I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 214 Contaminated Seeds

"Boss, this place doesn't look right."

The dense group of predators was slowly advancing, a young man next to the leader said softly.

The leader with jewel eyes on his forehead squinted his eyes. As the distance shortened, he could already see two giant robots in the distance.

"Old world technology..." Greed flashed in his eyes, "It's not just once or twice that our people have been near it, but we haven't found it yet..."

The leader's greed made the young man frown slightly, and he continued: "That mark should be a group of small-scale plunderers who were operating in the Exile Wasteland before. Their leader should be a king-level woman. I remember her name is Gulan."

"Gulan's intention of leaving the mark is very obvious. She was probably captured by some force, so she used this unique method of contact between predators. She knew that we were moving nearby recently, so she must be the first to rush over. Yes, it’s obvious that we need to help.”

"It's okay if it's just a normal battle between forces. It's easy for us to eat them, but this place is connected to the technology of the old world. The forces that can be found here are definitely not small forces-"

The leader interrupted the young man's chatter. He laughed and said: "Xinyuan, do I not know this? But remember, we are predators. We are people who make a living on the tip of a knife. Live. The woman comes down with her hands full of money, and if she dies, that is the fate of our profession."

The young man known as Xinyuan frowned: "Boss, as long as we can obtain enough resources, we can definitely take our brothers to find a place to settle down. There is no need to consider forces like the Imperial Capital, but developing into a small city-state is still a problem. There is a chance.”

The leader laughed ferociously: "Aren't there enough resources ahead?"

Xinyuan was suffocated, and finally shook his head, looked forward, and loudly ordered: "Investigation team, all out!"

Densely packed flying boards rose from the team, and some people with super powers dived into the soil like diving.

Yi Xinyuan knew that his boss would not change once he made up his mind. Instead of making the other party unhappy by persuading him again, it would be better to step up the deployment.

Their group of plunderers should be the largest plundering organization in the area from the Exile Wasteland to the Sunken Sea. Apart from those big forces, there is really no need to worry about encountering an ambush.

The only thing that made Yi Xinyuan a little uneasy was that the two huge robots looked very dangerous.

However, the robot should only be at the peak of king level, and it was so huge that it would not be difficult to get rid of it after encountering an accident... He comforted himself in his heart.

As the team advanced, they also saw the whole place, and the team stopped temporarily.

Suddenly, the two robots moved.

A huge hum of energy spread across the entire land, and two huge robots rushed towards the tower at a speed that was completely inappropriate for their size!

At the same time, a huge smell of pollution spread out.

"Let the brothers below the king level retreat to respond, while the others continue to observe." The leader gave the order.

If the contamination spreads, most of his subordinates will probably go crazy.

Yi Xinyuan nodded and ordered to continue, and added: "The retreating people set up the energy cannon and wait for the boss's order."


Ahead, the two huge robots were attacking like crazy, seeming to cut off even the central black tower.

Next to the robot, there are two small black spots moving flexibly.

"Crimson level..." Yi Xinyuan said softly.

The leader laughed ferociously: "Just right, let's see how they deal with it..."

Just as he was talking, the investigation team came back, carrying a woman in their hands, it was Gu Lan.

"This man took advantage of the chaos to escape and was caught by us."

"The mark you left, right? Tell me about it."

Gu Lan looked panicked, and when he saw the leader's eyes scanning over him, he shouted in panic.

"They're trying to control that robot!"

The leader's pupils shrank: "Tell me, what do you know?"

After a moment, both the leader and Yi Xinyuan raised their heads in surprise.

Those two robots are actually controllable?

There's a delay over there so that the technicians can get a thorough grasp of the procedure.

After escorting Gulan down, Yi Xinyuan mused: "It may be a trap, but it is very credible... In any case, they did not escape directly but tried to delay it, which means there must be something good inside."

