I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 223 From now on, I will give you the world and the sun

"Time to eat."

Looking at the dishes on the table, Latiya couldn't say anything or vent her anger.

After that day, Sean was still like a normal person. It was hard to imagine how a normal living species could be so shameless.

Latiya felt ashamed and angry when she thought of what Sean said to her.

"Dean, you smell so good."

Whenever she closed her eyes for the past two days, these words were all in her mind.

Those contacts could be regarded as necessary for treatment and helplessness during rest. Only these words made Latiya break her guard in an instant.

All I can think about is Qiong Ying, how can you still say this?

This made Latiya very angry.

What's even more unfortunate is that because of shame and anger, her abilities that had been stabilized showed signs of getting out of control again.

She resisted telling others, but Sean, who was following her beside her, still noticed something unusual.

Finally, half-heartedly, she accepted Sean's treatment again without being able to resist.

Although this time it didn't last as long as the first time, the treatment was still exactly the same.

Although she was strictly guarded throughout the whole process, Latiya found herself increasingly powerless, and Sean himself was in a bad state and forcibly treated himself - should I still say bad words to him during the treatment?

The chaotic emotions and situations gave Latiya a deep sense of powerlessness, shame and anger.

But Sean got along with her like a normal person, which also made Latiya's mood a little subtle - she was indeed shy and angry, but she gradually got used to the other person's insipidity, and it seemed that many things were not as important as imagined.

Moreover, there is always a feeling that no matter what happens, someone will be there to carry it with you.

Sean saw the changes in Latiya. Dean Chunliang was not the kind of high-ranking person who kept her emotions and anger hidden. On the contrary, she showed almost all her emotions on her face, and she would only show off in front of outsiders. His face was paralyzed as if nothing had happened.

Sean was amused, but also felt a little emotional.

He had never quite understood how Latiya was able to educate a pure and good person like Qiong Ying, but now it seems normal.

Although Latiya was replaced by Edith, she was still Latiya when she adopted Qiong Ying. She was the teacher and the student. Even if Latia was replaced later, Qiong Ying's character would be difficult to change.

As for his approach, it's pretty simple.

If it were Luo Xi or Bai Ye, after that kind of thing, Sean would choose to stay away and let them think about the things in between. Moreover, these kind of girls are very strong. If you stay by your side shamelessly, she will feel that. It is to remind myself of "unbearable memories".

This is often self-defeating and ends in a stale relationship.

Latiya is different. She has a pure personality and feels close to Sean. Moreover, she is not the kind of woman who is obsessed with saving face. For her, the key point is not what happened, but what happened. The main point of influence is actually the guilt towards Qiong Ying.

In addition, although Latiya is very powerful, stronger than Luo Xi and Bai Ye, on a psychological level, she is the more fragile one.

Always stay by your side and let the other person feel your tenderness and closeness. On the one hand, it is to give Latiya enough support and not let her feel that she is alone. On the other hand, it was a subtle reminder of Latiya's guilt.

In this way, after returning to Paradise City, Latiya did not dare to tell Qiong Ying all this.

Then her handle is naturally always in Sean's hand - of course, she will feel that this is the handle shared by the two of them.

If you hold a dark secret for too long, the relationship between the two holders will naturally change.

Things became much easier after that.

Faced with different girls, Sean can be a different Sean.

"Damn, I'm so exhausted..." The busy day finally ended, and several young people with darker skin walked to the cafeteria in groups.

After the great changes in Paradise City, these rich young men in the past have become one of thousands of ordinary screws.

The food in the cafeteria is not bad, but for these former young masters who are used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, it is still far behind.

Looking at the civilians beside them who were smiling happily and eating like pig food, they would still subconsciously show some contempt on their faces.

"These days are much better than before. You can eat meat after a day's work. Those dry synthetic flours are also mixed with a lot of ingredients, and the taste is much better."

