I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 219 Not a big problem

Peak Crimson, the extremely powerful Peak Crimson, was actually talking to Sean in a nice voice?

Even the well-informed Bai Ye felt ridiculous.

This world is the most realistic. Without strength, you are nothing. As a princess who was once an ordinary person, she understands this deeply.

Whoever is promoted to crimson will have his nose raised to the sky?

Moreover, the opponent is at the peak of Crimson, so it is impossible not to see through Sean's strength... because Sean can control the mountain of survivors?

But for Crimson Peak, it is completely possible to directly overcome the obstacles and kill Sean...

She fell into silence, wondering what Sean had done.

Under everyone's gaze, Sean just smiled calmly.

He looked at the unknown Crimson Peak, and what he said almost made everyone present break into a cold sweat.

"Your Excellency, are you too domineering? Do you really think I don't exist?"

Is he questioning the other party? !

Bai Ye felt a sense of absurdity.

A low-ranking king-level person was questioning a crimson peak...

What's even more ridiculous is that the crimson pinnacle who was being questioned instead apologetically touched his chest in greeting.

"My friend, don't get me wrong. It's not a robbery. It's just that Gan Hu and I... haha, we have some connections."

His attitude was excellent, and Gan Hu lowered his head in despair.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a noncommittal expression.

The man wearing papal robes glanced at Gan Hu, and then took out two jars.

"Ganhu was supposed to be a trophy from a friend, but the reason behind it must have been guessed by my friend... There are two bloods of crazy beasts here."

The man's expression was sincere and even meant to be friendly.

"I know this is naturally incomparable, but I see that several of your juniors are at the peak of the king level, and the blood of this crimson mad beast is not bad."

He said with a smile and glanced at Bai Ye, Luo Xi and others.

In his words, he actually regarded Bai Ye and others as Xiao En's descendants. Although the princess and the princess slandered in their hearts, they had a tacit understanding and did not show it at all.

Of course, what they were even more surprised about was what method Sean used to make even a peak crimson man misunderstand his strength.

Sean frowned slightly, looking dissatisfied.

The man smiled and said: "Of course these two pieces of crazy beast blood are not the most common kind. They both came from the crimson middle layer during their lifetime. This one comes from a bear-shaped crazy beast that has just transformed into the crimson middle layer. It has great potential, and that Although the Crazy Beast is powerful, it is only two meters tall, so the proliferation in the future will be much smaller."

"This one comes from a slime-type crazy beast that has been in the middle layer of crimson for more than fifty years. It is a water-based veto, a change-based veto, and a weak person with an active metal body. It is perfect."

As soon as these words came out, even Bai Ye's eyes widened slightly.

To advance to Crimson, you need to use the blood of the Crimson Crazy Beast, and naturally the stronger the blood, the better, and the more adaptable it is, the better. The strength of the Crazy Beast itself can also bring various wonderful bonuses to Crimson.

The two pieces of crazy beast blood that the other party took out are definitely the best of the best!

As a royal princess, her internal treasury only retained a few copies of the blood of the crimson lower-class crazy beasts. The same was true for the blood she traded to Sean, and they were all relatively common types of crazy beasts.

Crazy beasts can often distinguish their strength by appearance - the rarer the appearance and smaller the size, the stronger it is.

Small bear type and slime type, these are rare species...

As a result, Sean just frowned.

He glanced at the man, and finally showed an expression that said, "Forget it, I'll just let you go."

"In that case... forget it, this thing belongs to you after all, just treat it as a friend."

The man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he smiled politely: "Thank you very much. We will definitely keep this friendship in our hearts. If there is an opportunity in the future, I believe we can work together well."

When he spoke, he said "we" and "cooperate", conveying some meaning both inside and outside his words, but Bai Ye and others naturally couldn't understand it.

Sean nodded and smiled. Since the cooperation was achieved, there was no need to put on a bad face.

The man handed over the Crazy Beast blood and then made a polite gesture of inquiry to Sean.

After Sean said "please help yourself", he jumped down.

Gan Hu's eyes were full of fear, and he was about to yell subconsciously.

