I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 218 Backhand Suppression!

Sean slowly floated down. Next to the fallen robot was a huge blood armor. In comparison, he looked like a tiny insect.

The power of Ganhu Crimson's upper layer is shocking. If he were a normal Crimson, Sean could be severely polluted just by relying on the aura that has been polluted by proliferation over the years.

After all, he had only reached the king level not long ago.

Compared to Sean, Gan Hu was even more surprised.

He could clearly sense that the boy opposite him was of low strength. Not to mention himself before he got the gem, he couldn't even compare to the king-level dead warrior he cultivated.

The heir to a powerful force? The descendant of a strong man?

Otherwise, how could this kid command two crimsons to work for him?

Judging from the reactions of others, this guy is obviously the leader of this team.

Moreover...he is still entangled with that unique aura of pollution.

It is different from other crimson and crazy beasts, just like my own gem.

Gan Hu scanned the other party, trying to find the special proliferation in Sean.

That aura that erupted and then declined rapidly was unmistakable... But, I wonder what the special multiplication the other party received looked like?

The strange thing is that even with Crimson Upper's eyesight, he didn't notice anything special about the other party.


Thoughts flashed through his mind, Gan Hu lowered his eyes: "Boy, hand over your things, and I'll let you live."

Naturally, it was impossible to let him go, but he believed that it was necessary to test it. After all, he was the one who had the most experience of the power of special proliferation, and he couldn't overturn it here...

Sean glanced around. The two robots had collapsed, and the other subordinates brought by the predator leader were basically dead.

The losses on his side were not heavy, but Latiya was trapped in her own shadow, and there were wounds on her shoulders. It seemed that her powers were out of control.

Luo Xi, Sherrill, Bai Ye and others looked up at themselves on the ground, their eyes full of solemnity.

Sean raised his head and looked at Gan Hu, wondering: "Who are you?"

Gan Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, and then sneered: "You brought me into the situation, but you don't know me? That's fine... My name is Gan Hu, hand over the things, swear on my name, I will leave you a way to survive."

Sean pursed his lips, looked around again, frowned and said, "Thing? What do you want that thing for? You're a crimson upperclass, so that thing has no use, right?"

The confusion on his face didn't look like he was faking it, it did look like he was wondering and asking a sincere question.

A light flashed in Gan Hu's eyes, and his blood armor rippled slightly.

"To give or not to give?"

Sean hesitated for a moment, and finally took out a metal facehugger.

"Come all the way here...forget it, I'll give you one as a souvenir. Today, everyone will go back to their homes and find their own mothers?"

Gan Hu's face darkened. The thing in the opponent's hand was not special proliferation at all.

His blood armor fluctuated more frequently, and Sean's state was captured more clearly by him.

There is no abnormality, and there is no hidden strength... And there is no need to hide the strength of those who can hide it from me...

He snorted coldly, and the blood armor quickly spread out, isolating the area here.

"Boy, hand over the proliferation you got...tell me how you used it just now, and I'll leave you with a whole corpse."

Sean frowned: "How come you don't keep your word? You just said you would let me live?"

Gan Hu stretched out his hand slightly, and the blood-mist giant hand enlarged by the blood armor grasped Sean. Sean suddenly felt that the space around him seemed to be squeezing him.

"Boy, the fact that you found this place means that you have done some research..." Gan Hu laughed evilly, "Tell me everything you know."

He knew too little about gems, but Sean, with his king-level strength, could actually find his way here. Gan Hu was sure that the other party must have something to do with the super power and must know something about this thing.

"What?" Sean struggled slightly and wondered.

Gan Hu lowered his eyes. He gently opened his breastplate and showed the gem to Sean.

"The breath is familiar, right?" He sneered and increased his strength, causing Sean to groan.

"Don't try to hide it from me. I know you got something similar...tell everything you know and hand over the thing..." He licked his lips, "You don't want to know my methods. .”

Feeling his body being squeezed by the restraints, Sean narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sure enough... there are different types of proliferation...

He originally had a lot of questions, but when Gan Hu showed the gem, Sean suddenly felt something unexpected and reasonable.

