? Like a female gangster?"

At this time, Zhu Zhu couldn't hide the contempt in his eyes: "You say others are hooligans..."

Sean looked serious: "Isn't it? You didn't pay attention to this before, or did you say that?"

Zhu Zhu's expression was flustered, and she quickly shook her head: "I'm not ready!"

Sean looked at her seriously: "I just said that you and Luo Xi have learned bad things, right? I mean, do you particularly want me to help?"

"It would be nice if you could do more than just talk." Another voice sounded.

Luo Xi walked in from the door.

In the last battle with Rhodes, she desperately killed one of the opponent's crimson. Although she took advantage of the sneak attack, it was already perverted enough.

Due to overdraft and other injuries, the superwoman has also taken some time off recently.

Somehow, she and Zhu Zhu have gotten closer recently.

This is not good news for Sean. Since the contract with Mio Thirteen still exists, he cannot eat Zhu Zhu directly and roughly, and this scumbag woman is fanning the flames...

Seeing Luo Xi, Sean immediately shouted: "I'm warning you to stay away from our Zhu Zhu in the future, don't lead her astray."

Luo Xi sneered and said disdainfully: "You can tell me thirty dirty jokes a day, do you have the nerve to tell me?"

Sean glanced at Zhu Zhu and said with a smile: "That's because you are a mature woman, and Zhu Zhu, I'm here to see you as your sister."

The red-haired little witch raised her head in shock.

This bastard started to play with girls' thoughts again... Luo Xi secretly spat.

Although she knew the inside story between Mio Thirteen and Zhu Zhu, and she had gotten closer to Zhu Zhu recently, she would definitely not say anything about that, otherwise, Sean, the bastard, would definitely turn his back.

It’s really sad to see this guy cheating on girls, but he can’t expose it himself…

Noticing that Zhu Zhu was in a low mood, Luo Xi snorted and changed the topic directly: "You will go all out to develop Paradise City next, right?"

Sean nodded: "To be precise, Paradise City should embark on the road of self-development - Bai Ye is helping me write an important plan. Before she leaves, she will leave a few people to help me train managers."

Luo Xi nodded thoughtfully. She had gone to see it once before. She basically couldn't understand the policies written by Bai Ye, but she could understand the policies that Sean added later at a glance.

"If you don't obey me, we'll kill them all."

Bai Ye also refuted Sean at the time, thinking that his methods were too high-pressure.

Sean smiled and didn't respond, but he still killed those who deserved to be killed.

But what can be seen with the naked eye is that the order in Paradise City is a hundred times stronger than when she first arrived, and work efficiency has not declined.

Not only that, those who came from other city-states all received a lot of rewards. As an example, they obtained many resources that they would not have seen otherwise.

For Luo Xi herself, those resources are nothing. Sean is extremely generous to the people around him. Although he often quarrels and teases himself, the resources given to her are never left behind.

However, what Luo Xi wants is obviously not one person's satisfaction.

She also started to feel excited.

Glancing at Zhu Zhu, she didn't shy away and asked directly: "When will you help me pick up the clan members?"

Sean blinked and then showed a troubled expression: "Paradise City is in desperate need of improvement, and I still have a big plan that needs to be perfected... Hey, don't be so arrogant, I didn't say I wouldn't help you."

He spread his hands: "According to the information you gave me before, the Hongchao clan has more than 40,000 people. To be honest, 40,000 people are nothing to me. A lot of people died in Paradise City, and there are also some If you have a place for them, at most I can support them for a while for your sake."

Sean's words made Luo Xi feel a lot better, but she still said with a sullen face: "My people can support themselves, and they won't consume much of your resources."

Sean clicked his tongue and said, "That's not the right idea of ​​yours. To let your people go down the mountain, is it to change their lives, and still have the same miserable life you had in the mountain?"

Luo Xi stopped talking.

Sean walked over and wanted to put his arms around the other person's shoulders, but gave up under the double gazes of Luo Xi and Zhu Zhu.

He clapped his hands: "The biggest difficulty is going down the mountain. It's easy to talk to just a few people. Tens of thousands of people have to cross the crazy beast wave. There are also old and young among them. If you act rashly, you will lead your tribe to death. You should know this."

Luo Xi nodded dullly. She had seen a lot of things with Sean during this period, and she also understood that her previous thoughts were too naive.

The large-scale migration of tens of thousands of people is not so easy to solve.

Sean snapped his fingers: "We must at least ensure the safety of your people. On the one hand, we need enough combat power to deal with the beast tide. On the other hand, we need to have enough safe and strong transportation tools."

"Paradise City is my experimental field. There are some things that you can only know if they work after trying them. Otherwise, just let your tribe be the guinea pigs?"

His eyes were sincere: "I don't care about other people. To be honest, I don't care about your tribe either - but you do. There is no other way. Of course I have to care."

Although these words were said ruthlessly and coldly, the addition of this sentence made Luo Xi move a little nervously.

Finally, she sighed: "I...I know, I'm just a little anxious."

Sean naturally put his arm around the other person's shoulders, and Luo Xi struggled slightly and gave up when he couldn't break free.

Sean was delighted: "This matter needs to be planned slowly..."

Of course, he had to plan slowly. If he rescued the Hongchao clan immediately, wouldn't the strongest bodyguard around him be gone?

I haven't even slept yet, I can't accept it! ——

I'm really busy during the New Year, so the number of words is a little short. I'm sorry. I'll wait until I finish this section and resume the original update. The plot will also start to completely leave Paradise City. Please give me a monthly pass. I'm still working hard on the first day of the new year. For the sake of tears, put a bowl with Qiuli ointment.

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