"Isn't that right? [Golden Ghost] is really a good person. We all misunderstood him before, and Mr. Sean from [Golden Ghost] is even more of a kind person."

"That's right. Moreover, after I work for a few more months, I can learn precision assembly from you. By then..."

The people around him immediately burst into envious voices.

The young men looked at each other sourly and plucked at the food in their bowls.

Being able to become a skilled worker can be regarded as a middle-level figure in Paradise City - of course, it is still far behind their previous status.

If you want to ask whether you are envious or not, then of course... you are envious.

In the shadows, a blue-haired boy with a white rose tattoo on his sleeves watched all this silently. He looked young, but there were a few strands of white hair on his temples, and the scrutiny in his eyes was not something that a young man could have.

After receiving the investigation order from Grand Duke Wen Kun, he went to Paradise City alone to investigate the cause of death of Grand Duke Wen Kun's second son Rod.

However, after such a long investigation, there are still no clues.

He figured out some inside stories, but it was unlikely that the murderer who killed Rhodes that night was Sean or someone close to Sean.

If that's the case, I'm afraid it really has to point to the one on the top of the mountain.

In order to ensure the results of the investigation, he sneaked into Paradise City to find more clues, but the investigations over the past few days made him worried.

The system and order of Paradise City... are highly imitating the development trajectory of the Imperial Capital before.

However, it is more thorough, more iron-blooded... and its control over the people's psychology is also more terrifying.

This gave him some more terrifying thoughts.

If she just cooperates with you, will Princess Baiye teach Paradise City so many things?

Moreover, why did Princess Baiye choose Paradise City? Why could her powers be awakened here?

As a retainer of the White Rose family for generations, he is qualified to know some of the secrets of the royal family.

For example, when His Majesty conquered the world, although he unified a large area, he also made countless enemies. Even though His Majesty was the best at eradicating the weeds, there were still many fish that slipped through the net.

His Majesty once had an outbreak of injuries. During that time, the entire imperial capital was in chaos. I heard that a newborn prince was even robbed from the palace...

Calculating the time, the prince should be about twenty years old...

Sean, the second-in-command of [Golden Ghost] who is at the peak of his fame, seems to be at this age.

With such achievements at such a young age, he is indeed a proud man. The most important thing is that Sean is not Jin Kui's son. I heard he is an orphan...

This gave him some bold associations.

It's just... If it's true as he thinks, then Sean should still have a lot of resources. Although Paradise City is huge, it takes a lot of time to develop, and it is impossible to affect the empire in a short time.

It's almost a consensus that His Majesty's end is approaching... With the current Paradise City, Sean can't compete with those powerful princes for the throne.

Bah... He cursed himself secretly.

It was just a guess as to why he put Sean in the position of prince.

Just as he was thinking about this, the crowd suddenly let out a cry of surprise, followed by a series of frightened cries.

"Then, what is that?!"

"It's a disaster! A disaster! Paradise City is about to fall into disaster again!"

"It's over, it's over, we're done!"

The residents of Paradise City, who had already suffered a terrible disaster, fell into a huge panic, and the memories that had gradually subsided in their minds were quickly awakened.

Bai Qiangwei's spy also looked at the sky, and then he paused on the spot, as if all the blood in his body had solidified.

"what is that……"

Under the evil dome, an invisible black shadow enveloped the area. Tentacles that seemed to be metal and living creatures were swinging in strange postures at the edge, as if they were trying to swallow up the entire natural enemy.

Even in the imperial capital, I had never seen such a terrifying scene, and Grand Duke Wen Cheng had never encountered such a huge opponent during his expeditions.

That is a huge curtain with no edges visible!

It's like...the sky is pressing down!

Two huge auras escaped. He turned around and saw a man and a woman flying into the air. He knew that they were the two strongest people in Paradise City, Jin Kui and his wife.

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times...Jin Kui, who overpowered the eldest young master back then, is so terrifying now even though he was seriously injured by the master of the family..."

However, it would not be easy for Jin Kui to show up now.

