I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 206 We are all good people

"Please forgive my intrusion, Third Saint, but I have important information to report to you."

In the hall of thinking, Bai Ye lowered his head and said.

[The World] does not hold regular talks. It is more like the hall of the Three Saints. Whenever he is interested, the thinking hall will become lively.

Although he was given the ability to actively call, Bai Ye would never contact him rashly unless it was an emergency.

Frequent asking for help only proves your incompetence.

But the appearance of the mountain of survivors gave Bai Ye the opportunity to take the initiative to contact him.

After she finished speaking, she waited for the Third Saint to speak. This was necessary respect.

She obtained the powers she dreamed of. Although the process was full of twists and turns, she would never forget that it was the Three Saints who gave her the greatest opportunity - that bastard Sean took advantage of her. The main reason was that the enemy was too cunning and she was too weak. .

As calm as ever, as mysterious as ever, Bai Ye even found that after gaining the superpower, he seemed to be able to feel the power of the Third Saint even more.

She heard the other party say with a smile: "Congratulations, Saint 8, for gaining super powers."

He can indeed feel it...

Bai Ye lowered his head and said respectfully: "This is all because of your generosity - Bai Ye doesn't know how to repay you. Although you may not care, I also want to express my sincerity and gratitude."

"Haha, don't bother so much."

Listening to the calm tone of the Third Saint, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh in his heart: He is indeed a mysterious and unpredictable powerhouse in the apocalypse. Helping me, an almost useless person, to gain superpowers is just a small matter in his eyes.

Bai Ye became more respectful: "Yes, I understand that there is very little I can do now, but I have some information that you may be interested in - I heard news about the Mountain of Survivors."

The sound of clothing rubbing against each other was heard. Bai Ye raised her head slightly and saw the white figure making an interesting body posture.

Bai Ye immediately felt happy - as expected, the Third Saint is a survivor of the old world, and he will be interested in this aspect.

Without hiding anything, she revealed all the information she had overheard.

After hearing this, the Third Saint made a sigh of relief: "Sure enough... they still did it..."

them? What did you do?

Bai Ye's little head was already spinning rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the Third Saint smiled: "Your news is good, just take it as your reward."

Bai Ye immediately lowered his head in joy: "Thank you for your generosity."

Saint Three exchanged his legs and said leisurely: "The name Mountain of Survivors cannot be made up. Haha, this name can also let me know a lot of things - Saint Eight, if you are interested in making another one, deal?"

This is the first time that the other party has offered to trade with me!

Bai Ye immediately pricked up her ears with concentration, but she still asked cautiously: "This is my honor, but you know, I just gained the superpower..."

The other party smiled: "I can't interfere too much in reality, and you don't have to belittle yourself - of course, this is just a suggestion."

He leaned back in his chair and didn't seem to care very much: "There may be something I want in the Survivor Mountain - you can find a way to explore it. If that thing is really in there and you have a chance to get it, You can get it for me.”

Very loose conditions... Bai Ye nodded and agreed without hesitation: "I will try my best."

The Third Saint smiled and said without comment, "If it succeeds, let me think about it... By the way, how about giving you a message?"

Bai Ye pricked up his ears. The information in the other person's mouth might be some super big secret!

"There are still some things in my memory, such as the crazy beast that is most suitable for your promotion to Crimson. How about it?"

Bai Ye's eyes widened instantly.

"I'm afraid there aren't enough manpower, right?"

On the small aircraft leaving the city, Moza pushed up his glasses.

After Sean returned to the city to reorganize, he was ready to go directly to explore the legendary mountain of survivors, but the [Golden Ghost] obviously couldn't come out in full force now.

Even Moza would stay in the city later. After all, there had to be someone who represented Sean's will.

There are upper-level king-level robots on the periphery, so it is almost inevitable that Crimson will exist in the mountain of survivors.

Boss Jin Kui needs to recuperate from his injuries, and his sister-in-law is responsible for high-end combat security in the entire city. Ai Youqian and his son have left the city, and the only crimson Sean can bring with him is Dean Latiya.