The leader laughed loudly: "It doesn't matter whether Gulan is telling the truth or not, but by letting Gulan out, they are telling us that there are good things in it, and they need time to delay it - this is inviting me to join the game. "

"Boss, what about us?"

The leader waved his hand: "If you continue to cut off, you will be subject to chaos - don't wait any longer, move forward!"

As a member of the Crimson mid-level, he has the capital!

The explosions outside suddenly became violent, but Sean did not look back at all. On the contrary, Kan Shishi in front ran happily and turned around to look around.

"Did that large group of marauders really join in?" he asked in surprise.

Sean smiled: "They couldn't help it...the robot's flexibility is still a lot worse after all. As long as he has Crimson-level strength, it won't be difficult to escape."

"So you deliberately whispered to Endeli to control the robot, and that woman heard you?" Kan Shishi asked curiously.

Sean chuckled softly: "It's all intentional, to create some trap and ambush atmosphere, and it seems okay in some places. Of course, it's all just to convey something."

"Is there any treasure in here?"

Sean nodded: "If they could bear it, they wouldn't call them predators...Besides, there are real treasures here."

He glanced at Kan Shishi, who turned his head slightly guilty.

Going around to the top floor of the central tower, there is a huge fan, which seems to be the ventilation system of the entire tower.

Sean looked around and didn't see the heart of the mountain of survivors.

In his doubtful eyes, Kan Shishi raised his head: "Wait until it breathes... The dormant period is over, and the breathing rate should be much higher."

After waiting for a few minutes, sure enough, the earth-shaking breathing sound started again, and at the same time, the huge fan at the top of the tower also started to rotate violently.

Kan Shishi jumped directly onto the fan.

A huge blast of air blew him up quickly.

"You can find a way to do this?"

Sean smiled, jumped forward and followed.

Maintaining his balance, he rose rapidly in the air current.

Looking up at the scene above, Sean suddenly realized that he had overlooked something since he came in.

If this was just a high wall, then without a ceiling, the top would be shrouded in an evil dome - but the natural light in this place is much brighter than under the evil dome.

"Is there some kind of lighting device in here too..."

Sean muttered, and he looked at Kan Shishi above him, a trace of thought flashing in his eyes.

Did the other party notice this as soon as he came in?

Or rather, he had known for a long time that this place was alive, that it was for that heart, and that Liu Ke also benefited from there...

The air flow caused the rise to be extremely fast, and soon the two of them saw a platform at the top hidden in the clouds.

Standing firm, Kan Shishi looked at him with a smile: "This is the heart of the mountain of survivors."

On the huge suspended platform, a huge oval-shaped computer that is almost the size of an entire playground is sitting on it.

It spreads in all directions, with dense lines and pipes going deep into the clouds, and I don't know what they are connected to.

Kan Shishi's voice was filled with emotion: "I didn't know this before I came here. I originally planned to see if there was anything I could miss - but the light in this place was not right, and I noticed it."

"There are only vague records in the shelter, but after I arrived here on the air current, I knew that those records were all true and could be connected together."

He looked at Sean with a serious look on his face: "The strategies of Shelter and Survivor Mountain are different. One of them is that giant creations are more likely to become... strange."

"Pollution..." Sean said softly.

Kan Shishi nodded: "Metals, programs, etc., may be contaminated, and everything that this world encounters is extremely weird. I can't explain it now, but I feel that the mountain of survivors may be able to bring something."

He looked at Sean and pointed to a small factory building next to the supercomputer: "There are a lot of things in there, which should be the resources of Survivor Mountain back then. Liu Ke also used the things in them to advance to Crimson. "

Promoted to the Crimson? It's temporary...

Sean did not expose the other party, but followed Kan Shisi inside.

There are many high-precision prosthetics, modules, potions, etc. inside.

"There are still some things here that need to be studied before they can be used. I speculate that they are related to pollution. If they can be studied, it will also be extremely helpful to the Crimson-level experts."

"And this one, maybe because it is close to the heart, it became like this... It feels like a fusion of modules and potions, and the modules here also receive the evolutionary experience of the robot battle below."

