This is probably breaking news, at least Kan Shishi thinks so.

He originally thought that he should be able to see Sean's shocked expression and silence, but the man opposite him just lazily picked his ears.

"You...I didn't lie to you!" He looked at Sean with an unbelievable look.

Sean chuckled softly: "Why are you showing such an expression? Are you surprised that there is an indifferent person like me?"

Kan Shishi's eyes gradually became deeper.

"You know...but you don't care."

Sean shrugged noncommittally: "Why do you care? Tsk."

Kan Shishi's shoulders shook, and he took a step forward: "Maybe I can develop a method to completely eliminate the evil dome, and this will bring new hope to the whole world... I don't expect you to understand my thoughts. , but what use is this thing to you?"

Sean pursed his lips and finally sneered: "Hope? It's so naive. As for its use to me, I believe you will see it soon."

The ability of the Deceptive Heart was activated, and Sean briefly deceived his body.

A pair of wings condensed with light emerged from his back. This was the superpower of a member of the [Golden Ghost]. Apart from flying, his own combat effectiveness was average.

However, it is suitable for Sean who only needs the ability to fly. Afterwards, he has to pay the price of being afraid of the dark and being heavy.

The light wings vibrated, and Sean flew upwards.

Kan Shisi took out a flying board from somewhere and stopped it in front of Sean.

"Give you those two enhancers, I only want this multiplication - if you haven't reached Crimson, you will be contaminated if you come into close contact, right?"

Sean looked at him: "Didn't you reach the crimson level too? If I'm not mistaken, you just entered the king level not long ago?"

Kan Shishi did not give in at all: "I have a way to isolate the pollution, I only want the proliferation - Sean, I don't want to be your enemy, give me that thing, I owe you a big favor."

"To save, uh, the world?" Sean smiled sarcastically.

Kan Shishi's eyes were full of determination: "I don't care when there is no other way, but when I see hope, I have to do it - only when the newly born children no longer naturally carry contaminated evil thoughts, will this world truly have In the future, otherwise, killing all the mad beasts will be of no use."

He came closer again, with urgency in his voice: "Sean, you will also have children, and your friends will also have children. There will be countless children in the paradise city under your jurisdiction. This may give them new opportunities, and To the world.”

The mockery in Sean's eyes flashed, and he chuckled: "So, you are too naive, Kan Shishi... There is no future in this world. Even if others need a new future, I don't need it."

With that said, he was about to jump up.

Kan Shishi stood in front of him, his eyes full of solemnity: "Sean, I felt a strange sense of familiarity when I saw you for the first time. This is my power, it never lies... You obviously You can help me, and you are willing to help me.”

"Powers don't lie, people do." Sean twitched his fingers: "You want to stop me?"

"I don't want to, but I have to stop you. I want to take you away."

Sean nodded thoughtfully.

The protagonist of the game who can have mysterious feelings and this route is so naive that he doesn't look like a normal person...

Sure enough, the superpowers are still the same.

The Blade of the Mind has powers that can only be used by a pure heart. If you violate yourself, you will violate the powers. At the same time, you can lightly perceive and predict the people around you. This is shown in the game with blurry flashback scenes.

A very useful ability that will not be resisted by any type of veto or weakling, and while forming a physical attack, it can also hit the enemy's spirit and will.

This kind of power will awaken when the mood breaks down. The strongest thought of the awakened person at that time will become the rules of the Mind Blade. If it is violated, the power will disappear.

Sean took a look at Kan Shishi. The other person's principles probably have something to do with saving the world...

What a lofty ideal... Sean grinned.

"Then come on."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp blade burning with white flames appeared in Kan Shishi's hand. His eyes were firm and he took half a step forward.

Sean's head felt like being stabbed by a needle. At the same time, the white flames in front of him were rapidly draining Sean's energy, and a wave of exhaustion suddenly surged up.

He couldn't move for a moment.

And a flash of light flashed in Kan Shishi's eyes, the flying board exploded, and the war blade came straight towards him.

"This knife will not kill you, Sean, no matter what you think, I want you to live to witness everything I have done!"

