I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 205 Bai Ye: I’m going to make a contribution!

"Those who come out to fool around, I have this consciousness, whether I want to kill or behead them, it's up to you!"

The woman who had been clamoring to take Sean back to warm the bed looked as if she was dead.

Of course, if the person she was talking to was not a little girl like Mo Jiajia, who was not yet ten years old, it might have been more tragic.

Her men were scattered on the ground, some lying, some scattered.

Mo Jiajia, who was 'opening meat' for the first time, did not show any discomfort that she should have at her age. On the contrary, she was extremely excited.

All I can say is that Moza teaches well.

The strength of this group of predators is pretty good, and the leader actually has king-level strength.

Unfortunately, they met brother and sister Moza and Mo Jiajia.

Rubbing the woman's face with the soles of her boots, Mo Jiajia said with an unkind expression: "I have never acted like a gangster like Sean, so who do you think you are?"

"You're crazy, aren't you?" Sean kicked Mo Jiajia away, and then looked at the subdued woman.

After tearing open several energy channels of the opponent's spinal prosthesis, he looked at it and showed some interest: "Interesting... I don't even know him, but he can still get a Steinway Type 1... or it has been modified. of……"

The woman had a tough mouth and immediately started yelling: "Who do you think you are? Why do I have to know you?"

Sean nodded: "It makes sense. It's normal if you don't know me - but you should pay for it if you modified my things."

The woman raised her eyebrows and said, "You fart, who took your stuff? What kind of Steinway, my dad passed it on to me!"

Mo Jiajia on the side patted the mud on her butt and got up, with a proud look on her face: "Didn't you know Sean's name when you were hanging around Paradise City? All the Steinway series of prosthetics are now his -"

Then she added: "It will also be mine from now on, and the joint property of husband and wife is protected by law——"

"Get out of here -" Sean knocked the talkative girl rudely and looked at the woman, "The situation is like this. I have been taking the path of a philanthropist recently, so I suggest you not to be harsh."

"Bah! You can kill me or chop me into pieces!"

"Tsk, rude..."

There was a heavy sound of bone cracking and a muffled groan, and Moza waved the steel pipe casually.

This woman was so strong that her forearm was shattered without even making a sound.

Sean squatted down and grabbed the unloading port of her Steinway 1 - this thing was used for emergency unloading and would usually directly cause paralysis of the person being unloaded.

"Looking at the implantation situation, it's not just a day or two. Good boy, tell me where your channels come from, or in other words, which unlucky guy you stole it from."

The woman's eyelids twitched, and she said bitterly: "I don't know what you are talking about! My prosthetic body was passed down to me by my father, I did not steal it from you!"

Sean shrugged: "In other words, where did your dad get it?"

As he spoke, he directly pressed the uninstall button. With just one lifting movement, the attached nerves of the prosthetic body would be pulled directly out of the entire spine.

The woman finally panicked, and she realized that this man was far more ruthless than she imagined.

She swallowed and said loudly: "How do I know?! My father died thirty years ago, and he left this prosthetic body to me!"

"you sure?"


"Tsk...I've been so polite, why are you not sincere at all?" Sean showed an impatient expression.

Feeling the force of her prosthetic body being pulled up, the woman panicked completely. She shouted, "I really didn't lie to you! My dad got it from a certain place. He only left a few clues, and then he died." Yes! I just cracked the clues he left for me not long ago, and I got something!"

Sean narrowed his eyes and signaled to Moza. The latter went to look for it on the Predator's aircraft, and after a while he found some machinery.

Prosthetic bodies, high-precision devices, special machines, etc. What's interesting is that these things look damaged to varying degrees, but regardless of the size of the wound, they are all new - these things are obviously not dug out.

The woman simply told everything: "That's where I got my dad's prosthetic body, but he couldn't tolerate it well enough. He was seriously injured in that adventure, and he died in the end."

"He left behind a prosthetic body and a treasure map that needs to be deciphered..."

"Wait a minute -" Sean interrupted the other party and laughed, "The treasure map left for his daughter still needs to be deciphered?"

