I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 212 I've been waiting for you

"Panda, you are responsible... Let me take a look at Area B. The security force there is relatively weak. Let's find a way to solve it first."


"I know, don't worry, I'll crack the surveillance equipment here first and see where the others have gone."


"There are more and more robots. We have to deal with this place first. It's impossible to stop. It's only right to give them enough time to explore and find an escape route..."


Endeli raised his head and looked at the panda angrily: "What are you yelling about? No enemies have come in... Damn it!"

The robots in the corridor are being cleaned, but looking out of the central tower through the one-way glass in the main control room, two black factory buildings rise from the ground in strange postures, and the recycling robots are carrying countless wreckage towards them. Flowing inside.

"Damn it, the big one is coming!"

In the hibernation room, Sean rubbed his temples and knocked on the hibernation chamber here.

He had just searched, and even for the dormant cabins that were not damaged, the people inside had made no sound.

However, Sean found a log left here, in which words such as 'pollution' and 'shock change' were mentioned many times.

Some things can be summarized based on some scattered information.

"This place was built by the survivors. After encountering the accident, they should have no choice but to leave. Finally, some people and the tower will be put into sleep at the same time, hoping that there will be a chance to control this place in the future..."

He leaned against the wall thinking: "It's strange, I have an impression of the modeling style of this place. It is indeed Qiu Qingming's handiwork... The world automatically filled in the people, buildings, details and other things that were lacking in this prototype, and finally It became an empty shell again.”

"I originally thought I might have some connection with this place..."

Sean shook his head sadly.

Humans are not like vegetation. Although he has a ruthless style, he is not a completely emotionless wooden person.

Especially after seeing such a scene.

Looking at the dark ceiling of the sleeping room, Sean saw the asymmetrical patterns on it, which were a bit messy, but also had a strange beauty.

Sean prefers symmetry when modeling buildings, like the [college] and the dean's residence, which are all his own.

Although Qiu Qingming was brought up by Sean, his styles are not consistent. Qiu Qingming has always felt that nothing should be perfect, nor should everything correspond to everything. This character has also been brought to his works.

The ceiling is just a small projection, and it only requires a very low workload to put it on the computer.

However, through the dark wall, Sean seemed to be able to see the young man who was studying hard behind him and scratching his head at the work after work.

"In the end, it was you who left a separate easter egg for me..."

Sean smiled to himself, then leaned against the wall and prepared to stand up.

However, the entire wall suddenly flickered, as if the entire building was coming to life.

Sean frowned and backed away, wary of an accident.

He found that the wall he had checked before had nothing special, but after he pressed it with five fingers, it turned into a small verification desktop.

The brilliance fluctuated and spread to the entire tower at once.

"I have nothing to do with this place. Even if the hidden verification device is accidentally touched by me, it will either fail to trigger or trigger an alarm... Is this a sign of successful verification?"

How can this be? Could it be that it was because of that boy?

Sean looked around in confusion. He thought this matter would be over, but now it seems that what Qiu Qingming left here is more than just the easter egg.

"How is it possible? The detailed modeling of large buildings would not be cut out to this extent, and the current Sean and the previous Sean are not essentially the same person... Only the will and the ethereal soul can be regarded as the former me. .”

"The Hall of Thought can indeed detect consciousness to a certain extent, and the technology of the old world is indeed extremely advanced... But this is unreasonable..."

Just when Sean was doubting, a projection suddenly flashed on a wall.

It was a woman in a white coat, her eyebrows were sloppily trimmed, and her long hair was draped over her shoulders, unable to hide the fatigue on her face.

"You came……"

The woman in the projection spoke with a complicated expression.

"Although I don't know who you are...but maybe I can only leave it to you."

She sighed tiredly and leaned casually next to a hibernation chamber.

"This was supposed to be the last crystallization of mankind, the last paradise for mankind..." She rubbed her eyebrows, "The Mountain of Survivors, this place was supposed to be a test field. We gathered all the remaining resources and researched and developed it here. Any technology that can help us rebuild.”

"The world has fallen, but the real disaster has disappeared after raging. We should at least get a chance to breathe..."

"The originally extremely rare number of genetically awakened people began to grow explosively after the disaster. Unfortunately, their genetic awakening is too unstable compared to their predecessors, and losers abound... Occasionally, there are successful ones who are stepping forward. Higher levels are also hindered."

"We can only solve the advanced problems, but we can't solve the subsequent problems... because of pollution."

The woman in the white coat hesitated for a while, and finally told some secrets that made Sean's pupils tremble.

"Before the doomsday comes, the rare genetic awakeners in the world will not be attacked by pollution when they reach the top..."

Sean's breathing was a little heavier. What the other party meant was that... in the old world, the Crimson Powerful could advance normally without suffering from proliferation and pollution?

The woman continued: "We believe that the disaster changed everything. The various weapons of mass destruction created by humans may cause mutations, but they will never become what they are today."

"It's a pity that there are too many secrets that I can't access. According to my father, I'm not even qualified to hear them... It's not the difference in status, but after hearing something, I will directly become Those roaring monsters out there.”

"However, the disaster has finally left... We thought we should have a chance to rebuild everything."

"It's just that what we didn't expect was that...the metal and the program would also be contaminated."

The woman sighed deeply.

"Everything changed and the machine started to spin out of control."

"Originally, we still had a chance to reverse all this, but the senior management at the time was too anxious and thought of the possibility of exploiting the pollution."

