"Boss Ai, have a nice trip."

At the city gate, Ai Youqian's caravan was ready to set off, and Sean personally sent Ai Youqian and his son here.

Ai Youqian took off his hat and shook hands with Sean: "Mr. Sean, I would like to lend you your kind words and look forward to the next time I return to Paradise City."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Sean waved goodbye to Ai Youqian with a smile, and also gave Ai Huagan enough face. He opened and closed his mouth as Master Ai, shouting flatteringly to this boy.

Originally, Ai Youqian disliked his son for being stupid and always being tricked by Sean into making wedding clothes for others.

However, before the caravan left, Aihuagan received some gifts in return.

The profit sharing had already been decided, but Sean gave Ai Huagan half of the dividend as a private gift.

In other words, the 64% split became 5.5 to 4.5, but half of the dividend went directly into Aihuaqian's pocket in a private capacity.

Ai Youqian's caravan can be regarded as his own, but after all, he has so many people to support, and there are also many high-ranking subordinates. In the past two years, many old guys have hinted that Ai Youqian is actually still young and powerful. strong……

I just think that Master Ai is not very effective, why don't you just have another one?

Ai Youqian didn't even want to refute, Ai Huaqian was indeed not a perfect person.

But he is also his biological son...

Now, Sean's personal gift can be regarded as Ai Huagan's personal achievement when handing over the business in the future. Paradise City's future business will never be small, and the gold content of this achievement can be imagined.

It can be said that Sean's gift solved Ai Youqian's urgent need.

While walking on the way out of the city, Boss Ai couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh: "What a damn good man you are..."

During this period of time, he suffered a lot at the hands of Sean, and he came here with sincerity, but in the end he was forcibly tied to the chariot. No matter how good-tempered a person is, he will never be without a little anger.

With just this move, all the dissatisfaction in Ai Youqian's heart disappeared.

This guy has really played with his heart...

Looking at his cheerful son beside him, Ai Youqian shook his head silently: "Foolish people are blessed..."

"Dad, what did you say?"

"It's nothing. After returning to the imperial capital, you will be responsible for the batch of materials that Sean needs. Remember, follow what I taught you before, and you must ensure good quality. Do you hear me?"

"Don't worry, Dad, Rhodes is dead, and no one knows that we are also involved. As long as no one gets in the way, isn't this matter easy?"

“Do things with your heart, you know?”


Looking at the confident Ai Huaqian, Ai Youqian sighed silently.

Forget it, there's nothing I can do to replace my son's head... Instead of paying for my son all the time, it's better to help him completely tie a thigh that will probably be thick enough in the future.

Now that we've reached this point, it's time to place a bet...

"Where is my channel?" In the hotel bedroom, the aloof princess asked with an unkind expression.

Ai Youqian left the city faster than she expected, and according to the news from the shadow investigation, various specialties from Paradise City have been loaded into the cargo boxes of Ai Youqian's caravan.

She was not prepared to let Ai Youqian monopolize the business in this place, so she immediately called Sean over.

Sean turned a deaf ear and looked at Bai Ye's temporary residence.

Although it is temporary, this place is also decorated with extravagant luxury.

Various valuable facilities are placed in the huge room, showing the dignity of the owner.

However, Sean noticed that many of the facilities used for enjoyment, such as high-end massage chairs, had no trace of use at all. Instead, there were many light shoe prints on the desk.

Seeing his appearance, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows a little: "Sean, is this your attitude towards your partners?"

Sean turned his head and looked at her in confusion: "All my partners think I'm very good, whether it's Boss Ai, [Twilight Tower], [Company], etc., I haven't received a single bad review. "

Bai Ye sneered: "Mr. Sean, please stop your wisecracks. This is not funny."

"Wise words should be funny. You affirmed that what I said was a witticism, but you said it was not funny. The logic here is conflicting, Your Highness Princess."

"I'm not interested in talking nonsense with you. Before I leave Paradise City, please give me the channel information of Paradise City, the exchange value of specialties, etc. This is not only for me, but also for you." Bai Ye said in a cold voice.

Ever since she gained the superpower, she felt that her attitude had changed. Sometimes in the past, she was used to acting like the princess of the empire, but now, she is very calm most of the time.

