I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 222 Dean, you smell so good

"That's okay..."

Latiya held back these words for quite a while.

Sean, who was originally thinking about what excuse to use, almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

The dean is much more innocent than I thought.

Sean was snickering and found an excuse to get away with it. After all, what he was doing was not a simple matter.

Latiya gritted her teeth, but when she thought about Sean trying his best to treat herself, some words became unspeakable.

There seemed to be no such information in the knowledge implanted in the [Academy]. In her short life, she was either aloof or asleep, and she didn't know how to remind her for a while.

The life of Shen Mian made Latiya pure in heart. From a purely personal perspective, Latiya was not that resistant.

Moreover, people who eat and drink in the wasteland are generally not so particular, and she still understands this.

However, as soon as I close my eyes, my favorite student will pop into my mind.

Will there be a day in the future when I will be helpless to accept the sanctions of justice and love?

When she thought of this, Latiya felt as if someone had inserted a small, pointed needle into her heart, which made her feel panicked.

When this day came, she didn't know how to face it.

And, most importantly, if that day comes, will I really be alone?

She was afraid of this, especially those who had just emerged from the abyss of loneliness.

Latiya's heart felt like it was suddenly put on a fire and burned by the flames.

This emotion was mixed with a sense of shame, and Latiya's already messed up abilities almost worsened.

Sean didn't have it easy either. Latiya opened her heart to herself, which prevented his deceitful heart from encountering obstacles when it was used on others.

But Latiya is crimson after all, and pain and pollution are like strength, a whole level higher than Sean.

However, the most intuitive manifestation of pollution is blood boiling.

"Dean, it's not that I want to take advantage of you, but I didn't expect the side effects of treatment to come so quickly." Sean sighed silently.

Is it up to me?

It's not my fault.

Gradually, the pain and loss of control subsided, and the silence and stiffness between the two of them gradually disappeared.

After all, the injuries and contamination were real, and the two of them had to spend a lot of effort to deal with them.

In fact, Latiya has become accustomed to Sean's existence, and has begun to get used to both aspects.

In order to distract herself, Latiya began to recall things she had seen in her mind.

Whether in Paradise City or other city-states, similar treatments are not uncommon.

I heard that this kind of situation has also happened in remote places, and it is even more exaggerated.

The person being treated and the healer often form a couple - after all, you have to take responsibility, right?

More frightening situations will also occur. The superpowers of vetoes are all kinds of weird. Some therapeutic vetoes have no aura or healing energy and can only use part of their bodies as medicine to treat others.

Yes, it is like that……

Thinking about all kinds of messy things to calm herself down, she discovered that Sean was completely focused on treatment without any extraordinary actions.

She relaxed and used her remaining strength to carefully move her body so that both of them could feel more comfortable.

The long and arduous treatment finally came to an end, and Latiya felt that her powers had calmed down a lot.

The pain in her shoulders was completely transferred to her calves. The injury and pollution no longer combined to attack together, which made her feel much better.

Latiya, who was relieved in her heart, didn't even ask Sean to get up and leave immediately. After all, during this time, she could feel the fatigue of the man behind her.

After finishing all this, Sean gasped violently as if he had just experienced a tragic battle, and his breath was constantly spitting out.

Holding back the numbing feeling on the back of her neck, Latiya asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Sean's voice was very tired: "I'm fine. You should be able to feel the changes in your injury, right?"

Latiya nodded.

"That's right -" Sean let out a long breath, "The injury on your shoulder is now on your calf. In this case, the physical injury and the 'injury' on the superpower will not interact with each other and continue to cause damage. A situation where one plus one is far greater than two.”

He took a few breaths before continuing: "Gan Hu's superpower is indeed restrained by you. I noticed a trace of his superpower when we were separated and shared. I'm afraid that's the source of disturbing your superpower."

Latiya sighed and said gratefully: "It's already very good. The two no longer have side effects on each other. I can ignore the injury and slowly deal with the loss of control."

"Yes, the next step is for you to deal with it. I believe you should be fine. I have to find a way to clean up the pollution."

Latiya was startled, and her tone couldn't help but be filled with anxiety: "Do you know Gan Hu's superpower?"

Sean smiled weakly but proudly: "Well, I transferred the power of Ganhu's invasion into my body."

Even though her whole body was as soft as noodles, Latiya tried her best to scream: "Are you crazy? Gan Hu is in the middle level of crimson, and even temporarily reached the upper level of crimson. His superpower will make you explode!"

"Don't worry." Sean said, his voice weak but confident.

"Gan Hu restrains you, but he doesn't restrain me at all. In my eyes, his powers are the most ordinary ones."

This is the truth.

Ganhu's superpowers are related to blood, and Latiya is a product of genetic breeding, which seems to have a serious restraint effect on her.

As for Sean's two abilities, one is a spiritual and materialized series, and the other is a very rare concept type. Gan Hu's abilities have little impact.

However, Sean coughed twice.

Noticing his weakness, Latiya felt like something was tugging in her heart.

"Ganhu is the middle layer of deep red..."

Sean cleared his throat: "I'm not that reckless person. Believe me, I still cherish my life very much."

"It will only take a few months... Dean, remember to bring me food when the time comes."

He spoke openly and casually, and Latiya had a pure mind. When Sean heard this, he was moved like a wave in his heart.

"If you feel something is wrong, tell me immediately." She added uneasily.

Sean responded lazily, but his voice became quieter and quieter.

"Sean? Sean?" Latiya shouted a few times tentatively.

However, she didn't get a response from Sean for a long time.

"Sean?" Latiya called out cautiously again.

What answered her was Sean's heavy and gentle breathing.

Fell asleep?

Latiya stiffened.

She suddenly felt dumbfounded.

