I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 211 The ‘Easter Egg’ left to Sean alone

"Hahaha, Brother Sean, I didn't expect it. I knew you would come to check. There is nothing wrong with you! Don't worry, just do it!"

As Kan Shishi read out the sentences on the electronic screen, everyone around him fell into confusion.

Kan Shishi's group was just surprised, but those on Sean's side were completely shocked.

Bai Ye's eyes were full of surprise - Sean? !

Why does Sean's name appear here?

She glanced at Endeli, the expert in the team. The young man's mouth was open, with huge doubts in his eyes.

It wasn't him who did it... Could it be that the person who had been hiding Sean in the team had secretly done something after entering this place?

It's unrealistic. I know all the Crimson Powerhouses in Paradise City, and Shadow didn't notice anything... What's more, even if the strongest Jin Kui secretly followed, it would only be an increase in the strength of the team. I have never heard of Jin Kui. Kui is also a master of mechanics.

How is Sean connected to Survivor Mountain...and, 'check'?

The meaning contained in this made Bai Ye fall into deep thought.

Just listening to the meaning of this sentence, Sean seems to be the administrator of Survivor Mountain...

Same name and surname?

Bai Ye raised his head and looked at Sean. In front of him, the man's back seemed to be enchanted, completely frozen in place.

They are definitely not the same person with the same surname... Bai Ye noticed this immediately.

The eyes of Luo Xi and others were also filled with surprise and uncertainty.

They all looked at Sean involuntarily.

Kan Shishi, who was standing at the front, scratched his head: "What does this sentence mean? Sean? Hey, I seem to have heard of this name..."

The round-faced girl Liu Ke thought about it and said: "I heard from a group of looters that Sean seems to be from Paradise City. I heard that a lot of big things happened some time ago. The group of looters were very scared when they talked about it. ...Anyway, Sean's name is quite scary in the mouths of the wandering predators, he must be a powerful person."

Kan Shishi suddenly realized: "I remembered it - but why is this name here... Could it be that Sean is related to the administrator of Survivor Mountain? He is a descendant of the administrator... Hey, it's possible, I couldn’t stay here any longer, so I went to the outside world for development.”

"Brother Thirteen, do you have any ideas?"

Kan Shishi asked while turning his head, only to see that ‘Zero Thirteen’ and his friends had serious expressions on their faces, and Zero Thirteen himself could not hide the expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Do you know this Sean? According to rumors, he is a very important person."

Sean took a few deep breaths and smiled: "I do know him."

The expression on his face was weird and terrible. No matter who looked at it, they would know that it was more than just the so-called 'recognition'.

As the second-in-command of [Golden Ghost], Sean should stay calm and maintain his own mentality.

However, it is difficult for him to do it now...

He never expected that his name would appear here.

This even made a lot of terrible conjectures flash through Sean's mind.

He knew very well that the Survivor Mountain project had just been established and was only a prototype. His name should not appear in the part that was completed by the world.

The most important thing is: the title.

In this world, other people call him either eldest brother, boss, boss, etc., or they call him by his first name.

Of course, there may be different women using various names in bed according to their needs and interests.

However, there is only one person who can call him Brother Sean.

And this person is not in this world.

After coming to this world, Sean has always promised one thing. When recalling, he only recalls the content he needs, that is, the game plot, models, easter eggs, etc.

He had never thought about someone he had once known so well.

But he didn't expect that the memories of the past would attack him in this way.

In the world of memories, he has lived under the name Sean for more than twenty years.

After graduation, he plunged into the big pit of game development. From a newcomer who couldn't figure out a single view, he gradually grew into a well-known boss in the industry.

As the veteran creator of the production team, he put a lot of effort into this game. When funds were tight in the early days, he was the only modeler in the production team.

Later, as the boss asked for investment, the production team also began to introduce new blood.

When the industry generally regards interns as cheap consumables, Sean chooses a more tiring path. He can say with a clear conscience that when he was coaching interns, he never kept anything secret and imparted all his experience to others.