Sean sat lazily in his seat. He patted Moza's shoulder: "Don't worry, someone will come to help me in a while. Just look after the house. I'll go over there and see if there's any bionics suitable for you." Robot—what size do you want?”

"Brother, you are really ignorant. Cheryl should be left to do things like stay behind..."

"Okay, okay, shut up and get back to work."


After Moza left, Sean and his team's aircraft quickly arrived outside the city.

He didn't bring many people with him this time, including Latiya, Luo Xi, and Sherrill who could fight, Endeli who could do fine work, Zhu Zhu who could run away, a personal guard, and a plunderer who led the way. leader.

Although this team is enough to run rampant near Paradise City, it is still not that safe to explore the Survivor Mountain.

However, insurance soon came.

The aircraft team stopped, and Sean stepped out and waved behind him: "Your Highness, is this appropriate?"

Bai Ye appeared at the rear with his shadow and royal guards.

In the only small room of the aircraft, Bai Ye and Sean were staring at each other.

Sean said lazily: "Your Highness, have you also fallen in love with this kind of secret operation recently? Isn't it exciting?"

Bai Ye moved his butt slightly embarrassed. It was a bit embarrassing for a majestic imperial princess to be caught doing such a petty act.

However, she quickly adjusted her mentality and looked directly at Sean: "I know where you want to explore. I will provide help, and the results of the exploration will be divided equally."

Sean looked at her like she was a fool: "Your Highness, what did you overhear again? Tsk, forget it - I can monopolize the resources, but you still have to share them with me?"

He looked up and down at the other party's slim figure and sneered: "Marriage property is not divided like this."

Bai Ye's brows twitched. What she needed to do most when facing Sean now was to control her emotions first.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her head and said, "I know part of the situation there, and you can't keep it all to yourself - you and I will get three from the exploration."

"You nine and six are fine..." Sean acted like a gangster.


Sean waved his hand lazily: "That's not how you get a share of the pie. Your Highness, please come back."

"...You are eight and I am two."

Sean sneered: "You still need me to take you home?"

Bai Ye took a deep breath: "You have nine and I have one, but I need to choose the spoils first."

"Deal -" Sean's face changed instantly, and then he emphasized, "It's OK to give priority to the selection, provided that the value is not greatly exceeded."

Bai Ye gritted his teeth: "Okay..."

"Then, welcome to our adventure team, my dear Your Highness."

"Don't call me honey!"

Bai Ye walked out angrily, while Sean in the room snapped his fingers with satisfaction.

The shadow is a real crimson, and Bai Ye is also very powerful after awakening. After all, she is the Queen of the Moon, a person who has the ability to lead the empire to crazy expansion in the future.

Coupled with the royal guards who have excellent combat effectiveness, these thugs only need to pay 10% of the loot, which is too cheap.

It was Bai Ye who came to beg him.

Sean clicked his tongue - Your Highness, you are still too young.

The aircraft moved forward at high speed on the wasteland. Occasionally, the crazy beast that noticed it tried to pounce on it, but in the end it was left far behind by the smoke and dust.

Sitting in the aircraft, you can see ruins and wilderness. This is the true face of the world.

Even as one of the builders, Sean couldn't help but sigh: No dog can live in a place where these birds don't poop and are full of crazy beasts.

In the wasteland, there are nearly a thousand kilometers between the nearest city-states, and the largest city-state near Paradise City is the Sunken Port in the other direction. Along the way, except for the crazy beast, Sean and his group have not seen even a single person. .

Of course, it is also related to transportation. Their speed is much faster than normal trade or migration.

However, the energy consumption of small aircraft is also ridiculously expensive.

After traveling fast all day, the engine also needed to dissipate heat, so the group found a ruins as a temporary camp.

This place should be a city built after the end of the world. Compared to the ruins before the end of the world, the sense of age here is not very strong.

Cities built after the end of the world will also be abandoned due to various reasons: beast tides, civil strife, attackers, etc.

After clearing away a dozen wandering crazy beasts, the group took a break in an empty abandoned building.