This is the change in confidence.

Only when facing Sean, she couldn't help but feel irritated, and she didn't want to talk to him properly.

Sean smiled and moved closer: "I suddenly changed my mind. I don't want that thing anymore, and I'm not going to the imperial capital anymore. Of course, this doesn't mean that our cooperation is not pleasant enough. I'm still very satisfied with you." of reward.”

Bai Ye's face turned a little green: "You don't think that I will be swayed by such words, do you?"

Sean spread his hands indifferently: "Of course, His Highness has a strong willpower——"

In one sentence, Bai Ye's face turned ugly.

That night, she refused to say anything slutty. This was how Sean teased her while he was exercising vigorously.

Sean waved his hand and walked towards the door: "I have thought carefully about it when I went back. The Bai Qiangwei family is huge and cannot be touched by a country gangster like me. Instead of working hard, it is better to develop my Paradise City - anyway, the proliferation of top powerhouses I can’t even take it away. If I manage this one-third of an acre of land well, I will feel stable happiness.”

Bai Ye said with a cold face: "A clumsy lie, Sean, I know very well who you are, and you will not give up the opportunity to become stronger - but it was precisely because of your arrogance and greed that led to Rhodes' escape. , which resulted in me being restricted, and this is the price you deserve to pay."

Sean closed the door directly, and the voice coming from the corridor was a little muffled: "The premise is that the cost is within my tolerance. The cost of Plan A is not proportional to the gain, so I decided to activate Plan B. Let's go, Your Highness, what?" You can come to me again if you need anything."

The footsteps gradually became quieter.

Bai Ye frowned and opened the door. She saw Shadow standing in the corridor and shook her head at herself.

Sean actually left?

"Humph, I don't believe you won't come back."

However, Sean never came back.

Not only that, during the period when Bai Ye was waiting with confidence, Sean also secretly took away the professionals responsible for urban planning - no, to be precise, he kidnapped them in the middle of the night. .

Even the shadows couldn't find where those people were hidden.

Then, while Shadow was looking for someone outside, her residence encountered a thief in the middle of the night - a batch of important information that she had suppressed and handed over to Sean after negotiating terms was stolen.

Bai Ye, who thought he could face everything calmly, finally threw something in anger.

She swore that she had never been so rude since she was a child, but in Paradise City, this seemed to have become the norm.

Bai Ye came to the door, only to learn that Sean took the people around him out... for an outing?

Ninety percent of this world is filled with crazy beasts. Are you going to go on a picnic? !

Her Royal Highness is going crazy.

Sean actually went on an outing.

He has been in this world for so long, and he has basically spent all of it fighting and killing in Paradise City. Recently, he has rarely had some free time, so he took people out to play when he thought of it.

It should be for fun, right?

Looking at the ruins in front of him that had experienced war, fighting, collapse, and time, Xiao Ci, who was sitting in his arms, raised his head, and there was some doubt in the little Lolita's unique hoarse Yujie voice.

This is what Sean taught her recently. If you don’t understand, just ask.

"What are you doing here?"

If you don’t understand, just ask.

Sean, who was sitting on the open-top aircraft, touched his nose and said, "Look at the scenery here, it's peaceful, calm, and beautiful."

A block of weathered concrete rolled down from the ruins.

Sean: "..."

He leaned back on the aircraft seat ruthlessly: "I'm tired of staying in the city every day, come out and see the world's... wonderful places!"

A wandering mad beast emerged from the shadows and pounced on the aircraft.

Xiao Ci stretched out a middle finger, and the condensed frost shot out, freezing the crazy beast solid, and it rolled down next to the concrete block just now.

She looked up at Sean, hesitated for a while and then clapped her hands: "Wow, that's fun."

Sean pinched her face and rubbed it wildly: "You are not allowed to learn to talk to Mo Jiajia in the future."

"This is a naked slander, Sean - but what exactly are we here to do?" Mo Jiajia's crisp voice came from behind.

Sean lay back and sighed helplessly.

The outskirts of Paradise City are really lackluster...

