I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 216 Long time no see, never see you again.

The new Saint sitting in the No. 2 position is someone Sean doesn't want to remember but also doesn't want to forget.

Qiu Qingming.

The main creator of the Survivor Mountain model is also the best student brought up by Sean. He is not a biological brother who is better than a biological brother.

As if he had been soaked in an icy lake for a day and a night, Sean's hands and feet felt stiff, making it almost difficult to lift.

Noah sensed this.

"Three Saints, I have detected that your etheric layer is falling into huge fluctuations. Please calm down, otherwise it may lead to unexpected consequences."

Sean sat on the chair and clenched the armrests until his knuckles turned white.

After a long time, he took a deep breath.

"Qingming, it's been a long time no see..."

He was not talking about Qiu Qingming opposite him, because Sean knew that that was not the real Qiu Qingming, not his best student.

The young man in his early twenties has a clean and neat face and looks cheerful. Only the broken eyebrow on the left gives him a hint of ferocity.

That was the mark left by an accident when he went up the mountain to cut firewood when he was a child.

Qiu Qingming was wearing a sweatshirt with the studio's logo printed on it, and a small metal pendant hung around his neck with a pure golden ghost head on it - that was the logo of [Golden Ghost], which was Sean's name in the game's publishing department. Then make the gift yourself and give it to the other person.

Everything is so strange and familiar, including Qiu Qingming himself.

There was no difference between him and Sean's memory. Even when he looked over, he would habitually open his mouth wide and smile, as if he would shout "Brother Sean" the next moment.

However, his eyes were not the dark brown that Sean was familiar with.

You only need to get a little closer to see that the center of Qiu Qingming's pupils is flowing, and there are lines of complex codes in them, like a high-precision robot being calculated.

The brain of the Survivor Mountain is a high-precision computer, and its consciousness and intelligence come from the code. This is not surprising.

Before Sean broke the ceiling and inserted the Creation Slate into the giant hand, he never thought that it would be Qiu Qingming who appeared in the thinking hall.

The look of proliferation... is the look of a polluter.

If you take the form of a snake-like crazy beast when you advance to crimson, after many years of accumulation in the future, your multiplication will eventually turn into the appearance of that snake-like crazy beast.

After entering the thinking hall, normally, the projection will be the appearance of oneself, and the projection of human nature will be the appearance of proliferation.

Sean originally wanted to use the stone slab to project the will of the Survivor Mountain into the thinking hall, so as to achieve communication with this metallic life form.

But what he never expected was that the person who appeared here would be Qiu Qingming.

Moreover, he could clearly feel the pollution emanating from the other party.

After Noah noticed that Sean's etheric layer was no longer so chaotic, he also reminded aloud: "The newly arrived Lord Saint, the projection that entered here is very strange. This should be the projection of animal nature... but he is born with madness. The beast should not have a human form.”

"There is no relevant content recorded in my database. I speculate that the body of the Second Saint is very strange. It is possible that before having life, he was a purely inanimate, unconscious individual without an etheric layer."

"The pollution is too strong, which causes the structure of the etheric layer to be dominated by the will of pollution after the body gains life. In other words, for the Second Saint, his personality projection and animalistic projection are actually the appearance of the will of pollution. "

"The Hall of Thought has never experienced such a situation. Lord Three Saints, I suggest that Lord Saint Two be eliminated. Otherwise, the Hall of Thought may suffer unpredictable changes."

Sean gasped violently. He was right...

Proliferation is what Qiu Qingming looks like...

The will to pollute the Mountain of Survivors originated from Qiu Qingming... Only in this way can we explain why after the Mountain of Survivors was contaminated, Qi Xiaoyu would check out some trigger programs in the main program, and that trigger program pointed to a A living being with an intelligent will - that person is Sean...

It is impossible to verify what happened here, and it is also difficult to know how Qiu Qingming's will pollutes and affects the world.

But Sean's hands and feet are now cold, and his heart is full of bitterness.

He has always believed that the world he created is hopeless, which is also an important reason why his determination to subvert the world has never wavered.

Because Sean knew very well that the production team established an overall humanistic setting for the game in the early stages.

To put it simply, this world is based on the general framework of evil nature.

There is no hope in the world. The occasional shining point or kind person cannot change the nature of this world.

There can be no new life, only destruction.