The woman had a sullen face: "He felt that it was not a good place, and going there rashly would only harm me... but he was unlucky in the end."

Can you not be unlucky?

I finally got a lot of valuable things, and I thought about shipping them to a strange city to avoid being targeted. On the way, I tried to steal a man and go back to sleep. In the end, I was beaten by a child who was less than ten years old.

She now feels that her dead father was right, don't go near there, otherwise you will be unlucky.

Sean nodded thoughtfully and motioned for the other person to continue.

The woman told all her previous experiences.

After she deciphered the treasure map, she took her Marauder men with her, and there was a tall metal wall with barely visible borders.

According to the treasure map's prompts, part of the metal wall would be lowered periodically, and she was waiting in front of the entrance.

There were many robots in the metal wall. Those robots seemed to form two camps, and they were fighting endlessly inside.

When talking about this, the woman still had some fear in her eyes.

"That group of robots is terrifying. Some models that look very powerful almost have the strength of upper-level kings. The most common models also have the strength of peak elites. This is just the periphery."

"We didn't dare to go deep, so we waited at the outermost edge until a few teams of robots were almost killed before taking action. Those prosthetics were basically made from bionic humanoid robots, and other machines were dug out from places similar to supply points. .”

As she spoke, her eyelids twitched a few times: "We were going to ship out the goods and strengthen the team before going exploring, and we met you..."

Sean's eyes showed surprise.

This place...he had an impression.

The boundaries are invisible but the metal walls rise and fall regularly, the robots are divided into two camps and constantly fight, and the prosthetics produced are highly similar to the Steinway-1...

It should not be the same as the Steinway, but the Steinway should be the same as it.

Mountain of Survivors.

After the end, most of the humans in the old world lost their lives, and some elites slept together with the shelter. Most of the remaining survivors are the pioneers of today's major city-states.

Of course, the last group of survivors gathered. They did not want to welcome the arrival of the new world, but only wanted to maintain the rules of the old world, so they used all the resources at hand to build a mountain of survivors.

The so-called mountain does not mean that it is built on a peak or plateau, but describes the metal wall.

To be precise, it is a metal semicircular cover that reaches directly into the evil dome. It is like the artificial protective cover in Paradise City that collects the heat and light of the artificial sun, but it is only magnified and strengthened countless times.

Seeing Sean's thoughtful look, the woman subconsciously asked, "Do you know where it is?!"

Sean ignored her.

He doesn't really know him, because the Survivor Mountain should be a content that will only appear in the next update.

The people responsible for the design and model construction of that place were a group of interns he trained. Before he traveled through time, this thing should have only been in prototype...

Among the information that Sean knew, the energy chip produced by the shelter could be linked to the Survivor Mountain, but he didn't know the specific content.

And the chip...

Sean glanced at Xiao Ci who was squatting on the ground.

The latter was looking at a man whose legs were broken by Moza. The pipe in that guy's mouth looked like it was welded to his lips, and it didn't fall off even after being beaten like this.

The man looked at the orange-haired Loli in front of him, whose eyes seemed innocent and didn't seem to care about anything, and his throat involuntarily twitched.

These people were more terrifying than the crazy beasts he had ever encountered... The little carrot head in front of him was definitely not a kind person!

When he saw the other party getting closer, he was so frightened that he quickly arched his body and moved back.

A slender middle finger stretched out, and the man whose legs were broken was unable to retreat.

He closed his eyes in despair.

This is to humiliate me and then kill me...it must be...

My life is at an end!

Then he felt a little heat on the tip of his nose.

The man opened his eyelids tremblingly.

The delicate orange-haired lolita pointed her middle finger at him, her fingertips burning with flames.


Predators: "..."

Sean's eyelids twitched.

A huge amount of energy that can be used by tens of millions of people for decades has become a loli lighter.

I’m afraid the linkage with Survivor Mountain is gone…

However, that place is not without value...

Prosthetics, machines, devices, etc. are all secondary.

Sean found that in his big plan, there was suddenly a better substitute.

Of course, you have to go and see it for yourself to determine whether your idea is feasible.