It was a row of things that looked like metal facehuggers, with light blue liquid flowing in a strange way inside.

There are four left.

Kan Shishi looked at Sean: "The most valuable thing here should be this. As long as you are implanted, you can advance to Crimson. Although it is somewhat different from normal Crimson, the pollution you suffer is very small, even , you can also fuse the blood of the Mad Beast again to complete the real advancement."

He looked very confident: "This thing can make you more competitive after entering the Crimson in the future."

Sean nodded thoughtfully.

Kan Shishi laughed: "There are five in total. Liu Ke used one, and there are four left. I will take two more - the rest, including other resources, are yours."

Sean picked up the metal facehugger, looked at it, and then threw two to Kan Shishi.

"Good deal, very sincere."

Kan Shishi looked surprised, as if he didn't expect Sean to be so cheerful.

He picked up the metal facehugger with some embarrassment: "So, that's it?"

Sean nodded: "That's how the resources are divided."

Kan Shishi scratched his head and laughed again: "Sure enough, I saw the right person!"

Sean raised the corner of his mouth: "Okay, now you can reveal your hidden proliferation."

Kan Shisi froze on the spot. He looked at Sean, his eyes full of complexity.

Sean said calmly: "Since the Mountain of Survivors is a living thing, it is at least a deep red level metal living thing, and as long as it enters deep red, proliferation will occur automatically."

"Tell me, where did you hide the proliferation?"

Kan Shishi's eyes flickered for a while, and finally he sighed and laughed again: "I can't hide it from you..."

He pointed to the top of his head: "The platform here can be raised and lowered. I moved the platform down a little, and those proliferations are above our heads."

Sean squinted and looked up: "I can't feel the smell of pollution even though I'm so close..."

Kan Shishi nodded, his eyes suddenly brightened: "I was surprised when I found out... because the Survivor Mountain has a ceiling, but there is no lighting facilities here, and the light should not be like this."

"I came here and I saw... a hand."

One hand... Sean's eyes flickered a few times.

Kan Shishi walked aside and pressed the button, and the entire platform slowly rose again.

Beyond the clouds, Sean saw the transparent ceiling and the distinctive evil dome.

It's not the familiar iron blue and dark gray, but a grayish white.

The sun shines through thin clouds, bringing warm light to all areas within Survivor Mountain.

And among the clouds, there was a giant hand made of metal, circuit boards, and rotten flesh.

The giant hand wandered among the clouds, and then gently grasped the livid dome.

A black airflow overflowed and poured into the giant hand, and the clouds became much cleaner.

Sean paused on the spot.

Kan Shishi's words were full of emotion: "Isn't it a weird picture? It represents the increase of pollution, and it is actually cleaning up the evil dome of the world... The evil dome has the ability to repair itself, and this increase can actually guarantee a large area Clean inside.”

He looked at Sean with sincerity and seriousness on his face: "I need this... I may be able to find a way to completely clean up the Evil Dome."

Sean didn't speak, just looked at the huge hand.

After a moment, under Kan Shishi's heavy and doubtful eyes, he laughed.

"Clean up the evil dome...Kan Shishi, you have such a strong tone."

Kan Shishi was not angry, but said in a deep voice: "The shelter can conduct better research. If you are worried, you can come to check the progress of the shelter at any time. I will not use power for personal gain. This thing will definitely be exposed to the whole world." open."

His eyes were firm and sincere: "I promise, I will make the evil dome disappear completely. If the first phase is successful, your Paradise City can choose whether to try it out."

Sean just sneered and said nothing.

Kan Shishi was anxious, and he couldn't help but amplify his voice: "Sean, do you know the true face of this world?"


"Have you ever thought about why humans in this world are always so good at depravity..." He widened his eyes, "I came from a shelter, so I understand. All people born after the end of the world, deep down in their hearts, they are The seeds of pollution were sown!”

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