I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 220 Hold each other’s ‘handle’

The man wearing the robes of the Holy See was extremely fast, and it didn't take long to arrive in front of a small stronghold.

Someone wearing the same robe, but apparently of a lower rank, had already come forward silently.

The middle-aged man took Gan Hu to a small altar, where he lit an unknown substance. After a while, he waited for the smoke to dissipate, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Gan Hu lowered his head without saying a word. He was trying to get rid of the poison and restraint of the vines.

"There is a chance... there is a chance... as long as I can..."

Before he could finish the thoughts in his mind, he heard the man sigh: "It took a few hours, but only 10% of the toxin was removed...Gan Hu, you are so disappointing."

Ganhu's eyes were split open, fear and anger mixed together, like a dog with a broken back, thrashing on the ground with its helpless body.

The man frowned slightly and untied Ganhu's mouth.

Gan Hu's voice was extremely vicious: "This was all planned by you!"

The man shook his head slightly and replied seriously: "Before, your superpowers were very suitable for holy objects, and other people in the Holy See were not suitable to do this kind of killing all the time. We have to pray to our Lord more. .”

"But your speed is too slow. In so many years, you have only reached the middle level of crimson. You only reached the upper level of crimson with explosions... I have to use some means to bring you back, otherwise, the effect of the supplement will be ineffective. .”

Tonic, I am just a tonic... Gan Hu's eyes widened, wanting to chew the other person into pieces with his murderous eyes.

"You beast... you beast!"

The middle-aged man shook his head again: "In these years, you are the one who has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and nearly ten thousand opponents and weak people. After decades of hard pursuit, the Holy See finally caught you. Horrible demons, and demons should be brought to the stand of judgment and burned to ashes under the watchful eyes of believers."

Some inhuman roars came from Gan Hu's throat, and he struggled wildly again, but the thorns of the vines would only go deeper.

Finally, he gave up the meaningless struggle. His face suddenly looked as if he had aged many years, and his voice was full of bitterness: "It's all you who figured it out, it's all you who figured it out..."

The man smiled slightly: "No, at least I didn't expect you to meet that person... Originally, I should have waited for you to steadily advance to the crimson level before I would take you back to the Lord's hometown. It's a pity."

Gan Hu's eyes widened, and he seemed to remember something again.

He knew that he was powerless to struggle, but he even thought about dragging Sean into the water.

"You were deceived by that person! He is just an ordinary king level! There are also special proliferations there, will you give up?"

The man frowned: "That's a sacred object, Gan Hu, watch your words."

Immediately, he said calmly: "Only you, an ordinary king-level person, would think so."

Gan Hu gritted his teeth: "If he were at the peak of Crimson Peak, he would not have waited for me to show up before showing his strength. He used the living building and also used special proliferation!"

The man shook his head: "It's not important. In my eyes, he is equal to the Crimson Peak. Moreover, his relationship with another sacred object is different from your relationship with the sacred object..."

He squatted down and looked at Gan Hu with a gentle expression: "He is already qualified to stand on the edge of the chessboard and enjoy the tonic brought by the holy objects...and you, decades of performance have proven that you are just a tonic."

"After spending so many years with the holy objects, you have only done this... So, I say you are disappointing, Gan Hu, do you agree?"

"Brother, what is this?"

Endeli stood in front of the main control room, although there was no part that required his control.

Sean said casually: "Of course I'm going back to Paradise City."

Endeli's eyes widened: "Paradise City? It's so far away, can this big monster fly back?"

"Otherwise, should I let it fly and breathe fresh air?"

"But where will this thing be put? Paradise City is already very large. Wouldn't it be nice to bring another one of the same size or even bigger back..." Endeli looked confused, and suddenly his eyes widened again, "Brother, Are you ready?"

"Hmm, that's a lot of money. It's much cheaper than hiring professionals from the Imperial City with high salaries. It also saves countless credit points."

Bai Ye on the side listened to the conversation between the two, and felt bitter in his heart.