Moreover, after all, it is a mountain of survivors, so it is best to find some people who can help...

"Broken jar, broken jar? Mr. Sean, don't let me look down on you." Bai Ye blocked Sean who was returning to the city.

Sean shrugged and ignored her.

He called for people to escort the tightly tied Predator aircraft back to the headquarters of [Golden Ghost].

Although he didn’t say anything, it was rare for the current [Golden Ghost] speaker to ‘receive’ him personally.

On the one hand, Bai Ye was annoyed by Sean's attitude, and on the other hand, she unconsciously turned her eyes to those things.

She didn't believe that Sean would go out for an outing. He must have been doing something.

Although she hated this person, even she had to admit that Sean was a smart and scary person.

This is also one of the important reasons why she didn't fall out immediately after gaining the superpower.

Bai Ye's blocking had no effect. The most Sean could do was tease her a few words, which made the princess so angry that she was still gnashing her teeth when she returned to her residence.

However, as soon as he arrived in the room, Bai Ye's expression returned to calmness.

She called the shadow and sent a ray of moonlight into the other person's wrist.

"I left a mark on those aircraft. According to the guidance of the moonlight, you can find the location of the mark. Go check it out at night to see what this guy is doing. With such strict guarding, there is a high probability that it is something important. "

"Yes, Your Highness."

A trace of revenge flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

Let you kidnap my people in the middle of the night, let you steal my information in the middle of the night.

Now it's my turn. If you are unkind, then I will be unjust!

At night, deep in the [Golden Ghost] headquarters, in a corner that almost no one noticed, a shadow squirmed.

The shadow relied on its own powers to move forward quickly, heading in the direction guided by the moonlight.

After passing through several tightly guarded areas, the shadow finally found its place.

"It's exactly what His Highness said, it's a very important thing..."

After thinking for a while, Shadow found the opportunity and sneaked in quietly.

A crimson-level detective master is almost impossible to detect if he has accurate guidance.

"It's really hidden. If it weren't for the dean, I really wouldn't be able to find anyone."

In the monitoring room with many electronic screens, Sean was happily talking to Latiya.

Latiya clicked on one of the screens again: "There, in the shadow in the lower right corner, the coin-sized shadow at eight o'clock has an effect similar to water splashing. It should be the operation law of his superpower."

Sean wiped his eyes: "You didn't see anything?"

"Normally, his powers are similar to mine. They are all shadow-based, but he is better at hiding than me. Ordinary crimson is also difficult to detect."

Latiya looked at Sean with a very affectionate smile: "I will watch for a while and I will sort out the rules for you. You can use the shadow power and shadow resonance of the twin rings to help you detect to a certain extent. At least you can notice when a shadow sneaks near you."

Sean squinted his eyes and smiled: "Thank you very much, Dean."

"It doesn't matter, you are Ying's boyfriend, and I will be your teacher." Latiya's Aiwujiwu situation is very serious.

Sean shook his head seriously: "That won't work, it's still the dean, calling the teacher will be risky in the future."


"It's easy to get banned when doing business... No, I mean, calling me the dean shows my respect more."

"Oh alright."

When the two were talking, sounds also came from the monitor. According to the established link, the captured plunderers began to discuss in a low voice the details about the mountain of survivors.

The shadow where the shadow was was calm for a long time, and then squirmed again after making sure there was no more news.

"Mountain of Survivors?"

Bai Ye frowned deeply when he heard the news from the shadow.

I thought Sean was just playing hard to get and deliberately playing tricks on himself, but now it seems that he does have something important going on.

And, maybe, he actually found a way to replace himself...

The most important thing is the information on the Survivor Mountain...

Bai Ye's eyes flickered, and she thought of the Hall of Thought and the Third Saint.

That information sounds... like it's related to the [World]!

The Three Saints are one of the powerful survivors of the old world.

Moreover, there is no need to worry that this may be Sean's trap. I just need to take this information to the Three Saints for verification.

In this case... my original troubles may be solved, and I can even repay the help given by the Three Saints.

I want...to make a contribution!

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