That gem... is a bullshit gem!

That weird-looking thing is not a gem at all, but a heart.

And that heart should come from a character - this character took a lot of effort from the production team, but in the end it became a scrapped case due to various reasons.

The production team did not choose to delete it completely, but put it into the game as an easter egg.

Now it seems that this Easter egg is similar to Qiu Qingming...

The mountain of survivors was tainted by Qiu Qingming’s will, and this Easter egg was also tainted by a member of the production team at the time... If I remember correctly, this model should have been made by Liu Baobao at the same time as me...

Sean suddenly felt tired.

From this look, the man named Gan Hu in front of him had gained a lot of benefits from this gem. Otherwise, how could a crimson-level strong man become a wandering plunderer.

Status does not match...

Moreover, there is a high probability that this gem does not originally belong to him... it may have been stolen or snatched...

Special proliferation...

Sean sighed unconsciously when he thought of everything that happened after he left the Hall of Thought and Qiu Qingming's will completely dissipated.

Although it has nothing to do with Qiu Qingming himself, his will still shows his affection for Sean.

Even though he left, he still gave Sean a big gift.

Just in time, Gan Hu bumped into him.

Seeing that Sean didn't say anything for a long time, Gan Hu snorted and increased his intensity. His eyes were full of evil: "I don't have much patience, boy..."

He is single and has no worries.

Regardless of whether the kid in front of him was an important figure in a big force or not, he was ready to kill everyone here and leave immediately.

There are too many lice but they don't itch. Being chased by one force is a pursuit, and being chased by a group of forces is also a pursuit.

"I'll give you the last five seconds...five...four..."

As he was talking, a huge explosion suddenly sounded below. Gan Hu turned his head and saw that the boy's subordinates dared to attack when they saw their leader being questioned.

"I don't know what I can do..." Gan Hu laughed ferociously, "Boy, I'll give you an appetizer first."

The blood mist condensed into a terrifying sharp blade and struck directly at the most conspicuous Sherrill!

This knife was the power of the Crimson Upper Level. Sherrill couldn't even move and was directly crushed to the ground by the power.

The sharp blade almost tore through the space and was about to cut Sherrill into pieces!

Gan Hu looked ferocious, as if he had seen the end of the enhanced veto.

As a supplement goes, this big guy is of the highest quality!

Suddenly, a heavy gasp sounded.

This gasp seemed to come from the whole world. It was heavy and lifeless. Although it sounded tired, it made people lower their heads unconsciously and hold their breath.

The expression of Gan Hu who was still grinning suddenly changed, and the sharp blade that was slashing at Sherrill instantly dissipated, turning into blood mist and melting back into the armor.

He quickly retreated like a frightened wild dog, protecting himself tightly.

who? !

Just by breathing, Gan Hu felt as if he was locked by countless energy cannons.

His instinct was frantically sounding the alarm. There was a high probability that this person was a crimson!

Moreover, it is not the crimson that I forcibly lifted up, but the real upper layer of crimson.

No, it's even possible... it's the crimson peak!

Although others do not have as keen a perception as Gan Hu. However, they can also feel the huge power.

Just a gasp caused the heartbeats of everyone present to accelerate crazily.

Who is this?

Gan Hu watched the surroundings warily, and finally set his sights on Sean.

Is it that kid? !

No, it’s impossible, I still didn’t notice the other party’s fluctuations…

While he was thinking in confusion, more gasping sounds were heard.

This heavy sound was like thunder in the sky, gradually connecting together.

The voice finally became familiar.

Breathe? Is this place ventilating again?

A hint of coldness flashed in Gan Hu's eyes, and then he felt some irritation. He was actually frightened by the sound of breathing.

"Hahaha, do you really have this much courage?" In the sky, Sean laughed mercilessly.

The expression on Gan Hu's face turned livid in an instant.

"court death!"

Gan Hu snorted coldly, and the blood armor rioted.

Sean's original smiling and indifferent expression changed instantly.

He was like the most ferocious and sinister wolf in the wilderness, as if he was about to swallow people up with his eyes.