But if she really wanted her to wake him up, Latiya couldn't do it.

After all, he was overdrafted because he helped me with my treatment.

Feeling the strange warmth on her back and thighs, Latiya sighed several times inwardly.

Thinking of Sean's efforts in the past ten hours, Latiya couldn't say anything if she wanted to wake him up.

Besides...what about ten hours plus a few more hours?

Sean has been well behaved for so long, so it’s unlikely that the problem only occurred after he fell asleep, right? Latiya thought so.

Moreover, she had been enduring the pain of the injury and had to devote a lot of mental energy to prevent her powers from getting out of control. She was really tired.

There was a fight between her eyelids, and Latiya shook her head.

Think of something else, Latiya, and you have to hold on...

After a while, the thought became: How about taking a nap? ——

Latiya didn't know if she was dreaming or doing something. In the hazy moment, she felt like she was wrapped in a quilt that had been exposed to the sun for a long time.

The 'hard' heat of the artificial sun is different. The warmth has a soft and reassuring flavor.

Have you ever been in the real sun yourself? She thought about this question drowsily.

Suddenly, the quilt became much tighter, and Latiya was a little out of breath.

Why is this quilt still moving around...

She finally opened some eyes in confusion, and then she saw something.

Some things she had secretly read in the information, this could probably be called the "preparation stage?"

She was stunned for a long time, and then she discovered something amazing.

Then, she felt that the tool she had almost ignored was trying to open the lock.

Latiya immediately exclaimed: "Xiao, Sean!"

But Sean didn't react at all, and kept mumbling another person's name.

Latiya was shocked, angry and ashamed. She was a real young lady. From the moment she could remember, the men she met always had only two thoughts about her - to ignore or kill them.

When have you ever encountered this embarrassing scene?

Moreover, Sean recognized the wrong person!

Although her powers could not be used yet, she recovered a lot of strength and immediately moved her body to get away from the sleeping Sean.

But the two of them fell asleep in a daze. The close contact for the past ten hours also eliminated the original unfamiliarity between the two. After sleeping next to each other for a while, they directly turned into sleeping with each other in their arms. She didn't move yet. Well, the movement seemed to stimulate Sean, who became more and more bold in his movements.

The strong crimson man, the aloof dean, was struggling like a frightened deer, and his face seemed to be soaked in blood for some unknown reason.

She struggled hard, but Sean caught on her like an octopus, and his movements were unobstructed.

Latiya felt that her mind was going completely blank.

As a result, there were still sleep talking.

"Have a good meal...I'm...shrinking..."

As expected, this guy has taken advantage of Qiong Ying, and his body structure is clear!

The most annoying thing is that he actually compared them.

Just compare, why are you trying it yourself? !

Latiya was ashamed and angry, and her strength to struggle became less and less.

Until the tool was about to enter the lock cylinder, a burst of strength suddenly came out. She broke free and accidentally rolled under the bed.

Enduring the pain and with weak legs, Latiya grabbed a piece of clothing and looked over it in shame.

Sean was indeed handsome, and his sharp temperament was softened even more when he was sleeping.

However, without the warmth in his arms, the man frowned slightly, looking a little distressed.

Latiya's heart was racing, and she accidentally caught a glimpse of something she shouldn't have seen.

She turned around quickly, and the dean's wisdom emerged at the critical moment.

She pinched her injured calf hard, and the pain finally brought her to consciousness.

She cautiously let out a long breath, gritted her teeth and looked around.

But there are debris everywhere, and there are cold metal walls around you.

Helpless, Latiya could only squat in the corner of the warehouse.

Time passed slowly, and Sean even called out, which made Latiya, who had finally calmed down, feel embarrassed again.

The mountain of survivors is flying at high altitude. It is still at the end of winter, and the warehouse without sealing and insulation is extremely cold.

This is not a problem for a normal strong person, but Latiya is seriously injured and her powers cannot be mobilized. Her powers are not enhanced ones that can greatly enhance her physical fitness. She squatted when she should be recuperating. Chilling in the corner.

In winter in the wasteland, the temperature can drop to minus 20 degrees, and even worse at high altitudes. Without the blessing of supernatural powers, Latiya, who was almost naked, felt the chill for a long time, and even sneezed.

Latiya endured it for several hours. It seemed that the outside world had just fallen into the night and passed through a blizzard. Frost even formed on the metal walls of the warehouse.

After enduring it for another two or three hours, Latiya couldn't bear it anymore.

She cautiously poked her head out, and then she saw that Sean was wrapped in quilts and clothes and sleeping comfortably.

When has the dean ever suffered like this?

She fought internally for a long time, and then her eyes lit up.

Although she saw something she shouldn't have seen before it turned on, Latiya found that Sean seemed to be a little uncomfortable. She stretched out her hand and grabbed it randomly for a while, and then put on her personal clothes casually.

After hesitating for a long time, Latiya finally stood up carefully.

Wrapping the clothes tightly around her body, she quietly climbed into bed.

The great warmth made Latiya let out a sigh of relief.

Although, Sean hugged him in his sleep after feeling it.

After struggling to no avail, Latiya sighed.

Have a clear conscience!

She cheered herself up.

Finally, she fell into a deep sleep.

It was a very long sleep, and when Latiya opened her eyes in a daze, she felt another hand on her chest and butt.

I don't know when I shrank directly into Sean's arms.

What was even more embarrassing was that she subconsciously stared at Sean's face as if her head was cramped.

Then, Sean opened his eyes drowsily.

The two happened to look at each other.

Seeing the blush rising on Dean's face, Sean pinched it subconsciously and twitched his nose.

What he said made the sluggish Latiya completely fall into shame and anger, and almost caused the supernatural power to be on the verge of losing control.


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