A trace of disgust flashed across the man's face, and his fingers extended into vines, and the spikes on them penetrated Gan Hu's body without any hindrance.

Gan Hu, who was on the crimson upper level, had no ability to resist. After the vine restraint was completed, he was lifted up like a chicken about to be slaughtered.

The man flew up again. He glanced at the mountain of survivors that had risen from the ground, with some envy and emotion in his eyes.

"I look forward to meeting next time and hope we can have more opportunities to cooperate."

After greeting Sean with another polite stroking of his chest, the man flew away from the place without any hesitation.

The two of them did not pass each other's identity power from beginning to end, and seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, as if they had just completed an invisible transaction.

Sean waved lazily, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief until the other party's figure completely disappeared.

"Damn, the oppressive feeling of the Crimson Peak is too strong..." He cursed a few words secretly. His back was already soaked, but it was blocked by the combat uniform and couldn't be seen.

Peak crimson! This is the strongest person he has ever seen.

If the other party sees that he is actually strong on the outside but capable on the inside, no one here today can even think of running away.

Sean had already come down when Gan Hu was making a fuss, and saw the other party absorbing the blood of his subordinates with gems, and also saw the other party's aura rapidly rising to the upper level of crimson.

After seeing the contaminated easter egg, which was the special multiplication that Gan Hu was obsessed with, Sean had a rough guess.

This thing was definitely not owned by Gan Hu originally.

It was something amazing that Sean didn't believe a predator could get.

And then the arrival of that man made Sean confirm his guess.

Gan Hu... is just a pure idiot.

Sean could almost deduce Gan Hu's experience. He probably stole or robbed his gem, at least he thought so.

Gan Hu discovered the secret of special proliferation and continued to use it to become stronger while avoiding pursuit.

When he thought of this, Sean shook his head secretly.

So stupid...

How could you, a little plunderer, get this kind of thing into your hands?

And when his aura exploded and was about to kill the opponent, that man arrived just in time?

The other party was most likely hiding in the distance. He sensed that Gan Hu was about to die and the mountain of survivors just opened, so he hurried over.

Gan Hu thought he got the treasure by luck, but little did he know... he was just a power bank that he recharged everywhere.

Will Crimson Peak let you slowly become stronger?

Got the baby by luck?

It's all an arrangement...

From the fact that the other party did not share their identity and origin with Sean, it can be seen that the other party needs to maintain stability and justice on the surface. Hehe, it probably has something to do with the robes of the Holy See.

If it's not convenient for you to do too much killing, then let the brainless predators do it.

Ganhu is just a supplement provided by the other party.

The reason why the man at the Crimson Peak was polite to Sean was because of the huge pollution of the Survivor Mountain and Sean's own strength.

Sean did not choose to deceive the other party, but directly deceived himself.

Instead of making the other person look like he is at the peak of crimson, it is better to make his body feel like he has just awakened.

How can a newly awakened person survive such huge pollution unharmed? How can this be?

Precisely because it is impossible, he will not be weak.

Rather than showing your strength to others, it is better to let them draw their own conclusions. People always trust their own judgments more.

In particular, Tainted Heart has the same aura as Tainted Survivor Mountain.

In the eyes of the other party, there is a high probability that Sean is also using this special proliferation to do something.

This is the world of strong people at the same level.

Then, everything that follows is a matter of course.

If the other party wants to get back Gan Hu's great tonic, he will naturally have to politely make some compensation to Sean, a 'strong man of the same level'.

Moreover, with the existence of special proliferation, the other party is likely to intend to cooperate.

Of course, this is a story for another day.

It would be a lie to say that Sean was not afraid at all. The living crimson peak was standing in front of him. He was almost directly contaminated, and he felt a little uneasy at this moment.

Moreover, the gift package left to him by Qiu Qingming's will was purely one-time.

The will of pollution dissipated, but the pollution that had existed for so many years would not disappear directly. After leaving the Hall of Thought, Sean discovered that he actually had the power to control this pollution temporarily.

It has very little time limit and can only be used as a control.

In other words, Sean can temporarily command the tainted metal-mad beast that is Mountain of Survivors.