"A little thief like a dog dares to be so arrogant?"

Gan Hu was instantly furious, the blood armor expanded, and the blood mist was about to penetrate directly into Sean's body.

However, the mountain of survivors suddenly rioted!

In everyone's frightened eyes, the high walls in the distance suddenly rose together.

The two fallen crimson upper-level robots and all the surrounding assembly lines and debris shook.

The world seemed to be shaking, but in the stable tower, Endeli and Panda in the main control room were dumbfounded.

The program that they finally cracked is now out of their control!

What's even more frightening is that those machines and devices seemed to have come alive all afternoon, trying to rush out and combine with all the metals.

"Wait! This is..." Endeli looked at the figures flashing on the electronic screen and fell into a daze.

Brother... why are you on the screen? !

Everyone in the outside world fell into a huge panic.

The mountain of survivors...is completely alive? !

In addition to those abnormal movements, what is even more terrifying is the pollution coming from all directions like a tsunami.

This... how long does it take to be in Crimson before there is such a huge pollution aura!

Gan Hu's eyes flashed with shock, but his blood mist was about to completely wrap around Xiao En, and he immediately felt cruel and no longer hesitated.

Kill people, grab treasures, and then leave directly! This mountain of survivors is also large when it wakes up, and it won't be controlled by this kid!

This guy is just trying to scare me off!

Then, he clearly saw the mocking look in Sean's eyes.

The earth cracked, which meant that the energy channels and metal structures of this metal creature's blood vessels, bones, and muscles rushed out of the ground like crazy.

The two fallen robots were forcibly activated again, and the huge pollution attached to them, turning them into squirming black metal giants.

The giant blocked Gan Hu's attack, like the most loyal soldier standing under his master.

The metal was twisting and dancing wildly, and the entire mountain of survivors rose from the ground like a metal tentacle monster.

Those parts and remains crawled and twisted to form weird and terrifying robots one after another.

Gan Hu fell into a daze.

Sean stood on the shoulders of the twisted robot, and the huge pollution almost condensed into a strange black mist around him.

His cruel gaze seemed to bite Gan Hu to pieces.

"Tell everything you know and hand over your stuff."

The same words, but the cruelty in them is chilling.

Sean paused for a moment, then smiled ferociously: "Forget it...I'll get it."

The pollution that covered the sky condensed into substance, and a giant hand that was about to explode just by looking at it fell from the sky!

Gan Hu was shocked, that was the same special growth as his own gem!

Did the kid opposite take control of this place? !

There was no time to think about it, and the giant hand exuded a fishy smell and suppressed it.

Gan Hu subconsciously raised his blood armor, and now he had no other ideas at all.

Block the blow and then run away!

However, Sean just sneered.

The blood armor made a tooth-piercing squeaking sound, and then it exploded like a bubble!

Gan Hu spurted out a large mouthful of blood, looking at the giant thing above his head, his soul was all gone.

Peak crimson! The absolute pinnacle!

He immediately activated his gem to escape with the power of blood that had been burning for many years.

However, the two twisted robots were one behind the other, with pollution attached to their war blades. They found angles on the left and right, and attacked with both sides!

Gan Hu's eyes were about to burst, and he was about to shout for mercy, but another huge aura came quickly.

Sean noticed the other party's approach, he frowned, and his deceitful heart instantly turned on.

His breath was gone.

The visitor has arrived.

It was a middle-aged man wearing something like a papal robe.

His eyes were pure black, extremely weird.

Peak crimson!

Another crimson peak? !

After Gan Hu noticed the other party's appearance, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The visitor didn't even look at anyone else, just looked at Sean.

This breath... is similar to the ability that has just been awakened.

The man immediately noticed Sean's state. He looked carefully and saw that the other person was standing on the shoulders of the robot. The pollution around him was daunting.

Then he glanced at the giant hand that represented special proliferation. Under the alert and shocked eyes of everyone, the man slowly caressed his chest and greeted him in an even gentler tone.

"My friend, I wonder if I can make it easier?"

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