"We divided the original assembly line, and moved the contaminated batch of robots, assembly lines, etc. directly to the other side - we want to create robots similar to the crazy beasts."

"On the one hand, we can allow normal robots to learn programs through constant confrontation to strengthen and evolve modules, and technical means can also allow us to recycle without wasting too many resources."

"On the other hand, while ensuring controllability, we also want to see what pollution is like - we are trying to study pollution."

There was regret in her eyes: "It's just that we thought we could guarantee... It didn't take long for the pollution robot to become difficult to control. Our methods of isolating pollution seemed to be completely useless. Moreover, the program that should have been isolated was reset for some reason. A connection was made.”

"The modules that make normal robots stronger and stronger are actually shared with those polluted robots."

"We tried to stop it, but it was too late."

"We can't even control normal robots because, at some point, the entire main program has been contaminated, and it doesn't obey human orders at all."

"In desperation, most people had no choice but to flee here, while some researchers and I stayed."

"We want to use the last available resources to continue the research, anyway..."

The woman smiled calmly: "At least, I'll leave a little life for the whole world."

Sean smiled.

"The assembly line has completely entered an autonomous process. I have focused my research on pollution isolation. I have never understood why our isolation methods are ineffective. We have obviously conducted a large number of experiments before the end of the world."

"Finally, I set my sights on this place."

She pointed upward, and Sean frowned slightly.

What the other party means is...

“There’s something wrong with Survivor Mountain.”

She unfolded another projection in the projection, which was the prototype of the entire mountain of survivors. Sean's breathing became a little heavier.

This is completely consistent with the prototype Qiu Qingming showed himself.

"This place has spent countless resources and manpower. It should be the last and strongest fortress in the world... However, there has always been a problem with Survivor Mountain that makes me wonder how such a large building can maintain operational efficiency. How to play sports that go against the grain.”

"I thought it was a newly developed secret technology, but after further research, I found... this place... seems to have come alive."

A look of fear appeared on the woman's face, and Sean's pupils shook violently.

"It... runs like a living thing."

"Your mother...you tell me, this is a machine?!"

The people in Endeli were dumbfounded. He stood by the window and looked at the ground outside like a giant beast's mouth. The factory building in the distance sank. When it was spit out again, it was a lot of parts that could be assembled. .

Through the cracked ground, he saw that what should have been rock formations were actually mechanical passages and tentacles. What was even more frightening was that those mechanical items all seemed to be functioning like the blood vessels, veins, and muscles of living things. !

He took a deep breath and then froze on the spot.

Sherrill used a chainsaw to blow up another robot that was surrounding him, and said in a deep voice: "Endeli, do the job that big brother has given you."

"I'm doing it... But this place is nothing but a huge mechanical beast, and it's a biological beast!"

He danced, a mixture of excitement and fear.

"Just like those polluted weaklings, metal also has life! The main program of this place is the brain and will of this life! What we see is its body, and the door we come in is the ventilation vent. Wrong! Because!”

His eyes widened: "The mountain of survivors is breathing!"

The huge smoke and dust ravaged the entire area along with the exhaust gas, and then headed towards the outside world. The metal, which was almost too far away to be seen, was forcefully opened, the exhaust gas and dust were discharged, and new energy, air, etc. were absorbed again.

This extremely huge building was breathing heavily!

The huge movement caused the entire ground to feel like an earthquake, and the group of people almost lost their footing.

Sherrill shouted: "Even if you are alive, don't you only breathe once a month?!"

The corner of Endeli's mouth twitched: "Brother, this is a living thing, so it was dormant before, but the assembly line in its body is running according to a predetermined program..."

He looked at Sherrill with a sad face: "Our eldest brother came in here...it seems to have completely awakened this thing..."

During the violent shaking, Sean did not move. He just grabbed the things around him and stared at the projection on the shaking wall.

The woman's voice was a little weak in the big commotion, and she continued intermittently:

"The mountain of survivors comes to life...a building that brings together human resources comes to life..."

Her face was full of bitterness: "After it regarded the main program as its own will, everything here was no longer under the control of humans... If it weren't for the fact that some fixed codes remained in the program, it would have risen from the ground. , becoming another terrifying beast after the end of the world.”

"Once I became aware of this, I wanted to stop Survivor Mountain because I didn't know what would happen if I continued to let it go."

"I have studied all the information, and I don't understand why the Survivor Mountain was polluted in this way. The same situation did not occur in the previous buildings."

"Until I found a piece of text that was automatically sunk to the bottom by the main program."

An electronic screen appeared in the projection, which was exactly the same as the words Sean had seen before, and the content inside made the corners of Sean's eyes twitch violently.

"Brother Sean, I have a bold idea. What do you think about making the mountain of survivors into a life?"

Qiu Qingming... what the hell...

Sean didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The woman's face was full of horror: "There is a person who wants to turn the mountain of survivors into life... I don't know who Brother Sean he is talking about, but I know that these two people must be the incarnation of disaster. !”

"At the same time, I also discovered some trigger programs in the main program, and that trigger program seems to point to a life form with intelligent will."

She turned her head and looked at Sean, with earnestness and the last trace of fear on her face.

"That person is you... I don't know who you are, and I can't see clearly... I can't interfere with the program, I can only barely make a linkage."

"If you see this..."

Her tears fell heavily.

"If you are the incarnation of disaster, please let this world go... If you are the will born under pollution, please save this world."

She wiped away tears and said breathless words.

"From the will comes another will... because pollution is just a literal thing."

"Pollution is will,"

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