This is also what Kan Shishi said, "Why are humans in this world always so good at depravity... All people born after the end of the world have the seeds of pollution planted in their hearts."

However, the appearance of Qiu Qingming finally made Sean realize the true face of this world.

Those pollutions, those disasters recorded in the old world...what are they...

"Damn, you shot yourself in the foot..." Sean smiled bitterly.

Qiu Qingming next to him just sat there, showing a familiar smile to Sean.

He didn't speak, as if he didn't have the ability to think for himself yet.

Noah is still urging Sean: "Lord Saint III, I hope you can destroy Lord Saint II's bestial will. If he continues to grow, the consequences will be incalculable."

Sean gasped and stared at Qiu Qingming without saying a word.

Elimination...maybe it can be done.

He can try to directly destroy the heart and brain of the Survivor Mountain, which are one and the same. At the same time, there is no need to crack, but to forcibly delete all programs in this place.

The mountain of survivors will become a building again, a dead object. Although those programs and modules will be destroyed at the same time, all remaining resources can be taken away.

This is probably the easiest crimson to kill in the world.

If we don't do this, indeed, pollution will continue to develop and its proliferation will continue to expand, with consequences that no one can explain.

If the mountain of survivors really possessed everything of a normal intelligent life, the consequences would be unimaginable.

This is a machine that can create crimson by itself, and even the etheric layer is built by the will of pollution... By then, countless crimson robots that have been completely polluted will appear continuously.

It's probably not Sean's turn to overthrow the world, and the world will directly turn into a polluted paradise.

But if it is eliminated...

Sean glanced at Qiu Qingming.

He ceased to exist.

This is not Qiu Qingming... This is just a twisted will of pollution that has passed through the wall of the world... This is just what Qingming looks like... It is only because Qingming created this place that the mountain of survivors was polluted.

This has nothing to do with Qiu Qingming. In the original world, he was just a hard-working new modeler...

Sean kept reminding himself.

But... if I destroy the mountain of survivors, including its program, will, pollution, etc....

Will Qingming also be disturbed?

The possibility should be equal to none, right? Sean thought a little irritably.

He didn't have the heart to think about the mystery of the connection between the two worlds. That was not a problem he should worry about, but...

Sean, always decisive, was distraught.

Suddenly, his head jerked up.


There's something wrong here...

"Noah, are there any relevant records about the origin of the evil dome in this world?" Sean asked in a deep voice.

Noah quickly replied: "The Three Saints, there is no relevant record in the database. It is speculated that it was caused by the mad beast coming to the world with the purpose of hindering the development of the world."

"Then pollution and evil dome should be on the same side, right?"

Noah hesitated a little, and finally affirmed: "Based on the current situation, it is assumed to be so, but the expression is different."

“So, will pollution actively clean up the Bad Dome?”

Sean's question caused Noah to fall into silence. After a while, he answered: "It is not consistent with speculation."

Indeed, this is speculation that is inconsistent with the current situation.

But the reality is that with the proliferation of the mountain of survivors, that giant hand is constantly cleaning up the evil dome!

Although the Evil Dome has self-healing properties, which prevents the Giant Hand from expanding its scope of action, the Giant Hand has not stopped cleaning up over the years.

At the same time, although the mountain of survivors is no longer under the control of the creator, many programs are still running step by step, such as enhancing the strength of the robots, continuously recycling and remanufacturing, etc.

Is Survivor Mountain special enough? Or...maybe there is another true face of pollution?

Even the Evil Dome... is not part of the pollution?

Sean raised his head silently. The ceiling of the thinking hall could not allow him to see the iron-blue evil dome.

After being lost in thought for a while, he looked at Qiu Qingming.

"Noah, can his animalistic projection be revealed?"

"It's okay according to the setting of the thinking hall, but he looks like an animal sitting here now."

Sean frowned: "Show me."


A door opens.

Sean pulled Qiu Qingming and walked in.

There is a wasteland inside, but the huge and polluted Qiu Qingming does not appear at the end of the wasteland. It is a large group of invisible black mist, with colorful tentacles extending and retracting from it. At the same time, this mist is still there. It is constantly eroding the surrounding space.

Noah reminded: "This beastly projection is very special. There is no record in the database... It is speculated that it is caused by the special nature of the Second Saint himself."

Just looking at it made Sean feel uneasy, as if something was about to come out of his body.

