I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 208 A strange place

"This is right here. The clues left by my dad said that this wall will be opened once a month, and the opening time ranges from a few minutes to a few hours each time."

In front of a metal wall that looked the same as the surrounding ones, the captured raider leader was speaking.

She glanced at Sean and the others, and spoke faster: "When I came last time, I couldn't go in the first time. It was only open for ten minutes that time, and it was closed again while I was still observing."

"Then I waited here for another month. This time the opening hours were about three hours. After I went in, I stayed outside for a while and then came back. I was originally going to wait another month, but we had to ship out and set up camp. There are not enough supplies.”

As she spoke, she pointed to a back slope next to the metal wall.

Walking over, there are indeed many traces of camping there.

Endeli, who was chipping away at the metal wall with a screwdriver, turned around. He was putting a small piece of the fragment into his mouth and licking it.

After smacking the taste, he said: "The texture of the metal is very strange. It seems to be normal strengthened steel. It is indeed an old-world technology, but it has some filler similar to nanofluid mixed in."

"Such a high metal wall is a bit dangerous to build, but there may be unknown new structures inside to keep it stable - but I don't quite understand how this thing can be raised or lowered, whether it is up, down, left or right, even if I don’t understand the opening and closing mechanical structure either.”

"It's too big and too high. The overall stability will be destroyed after moving, not to mention the metal fatigue and aging - besides, such a large mechanical structure is still tightly integrated?"

"Based on the time we left and the time we spent on the road, only twenty days have passed since the last lift - I turned around twice and couldn't find a single seam except for the normal splicing interface, but the surrounding terrain did have some Traces of destruction... The old world's technological power was indeed very high, but it wasn't that high, right? Otherwise, how could the world be destroyed?"

Endeli shook his head, expressing his incomprehension.

Sean walked to the wall and looked around, but couldn't find any familiar elements.

The Mountain of Survivors was just a prototype. It was made by a team of interns he led. The level of detail was not high. Only the appearance and core were completed, and the purpose was not even determined.

Although he occasionally visited it a few times to check on the progress, Sean had no impression of this place.

However, according to the setting, this thing should not be able to move without energy - because, in the game design, this thing will become the 'home system' controlled by the protagonist controlled by the player in the later stage.

As a Chinese, who doesn’t like farming?

It can only be said that unexpected changes have indeed taken place under the influence of world completion.

Over there, the leader of the looters said: "I'm not lying to you. You only need to wait ten more days to find out. This thing can really be opened."

Sean shrugged and motioned for everyone to camp where they were.

Just wait and find out.

The temporary camp was quickly set up. This place was located in a large wilderness. Except for the occasional crazy beasts passing by and some mutants with full life-saving talent trees, no other living creatures were seen.

Time passed day by day, and soon there were only a few hours left before leaving the door.

"You can really open the door. Should you keep your promise and give me the antidote?" The predator leader stared at Sean and said.

Sean yawned. He looked at the other person thoughtfully, and only smiled when the latter was covered in hair: "I am a person who keeps my word."

Many people present spat secretly.

The hours passed quickly.

Suddenly, the ground beneath everyone's feet shook violently.

As if a giant beast dormant in the wilderness let out a long sigh, amidst the huge sound, the high metal wall in front rose high.

Endeli was dumbfounded: "This thing can really rise and fall?"

The gate of such a huge building slowly rose in an incomprehensible manner.

A strong wind stained with various smells blew out from inside.

Putting on the filter mask that he had prepared long ago, Endeli held up an instrument and looked at it for a while and marveled: "The carbon dioxide content is very high, and it is also mixed with industrial waste gas, engine oil, and floating particles from abandoned energy pipelines... Tsk, There are a lot of things, and there is a high probability of a factory inside. I estimate that this wall is used for internal ventilation, which means that the airtightness inside is very high. This thing is really outrageous."

After throwing a bottle of antidote to the woman, Sean walked up to Endeli and asked, "Is there someone inside?"

