I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 213 Crimson Upper Level!

Pollution...is will.

The tower was still shaking, and Sean could only stand firm by holding on to the wall.

He drooped his eyes and finally sneered.

What is this all about...

The woman in the projection was pleading, trying desperately to grasp at the last straw.

"I don't know why there is a place for you in the code, and I don't know why the will representing pollution is so kind to you... I don't know your identity or your personality."

"It's like when human beings face a disaster, they don't know anything."

"But I still feel that you are not the incarnation of disaster..."

The tower shook so hard that the projection flickered a few times and the woman's voice turned into intermittent electronic sounds.


Like a TV that has lost power, the projection disappeared.

The only thing left in the dormitory room was the rickety ceiling and Sean holding on to the wall.

He stared at the place where the woman's shadow disappeared, and finally just smiled.

"After all, it's more suitable for me to make trouble."

Sean let out a long breath, and the loneliness flashed across his eyes.

He did not stand there melancholy, but turned his attention to the sleeping cabin.

"I remember it looked quite similar..."

Soon, he found his goal.

A surface electronics panel flashes in a dormant chamber.

After wiping away the dust on the glass shell, the face of the person in the cabin is revealed.

It's the woman in the projection.

She looked more mature than when she recorded the projection. She probably put on makeup before entering the hibernation chamber, but she looked a bit gaudy and seemed unskilled.

However, under the influence of the freezing device, she was covered in frost.

The freezing device did not operate as expected, and the woman's body surface turned a hard, iron-green color. It was obvious that she had been frozen to death for a long time.

After searching for the button but failing to find it, Sean forced the dormant capsule open.

As a large stream of white mist overflowed, the dormant cabin began its scheduled awakening process, but the woman inside would never wake up.

Sean stared at the other person for a while, and then noticed that she had a notebook next to her hand, and a small makeup box underneath the notebook.

The makeup box contained half-empty, somewhat shabby cosmetics. The material of the notebook was very special. It was only slightly brittle and had curled edges in the low temperature environment all year round. It was much stronger than a human being.

"Qi Xiaoyu..."

Sean muttered the woman's name.

He opened the pages and was surprised to find that this was not a diary, but an autobiographical text written by herself.

Her handwriting is serious, as if it were printed.

"Qi Xiaoyu, female, was born in 1452 of the New Calendar. Her father Qi Yuanshan is a senior academician of the Grand Federal Academy of Science and Technology, and her mother Liu Mengqi is a senior academician of the Grand Federal Academy of Science and Technology..."

"At the age of three, he passed the screening of the "Disaster Patients" program co-founded by 182 senior scientists. This program aims to screen out high-IQ young children from all walks of life and provide professional training to vigorously develop science and technology and resist resistance. Disaster."

"The plan finally selected 867 children from all over the world and handed them over to the Grand Federal Academy of Science and Technology for unified training. They will have priority in enjoying food rations..."

Below, Qi Xiaoyu records his experience in training in detail.

Although it is detailed, it only contains a few lines.

Her life seems to be the same every day. Only after she has developed a new technology and received a reward, will she specifically record her achievements and the rewards she received.

"In the year 1467 of the New Calendar, I developed the modular integrated evolution function and received a commendation from the whole hospital. The reward was... a day off, 500 grams of chocolate, a set of cosmetics in stock, and some food rations..."

"In the year 1469 of the New Calendar, an active metal recovery device was developed and won a commendation from the whole hospital. The reward was 200 grams of chocolate and some food rations..."

"In the year 1470 of the New Calendar, I improved the active metal recovery device and won a commendation from the whole hospital. The reward was a certain amount of food rations and three hours of family reunion."

The words in the notebook are a little scrawled, and the last strokes are a little excited.

"On June 29, 1470, I spent my birthday with my parents. I was very happy."

Turn to page two.

"On June 30, 1470, disaster struck...the world was destroyed."

A page plus a line of words, this is Qi Xiaoyu's life.

She did not record her life in Survivor Mountain, and it was completely blank.

Turning to the end, Sean found the final content.