This guy actually controls such a huge metal life form. Moreover, doesn't he have a steady stream of robots? He also has the strength of the crimson peak here?

What Bai Ye doesn't know is that these are purely disposable items. Those factory assembly lines that make robots require a lot of manpower and time to conduct research and recovery. When the power of pollution is used up, the mountain of survivors will become a pure building. things.

Of course, Sean is very willing to let Baiye misunderstand this.

Then I will find an opportunity to have another in-depth communication with Bai Ye, and find a reason to completely anger her afterwards. She might spread my 'secret' out of anger.

This is a deterrent that costs nothing. How cost-effective it is?

Moreover, wouldn't it be a pleasure to be able to trouble Bai Ye again as a victim?

This is the imperial chive that has been harvested for a while.

The shadow that went to explore never came back. Sean knew what Bai Ye was looking for, so he simply pretended that he didn't think about it - if you can find what Saint 3 wants, then it would be Saint 3's dereliction of duty.

In the end, you still have to beg to come to me.

Just when Bai Ye was distressed and Sean was enjoying himself, someone came over to report: "The dean is awake."

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

Latiya was seriously injured by Gan Hu in order to cover Sean, and Gan Hu's superpower seemed to have a certain restraint effect on Latiya's superpower. The latter's superpower lost control and she passed out directly after the matter was resolved.

Now after flying for a day and a night, Latiya finally woke up.

The treatment vehicles that Crimson can use must use special parts, so naturally they cannot take them with them when traveling far away.

Latiya could only lie down in the temporarily arranged room, which was full of the smell of various medicines.

"Dean, are you okay?" Sean walked over and gently helped Latiya, who was trying to sit up.

Latiya's face was pale. Although the treatment on her seriously injured shoulder had been completed, the out-of-control superpower was still working inside.

The dean is naturally much more mature than when he first fell asleep, but his mind is still biased towards the blank slate. When Sean asked, she answered honestly: "Something happened. The injury was very serious this time."

Sean sighed, grabbed Latiya's hand and said righteously: "It's all because of me... Dean, don't worry, I will definitely be responsible for you and cure you!"

Latiya didn't feel anything was wrong. For her, besides Qiong Ying, Sean was the person closest to her.

"On the one hand, it's the conflict of powers, and on the other hand, I was interrupted when I was sneaking into the shadows, and my own powers were out of control and backfired..." She grabbed Sean's hand and exerted a slight force, as if she wanted to try it. Activate your own abilities.

After a moment, Latiya cried out in pain, and her chest shook violently.

"No... I'm a little out of control..." She took a long time to recover, like a little girl who was afraid of pain, and her tone was extremely decadent, "I won't lose my powers..."

It is indeed possible to lose powers, mostly under serious injuries or special circumstances.

However, you are Crimson after all... Apart from some dangers during this period of conflict, the problem shouldn't be too big...

Of course, Sean didn't say that.

He grabbed Latiya's hand and felt it for a while with a solemn expression, like a doctor inquiring.

Under Latiya's worried and expectant gaze, Sean slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

Latiya's heart skipped a beat.

"Master Dean...my power can be used to check other people's injuries in another way...sigh..."

Sean does have the ability to check injuries. As long as the other party opens up voluntarily, he can also directly defraud other people's bodies.

If the injury is transferred to a less important part, or simply separates the injury from the power conflict, Latiya will basically bear the cost afterwards - for the Crimson Powerhouse, the various costs borne separately are not high.

The price Sean himself has to bear is very low, and he can sense the size of the other party's problem through the feedback of this price - this can be regarded as diagnosing the disease, right?

The fact is, if Sean is willing to pay for one fraud, the price both of them will bear afterwards is very small. Sean estimates that it will be over with a dislocated shoulder and boiling blood.

The people Latiya trusted most now were Qiong Ying and Sean. Seeing the solemn expression on Sean's face, she unconsciously became nervous.

Sean seemed to be considering his words, and after a while he said in a gentle voice of comfort: "I don't think there will be such serious consequences..."

