I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 209 Is there a protagonist in the game?

This place is so big that two groups of robots dragged small trailers for nearly an hour at a moderate speed.

Along the way, robots continued to join the team clearly.

In front of a pillar that looked like a signal tower, the two groups of robots faced left and right, completely dividing into two teams in different directions.

"Should we follow separately or just one group?" Endeli, who had not yet figured out the rules of this place, was in trouble.

Sean thought for a moment and glanced at Bai Ye: "Let Shadow follow a group alone, and we will follow a group?"

Shadow is one of the two strongest people here, and he is also a hidden veto. He can act alone with the highest efficiency, so Sean's proposal is the most reasonable.

Bai Ye thought for a moment and agreed. She whispered a few words to the shadow, and the latter disappeared into the shadow.

The remaining people hurriedly followed the other group.

Sean chose a relatively normal batch of robots to see where these little guys would go.

Along the way, except for a few rare supply points, they saw nothing else. The supply points only had some basic facilities, parts, etc., which were mainly used for autonomous repair of robots.

Wrecks, occasional supply points, and recycling robots operating in groups, other than that, there is almost no difference from the wilderness outside.

I didn't see any industrial facilities here, and of course, I didn't see any living people.

Another two hours passed, and everyone finally saw something different.

It was a black roof. From a distance, it was made of a similar material to the metal wall, and looked like a large number of neatly arranged black matchboxes.

However, the recycling robot ignored the buildings that appeared and continued to move inside.

Luo Xi walked for a while and then returned to the team: "It looks like a factory, but there is nothing inside, only the walls. The ground is very soft, similar to metal at high temperatures, but there is no temperature."

After listening to her words, Endeli asked first: "Are there any traces of the existence of the machine? Or are there traces of moving it?"

"No, I didn't even see the pipes, they were bare." Luo Xi replied.

Endeli scratched his head: "It's unreasonable. If this is an automated assembly line that runs in cycles, there will be losses for such a long time. This kind of robot has a certain intelligent program, so I speculate that they will recycle some resources and pool them together. I I originally thought that place was an abandoned assembly line.”

"Is it possible to erase the traces?" Sean asked with a frown.

Endeli shook his head: "No, erasing traces is something humans do. Why do they want to erase traces? Moreover, the machinery and equipment in this kind of assembly line must be big. Even if they are dismantled, some traces will be left behind. What is appropriate, such as abandoned energy pipes, scrapped cores, etc., those things have no recycling value."

With doubts in mind, I continued to move forward, and saw many identical black matchbox factory buildings along the way, which were also bare.

In addition, there are more and more robot wreckage.

The wreckage has obviously been washed away by the long years. Some of the models look bigger than the two king-level mid-level robots I have seen before. They are like a pile of scrap copper and iron piled on the ground. The recycling robot looks like it. Not a glance.

Endeli went to take a look, and after a moment he showed a surprised look.

"Damn, this energy circuit is too complicated... Brother, I can't understand this for the moment, but I can be sure that this thing was definitely more than king-level in strength when it was alive."

Sean's pupils narrowed. A crimson-level robot?

Crimson and king-level are no longer the same concept. The most important thing is that whether it is a veto, a weakling, or a man-made robot, if you want to have the strength of Crimson, you must experience the fusion of the blood of Crimson Crazy Beast. .

Embrace pollution, it’s the first step to the crimson.

An artificial crimson-level robot was unheard of.

Endeli scratched his head: "What the hell, if the old world had this level of technology and used all the power of the world to build a lot of crimson robots, it wouldn't be destroyed, right?"

The things seen here seem to be gradually beyond everyone's understanding of this world.

Sean shook his head: "I'm afraid, the crimson robot here also needs the fusion of the blood of the Mad Beast to truly exert its strength... But will the program of the contaminated robot still run as before?"

Everyone was shocked.

Could it be that the current desolation of the Survivor Mountain is due to the Crimson Robot's...'rebellion'?

The answer to the question is not yet clear, so they can only move forward.

Not to mention dangerous, this place does not even have autonomous defense measures. The recycling robots seen are not aggressive in any way, no matter what model they are.

Even if someone blocks the road, the little robot will politely give out a kaomoji symbol: ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ

Then he uses intermittent electronic sounds to ask you to make way.

Along the way, the smoothness became a little abnormal.

After seeing a large black matchbox-like factory building, they finally heard a different sound.

That's the sound of machinery working.

The recycling robots have new actions. They divide into different teams and head towards different factories.

"It seems that the robots are divided according to their strength." Endeli said while looking at them.

Elite level, king-like level, king level, different robot remains were sent to different factories according to their differences in strength during life.

Sean found a team to follow. He saw that the recycling robot would first put all the energy cores on a conveyor belt, and other parts would be sorted into other conveyor belts according to their parts and degree of damage.

"The other wreckage is so carefully divided, but the most important energy core is all lost together?" Endeli said he didn't understand.

Walking into the factory cautiously, there are still no defensive measures here.

The conveyor belt of the energy core was sent to an unknown place, and other parts were processed and recycled separately.

The huge mechanical arms are working tirelessly, and the wreckage is being quickly recovered, melted, recast, and assembled.

In just ten minutes, a prototype of a robot appeared at the end of the assembly line.

If Endeli found the treasure, he looked around and kept marveling: "This level of assembly line can actually achieve complete automation... My God, I swear, even the empire does not have this level of technological power. "

Bai Ye was a little unhappy, but she didn't show it because she was also shocked.

What I have to admit is that the technology in this place is far superior to that of the empire.

Endeli was already rubbing his hands: "Brother, these assembly lines alone will make us rich. We will get rich if we move back."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to move..." Sean squatted down and looked at the ground under the assembly line.