"The decision has been made. Everyone moves away from the Survivor Mountain, leaving thirty-six scientific researchers and the tower to go into hibernation in anticipation of the future."

At the bottom edge of the typography, there are some very different fonts.

Less formal, less serious.

"I hope the world will be better when I wake up and all the crazy beasts will disappear."

"I hope I will have the opportunity to build a grave for my parents when I wake up. Although I have only seen them once since I was three years old, I know they must love me very much... and so do I."

"I hope the little cosmetics I have left won't break when I wake up. I haven't learned it yet."

"I hope that when I wake up... I can fall in love. Hehe, last time I was lazy and read some ancient information, the TV series in it actually had two people talking to each other... Ah! I can't help it, I can't help it. My hands feel a little numb when I write. ”


The book was closed, and the researcher named Qi Xiaoyu also closed her life.

The white mist had long since dissipated, and Qi Xiaoyu's livid and pale face softened slightly, but she would never open her eyes again.

Sean looked at her for a moment longer and finally chuckled.

"I'm really sorry. The person you're waiting for is not a good person."

He took Qi Xiaoyu out and took out the cosmetics.

"First of all, one of your wishes has been fulfilled. At least the cosmetics are not broken."

Sean put the girl down, and just in time, the shaking of the tower stopped.

He wiped off the poor makeup on the other person's cold and moist face, and painted it again according to his own style.

After finishing, Sean looked at the other person with satisfaction.

"The makeup and hair techniques I learned for my profession are pretty good... Tsk, what a pretty girl. If you want to live, I will definitely find a way to trick you into getting her."

After carrying Qi Xiaoyu into the hibernation compartment and putting her cosmetics away, Sean opened the notebook, and the gray mist eroded the paper according to his wishes.

Simple drawings of middle-aged men and women with a little girl appear vividly on it.

Leaving the last line behind, Sean left here.

"The tombs of Qi Xiaoyu, Qi Yuanshan and Liu Mengqi."

The tower shook again, and the paintings on it seemed to be dancing dimly, like a couple playing with their children.

"Brother, you are finally back, look, look at that!" Endeli stammered and pointed out the window.

Outside, two giant robots were being assembled, and the surge of energy cores could no longer be stopped.

Endeli swallowed: "The program ran autonomously. This thing was sleeping, and then it moved on its own! By the way, this place is actually alive, the Mountain of Survivors, big brother..."

Sean waved his hand: "I know this."

Endeli danced around, panicked and confused: "I noticed that resources are being mobilized in large quantities. This metal life needs to assemble things that cannot be recycled... at least the crimson upper layer, or two!"

"Are you all here for us?"

"That's for sure. We started assembling it after we came in! As for the guy from Kan Shi Shi who killed a thousand swords, he didn't promise that he would have a way to solve the problem here. I only found one damn way to leave, the hover car in that place I don’t know if it can be opened yet!”

While he was talking, Kan Shishi walked in. He opened his mouth and said, "Damn it, such a big robot, it's not written in the information. Isn't it said to be a king-level robot after it reaches the top of the sky?"

"Panda?!" The metal panda was annoyed.

Endeli even yelled: "Where have you been? Hurry up and spit out everything you know. If you don't run away, the thing will be completely ruined after it is assembled!"

Kan Shishi stared at the robot in stunned silence: "I'm looking for something... I'm going, can't this thing be stopped?"

"Stop the hammer, the energy core of that thing is connected to the mountain of survivors!"

Sean looked at Kan Shishi, and smiled slightly at the strange look in his eyes: "Fourteen, have you found the heart of the Mountain of Survivors?"

Kan Shishi's eyes widened immediately, and he subconsciously blurted out: "How do you know? Are you really a descendant of the administrator here?!"

Sean didn't explain. At this time, the huge robot outside had opened its eyes, and the huge aura of metal and modules had overflowed.

Latiya, who had been hiding all this time, appeared, shocking Kan Shisi.

The dean's eyes were extremely solemn: "Crimson upper level... I can feel the huge pollution. There is something wrong with the pollution of these two robots."

"Dean, can you beat me?"

Latiya gave him an annoyed look, but there was something charming about it.

