I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 217 Are you weaker than me before?

Gan Hu's eyes widened in an instant.

He still has no way of knowing the origin of the forehead gem. He only knows that it is probably some kind of extremely special proliferation.

Moreover, it is the proliferation left by an extremely powerful man.

Because, he occasionally heard a woman's murmuring voice in his uneasy dreams.

He couldn't hear what it was, but every time he heard it he would wake up from his sleep dripping with sweat.

He is the only one who knows this secret. To the outside world, whether it is the reorganized predators or the most trusted relatives, everyone only thinks that the gem on his forehead is a new type of prosthetic body.

After all, who would have such a priceless thing implanted in their forehead so blatantly?

Gan Hu took advantage of this mentality.

He wants to keep this gem, maybe, he can use it to move towards a more terrifying future.

Of course, he has also tried to find similar things. The aura of this kind of proliferation is slightly different from ordinary proliferation, and you can only notice it if you live together for many years.

Over the years, he has killed countless people and taken countless resources, but he has never encountered the same aura.

But now, he noticed it!

Above, invisible above, the same aura erupted, even stronger than the aura on my own gem!

"A strong man with similar multiplication has awakened?!"

Gan Hu's first thought was to run. He knew very well that if he was the real master of this kind of proliferation, he would never be able to compete with him. Moreover, if he could detect the other party, of course the other party could also detect him.

Whether it was his subordinate Yi Xinyuan whom he had just prepared to rescue with all his strength, or the dead warriors he had cultivated through the use of the magic of gems over the years, Gan Hu was ready to give up.

As long as I don't die, others can find a replacement.

Just when Gan Hu was about to flee at the speed of light without saying a word, he noticed that the aura that had just exploded was fading at an alarming speed.

"This is..." Gan Hu's eyes flashed.

He had the same experience!

At the beginning, he discovered the strangeness of the gem, killed all his subordinates and his younger brother, and obtained the peak king-level strength with the blood of hundreds of people.

After escaping from the pursuit, his power to forcefully stimulate proliferation quickly declined, and so did his aura.

After slowly experimenting, he realized that it takes time for gems to absorb other people's blood, and forcibly absorbing it in a short time can only provide explosive power.

Just like when he first got it, his strength suddenly jumped from the middle king level to the peak king level, and then fell back to the upper king level.

If he absorbs it slowly, his peak king-level power will not be lost.

The aura above him is exactly the same as what he did when he didn't understand it... that is to say...

Did the other party get this magical proliferation by accident just like me? !

It's not the strong man who wakes up, but another lucky one?

The greed and surprise in Gan Hu's eyes could no longer be suppressed.

He glanced at the girl opposite, a dark red lower-level girl who looked a little strange, a round-faced girl. She had obviously just been promoted, and she might have used some dirty tricks.

The other woman is also in the lower level of crimson, but judging from her actions, she is obviously not a novice, and her level of superpowers should not be low either.

These two people and other king-level enemies are delaying the two robots. I was brought here just to delay...

If their leader had a crimson upper layer, it wouldn't take too much effort to deal with these two superficial robots...

In other words, the opponent's strength may be similar to mine, and he is also a middle-level crimson player.

He discovered this magical proliferation and wanted to master it first. The so-called control of robots was just a cover...

With all kinds of speculations running through his mind, it didn't take long for Gan Hu to make a decision.

A gem brought him, a predator who had never seen crimson in his life, to the middle of crimson. If the same treasure was added...

A light burst out from his eyes.

As long as I get it and the two work together, the city lord who has been chasing me is nothing more than that!

Gan Hu no longer hesitated. He roared, and the red armor stained with bright red and exuding a strong smell of blood covered his body. He took off the gem with force, and then stuffed it into his chest.

Superpower: [Blood Armor], armor made of blood, has many wonderful powers, and is even one of the few superpowers that can be linked to prosthetics.

The A-level superpower happens to have the same origin as the power of gems to absorb blood. This is also an important reason why it only took him a few decades to advance to the middle level of crimson.