Once the time limit has passed, the consciousness of the mountain of survivors will disappear and the contamination will disappear.

Of course, you can't tell others this.

Sean turned his head. Everyone else looked at him with frightened expressions, especially Bai Ye. She never expected that Sean would hold such huge power in just a short time.

He chuckled and raised his hand casually.

A whole mountain of survivors rises from the ground!

Sean wants to use the last time to take away the mountain of survivors.

The huge pollution overflowed its final power in a place unknown to outsiders, and the metal monster floated in the sky like a huge octopus.

In order to ensure that it was completed within the time limit, Sean even abandoned most of the body on the ground - part of the underground metal body was directly abandoned by Sean.

Those robots attached themselves in various postures and wanted to fly away with the mountain of survivors.

Sean jumped onto the tower, and Liu Ke quickly shouted: "Where's Fourteen?"

Sean smiled: "You guys wait here for Fourteen, he will wake up in a while, hahaha, if we are destined, we will meet again."

The giant metal beast that covered the sky and sun actually flew!

Liu Ke stared at each other in the distance blankly, and looked at each other with his companions - a metal panda jumped down from the high tower, and kept waving to the good friend he had just met.


Endeli also waved: "Panda, let's have a chance to study machinery together!"


At this time, Kan Shishi in the sky finally came to his senses.

His thoughts returned and his powers took effect again.

Looking at his returning superpower with complicated eyes, Kan Shishi took a deep breath and his tone was extremely solemn.


He didn't kill himself.

At this time, suddenly a black shadow approached.

Kan Shishi looked up and saw a giant hand made of flesh and blood slowly falling.

The fingers of the giant hand were hanging down, apparently losing all breath.

Kan Shishi's eyes widened.

Sean...killed the Mountain of Survivors? !

Did he remove the pollution?

But...he left me the dead proliferation again...

For a moment, Kan Shishi had mixed feelings. Finally, he sighed, his eyes filled with determination again.

"Sean, I saw you right... Don't worry, I will definitely find out the results!"

"There are still problems with that thing. It would be troublesome to burn it. If you take it away, you are worried that the will of the Survivor Mountain may contaminate the awakening again... Sure enough, it is best to leave it to Kan Shishi. When the time comes, his shelter will be released. That’s the problem, I just happened to be picking peaches.”

On the giant metal octopus wall, Sean was thinking leisurely.

"So, this is just a short-term action, and then this thing turns into a building again?" Luo Xi asked beside him.

Sean kept his promise and didn't hide himself, which made Luo Xi feel a little happy.

Sean leisurely said: "It's good luck, I happened to bluff that Crimson Peak."

Luo Xi asked again: "Why didn't you try to keep Gan Hu?"

Sean glanced at her and said with a smile: "You are becoming more and more greedy... I can't keep Gan Hu, and the other party must take back that gem."

"I don't have the ability to eat it, so I might as well do it as a favor... The other party is wary of my true identity and power. If I don't fight, he will naturally be happy."

Luo Xi nodded thoughtfully, and then asked doubtfully: "But in the subsequent investigation, can he find out?"

Sean shrugged: "What if he finds out? Can he determine my true strength? If he can't be sure, then he won't touch me directly, and Paradise City is thousands of miles away from him... Also, pay attention No, that crimson peak."

Luo Xi frowned, and then asked tentatively: "He didn't bring proliferation?"

Sean nodded: "Crimson Peak, a strong man of this level cannot leave the base camp, but he can come... Haha, he must have also used special multiplication, which means that special multiplication may not only include gems. One serving.”

"This thing is extremely valuable, but as long as it's not a single copy in the world, it's okay to say that the other party should be holding several different types. Letting Ganhu go out and use it as a humanoid power bank proves that these special proliferations are still there. Under development... So, the share they think they have in my hand won’t be targeted immediately.”

"Moreover, he has repeatedly emphasized cooperation... This shows that their research is not thorough yet, and if there is a chance, they want to exchange information with the forces behind me."

His hair was messed up by the wind, and he had a lazy smile on his face.

"While the whole world is a big problem, right now it's not a big problem for me."

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