I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 207 The beast tide is really coming

"what are you doing?!"

Bai Ye's eyes widened and he exclaimed.

Luo Xi turned his head and shook the blue energy blade. There were no blood drops splashing out, only dazzling energy particles.

Her movements were almost too fast to be seen.

As soon as the moonlight on the white leaves fell, Luo Xi's energy blade went straight across the bodies of the girls.

Their eyes were either frightened, confused, or ignorant, frozen in place.

The compressed food in his hand was splattered with blood.

At the same time, a series of shouts of death and explosions were heard - in the building opposite.

Sean's team lost half of its people at some point.

"Brother, I'm going to clean up the mess." Sherrill cheerfully raised his chainsaw, his honest smile amidst the roar.

Sean waved his hand: "Don't get your clothes dirty, you'll be in trouble looking for water outside."

"Ang, be right back."

The chainsaw roared and the screams became more intense.

Bai Ye looked at Sean and Luo Xi in disbelief: "What are you going to do?!"

Sean smiled: "Isn't this obvious? Killing people."

"Are you crazy?! They are just a group of refugees and will not pose any threat to you!"

Sean looked at Luo Xi and apologized: "I take back what I said before, she is much stupider than you were at the beginning."

Luo Xi raised his head proudly, and then noticed something was wrong: "Who is stupid?!"

"Hey, you just understand what I mean. Why can't you tell the difference so clearly?" Sean said with a smile.

Bai Ye's chest was panting slightly, and she looked at the two of them with eyes full of disbelief.

No matter how bad a person is... there should always be a reason for killing, right?

Those people didn't even have anything valuable, so they just killed them?

And these two people, as if they had just done something ordinary and trivial, started flirting.

Bai Ye's chest heaved violently, and she stared at the two people angrily.

On the other side, the battle ended very quickly.

There was no intention to calculate, and Sherrill, a humanoid tyrannosaurus, cleared the area directly, so the opponent did not form effective resistance at all.

There is a small square between the two abandoned buildings. Even in the dim night, you can see dark red blood flowing down the broken stairs like a river.

Sherrill came back with the chainsaw. He was really careful this time, and there were only a few blood spots on his body.

"Brother, it's done."

Sean stretched with satisfaction: "Okay, go to bed, we have to rush when we get up tomorrow morning."

He had no intention of saying anything to Bai Ye. Instead, he started quarreling with Zhu Zhu.

"Would you like to sleep at your place tonight?"

"No! I-I'm not ready!"

"Then you can sleep at my place."

"No way!"

"Then where to sleep?"

"Let me think about it...no! We can't sleep together!"

Bai Ye's chest heaved, and his fists were clenched at some point.

Luo Xi secretly spat at Sean, waved her fist at the opponent's back, and looked at Bai Ye.

As if she thought of something, she blinked and showed a happy expression.

"You still don't understand why you killed them?"

"Understand?" Bai Ye gasped, "They didn't pose any threat to us. Apart from some nuts, do they have anything valuable on them? Why should I understand!"

Luo Xi suddenly felt some strange pleasure.

She remembered what Sean said: Happiness comes from comparison.

Now, should I call this feeling of superiority?

Thinking of this, she was satisfied, and then explained kindly: "They don't pose any threat to us. That's the biggest problem."

Bai Ye looked at her with an unreasonable look.

Luo Xi was not angry. She blinked: "Swapping identities, we are them - a group of refugees. Facing a group of well-equipped unknown people, do you dare to rest nearby?"

Bai Ye was startled.

Luo Xi continued: "In this world, a group of people who can form a tribe on their own can be so... naive? Moreover, if swept by the beast tide, the old, weak, women and children will indeed be more seriously injured, but not a child or an old man will be killed. Bar?"

Bai Ye recalled the composition of the team. Although it looked exhausted and lifeless, it was basically composed of young and middle-aged men and women.

Luo Xi spread his hands, and there was a little bit of Sean in his movements.