The pollution is very strong, even the projection in the thinking hall can have a certain impact on me...

But if my guess is right...

He brought Qiu Qingming closer.

The black mist became restless. However, when Sean got closer and closer, the black mist actually began to shrink again.

It ignored Qiu Qingming and focused its attention on Sean.

You can even feel a surge of excitement when Sean comes close.

"You know me, right..." Sean asked softly.

In reality, the colorful tentacles that would cause ordinary people to mutate at a glance began to swing happily. The purest pollution, there was no move to attack Sean.

Sean laughed.

"You know him too, right?" Sean pulled Qiu Qingming to his side.

Black Mist was restless for a while, and its colorful tentacles waved reluctantly, seeming to agree with this statement.

"You don't want this?"

Heiwu became confused again. After a moment, Sean waved his tentacles, and Sean actually understood the other party's 'sign language'.

"I don't want to, but that's how I am."

Sean pondered for a moment, and finally took a deep breath.

"You are the will of the Survivor Mountain, right? But you are too special, and you are too deeply integrated with the pollution, and some changes have made you very familiar with me, and... familiar and disgusting with him."

"If I can free you from pollution, are you willing to lose your own will and become a program again?"

The black mist twitched, and finally, it gave an affirmative answer.

At the same time, it also gives its own meaning.

"He will disappear...you seem to be very familiar."

Looking at Qiu Qingming, Sean smiled.

"It's not him after all..."

"Noah, transfer the host of the Creation Tablet."

Noah's voice was solemn: "Transferring the host to the animal projection may cause changes, are you sure?"


The space was distorted, and Qiu Qingming beside Sean twitched together with the huge black mist.

Then, Qiu Qingming staggered over.

The two merged together, and an increasingly crazy pollution erupted.

The pure and crazy giant Qiu Qingming appeared in front of Sean. He barely hesitated and was about to destroy everything around him the moment he appeared.

"Qingming." Sean shouted.

The giant froze in place, his black face turned around, code and pollution flashed alternately, and finally he shouted with difficulty.

"Brother Sean..."

Sean laughed: "Long time no see... let's go back."


The black energy on his body disappeared quickly, and finally, the giant Qiu Qingming glanced at Sean reluctantly.

He completely disappeared.

A new statue appeared in the Hall of Thought.

Gan Hu retreated sharply to avoid the robot's energy bombardment, his eyes cold.

It’s still not enough…the crimson middle layer isn’t enough either…

He was originally in charge of the black side of the family business. He worked as a plunderer while his younger brother was the captain of the city-state guard.

The king-level mid-level is considered outstanding among predators, but it is not good enough in front of the big forces.

But the two brothers took care of each other and lived a good life until one day.

His younger brother Qianlong told him that there was a treasure in the city that they could capture from both inside and outside - Gan Hu agreed.

In the process of stealing the gem, the two brothers realized what an incredible treasure this thing was.

The entire city's powerful men came out of the city to hunt them down!

And Gan Hu discovered that after absorbing enough blood, this gem could actually provide the user with powerful power!

His brother had the opportunity to discover this gem because the owner of the gem was secretly killing people in the city to gain strength.

In the end, Gan Hu chose to kill all his men, including his younger brother Qian Long.

He roughly inserted the gem into his forehead, and his strength directly reached the peak of the king level, thus evading pursuit!

Over the years, he has killed countless people, and his strength has even reached the middle level of the Crimson. Not only that, he does not need to fuse the blood of the Mad Beast, nor does he have the pollution to restrain the Crimson Powerhouse.

Because he understands that this gem is his own proliferation!

But he is still a predator.

Yi Xinyuan asked himself why he continued to be a plunderer when he was so powerful. He told the other party that he liked the thrill of plundering and didn't like to be restrained.

But Gan Hu himself understood that everything he had came from gems. He needed constant killing to maintain and enhance his strength, and the owner of the city had never stopped tracking him for so many years.

Once he stops, his strength will stop, and the original owner of the gem will eventually lock his position.

So he can't stop. Only by constantly killing and allowing the gem to absorb can he become stronger. Only by becoming stronger can he keep the gem.

Then, a predator with no fixed abode is the best choice, unless he has no more opponents.

Today was supposed to be a good day for killing, until the earth shook, until...

Gan Hu raised his head and looked at the sky, where he felt a familiar breath.

Just like my own gem...!

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