When the intern became a full-time employee, he also had good things to say.

Among that group of interns, there was a boy named Qiu Qingming. His family conditions were difficult, but he was admitted to a good university through hard work.

He said that his biggest dream since childhood was to make a fun game, because his favorite thing in childhood was the pirated Bully game console given to him by his relatives during the Chinese New Year.

Qiu Qingming is a very spiritual boy, and Sean, although he is lazy and talkative at ordinary times, always speaks his mind when working, and never looks down upon someone when they make a mistake.

Not only will the other person not feel embarrassed after being scolded, but they will be more eager to do better.

It can be said that he is the best intern Sean has ever taken care of. In Sean's heart, he also regards him as his younger brother.

Only he would call himself Brother Sean.

Only he would proudly leave some unique imprints of young people in his works, not only to show off his efforts, but also to seek Sean's approval.

The fireworks on the electronic screen seemed to hide the proud smile of a black boy, and the words were so sharp.

Both of them were drifting away from home, and they had developed a strong relationship in the process of getting along. Although Sean always joked that he was eyeing Qiu Qingming's sister who had just entered college, and he would call him brother-in-law from now on.

But they all know that it's just people who are wandering outside hugging each other to keep each other warm, and admiring each other in the field.

Sean nodded, showing a slight helpless smile.

The dead memory attacks me like this...

long time no see……

Kan Shishi glanced at his new friend ‘Zero Thirteen’ with some confusion, wondering why he felt so melancholy all of a sudden.

His hand was on the main console, not knowing what he touched again.

The fireworks on the electronic screen disappeared, and another line of words appeared.

"Brother Sean, although I regard you as my brother, I advise you to give up on my sister. You will never have the chance to call me brother-in-law in the future."

"Ah?" Kan Shishi made some confused sounds.

However, Luo Xi, Bai Ye, Zhu Zhu and others were determined instantly.

The Sean in the words is definitely the Sean I know!

Who else but him would stare at his brother's sister!

It's just that the guy's back looks a little strange...

While everyone was thinking, Sean suddenly straightened up and stretched.

"Forget it, I won't act anymore."

He smiled and looked at Kan Shishi: "I am Sean."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kan Shishi's eyes widened, and his companions all exclaimed.

"Panda!" The metal panda took several steps back as if facing a formidable enemy.

Liu Ke didn't know when he took out a weapon, with a heavy expression on his face: "You are the rumored Sean from Paradise City?"

Sean smiled easily: "It seems that I am quite popular, and the news spread to me so quickly."

Kan Shishi looked at Sean for several times in disbelief, and finally said sadly: "Damn it, you actually lied to me..."

Liu Ke's brow twitched. Isn't it a routine operation to give a false name?

Only an idiot like you would reveal all your details to a stranger without even a few words of conversation!

Of course, the key now is that the person in front of me is really Sean...

This man is no fool, he is the manager of a giant city-state!

It is absolutely impossible to appear here by mistake.

Noticing the other person's vigilant look, Sean smiled casually and looked at Kan Shishi again: "Of course you have to be careful when going out."

Kan Shishi touched his head and nodded with approval: "That makes sense...but why did you suddenly tell me your true identity again?"

Sean shrugged without interest: "I don't want to act anymore, I'm tired."

For some reason, he just didn't want to act anymore.

It has nothing to do with Kan Shishi, but he wants to take a good walk here as Sean.

Kan Shisi looked up and down, and then he was satisfied: "It's better to turn around, how can you keep lying to others... Hey, wait a minute!"

His eyes widened as if he suddenly remembered something: "That means the Sean on the electronic screen refers to you?!"

Everyone: "..."

Brother, do you dare to react a little slower?

Sean chuckled: "Maybe."

"Maybe?" Kan Shishi scratched his head, "Are you a descendant of the administrator of Survivor Mountain?"

"Without a father or a mother, I am an orphan. To be honest, the possibility is not high."