"I can't beat them. I've only been promoted for a long time. Even with the strength bonus, I can't beat them. Jin Kui can't even handle these two robots here!"

"what do you mean?"

"Nothing else, just run!"

Sean nodded but didn't move. At this time, Bai Ye and Luo Xi also came back from outside.

Luo Xi walked up to Sean and whispered a few words, and the corners of Sean's mouth raised a little arc.

He looked at Latiya: "Dean, can you hold those two robots for a while?"

Latiya frowned: "It's difficult. I can run, but they might just ignore me."

Sean pursed his lips at Kan Shisi: "There are still some people here."

Kan Shisi stretched out his hand: "Well, I only have Crimson here... who was just promoted..."

The person who walked out was Liu Ke, a girl with a round face.

A trace of surprise flashed in Sean's eyes. Before entering the tower, he specially explored Kan Shishi's team.

Although the specific strength is unclear, what is certain is that there is absolutely no Crimson-level strong person. Otherwise, Latiya cannot always follow him without being discovered.

In just a short while, Liu Ke was promoted to Crimson?

Moreover, she looked calm, and even the feeling of contamination was very slight.

"I can join in for a while..." Liu Ke said softly.

Sean looked at the other person, with a strange look in his eyes.

Not a true crimson…just temporary…

But he didn't say it, instead he looked out the window.

Farther away, the mountain of survivors had opened its metal walls and was breathing.

Sean picked up the leader of the predators who was leading the way.

The latter had never seen such a big scene before, and now everyone was confused.

Sean slapped the woman, who covered her face in horror: "Run quickly, I'm not familiar with this place, and I can't lead the way. Those, those are two crimson tops!"

Sean smiled and slapped the other person again, causing two teeth to fly out.

The clay figure also has three points of fire. Even if she is captured, her predatory nature is still at work. She stares at Sean angrily, as if she wants to kill him with her eyes.

"It's none of my business. We agreed from the beginning that I would only take you to Survivor Mountain. I didn't expose you when you lied to that group of people!"

Kan Shishi blinked innocently.

Sean grabbed the other person's hair and laughed: "Those things you threw along the way should have been effective, right?"

The woman's eyes widened instantly.

Sean laughed evilly: "Every time you take a break, you prick your fingertips with your nails and leave a little blood... You must have swallowed something. The blood left in a special way can be used as a mark, right?" "

The woman's breathing was extremely heavy.

"Let me think about it...you don't have much power behind you, otherwise you wouldn't be caught by me easily...tsk, a big team of predators?"

The woman's eyes were completely filled with panic, and she stammered: "You, how did you know..."

Sean sneered: "Is now the time to think about this?"

"You...you! You asked me to mark it on purpose! You were going to bring others in?!"

Sean stood up and threw her to the floor: "Go and send your special marks to lure them over."

He showed a devilish smile: "The choice is left to you. You can also kindly persuade them to leave. Tsk, it is so touching to sacrifice yourself for others. Or... let them come over, and you can survive."

The woman finally cried: "I, I just attracted them here and wanted to escape when you were in conflict. I'm not familiar with them at all!"

"So, are you ready to sacrifice yourself for others?" Sean spread his hands.

Feeling the heat brought by the roaring chainsaw on the back of her neck, the woman cried and shouted: "I'm going to lie! I will definitely lie to them!"

Sean clapped his hands: "Good boy."

He looked at Kan Shishi who was stunned and said with a smile: "Okay, take me to the heart of the Survivor Mountain. Your people will go below to support me. Liu Ke and the dean are responsible for delaying..."


The long buzz of energy was extremely harsh, and the two robots had already raised their legs.

Sean yawned: "Work quickly, otherwise, we will all die."

Kan Shishi and his teammates looked at each other, then he nodded and immediately led Sean to run in one direction.

In the distance, a dense army of marauders has entered the mountain of survivors.

The man in the lead had a weird gem stuck in his forehead, like a disgusting third eye.

"Brother, there are more marks inside."

The man squinted his eyes, and the gem trembled slightly.

"There are two big robots over there...Tsk, brothers, come closer and take a look."

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