Firelight and aroma can easily attract crazy beasts. Although these people are quite powerful, there is no need to cause trouble for no reason. Lightless heaters and compressed food are the best choices.

Bai Ye was not so squeamish, and she did not complain as she gnawed on the dry compressed biscuits. However, she felt unhappy when she heard the laughter coming from not far away.

This is an adventure, not an outing!

Bai Ye wanted to yell angrily at that dirty guy.

Are you still thinking of playing tricks on girls at this time?

However, the pretty red-haired girl didn't seem angry at being taken advantage of, and she was just playing around with Sean coquettishly.

"Bitch man and woman..." Bai Ye cursed secretly.

Why are there so many beautiful girls around this bastard...

And none of them are vases.

That girl with white hair and red skin who has only appeared a few times is probably even stronger than herself...

"They must have been deceived by this bastard in various ways..." Bai Ye muttered in his heart and took another vicious bite of the compressed biscuit.

She is one of the victims.

However, seeing him flirting with other women again, Bai Ye's anger grew even higher.

The transaction is completed, and I accept your sympathy, but one word is one word, and I will never forget the things you did to me...

Bai Ye, who was muttering silently, suddenly heard the voice of the shadow next to him.

"Your Highness, someone is approaching."

Sean and Bai Ye's personal guards all stood up and stared at the entrance eagerly.

A group of people who looked very embarrassed walked in cautiously from outside.

The group of people were mostly young men and women, and they looked tired.

The leader was a man with a mechanical arm and metal fists clasped together. He whispered: "Excuse me, we were passing by here and wanted to find a place to rest. We noticed something moving here and thought it was a crazy beast... We are not predators and we hope this will be convenient for you."

Bai Ye frowned and looked at each other. Everyone in this team looked timid and exhausted. There were several large six-legged carts parked outside. They didn't look like plunderers or businessmen, but more like they were fleeing. of refugees.

Seeing that Sean didn't speak, Bai Ye said, "Who are you?"

The man smiled bitterly: "It is more than a hundred kilometers southwest of here. It was originally the gathering place of our tribe. However, the beast tide suddenly broke out and the tribe was lost. The remaining people had to migrate. There were traders passing by before and I heard that the northeast direction There is a paradise city more than a thousand kilometers away, and we want to go there and ask the city lord to take him in."

Or are they refugees going to Paradise City...

Seeing that Sean and his group were still raising their weapons, the man slowly raised his hand and said with a wry smile: "Just passing by... just passing by... I just hope it's convenient for you all so that my tribe and I can have a rest at night. Place - we will never come close to you, and we will never have any ill intentions."

Sean's lazy voice sounded: "There is a building opposite, so you can live there by yourself."

He hugged Zhu Zhu, who had a curious look on his face, and looked lazy. He looked more like a young man than a man struggling to make a living in the wasteland.

The man was grateful and led the people away. After a while, some noises were heard in the distance. It seemed that the group was getting ready to rest.

This guy is so easy to talk to... Bai Ye glanced at Sean and muttered something in his heart.

After a while, several timid young women suddenly approached, carrying several bags in their hands.

"Can we exchange some food with you?" The young girl showed a flattering expression.

She opened the bag and there were plump nuts inside.

"This is a specialty of our place. It's called walnut. It's delicious." She added eagerly.

There was no movement from Sean, and Bai Ye sighed secretly, and she ordered: "Bring some compressed food to change with them."

It's definitely impossible to eat, but they don't have a lot of food, so it doesn't matter if they change it.

Several girls immediately cheered when they saw the compressed food.

Sean's sneer sounded: "Your Highness, you are so kind."

The girls immediately didn't dare to move and looked at Bai Ye timidly.

Bai Ye frowned: "I'll exchange my things for you, won't it bother you?"

Sean yawned: "Is the princess always so naive in the beginning?"

Before Bai Ye could speak, a crisp voice sounded.

"You fart."

Bai Ye saw that the white-haired woman with the dragon's head but no tail appeared, and she...

He pulled out the sharp blade in his hand.

The girl who had just exchanged food with Bai Ye lowered her head tremblingly and looked at her stomach that had been stabbed.

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