I wanted to go out of the city to find something new to see, but after walking around in a big circle, I was surrounded by ruins, crazy beasts, ruins, and crazy beasts.

"It's so boring." He muttered lazily.

Just as he was about to leave here, suddenly, a puff of smoke came from the distance.


"Yo ho~ yo ho~"

A large army was surrounding and approaching.

They were wearing dark yellow vests and strange masks or masks on their faces. They all had exaggerated hairstyles and surrounded them with strange screams.

Similar to the small aircraft that Sean and the others rode, this group of people also drove suspended aircraft. The aircraft flew close to the ground, causing waves of wind and sand.


This is not the name of a certain organization, but a collective name for those safari villains.

Gasoline vehicles and other means of transportation will attract mad beasts like crazy. When a small army moves forward in the wasteland, this kind of suspended aircraft with a large amount of energy fuel is the best choice.

Marauders often take such vehicles. Except for occasionally stopping at a few strongholds, they will roam around the entire wasteland world.

Caravans, small tribes, shelters, etc. are all their targets, and there will even be more than a dozen groups of plunderers united to plunder small city-states.

In front of them, what Sean and his group encountered were obviously a group of predators.

Judging from the height of their hovercraft above the ground, they must have just finished looting, and the craft was loaded with various looted supplies before it was almost touching the ground.

"Yo ho~" A hovercraft approached, that should be the leader of this group of plunderers.

A woman wearing a snakeskin coat and showing eight-pack abs stood on top of the aircraft. She made strange screams one after another and smiled maliciously at Sean.

In the wasteland world, it is common for men to snatch women, but it is not uncommon for ferocious female predators to snatch away the delicate skin and tender flesh of men. Playthings have no gender advantage.

The woman was quite wild and beautiful, with a large amount of bronze exposed on her bulging chest. She blew a rogue whistle.

"Hey, pretty boy, come back with me to eat and drink."

Sean blinked, turned his head left and right, looked around, and finally pointed at himself innocently: "Are you talking about me?"

The woman laughed and said, "Who else could it be? You are really good-looking. I like you very much. Come with me."

Sean gave a heartfelt smile: "Thank you for complimenting me on my handsomeness, but I still have to go back to the city. There are still people waiting at home."

The woman spit out the toothpick in her mouth: "I have some good sisters waiting for you. This is a reward for you. After you have fun with me, you can have fun again with some of my sisters."

On the aircraft next to her, several women excitedly clapped their hands on the deck.

Some of the male subordinates even looked envious.

Sean looked over, showing some shock as he looked at them: "They're all pretty good-looking, and they're all in good shape. They're different from the aunty predators I imagined."

"You can enjoy it -" the leading woman laughed, then waved her hand, "Pretty boy, don't resist, I won't hurt you."

The predators' aircraft surrounded them, and a group of people stood on the deck, ready to jump on several of Sean's aircraft.

Sean turned to look at Moza and wondered, "Don't I remember that the mobility of the predators near us is very high?"

Moza pushed up his glasses: "In order to avoid Princess Baiye, didn't you ask us to fly out in an unmarked aircraft? It's normal that they don't know each other."

Sean shook his head: "It's not normal. The raiders with such a large force must have brains. It's quite new to be around Paradise City without knowing me."

Moza nodded thoughtfully: "Did you go hunting nearby?"

Mo Jiajia stuck her head out: "Then let's catch it and ask?"

Seeing that the group of them were still having discussions on the aircraft, the woman frowned and shouted: "Brothers and sisters, catch them alive!"

A strange scream rang out - and then was interrupted by a heavy sound.

The woman's head was stepped on the deck by a sudden foot, and her skull made a loud noise.

This sudden scene left the predators stunned on the spot. Their boss was being stepped on by a cold man in a suit, unable to move.

"I'll do it! Brother, go to work!" A smaller foot appeared in duplicate and stepped on the woman's head.

Mo Jiajia's slightly paralyzed face showed some excitement, and her movements made the strong woman unable to resist!

Sean sat down with Xiao Ci in his arms and looked at the predators with a smile.

"I suggest you resist. My sister is learning something and needs to hurt others."

The corners of Mo Jiajia's mouth turned into a devilish curve.

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