Hey, who believes it... Everyone in the room, including Liu Ke, Bai Ye and others, subconsciously doubted what he said.

However, Kan Shishi quickly believed in Sean.

He laughed heartily: "Wouldn't that be just right? Let's explore together, maybe we can also find the connection between you and this place - tsk, you may really have something to do with this place."

Sean smiled and said nothing.

He has nothing to do with the administrator of the mountain of survivors in this world, but he has a close relationship with the 'administrator' in another sense.

However, Sean still had some doubts.

It's normal for Qiu Qingming to like to leave something behind, but how could such an Easter egg left in the background materialize into the world...

He walked to the screen in the main control room and looked at it for a while, then pressed his hand on the button.

After a buzzing sound, all the screens in this place lit up.

Various programs are scrolling on it and are running continuously.

Endeli and Panda stepped forward to check at the same time. After a moment, Endeli said in surprise:

"Maybe it's a fixed program in this place. To be honest, I can't quite understand it... Hiss, it should have been in standby mode before, but it can still run automatically for such a long time..."


"Old world technology is correct, but I can't take control here - wait a minute, this is... Um, brother, you just pressed the button, which seems to have opened up all the defense resources in this place."


"In other words, we have to find a way to gain control of this place, otherwise..."


While he was talking, scattered footsteps could be heard in the corridor outside.

Kan Shishi opened the door, took a look and then immediately retracted: "They are all rusty robots. It seems that the defense force of this place has been activated again after many years."

Sean nodded thoughtfully, and looked at Endeli and Pangda: "If I give you some time, can you control this place?"

One person and one panda shook their heads.

"It has weakened part of the defense force, and there are some traps that can be turned off. Don't even think about control. We don't know what this place is doing."


Sean nodded: "Then you do your thing."

He looked at the rest of the people, stretched out his hand and nodded: "Leave two-thirds of the people down, protect Endeli and Panda, and deal with all the nearby robots."

"Everyone else, please find your own way."

After saying that, he ducked out of the door and disappeared alone.

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes slightly, and she bumped Cheryl's arm: "Your eldest brother is insidious and afraid of death, so he acts alone?"

Sherrill shook his head: "Brother may have discovered something. Miss Luo Xi, please act alone. If brother is in danger, help him."

"Aren't you going to help your brother?"

Sherrill smiled innocently, but as soon as the sound of the chainsaw started roaring, his expression became extremely ferocious.

"Brother's meaning is obvious. He has something he wants to verify...I will stay here and you can go explore separately."

As he spoke, he walked to the door and chopped the nearest robot into pieces.

The remaining people looked at each other and took action.

In the corridor outside the main control room, Sean was wandering around as if taking a walk, except that his steps were extremely fast.

He didn't even take Zhu Zhu with him, letting him jump to another mirror to find something.

This time, Sean really didn't want to bring anyone with him.

This central tower is huge and has many floors. If you walk outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see that densely packed recycling robots are pouring into the nearest factory.

I guess something big is coming...

Sean didn't pay attention and just kept looking around.

If this is really the main control tower, there should be a living area and possibly a sleeping room.

However, after something weird happens in the assembly line, it can only passively enter dormancy.

At the top, Sean found his purpose.

Sleeping room.

Instead of contacting Endeli and asking him to find a way to open the door, he directly threw a flashlight at the crack of the door, activated the shadow ring, and followed the shadow to get in.

The room was dark, and Sean looked around.

About thirty dormant warehouses are placed in them.

Many of them have completely lost their power to operate, and bones can still be seen through the glass.

Sean looked at them one by one, and finally pursed his lips.

There is no one who is exactly like me, and no one I know.

Moreover, none of the dormant warehouses in this place have been opened.

He sighed, then tried tapping his temple again.

"exit the game?"

Didn't answer.

Sean didn't know whether to sigh with joy or regret.

"Tsk, I thought it was Sword Art Online... Sigh."

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