I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 221 This is just treatment

While Sean was thinking about bad things, Latiya was already caught in a huge tangle.

She understands her situation, and no one can understand her emotions.

She was replaced by someone she admired, and her will was trapped for a long time. The feeling of loneliness and powerlessness only broke out after she fully recovered.

Latiya couldn't remember how many times she woke up from her dreams. Every time she woke up, she would subconsciously touch her surroundings.

She wanted to see if she still had the ability to move, and if she was trapped in the bottomless abyss again.

Even her closest student Qiong Ying only knew a little bit about the situation.

Empathy is a beautiful virtue, and Latiya also knows that Qiong Ying is a person who considers others, but after all, she has not experienced it personally, and knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing for her.

Therefore, Qiong Ying only knew that Latiya's sleep had never been bad, and she would be in a bad mood every time she woke up.

Troubled by this worry, Latiya was afraid. She was afraid that she would lose her powers.


Sean glanced at Latiya who pursed her lips silently, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Qiong Ying told herself everything about Latiya, and Sean might be confused, but Lord Saint III must know what's going on.

Sean originally wanted to create some artificial situations, but he didn't even think of a plan. A wonderful opportunity presented itself to him.

Moreover, he also knew the thing that Latiya was most worried about.

"Looking after people".

She was still cultivated using the genes of the first-generation dean Edith. Even though Edith had died for the second time, as long as the gene sequence was still there, there was a possibility that Edith's will would be revived.

Latiya thought that no one would know about this except Bai Ye and the Third Saint. Unfortunately, the Third Saint was right in front of her.

Thinking of this, Sean sighed solemnly.

He seemed to subconsciously hold Latiya's hand tightly, and the voice coming out of his mouth was bitter and tormenting.


He said without saying anything, and his successive sighs only made Latiya more distressed.

The two were silent for a while, and Sean finally spoke. He stared into Latiya's eyes, and the latter subconsciously avoided his gaze.

"Dean... we can't drag it on any longer..." Sean pursed his lips tightly, his usually lazy face hung with lingering sorrow and gloom.

It seemed that he had made some kind of extremely cruel decision, and he actually bit his own lips and drew some blood.

"When I go back, I will confess to Qiong Ying...I will break up with her...but I want to save you..." Sean raised his head, his voice extremely bitter.

"No!" Latiya's eyes widened and her voice became serious.

Sean's eyes were full of bitterness: "I just checked again... your injury is getting worse..."

Latiya was startled again. She subconsciously felt that her powers were really becoming more and more uncontrollable.

It's so pitiful that she is seriously injured now and the powers in her body are in a mess. How can she be able to sense such detailed things.

However, Latiya felt that Sean would not lie to her. When he said this, it seemed that things were really getting worse.

Sean put on a solemn expression: "Dean... I know this is disrespectful to you and unfair to Qiong Ying... The best way I can think of is this... I will break up with Qiong Ying after I go back, But I won’t say what happened... This way, at least it’s fair to her..."

Latiya frowned: "No, no... How can you break up with her because of me and just a treatment method... That child is thinking about you every day... No..."

She looked up at Sean and said seriously: "Sean, I know you are good to me, but I won't treat you anymore. Don't break up with Qiong Ying."

Seeing Latiya's serious and unbearable expression, Sean even felt a little ashamed.

The dean is too innocent now... When Edith replaced her, she was given a clean slate...

What he said was a bunch of bullshit. There were only a few people in this world who couldn't hear it, and Latiya was definitely one of them.

Sean frowned: "No, we can't delay..."

Latiya firmly refused: "You can't break up with Qiong Ying."

Sean said solemnly: "Then you will die."

Latiya bit her lip, looking at the innocent little girl without looking like a dean.

"I admit that I don't want to die, but I don't want you to treat Qiong Ying like this..."

Sean scratched his hair irritably: "What can we do? The only way to treat you is to let Qiong Ying know, then..."

Latiya's eyes dimmed a bit, and she knew what Sean said was right.

Suddenly, an idea popped up involuntarily.

What if... Qiong Ying is not allowed to know?

The moment this idea came up, Latiya almost wanted to slap herself.