She looked at the blood outside and didn't feel emotional. She just said calmly: "This is how the world is."

Bai Ye was in a daze. She sat down and accidentally dropped the nut bag she had just exchanged.

The top layer of nuts rolled down, and underneath were bombs disguised as nuts.

Luo Xi blinked: "Remote-controlled bomb, the distance between the two buildings is just enough to detonate."

After saying that, her war blade retracted and turned into a metal ball. She tossed it like an apple and left briskly.

Bai Ye stood there alone, staring blankly at the bag of nuts.

"Gah..." The blood bubbles in her throat gurgled. The young girl who was stabbed through the abdomen was not dead yet. She struggled to reach out her hand, her eyes full of urgency.

The moonlight of the white leaves fell on the girl, and she asked softly: "Do you know what is inside?"

The girl shook her head hard, as if she really didn't know anything and was just following orders to exchange for food.

Things in her arms were scattered out, including real nuts, beautiful stones, and an old drill with a little white powder on it.

Bai Ye squatted on the ground and looked at each other, and then gradually took away his own moonlight.

After a while, the young girl who came for the exchange died next to her, her eyes still looking confused.

At dawn, when setting off, Sean glanced at Bai Ye.

The latter's expression looked calm, but his eyes were a little tired.

He chuckled and waved his hand: "Let's go."

The aircraft flew by and rolled the cold body a few times.

After most of the day, several crazy beasts began to enjoy this unexpected meal.

Halfway through the flight, a small gathering tribe appeared in front of everyone.

There were no piles of corpses or raging beasts inside.

Women and the elderly were busy washing clothes and cooking food, while children were running around the gathering place. They were the ones who smiled the most and were the least sad.

In the tribe, except for some guards on the sentry post, there are almost no young adults.

They noticed the visitors, and the guards immediately sounded the alarm, and the large, shabby iron gate of the tribe was closed tightly.

A little boy with a runny nose didn't have time to get in. He knocked hard on the door, and a woman's cry seemed to come from inside the door.

But the guard just clenched the weapon in his hand and stared cautiously at the man coming off the aircraft.

"Guest, what's the matter?"

Sean ignored the guard's question at the sentry post. He walked over to the scared little boy and squatted down with a smile: "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people."

The little boy took a few steps back in fear, but soon he felt that the handsome older brother in front of him was very friendly, and he had a feeling that he couldn't help but want to get close to him.

He took out a lollipop and shook it, then handed it to the little boy. Sean smiled and asked, "Why are you playing outside? It's very dangerous."

The little boy took the lollipop and held it tightly in his hand. There was a bracelet made of white beads on his thin wrist.

He sniffed: "I'm waiting for my father and sister to come back."

Sean smiled even more happily: "What are dad and sister doing?"

"Went hunting -" As soon as he mentioned this, the little boy puffed up his chest and his voice became much louder. "Dad and sister always bring back a lot of things, including food and useful things."

As he spoke, he raised his bracelet as if to show off: "Every time I come back, my father will give me an extra bead. He tells me that I will become as powerful as him in the future and protect my mother, sister and brother." !”

The thin light cast from the evil dome mixed with the light in the little boy's eyes, seeming to make the bracelet shine.

Sean couldn't help laughing: "Then do you know what the beads on this bracelet are made of?"

The little boy's eyes brightened even more, and he shouted: "I know! Dad said that only the most beautiful women will have this thing, and everyone will only have one piece! He will take it off very carefully, and his sister will give it to him." I grind it into beads.”

Sean laughed and touched the little boy's head: "That's right, everyone can only have one piece!"

He took out a small bottle with a turbid-looking blood-colored bead in it.

Sean took out the thing and thoughtfully put it on the little boy's bracelet.

He touched the little boy's head and said with a smile: "My brother gave this to you. There is only one. However, the origin of this thing is quite big."

The little boy looked at the red bead. His nose was very good and he could smell the delicious food his mother was making every time.