The blade cut through the air, and it seemed that even the air had been sucked out.

Top module for shelter! He is also equipped with a small prosthetic body!

However, Sean just raised his head tiredly and smiled at him: "Fourteen, what is your greatest ideal?"

Now that you have taken action, don't hesitate. Kan Shishi was not ready to answer, but he still subconsciously had an idea in his mind, his strongest idea.

Suddenly, he paused on the spot.

The Mind Blade disappeared, and he looked at his hands in confusion. Gradually, his face was filled with horror.

"I...what do I want to do..."

The mental attack that Sean suffered disappeared instantly. He glanced at Kan Shishi who was at a loss, leaned over and said softly: "Think about it..."

Quick steal brought by gray fog!

He didn't need to know what Kan Shishi's principles were, but Sean knew that as long as he asked questions, the other party would definitely have corresponding thoughts, and this must be his strongest thought.

Just quickly steal the strongest thoughts in the other person's mind.

In order not to make any mistakes, Sean has been slowly deceiving the other party's psychic defense after meeting him - slowly eroding the defense brought by Kan's fourteen powers. The price Sean has to pay is the loss of his will.

It's a serious price to pay, but Sean can postpone it for a day.

The principle was temporarily forgotten by Kan Shishi, so the Soul Blade disappeared naturally.

Before Sean's quick steal fails, Kan Shishi will no longer have any abilities.

He didn't look at the other person again, but climbed straight up quickly.

In the thin clouds, the top of the mountain of survivors is in front of you.

The heart's data lines, energy channels, etc. spread and connect around from here.

This is a transparent cover with an abnormal thickness, in which countless octopus-like white lights are flowing around.

Cerebral cortex... Sean has appeared for such a long time.

He suddenly realized that the entire mountain of survivors was like a giant octopus with all its tentacles detached.

That proliferation...

Sean looked up and saw the disgusting giant hand covering the sky and still cleaning all the evil domes nearby.

He had a strange idea... This proliferation was like a hand caressing his own child...

Moreover, why is proliferation a hand? The appearance of proliferation should be based on the source of pollution.

The proliferation of most crimsons is extremely large, and those flesh and blood will grow stronger as they work in the crimson field, and eventually become the original appearance.

Special crimson proliferations will take on different appearances, such as Golden Kui.

Jin Kui's promotion to Crimson used the blood of a special crazy beast, and its proliferation existed in his heart in the form of a projection.

This is also the reason why Jin Kui can still move freely after so many years in Crimson.

Of course, this is not without cost. Once Jin Kui's proliferation is truly revealed in reality, the degree of pollution will be far greater than that of others, and Jin Kui himself will quickly lose his sanity.

If one day Jin Kui reveals his true proliferation, it means that he is not far away from turning back into a crazy beast.

Jin Kui is special enough, but the mountain of survivors and its proliferation are so weird...

Sean only hesitated for a moment before climbing up again.

He wanted to give it a try, if his guess was confirmed...

The transparent top cover was attacked crazily by Sean, and it seemed that the instinct of the mountain of survivors was touched here.

Outside the tower below, Latiya and Liu Ke were trying their best to deal with the two robots. If it hadn't been for the large number of predators arriving, they would have had no choice but to escape now.

Sneaking into the shadows to avoid an energy bombardment, Latiya looked strange.

Greatly reduced stress…

The leader of that group of plunderers turned out to be the middle-level crimson... Not only that, he also had a lot of king-level experts. There was one at the peak of the king-level, four or five in the upper-level kings, and ten of the remaining king-level experts. Several.

And Latiya didn't even see the other party's proliferation!

This force is almost comparable to the four giants in Paradise City. Excluding the leaders, it is even much stronger than the [Golden Ghost].

If they choose the right time, they can even take over Paradise City and become the fifth giant.

With such strength, instead of building a city-state to live a stable life, he actually wants to be a plunderer?

Latiya, who had only seen king-level peak predators in information before, stared at the strange people warily.

The leader of the predators with a strange gem inlaid on his forehead stared at Latiya, Liu Ke and the two robots with an excited expression. He circled around and quickly scanned the surroundings.