Endeli shook his head: "The carbon dioxide concentration is too high. If there are people living there, there should be a huge circulation device. Such ventilation is more like a huge industrial area. Of course, I guess there is a Paradise City in this place. It’s so big that I can’t tell what’s going on inside, but if what the woman said is true, there’s a low chance that there’s anyone alive inside.”

"By the way, there may not even be crazy beasts in it -" Endeli pointed to an indicator on the instrument, "I studied a module to detect pollution. This thing is the origin of crazy beasts. If there are crazy beasts in it, Otherwise, the pollution level would not be so low."

"Our speculation may be correct. Pollution is also effective on machinery. This may have been a huge assembly line factory area."

"But a batch of assembly lines were contaminated for some reason, and the robots that were built started to work with other robots that were originally designed to resist pollution. If it were fully automated, the remains of the robots would be continuously recycled and manufactured, and instead they would become... A place of self-consumption.”

Endeli shrugged: "So I said there is a high probability that there is no one inside. The original owner of this place must have wanted to create a large number of robots to fight against the crazy beasts. The assembly line is like this, why can't living people take care of it?"

As he spoke, the strong wind had weakened a lot.

Sean waved his hand, and the leading team immediately walked into the wall.

After a while, the safety signal was sent.

The large force entered, and they were finally able to see a corner of this place.

The terrain inside the wall is similar to that outside the wall, but there is almost no life inside.

Most of the area was horribly desolate. Walking a short distance inside, the remains of robots began to appear one after another on the ground.

Endeli stepped forward and studied for a while and said: "It is the same series as the batch of things they picked up. It was indeed caused by mutual attacks - some are quite new, some are very old, and the fully automatic ones here are There is probably a big problem with the recycling device."

There was no robot war as imagined. Sean and his group walked a short distance before they saw two groups of robots fighting.

Most of these two batches of robots are bionic and semi-mechanical in appearance, with almost the same appearance. The only difference is that the movements of one batch of robots are obviously more violent, and they look like wild beasts.

They should have noticed the approaching crowd, but all the robots were attacking each other like crazy, paying no attention to outsiders.

"Damn it, there really is an upper-level king-level robot." Sean gasped.

Two obviously bigger and more advanced robots were fighting crazily. Even without the energy weapons, it could be seen from their speed and strength alone that these two robots were even stronger than some weaklings at the upper level of kings.

After all, the robot does not need to adapt to prosthetics and machinery, and the modules can be 100% matched.

If there was an entire army of king-level robots, let alone Crimson, it wouldn't be easy even if Grand Duke Wen Cheng came.

Sean did not intervene, but waited for the fight between the two parties to end.

The results came out quickly. The more animalistic robot cut off the head of the normal king-level robot with one knife, and then inserted the steel blade into the opponent's chest. An energy core exploded, announcing the destruction of the owner.

Although it was also seriously injured, it immediately joined the team to clean up the opponent.

There was no suspense, the more normal batch of robots were torn into pieces.

The red eyes of the remaining animalistic robots flashed, and then they pounced on Sean and his group who were watching without any hesitation.

"Are you going to beat those who eat melons too?" Sean said dissatisfiedly.

The chainsaw roared, and Sherrill rushed over with a grin.

The beast-shaped robot that had been killing everyone just now was forced back more than ten steps when it came face to face with him. Its energy core buzzed, and it charged forward fearlessly, with the steel knife thrust straight into Sherrill's head.

This robot was taller than Sherrill, but Sherrill only jumped slightly.

The steel knife penetrated his chest.

As if he didn't feel anything, Sherrill tightened his chest muscles suddenly, and then chopped off the robot's head with a chainsaw!

After kicking away the robot's remains, the flesh and blood on Sherrill's chest began to squirm.

He walked back with the chainsaw on his shoulders and said cheerfully: "The module's performance is quite powerful, but its program is very fixed. I just noticed that there are only a few sets of melee combat moves."

Bai Ye's eyes flickered several times, this giant man was more powerful than she imagined.