Sean is Qiong Ying’s boyfriend! How could I have such an idea!

Although... Sean is not a particularly dedicated person... but it can be seen that he loves Qiong Ying very much, and Qiong Ying also loves him very much.

Latiya knew that the moral values ​​of this world were very weak, and even her own moral values ​​were just like that.

But Qiong Ying is her last relative and the person she values ​​the most.

The concept here is different...

While he was distressed, Sean's voice suddenly became more serious.

"We can't delay it... I just saw a figure flickering in your eyes. This may be a sign of the resurgence of pollution caused by out-of-control superpowers!"

Latiya's eyes widened instantly.

The figure in the eye? !

That... that's not a sign of an out-of-control recovery... it's a sign of being arrogant!

An unimaginable sense of panic came over him.

She quickly lowered her head to prevent Sean from seeing her eyes, and then subconsciously sensed it.

But there was only a violent and painful loss of control in her body. She vaguely felt that her will was about to leave her body again.

She panicked.

Sean was circling around anxiously, while Latiya bit her lip.

The thoughts just now came to my mind again.

What if Qiong Ying was kept secret...

Sean was just healing my wounds, nothing happened between us...

I kept it secret from her just because I didn’t want to ruin the relationship between us...

The thoughts that were messy, embarrassing to her, and that she couldn't stop thinking about came one after another.

Finally, Latiya raised her head.

She looked at Sean with an unspeakable look: "You can't break up with Qiong Ying..."

Sean frowned and said nothing.

There was shame and apology in Latiya's voice, and she bit her lip: "I... we can't let Qiong Ying know..."

Before Sean could speak, she added in a way that seemed to be explaining and self-persuading: "It's just for treatment, just to not let Qiong Ying think too much..."

She even nodded vigorously: "We have a clear conscience."

You have a clear conscience and you hold my hand so tightly...

Sean lowered his head with some bitterness on the surface, but he was already happy inside.

In this kind of matter, he can only make suggestions, but cannot make strong demands, even if it is just for treatment.

In this thin and decadent world, character and morality are often props for personal self-discipline.

Therefore, Sean can't ask, he can only suggest.

Because the person who ultimately makes the decision will bear the most guilt.

Guilt is a good knife that can be slashed at others or hung above one's own head.

Sean sighed deeply, and finally nodded seriously: "Since you said so... then only the two of us know about this matter."

Shared secrets often bring two people really close. If the secret is very powerful, it can easily become an excuse for each other.

Sean spoke first, firstly to tie the two of them together, and secondly to remind Latiya that this decision was made by you. In fact, I am very ashamed, but there is no other way. I have to save my life.

As expected, Latiya bit her lip and nodded.

She had forgotten that whether it was the diagnosis of the condition or the initial advice, it all came from Sean.

Instead, Latiya felt even more guilty.

Dean Chunliang now feels that not only is he sorry for Qiong Ying, but Sean has also paid a lot.

Moreover, he even broke up with Qiongying for my life...

Although he often flirts with other girls, if Qiongying doesn't express it, I don't have the right to express it - isn't this because they both love each other, and there are no similar situations in this world. Not uncommon.

In the current situation, he is actually in a dilemma, right?

Originally, I was supposed to be the one protecting him on this trip... but in the end, I was the one holding back.

Her messy head was suddenly touched by a gentle big hand, and her belt was pulled.

Subconsciously grabbing the other person's hand, she frowned deeply at the impact of the wound.

"Don't move!" Sean exclaimed, and then said in a reproachful tone, "You are seriously injured, don't move..."

Latiya looked up in panic, and Sean had a calm look on his face.

He said seriously: "Now that we have decided, let's solve it quickly. Your injury can't be delayed...it's just treatment anyway, right?"

Anyway, it’s just treatment... Latiya repeated silently.

She nodded hurriedly, then gently pulled away Sean's hand with the one hand she could still move, and whispered: "You, turn around..."

Sean turned around quickly.

His attitude made Latiya feel slightly relieved.

There were rustling sounds, mixed with some gasping related to wounds, followed by voices as thin as mosquitoes and flies.

"I, I'm fine..."

Sean started to take off his clothes without saying a word.