"Xinyuan, take people there!" He discovered a room on the tower, where Endeli and others were.

Liu Ke's pupils suddenly shrank when she heard this name... She had heard this name before!

Yi Xinyuan below frowned and ran towards the tower under the cover of the leader.

Those two robots would judge the enemy's strength and attack the strong ones first, but they did not encounter much hindrance.

"The boss's judgment is correct... Although these two robots have the strength of Crimson Upper, they are too bulky, and... they should be driving type robots. Without a driver, they cannot exert their full power."

"If we can really get control..." Yi Xinyuan's eyes lit up, "The leader may be able to concentrate on establishing a city-state..."

In front, a beautiful girl with white hair and red hair appeared.

Yi Xinyuan didn't have any sympathy for her. He turned his palm and a strange-looking scalpel appeared in his hand.

"My power is called surgeon..." A chill flashed through his eyes, "Before I operate on you, please sign an agreement..."

"As the chief surgeon, I have the obligation to inform you that next, I will anesthetize you first, and then... cut open your neck..."

Liu Ke's warning sound sounded: "He is announcing it. After the announcement, the superpowers will have bonuses, and he is the veto of the illusion system! It's hard to tell whether it's true or false, but in the end he will definitely attack your neck!"

Yi Xinyuan's eyes became colder: "Family members of patients are not allowed to enter the operating room..."

A transparent wall of light appeared, trapping Yi Xinyuan and Luo Xi together.

Luo Xi frowned slightly. Suddenly, she felt that her neck was stiff, and she seemed to have lost all her senses.

"The operation begins -" Yi Xinyuan opened his eyes slightly and dropped his scalpel out of thin air.

The light flashed, and Luo Xi was hit in the neck by the scalpel without any reaction!

Her neck ring suddenly glowed, blocking the attack for her.

Yi Xinyuan seemed to have stood there without moving. He waved his knife again: "The patient is very uncooperative...please ask for more medicine."

Luo Xi's body was completely frozen in place!

The isolated Baiye wanted to support, and a large amount of moonlight shone on Luo Xi through the wall of light. However, other predators quickly attacked!

"Grab my moonlight!" She only had time to shout before she fell into a hard fight - there were too many people on the other side!

"Only the light from the operating table is enough..." Yi Xinyuan swung the knife for the third time, and the moonlight that seemed to be a real entity in Bai Ye actually melted away.

"The operation continues-"

This time, a blade appeared on Luo Xi's neck again, and her neck ring had dimmed.

Yi Xinyuan sneered, goodbye, this patient...


It was like a hot knife being stabbed into butter, and there was a sizzling sound as the skin was broken and burned.

Yi Xinyuan, who was standing opposite Luo Xi, disappeared. His figure appeared behind Luo Xi, and the scalpel in his hand was about to fall.

However, a blade of energy light appeared from Luo Xi's lower back and stabbed directly into Yi Xinyuan's abdomen.

" it possible..." His eyes trembled.

Luo Xi wondered: "You are not a space system, you are just a deceiver. You succeeded in a sneak attack. Are you still not satisfied?"

"It's hiding and the surrounding...light wall"

Luo Xi turned around: "No, your energy is about one thousandth and three thousandths higher than other light walls."

Yi Xinyuan opened his mouth and blood overflowed: "This is it possible...and you are going to die too..."

The war blade was drawn out, and Luo Xi's abdomen was intact. She waved the war blade lightly, and Yi Xinyuan's two hands flew high.

"My glaive is a part of me."

Yi Xinyuan's eyes were distracted.

On the other side, the predator leader's eyes flashed with anger, and he was about to pull out the gem on his forehead.

Suddenly, the entire mountain of survivors shook violently!

The two robots stagnated for a moment, and then seemed to have completely gone crazy, no longer caring about the surrounding buildings and attacking indiscriminately!

The sudden change puts everyone in danger!

At this time, Sean was already sitting in the thinking hall.

In front of him is the projection of a new saint, welcomed by the mechanical voice of Noah.

"Second Saint, welcome..."

Sean froze in place.


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