Latiya pursed her lips, looking pitiful.

"I don't want to lose my powers..." she said pitifully.

Sean sighed, he held Latiya's hand tightly, his eyes flickered several times, and finally said solemnly: "You were injured because you helped me, I should help you..."

Latiya probably saw that Xiao En might have a way, but it might cost a lot. She lowered her eyes slightly: "Then, forget it... you and Qiong Ying are the closest people to me. I……"

Sean immediately interrupted the other party and said solemnly: "Dean, please don't misunderstand!"

He looked very troubled, and finally sighed and said truthfully: "It's not that I'm reluctant to pay the price, but my treatment method..."

"W-what do you mean?"

Sean frowned and said, "My power can share and separate your injuries."

Latiya's beautiful eyes flashed, and she immediately refused: "No, you are a king, and I am Crimson. Once we share the injury, you will not be able to bear it."

The dean is so innocent now...I'm so sorry...

Sean thought so, but he didn't even feel guilty.

He said seriously: "This is what I should do, and don't worry, although it is shared, I will avoid the part of your superpower, so that what I have to bear is still within the controllable range."

He looked at Latiya, his eyes full of sincerity and entanglement: "However, when using this method, we need to strengthen the connection between us... We may have to..."

"What...what?" Latiya suddenly felt her heartbeat speeding up a lot.

Sean said with some embarrassment: "In order to ensure the effect, it is best... um, take off your clothes and hug each other..."

Latiya choked when she heard the words, and then her face was filled with flames. She stammered: "This, this can't be done... we two, we can't do it... Qiong Ying is my student..."

She has a pure mind and lacks a lot of common sense, but she is not ignorant.

After regaining her body in reality, Latiya will naturally think of what the Three Saints did to her in the Hall of Thought.

Although it was just a projection of thinking and will, and the Three Saints were only trying to help themselves, there was no way to forget that feeling.

She once secretly searched for information and understood some things between men and women. It was impossible to say that she didn't have some strange feelings towards the Three Saints.

However, that is the Third Saint after all, and the other party is a mysterious and powerful man who is above the others. In the eyes of the other party, he may be no different from a piece of meat, and that is only the etheric layer...

Now, the man in front of him is his student's boyfriend, and he is still in reality. The difference is huge.

The most important thing is that if the physical age when leaving the warehouse is not counted, Latiya is only twenty years old now.

She was raised as the dean from birth and had very few contacts with people. When she first started to come into contact with the outside world, she was put into a deep sleep by someone who looked down upon her.

In other words, don't talk about those things, she has never even touched a man's hand.

When he thought of this, Latiya noticed that one of his hands was being held firmly by Sean.

She struggled slightly, but didn't get free.

Looking up secretly, Sean looked solemn and seemed to be thinking about how to solve this difficult problem.

He was also worried about me... Latiya sighed and didn't move again.

But grabbing your hand is not a big deal, but...you can take off your clothes...

Latiya's face turned red and white, and she was suddenly confused.

Theoretically, she will also have her own daughter in the future, who will be the next dean of the [College].

The rule of the [college] is that the next dean will use the cells of the current dean for culture.

The reality is that most deans have never been in love, let alone married.

Including her, she is now a real adolescent girl.

This is how to do ah……

For a moment, both of them fell into great distress.

Of course, Latiya is really distressed and Sean is just faking it.

Physical pleasure is only secondary. For Sean, he needs to completely conquer Latiya.

The word may seem utilitarian and heartless, but Sean understands that this is what he must do.

If he leaves Paradise City, he must ensure that all the crimson people in the city are his own.

Needless to say, Jin Kui and his sister-in-law, Latiya is the only hidden danger.

No matter how close she is, her identity is still the dean of the [college].

Maybe the memories that were once implanted will come back to life, or maybe there are rats hiding in the shadows of the city trying to revive.

Then, Latiya can't just be the dean of the [college].

The best way to become your own person is very simple. Of course, it requires some small stimulation - for example, holding each other's 'handle'.

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