Latiya was unable to turn due to her injuries, so she had to close her eyes tightly before Sean's smooth muscular back was exposed.

It was pitch black in front of him, except for the sound of two people breathing.

The throbbing pain in her shoulder and the smell of blood reminded her that this was just treatment.

Yes, this is just treatment... Latiya repeated this sentence in her mind countless times.

Then, she suddenly felt the soft bed beneath her sink.

Latiya's body immediately tensed up. She couldn't help but open her eyes, and then she discovered that Sean had kept his eyes closed.

She breathed a sigh of relief and even felt embarrassed about her withdrawal.

It's just therapy, Sean is so polite...you have to cooperate...

But...how to treat it?

As soon as the confused thoughts arose, her eyes widened.

A pair of hands were groping randomly, and they happened to hit a place that they couldn't describe!

"Xiao, Sean!" she shouted, and the latter moved his hand away in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Dean, I, I can't see..."

"What exactly should be done?"

"Try to fit the body as closely as possible so that my powers can better separate and transfer."

Latiya's heart was in a mess, but it was not a good thing to remain so frozen. In desperation, she suppressed her shyness and whispered: "Then, open your eyes..."

When Sean heard this, he quietly opened his eyes, and happened to meet Latiya's panicked eyes.

The two looked away in tacit understanding, and Sean immediately changed to a serious tone: "It's just therapy."

"Well... Hurry, hurry up..."

Sean stepped over Latiya, took a deep breath and reminded: "I'm coming, Dean."


The warm touch on her skin made Latiya's body stretch like a wooden board, and she didn't dare to move.

It's all coming...

Amid the violent heartbeat, Latiya's mind went blank.

She was down for a while.

Sean didn't speak, only his hot breath blew on the white swan's neck.

A small goosebump appeared, and Latiya instinctively shrank her shoulders.

Why is he so hot... Latiya gasped, resisting the urge to run away.

As time passed, Latiya's mood and state finally calmed down a lot.

On the one hand, she discovered that the out-of-control powers in her body were really slowly calming down! It was as if a gentle hand reached in and gently took away the pain and pollution.

On the other hand, Latiya also noticed that her back was tightly pressed against Sean's, but the other person didn't make the slightest move out of bounds, and just kept his body tense.

She even felt the heavy breathing on her neck, occasionally mixed with a heavy and irritable breath.

He was losing control and contaminating the separation and sharing...Latiya realized this immediately.

She tried to keep her emotions calm so that Sean could solve the problem more smoothly.

Unknowingly, Latiya breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Sean is usually romantic, he is still very reliable when it comes to business matters...

I'm just sorry for Qiong Ying... But it's just treatment, just a white lie...

Gradually, Latiya felt that her pain was slowly shifting downwards, and her sense of loss of control was greatly reduced.

Sean's tired voice came: "Separate the pain and the out-of-control areas and reduce them separately. Then you should be fine relying on your own recovery."

Latiya said gratefully: "Thank you for your hard work, Sean."

"It's okay..." Sean took a deep breath, "It's just the last part. Don't move, don't let all your efforts be wasted."

"Yes." Latiya agreed.

She even started to get used to it. Although she was ashamed, nothing actually happened...

Sure enough, just as Sean said, she felt the pain and wounds move downwards, separated from the loss of control.

"It's really much easier... we can deal with them separately instead of stacking them together..." Latiya breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she discovered something embarrassing, the injury stopped after transferring to her... sensitive area.

After waiting anxiously and shamefully for a while, Sean's voice finally sounded.

"I was originally going to move it to my calf, but I misjudged the difference in strength between you and me..." Sean sighed, "I'm a little numb now, where did I move it to you?"

Latiya muttered quietly.

"Huh?" Sean didn't hear clearly.

Latiya had no choice but to turn up the volume:


There was a brief silence.

Latiya heard the sound of Sean swallowing.

"Well, I'm moving you around, otherwise it won't be easy for you to recuperate..."

Latiya said softly.

Then Sean leaned closer.

Latiya suddenly felt confused and asked: "Are there any tools?"


"That's..." Latiya's confusion suddenly turned into an exclamation held in her throat.

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