I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 210 Main Control Room

"Kan Shishi...a good name."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly.

This somewhat weird yet familiar name caused people on Sean's side to have some misunderstandings.

The name is too similar to Mio Thirteen...

Zhu Zhu's pupils shrank violently.

However, she is hidden in the mirror space, and no one can see her expression, otherwise the other party may become suspicious.

Kan Shishi laughed loudly after listening to Sean's words: "What a fart, I don't know how I got my name. People always called me Shishisi Fourteen when I was born. Those who didn't know thought my parents were lazy. , give birth to a bunch of children and name them in order."

Sean just right showed some curiosity and surprise, even with embarrassment: "Fourteen brothers...there are indeed a lot of lazy parents."


There was something strange in Sean's expression: "Growing up, I thought my name was weird enough... To be honest, my name is Zero Thirteen."

Kan Shishi's eyes widened: "Hey, Zero Thirteen? We have the same name."

Sean smiled bitterly: "I'm just a lazy parent. The twelve brothers and sisters above me just call me Thirteen."

Several people around Sean secretly spat unconsciously.

Not only did you borrow someone else's name, but you still made up a decent background... Aren't you an orphan? Where are the parents?

Kan Shishi scratched his head when he heard this: "Is it so casual? Damn, I'm quite casual too, but I don't have that many brothers and sisters to support me."

The two exchanged names and their relationship became closer.

Kan Shishi was very talkative. As he walked into the underground passage, he said, "Shi San, where did you come from?"

"The Sunken Port, to be honest, there is something wrong with entering here."

Kan Shishi took out two fruits from nowhere and threw one to Sean. He wiped it casually on his sleeve and said carelessly: "I have never heard of Sunken Port, but I knew it was a port from the name. I'm from Vault 14, I guess that's where my name comes from, eh, does the Vault know about it?"

After Sean nodded, Kan Shishi took a bite of the fruit and continued vaguely:

"The place where the explosion occurred was all the way south. We came from that direction, and it was quite far away."

"In our place, there is the empire on one side, the Laya volcano on the other, and the Sunken Sea on the other side. Not even a hair grows on it."

It seemed that he hadn't seen a stranger other than his companions for a long time. Kan Shisi couldn't stop chatting as soon as he opened it: "The environment is too damn difficult. It just so happened that the shelter received a signal some time ago and there was something that belonged to us. We were living outside, so we sent a group of people out to explore, and that’s how my friends and I came out.”

"To be honest, it's been so long. It's probably been picked up by others." He wiped his juice-stained hands on his pants nonchalantly, and then wiped his mouth, "But, I just happened to find this place. The place looks like a remnant of the old world, and there must be a lot of good things there.”

He stopped and said enthusiastically: "Thirteen brothers, you entered by mistake. We came here on purpose. We are thousands of miles apart and we didn't even know each other before. This place is very big and there are many things. How about we join forces and divide the spoils equally according to the size of our efforts?”

Sean turned back to look at the person behind him, and then showed a somewhat embarrassed expression: "This may need to be discussed."

"Hey, I understand." Kan Shishi stopped Sean's shoulders familiarly, "In this world, strangers are really not worthy of trust, especially if you are not familiar with this place."

"But, what I rely on in my travels is sincerity. To put it bluntly, my knowledge of this place must be much better than yours."

He pointed at the underground passage. The darkness ahead looked like a giant beast with its mouth wide open.

"This place leads directly to the black tower in the center, which is the real control center - I was on the other side just now preparing to find the underground passage. Damn, I remembered the wrong location."

He chuckled: "Brother Thirteen, if you believe me, we will work together to explore inside. After all, those robots are crazy and the danger is not small. When we get to the tower, I don't dare to guarantee what I will do. We all know it, but most of the facilities have prototypes or materials in the shelter, and we have experts in our team."

As he spoke, he pointed at the steel panda that had been silent.

"Panda——" The panda stretched out his hand and uttered a syllable, which was regarded as a greeting.