It's obviously not a metal or concrete floor, but such a huge machine is constantly running in a place like this, and the ground that looks like just loess doesn't even have any depressions.

As he was talking, suddenly, there was an explosion not far away.

Everyone looked up, and a guard reported: "A factory exploded, and king-level robots were transported inside. I don't know why."

"Go and have a look."

The black smoke in the factory had not dispersed, but when Sean and his team arrived, they saw a bizarre scene.

Except for the black smoke that had begun to dissipate, there was nothing in the factory, just like the empty factory buildings I had seen before.

The guard was dumbfounded and kept saying, "That's not right. I saw those robots walking in. After the explosion, a group of recycling robots escaped. Why is there nothing?"

Sean stretched out his hand to press the ground, and then a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

"Everyone get out."

Just after exiting the factory, there was another explosion at the far end in the other direction.

But this time, the explosion did not stop, and a series of black smoke came out from the distance accompanied by a thundering sound.

Immediately afterwards, a red light flashed in the center of a huge black pillar inside the assembly line factory.

The recycling robots that were still working suddenly stopped in place. Under the vigilant eyes of everyone, they all poured out of the assembly line factory and headed towards the black pillar.

"What happened?"

Before the question could be answered, Luo Xi suddenly looked up and looked at the place where the explosion had just occurred.

The energy blade in her hand suddenly came out of her body: "There is someone."

A group of people rushed over from that direction as if they were fleeing.

When they saw Sean and his group, they also raised their weapons vigilantly. The leader, a young man, held a weapon similar to an electric shock baton. He kept looking at the back of the team while shouting at Sean and others.

"Hey, buddy, look at your clothes, you're not from this place, are you?"

"Brother, let me tell you something. We are all looking for money. There is no need to fight to the death here. Let us pass. There are robots chasing us!"

"Hey, buddy, deaf?!"

The man's face was not as handsome as a normal person's, his facial features were exquisite to the extreme, and even though he had a worried expression on his face, he didn't look distorted in any way.

Sean, who didn't reply immediately, was already in a turmoil in his heart.

He knows the other person...

Because every detail of this man is completed by him.

The protagonist of the game...

Only the protagonist of the game will have such an appearance.

Just like Mio Thirteen, every part of the man in front of him is perfect, perfect and empty.

Fuck... and the protagonist of the game?

While he was thinking, the sound of machines roaring could be heard from behind, and the man became even more anxious: "Hey, buddy, we are not trying to rob the road. If it's really not possible, please make way for us!"

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly: "Who are you?"

The man was anxious: "How can you chat like this when you are out? Brother, I can tell by your appearance that you are definitely not an aborigine of this place. Oh no, there is no living person in this damn place. They are all just for money. Let's not talk about it first. Internal strife—Brothers, please put down your weapons to show your sincerity.”

The people behind the man lowered their weapons.

Sean and Sherrill looked at each other, and after exchanging glances, the people on his side retracted their hands from the wall to make way for them.

The man was overjoyed. While calling his men and horses to run over, he did not forget to remind him: "Brother, run quickly. It was because my brother was sorry for you and caused a little damage. Those assembly lines went crazy as a result. Damn it!"

While he was talking, the robot army behind him had already arrived.

Electric sparks were still coming out of the surfaces of those robots, and some of the robots had incomplete limbs. They had obviously just been assembled.

After seeing Sean and his group, they rushed over without any hesitation.

"Are they all king-level?!"

Seeing that something was not going well, Sean took the lead and ran away without saying a word.

There were more than thirty king-level robots, and Sean also noticed that there was an even weirder buzzing sound coming from the black square pillar where the recycling robots had just surged past.

"Run away first!"

The two groups of people who were confronting each other just now started running wildly, one behind the other.

"Brother, what a coincidence? Where did you guys come in from?" The man was extremely fast, and you could see a large amount of energy flames emitting from the propulsion device on his calf.

While running for his life, he actually chatted with Sean from a distance.

Sean smiled: "I accidentally entered here by mistake."

The man nodded and smiled heartily: "I'm different, I found it myself - oh shit!"

Those robots, which were originally only capable of melee combat, caught up and exposed their own energy barrels, causing an explosion that staggered the man.

"Bah, bah, bah -" He spat out the dust in his mouth and sped up a little faster, "Brother, run away quickly, these robots are crazy."

"This place has high walls, you can't escape even if you run." Sean said with a smile.

"Brother, if you believe me, then come with me!"

As he spoke, he pointed ahead, which seemed to be the edge of the factory area.

You chase me and run away, and a large number of robots chase me behind.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, touched his shadow ring casually, and then called for his people to follow the man's pace.

This factory area is huge, and after running around for a while, I finally saw the edge.

The man saw the right moment and threw something towards the robot behind him.

After a burst of crackling sounds, the robots all twitched on the spot.

"Brother, come with me!"

The man took the lead, rushed to the edge of the blind spot, looked left and right, and found an underground passage.


Two groups of people rushed into the underground passage one after another.

The man made a silent gesture, and after a while, the group of robots seemed to return to normal, and the roar sounded again.

The sound of mechanical footsteps filled the underground passage with echoes, but the entrance to the passage was not reopened.

When the sound completely disappeared, the man breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and smiled at Sean: "How about it, buddy, let me tell you?"

They shouted affectionately, but the two groups of people stood on both sides of the passage, looking at each other warily.

Sean looked at the man and then at his team.

Joining him were three women, seven men, and a giant metal robot that looked like an upright panda.

He is actually the protagonist of this opening route...

The man stretched out his hand and smiled warmly: "This time you can get to know me. My name is Kan Shishi."

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