Covered in blood armor, an astonishing force of violence overflowed, and a crimson blood mist enveloped the whole body, forming a driving force - Gan Hu rushed towards the sky!

Liu Ke, who was avoiding the attack of the crazy robot, shouted: "He went for Fourteen and Sean, they are up there!"

"Shawn and the others went up there? How did this person find out?" Latiya didn't have time to think too much. She instantly sneaked into the shadows to avoid the robot's bombardment, and then appeared at the top of the tower.

With her black hair flying in the wind, Latiya put her hand into the deep shadow with a solemn expression.

Her arms were shaking, and her snow-white skin was cracked, revealing the flesh and deep black inside.

One handful, two handfuls... ten handfuls, twenty handfuls...

A total of eighty-eight spears burning with black flames floated out from the shadows. Then, without any hesitation, Latiya waved her hand fiercely, pointing directly at the flying Ganhu.

The black spear tore through the air and smoke, and its tail flames twisted and deformed the place it passed, and the short distance of a hundred meters was instantly spanned.

This blow made everyone look solemn, and even the two violent robots turned on their red alarm lights.

However, Gan Hu only looked back with disdain.

He did not dodge, and allowed the black spear to hit his blood armor end to end!

Thick black flames burst out, seemingly swallowing up everything around them.

Then, a sneer sounded: "Didn't you ladies eat?"

Gan Hu showed his face, and he and his blood armor were not damaged at all!

Latiya's eyes flashed with shock. In the crimson level, each level is completely different, but she is still a leader in the lower level of crimson.

She didn't expect to kill with one strike, but she didn't expect that she couldn't even deal basic damage.

"Purely defensive abilities? This sense of oppression is almost as strong as Jin Kui's..."

Just as some speculations flashed through his mind, the other party's Gan Hu sneered, and a red spear actually formed in his hand.

He threw it lightly like a dart, and the crimson spear flickered on the spot, and then Latiya saw the rapidly enlarging tip of the spear!

Not purely defensive!

She only had time to rely on instinct to dive, but the spear was too fast. Half of Latiya's body had just dived in, and the spear had already arrived.

He tried his best to twist his body and activate his powers, but the red spear still hit Latiya's shoulder viciously.

Severe pain came, and half of her body almost lost consciousness all at once.

To make matters worse, she felt that the blood in her body was boiling, and even her powers were temporarily thrown into chaos.

Gan Hu smiled evilly and licked his lips: "When the time comes, I will absorb your blood first. It will be delicious."

He didn't rush to hit the target, but turned around and flew upward again.

At this time, the most important thing is that special proliferation!

However, what blocked him this time was a huge robot that relied on energy to fly!

Latiya vomited blood, and half of her body was stuck in the shadow.

Regardless of whether her attack was effective or not, at least the goal was achieved - she had long discovered that the robots here would sort the enemy's energy levels, and the most powerful ones would be listed as priority targets for attack.

"Sean, you've lured the wolf into the house...I can't hold it off this time..."

Gan Hu's expression darkened.

"She was plotted by that bitch..."

Two huge robots blocked the front and attacked frantically.

Without a driver, these two Crimson upper-level robots are just superficial, but the camels are much skinnier than the horses. They are Crimson upper-level robots after all!

Rough and simple energy bombardment and powerful attack modules make the robot extremely threatening. What's even more annoying is that the robot is too big and its important parts are heavily guarded. Ganhu's ability to activate blood can be used against robots that only have engine oil in their bodies. It is of no use at all.

He dodged and moved around. Although he was not injured, he was completely blocked.

"We can't drag it on..." Gan Hu used his blood armor to block the robot's energy bombardment, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

"Come!" Gan Hu roared angrily.

Sherrill and Luo Xi are trying their best to repel Gan Hu's subordinates. This group of people is so strong that they don't look like predators at all, and they also noticed that almost everyone in this group has the same routine - the power of blood boils Make noise.

Gan Hu gave an order, and his subordinates at the peak of king level, upper level, and middle level all roared angrily.

"For the great Lord Ganhu!"

Sherrill's chainsaw cut down without any hesitation, and the man opposite him made no resistance.