Kan Shishi smiled and said: "There is a virus in his pronunciation system, and he only knows this word - but don't worry, with Panda here, most of the traps and guard measures in the tower can definitely be solved, at least it will be safer than exploring alone." many."

He clapped his hands: "We have said everything. I understand if you have concerns. Where are you going... after you leave the passage?"

A shy-looking round-faced girl behind him added: "Facing the tower, nine o'clock direction."

"Hey, yes, you go to the nine o'clock direction, there will be a door that opens and closes there, or you can go back along the same path. The wall will open in a month, but I suggest you go to the nine o'clock direction. The robots outside are going crazy, and there is information in the shelter saying that this is also part of the autonomous defense system."

Kan Shisi patted Sean on the shoulder: "A thousand-mile marriage is tied by a thread. It's fate that we met here. That's all I can say. If you believe it, let's cooperate. If you don't believe it, you can act alone. , but I have to make it clear, if you enter the tower from other places and encounter danger, it’s not my fault.”

His smile was bright and sunny, and he looked like a big boy who had just left home.

Sean also seemed to be a newbie with little business experience, with a look of excitement and embarrassment on his face.

Kan Shishi...the name is a bit strange...

However, his origin did not lie to Sean.

This opening route is [Son of Choice].

Players need to play a character who wakes up from the dormant chamber in Vault 14, and this character line needs to complete 60% of the achievements to unlock.

This route was once the one with the most negative reviews on the forum.

Because there are too many options...

Many games often give the protagonist some options during the plot. In fact, after a decision is made, different options have no impact on subsequent development, and a lot of game time is wasted.

This is how bad reviews of some games come about.

As for the Kan Shishi route, there are too many options.

From the moment you wake up, you will be asked to make choices, ranging from novice clothing to where you live, as well as your way of doing things, relationships with characters, etc.

The most important thing is that different choices you make will lead to different changes.

Many players make a random choice while playing, and when they look back, they find that their novice tutor's favorability has dropped to minus 50... If they hadn't come out of a warehouse, they would have fucked you right away.

Moreover, the Riddler approach played by the production team on this line was a bit overdone. Many of the options had no profound meaning at the time, and their true impact was only discovered later.

There are a lot of problems caused by players choosing the wrong option - the novice village is not allowed back, the teammates you worked so hard to train ignore you, the beautiful girl who you licked for a while and was just able to hold hands died inexplicably. It's outside...

Because of this route, the production team's problem feedback group has been bombarded several times - just because I chose the wrong option, you directly let me face the final boss, infinite death, right?

The plot creator was also very innocent: "Didn't I remind you that after you choose that one, the ending will be B, and you will die directly?"

The players were all angry and clamored to send blades to the plot creator.

Sean did not stand on the same front as the players - he was one of the main creators, and after his death, he went directly to the plot creator for a real-person PK.

The awfulness of this opening route is evident.

However, if you manage this route well, the freedom and strength of the protagonist in the later stages will also be one of the best.

This directly led to Sean being a little unsure about the details of Kan Shishi.

After meeting Mio Thirteen, it was not that Sean had not considered the possibility of the game protagonist appearing in other routes. In fact, he had been looking for the game protagonist before meeting Mio Thirteen.

However, Sean has not found any trace of the protagonists of several local starting routes in Paradise City from beginning to end.

Even the spawn points that Useless Man would use at the beginning were turned upside down.

Sean subconsciously thought that Mio Thirteen might be the only protagonist of the game.

However, the appearance of Kan Shishi directly broke Sean's cognition.

Could it be said that the protagonists of the ordinary starting route will no longer appear? Only those special routes, such as the routes to unlock achievements, unlock the weekly rounds, and unlock the special endings - only the game protagonists on these routes may appear in this real world. In the world?

That would be troublesome...

As the main creator, Sean has not unlocked all achievements...

As for Kan Shishi in front of him, Sean murmured in his heart after sizing up the teammates around him.

Some of them don’t know them, some of them have impressions...

However, those few people who have impressions can explain Kan Shishi's choice.