There seemed to be a smell of blood on the bead, and it also had a spicy taste.

He was still young, and he didn't know how to describe it - it seemed a bit similar to the smell on the corpse of a big monster he had seen before?

His mother washed the big monster many times and cooked it for everyone to eat. He still remembered it and it was so delicious!

He raised his head and wanted to ask again, and then he saw the handsome brother boarding the aircraft again.

He was waving to himself with a smile: "If we have a chance to see you again, remember to be better."

The little boy nodded vigorously and said loudly: "I want to be as powerful as my father and sister!"

Sean smiled happily, waved and walked into the hatch.

The small aircraft quickly flew away from here.

Seeing that the strange team was finally far away, the guard quickly opened the door.

A middle-aged woman rushed out and hugged the boy. She wiped her tears with one hand and spanked her son hard with the other: "Let you run around! Let you run around!"

The little boy whirred, howling and shouting: "Ah - Mom, Mom! I was wrong! I was wrong!"

People who were originally worried laughed out loud when they saw this scene.

A guard looked at the little black dot that had gone away and wondered: "Where did this come from? A caravan or something?"

"Who knows... Tsk, why haven't the patriarchs come back yet?"

"I don't know, but I guess it will be soon. I should be back after cooking."

The small disturbance passed, and the gathering place became quiet and peaceful again.

The meal was gradually cooked. The boy wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and sneaked a hand over.

The middle-aged woman opened his hand, glared and said, "You can't eat it until your father and sister come back!"

"Oh..." The boy wiped his nose reluctantly.

Suddenly, he found that his hand was very red. When he looked again, he saw that it was the red bead that his brother had given him, but it had broken apart at some point.

"Son, what's on your hands again?"

"I do not know……"

Suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded.

People waiting for their families to return walked out of their homes and looked at the sentry.

"Beasts...tide of beasts!"

The guard let out a heartbreaking cry, and then, a huge crazy beast jumped up and bit off half of his body.

Frightened shouts rang out, and the big iron gate only held up for a few seconds.

A dense crowd of crazy beasts rushed in, and their red eyes looked at the frightened boy.


Now, the beast tide is really coming.

On the aircraft, Sean gestured to the princess's fair forehead. Finally, he withdrew his hand under the eyes of the other party who wanted to kill.

Sean laughed: "The craftsmanship is quite good. Such a big piece can be ground into such small beads."

Bai Ye said coldly: "Just say what you want to say. This time it was me... I was careless."

Sean laughed: "It's all small things."

This is indeed just a small thing, and such small things happen again and again in every corner of the world.

Everyone takes it for granted, and everyone should take it for granted.

After passing through an area with extremely high density of crazy beasts, the leader of the predators pointed forward.

"There, that's where it is!"

Everyone looked over after hearing this.

However, nothing was seen. There were still only wilderness and mountain peaks ahead.

The woman said, "That's it! The mountain!"

It was a dark mountain range, at least that's what it looked like from a distance.

The aircraft accelerated, and they were getting closer to the mountain.

Then the peaks were terrifying in their majesty.

You can't see the boundary. Only when you get closer can you see the traces of time. Moss, blood, and wind and sand are all on the dark metal wall.

Mountain of Survivors.

Whether it was Sean or the well-informed Bai Ye, everyone subconsciously let out an exclamation.

It's so high that it reaches the sky, and it's so wide that you can't even see the boundary.

Endeli's eyes were shining. He took off his goggles and murmured: "God...this thing can even cover the entire Paradise City."

Bai Ye was equally shocked. The empire had never built such a grand project. Is this the technological power of the old world...

For the Third Saint, there is just one item that interests him a little bit...

She was once again grateful that she could become a member of [the world].

"Only the prototype is so awesome...but the world should also automatically complete the contents."

Sean muttered to himself.

However, this time, he had to face a new unknown.

This place really wasn't modeled by him...

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