"No..." Sherrill's eyes widened and he immediately put away the chainsaw forcefully.

Who would have thought that the predator would actually move forward and face the chainsaw with his chest.

The flesh and blood exploded, almost turning Sherrill into a bloody man.

He yelled: "Don't kill them, control them!"

Liu Ke also realized that something was wrong, and she turned down, preparing to imprison those king-level predators directly.

However, Gan Hu threw another crimson spear, and several people could only avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

However, the plunderers faced their leader's attack like crazy.

Countless flesh and blood burst out, and the powerful king-level predator died under the influence of the spear without any resistance.

"Damn it, if it's broken, those two robots might not be able to stop it..." Sherrill gritted his teeth.

The blood floated and formed a small river in the air, rushing straight towards Gan Hu.

The two robots seemed to have corresponding intelligent modules, and they consciously used their huge bodies to block the approach of the blood river.

However, when the blood river got close enough, it exploded and turned into blood mist, bypassing the robot and integrating directly into Gan Hu's chest.

The strange-looking gemstone flashed violently.

Gan Hu closed his eyes and then showed an expression of enjoyment.

"I haven't felt this in a long time...I love it all..."

The pleasure of soaring power many years ago is back!

The gem needs to be slowly absorbed in order to use the power of the blood for its own use. Forcibly absorbing it will only cause the power to fall back afterwards, but this is also a trump card!

Over the years, Gan Hu has used the strangeness of gems and the adaptability of his own abilities to not only make himself stronger steadily, but also to cultivate a group of powerful dead warriors who are only loyal to him.

Fighting is only one aspect, on the other hand... these people can become the source of their own powerful power when necessary!

Once is enough. You have lived for so long and mastered powerful power that should not belong to you just for this moment.

The huge blood mist completely blended in, and Gan Hu's eyes were filled with terrifying bloodshot eyes.

"Ha..." He sighed, and more detailed patterns appeared around the blood armor, and the whole thing expanded even more.

The others opened their eyes wide: "Crimson... upper level..."

Although a temporary method was used, it was completely different from the two empty-shell crimson upper-level robots!

Everyone present understands this!

Bai Ye gritted his teeth, not expecting to encounter such big trouble during a mission.

The Crimson Upper...You don't even need to salute His Majesty the Emperor in the Imperial Capital!

That guy also lured the wolf into the house, making these predators the chess pieces to disrupt the situation... Now, the chess players are about to change.

Sean, what exactly are you going to do? !

Gan Hu clenched his fist and enjoyed this wonderful power.

The two robots on the opposite side didn't know what fear was, and they attacked directly again!

"Things without souls... You don't understand the beauty of crimson at all..." Gan Hu laughed mockingly.

His blood armor shook, and a layer of blood mist overflowed, forming an illusory and huge blood armor!

The blood armor stretched out his hand and grabbed two robots one by one. The energy bombardment that could wipe out a king-level peak person with one shot hit his blood armor. Only the blood mist was blown away, and then it quickly recovered.

Huge force came, and the two robots were pulled uncontrollably.


The two collided hard together, and metal fragments fell from the sky like rain.

Gan Hu pressed the gem on his chest hard again. Before the two robots could stand firm, he immediately discovered that there were two new bloody hands heading straight for his energy core.

The layers of armor no longer played the defensive role they had before. With a heart-wrenching creaking sound, the energy armor that could withstand the attack of the crimson strongman actually twisted and deformed.

"It's just a dead thing. If it weren't for this shell, it wouldn't even be as good as the lower level of Crimson." Gan Hu sneered, and then crushed the energy cores of the two!

Amidst the huge explosion, black smoke rose up, and the robot that looked like a god of war just fell to the ground, smashing the entire area to the ground like an earthquake.

Ganhu is the real god here!

He shook off the debris and looked upward.


Just when Gan Hu was about to take off, a pair of light wings landed from above.

"Is this... driving a Gundam?" Sean rubbed his head in confusion.

The scene suddenly became weird, and Gan Hu even showed a surprised expression.

"King level..."

Even weaker than me before? !

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