There is a high probability that it is the hot-blooded version of Wang Dao... Otherwise, the round-faced girl named Liu Ke and the dumb steel panda would not appear next to him.

These are teammates who need high favorability to join the team, and both camps are stable and lawful good.

Once the protagonist of the game does something bad, the two teammates will immediately drop their favorability and leave the team.

From this point of view, Kan Shishi is actually trustworthy, and this guy may be one of the good people who are almost extinct in the wasteland.

Of course, you must also pay attention to some possible situations...

Thinking of this, Sean flicked the mirror badge hanging on his chest, and then smiled at Kan Shishi: "Now that's the point, if I turn around and leave, it seems that I am not magnanimous and timid. "

Kan Shishi's eyes were filled with joy, and he laughed and said: "Brother, I will never force you. Everyone understands the world. Of course, if you are willing to believe me, I will never let you down."

Sean nodded: "In that case, let's set off together. I hope neither of us will let the other down."

"Why bother? Don't worry, come with me!"

Kan Shishi patted his chest confidently and shouted to Panda again: "Pangda, I'm not familiar with the road ahead. I didn't finish it when I peeked in the database last time."


The Iron Panda walked to the front and began to move forward while detecting.

Kan Shisi followed and said to Sean carelessly: "Pang Da is a mechanical expert, especially old world devices. People who don't understand the traps here will have trouble, but in his hands there is no problem at all." .”

Sean nodded: "Thank you for your hard work - by the way, Fourteen, what exactly is this place for?"

Kan Shishi scratched his head: "The Mountain of Survivors, but to be honest, the changes here are a bit different from the data."

He lowered his voice slightly: "As the name suggests, it is a place built by survivors. However, their group of survivors is different from our group of people sleeping in the shelter."

"To put it simply, they think we are cowards without dreams, and we think they are brainless fools. Anyway, according to the information, before the end of the world, the two sides are very difficult to deal with, and they want to fight when they meet."

"To be honest, I was a little worried before I came here. The people left here are different from us. We are dormant, and they are the descendants of reproduction. I am afraid that they will not even care about the feelings of compatriots. After coming in, , you are the first living people I have seen."

Kan Shishi sighed and showed a solemn expression for the first time: "The robots here should be manufactured and stored in large quantities. Only after enough power has been accumulated, the mountain of survivors will be opened, and then try to rebuild the entire The order of the world.”

"The result is like this... There must be a big problem in this place. There may really be no living person left, and there are also many mistakes in the fixed procedures left behind."

Sean nodded and asked, "But if there's no one left, how can this place still be running?"

Kan Shishi shook his head: "I don't know about that, but this place must have gathered a huge amount of resources when it was established. There may still be some left after so many years, so I came here for those things."

While they were talking, they had already walked through the long underground passage, and Panda also raised his head and knocked on the iron plate above.



Kan Shisi walked over immediately. He pushed open the passage above and stretched out half of his body.

"Da da da--"

At the sound of a series of machine gun bullets, he retreated again.

"Autonomous defense machine gun, we have come to the right place, this may be one of the main control rooms!"

He winked at Panda, who got out.

After a while, the sound of machine gunfire disappeared.

"Let's go up and have a look."

Everyone came to the top, and sure enough, this place was just like Kan Shishi said, most likely it was the main control room.

The entrance to the passage they passed was in a depression. Identity verification should be required here, otherwise they would be attacked. In the low wall next to it, the protruding machine gun was already hanging down.

Walking up the stairs, there is a mechanical device like a podium and a huge surrounding electronic screen.

"I wonder if this place can still be used?" Kan Shishi touched it.

He obviously didn't touch any button, but suddenly, the electronic screen lit up.


Electronic fireworks exploded on the screen, and then a line of words popped out.

Sean's footsteps stopped in place.

There was horror in the eyes of Bai Ye, Luo Xi and others.

Kan Shishi scratched his head and looked over, reading the words above.

"Hahaha, Brother Sean, I didn't expect it. I knew you would come to check. There is nothing wrong with you! Don't worry, just do it!"

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