While talking, other robots were quickly dealt with.

Endeli cheered and ran to the side of the fresh wreckage.

Sean looked at the mess on the ground and said thoughtfully: "This part of the robot is obviously contaminated, but it seems that the degree of contamination is not high."

Sherrill also nodded: "It's like a humanoid crazy beast that still has a little sense. However, the robot should not be called rational, but should be called a program. The program is fighting against pollution, but something feels weird."

"Does the superpower work on them?" Sean asked.

Sherrill shook his head: "I can control the surrounding flesh and blood. Contaminate this thing. Both flesh and blood and machinery can work. I have also controlled the weak and polluted people, but it has no effect on these robots at all. The pollution has no effect at all." movement."

"Too high intensity?"

"No, it's too weak. The same goes for that king-level robot. That's why I said it's weird."

While talking, Endeli made a new discovery.

"Brother, look at this." He raised something and shook it.

Sean walked over and found that Endeli had removed the damaged energy core of the robot.

The boy looked surprised: "It's the same as what I decomposed before. Even if the energy core is broken, there is a very small suction device that continues to work inside. It is obviously used for recycling - and look here, this place was obviously a long time ago. The collision traces indicate that this robot was recycled and remade.”

"Then how to recycle it?"

Endeli touched his head: "Just wait. There should be a recycling team coming. If we follow them, we can find out what's going on with the assembly line here."

The investigators on the other side also sent back a message. They found another batch of fighting robots, and they fought to the death together.

As he spoke, a huge vibration sounded again.

The leader of the looters immediately shouted: "It's about to close. This time is very short. Get out quickly, or you will be locked in here!"

Sean turned a deaf ear and just found a piece of debris to sit on.

The woman was extremely anxious, but she didn't dare to leave the team, so she could only curse this life-threatening lunatic in her heart.

How dare you stay in such a dangerous place without knowing anything about the situation? !

What if the next robot that appears is of the Crimson level? !

As the sound dissipated, the huge high wall in the distance was completely closed.

Endeli held up the instrument excitedly: "Not only is the wind changing, the energy intensity of this place has also increased, and the energy from the outside has been absorbed."

Luo Xi, who didn't know what he was doing, appeared on the spot: "It's strange that just opening a hole can't absorb so much energy. I can feel that the energy intensity around me has reached an exaggerated level. There is some device absorbing it." .”

"Then you're awesome here, aren't you?" Sean smiled.

Luo Xi crossed his arms and wrinkled his nose: "I am also very good outside."

"You have learned how to be shameless."

"You also know that you are shameless?"

"You admitted that you were secretly imitating me?"

"I was just learning something from you."

Bai Ye on the side twitched his brows and went deep into the hinterland of the unknown area. How could these two people still have the intention to quarrel like children?

However, Luo Xi and Sean only talked for a while, and there was a sound not far away.

Two batches of robots came over. They had round heads and round heads, holding two robotic arms that could perform multi-functional tasks, and towing small trailers behind them.

Sean and others looked at each other in surprise.

The two batches of work robots are distinct. One of them is contaminated with a faint smell of pollution. Their recycling targets are obviously animalistic robots.

Ignoring the humans in front of them, they quickly and carefully recovered the remains of their own robots, and then loaded the dismantled parts, shells, cores, etc. into the trailers by category.

A round-headed robot glided closer.

It stretched out its mechanical arm and pulled the remains under Sean's butt. After trying several times but unable to pull, it raised its head and looked at Sean.

An emoticon appeared on the electronic screen in the center of the face:.

Good guy, I have wronged you...

Sean looked at Ichiraku and knocked the robot's iron skull hard.

An intermittent electronic sound sounded: "Please, please leave, I, I need to work."

"Then what if I don't leave?"

"Please, why don't you leave?"

"I have an injury, um, adductor edema."

The robot's electronic screen flashed for a while, and then it said: "Put your hands in your pockets, it can be cured."

Sean gasped - this thing must be from the old world!

"Follow them, you're right."

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