He left without saying a word.

That piece of sky that seemed to be collapsing, a terrifying metal behemoth of unknown level, was heading towards Paradise City at a glance!

While running, he looked back and saw Jin Kui and his wife flying away after looking around for a few times.

"As expected, they are coming for Paradise City. The couple knows they can't resist, so they are ready to run away!"

His speed did not slow down and he continued to run.

However, the black shadow was so big and even very fast. Unknowingly, the black shadow came directly above Paradise City.

He was horrified: "Is this thing bigger than Paradise City?!"

Paradise City fell into darkness, and cries continued to sound.

"Paradise City is not safe... I have to go back and report it quickly. I don't know what this thing is. Maybe it will go to other cities!"

"Now, regardless of whether Sean is a prince or not, he is in bad luck. Paradise City, which he relies on the most, may not even grow a blade of grass."

As he was sighing in his heart, a huge voice resounded throughout the city.

"It's me." A lazy man's voice sounded.

People who didn't know it paused for a moment, but how could the residents of Paradise City not remember this voice?

"Mr. Sean?"

"That's right, it's Mr. Sean. I remember clearly the last time he spoke to the whole city!"

"Mr. Sean brought this? Why?"

Sean's voice continued: "From now on, the Titans will protect Paradise City."

A calm word, but it was like a boulder dropped on the calm water.

"Titan? What is that?"

"Shelter? This is to protect Paradise City."

The retainer of White Rose was even more shocked: "What is a Titan? A mutant or a crazy beast? There is dark blue on top of crimson, and there is no Titan on top of dark blue? Where did this terrifying creature come from?"

While thinking about it, the huge black shadow began to fall, and then the tentacle-like edge finally saw its specific appearance - it was a high metal wall!

"Rumble--Rumble--" The entire Paradise City was shaken, and some temporary buildings collapsed directly.

Those metal walls dug into the ground and then closed tightly!

This... is actually an extremely large shelter device? !

The retainer was in great shock: "Is this...the Titan?"

The entire Paradise City was plunged into darkness.

At this time, light rose from all corners.

That's an artificial sun.

The artificial suns of various forces were all gathered at the top of the central tower, turning Paradise City, which was shrouded by the evil dome all day long, into a bright city.

Countless people walked outdoors in confusion, feeling the warm sunshine on their bodies.

Suddenly, as if being manipulated, they all looked up.

A person seemed to be standing under the sun, unable to see clearly, but he just wanted to keep looking at him, even if his eyes were burned and hurt.

There was a smile in Sean's calm and lazy tone, and it was dazzling that could not be ignored.

"I declare that from now on, Paradise City officially owns the world and the sun."

The whole city seemed to have been pressed on the mute button.

Immediately, cheers and loud cries almost overturned everything.

Many people even cried and knelt down, offering their greatest respect and respect towards the light.

Jin Kui stood on the roof, looking at the sun. He smiled calmly, his eyes bright.

"Tsk, this kid...has really grown up..."

Bai Qiangwei's retainers immediately fell into a daze.

The Titan beast enveloped the entire Paradise City, and this Sean directly gathered the artificial light sources of the entire city...forcibly creating a small world and a real sun.

He wants to give all this to the entire city of heaven? !

So, where did this unheard of Titan beast come from?

He was confused.

Could it be that Sean is really...

Sean, who casually made up a new name for the Mountain of Survivors, lazily walked down the tower, and the huge and polluted energy of the Mountain of Survivors was finally exhausted.

From now on, this will be a pure building...

However, in the eyes of others, this is the terrifying and majestic Titan beast, which, under the control of the great Mr. Sean, protects the entire Paradise City.

The people who had been waiting for a long time quickly came forward to greet him.

Moza was still a little resentful, and seemed to be quite resentful of Sean not taking him with him.

Sean went up to say hello one by one, and finally picked up Xiao Ci: "Let's go home."

Qiong Ying, who had just hugged Sean, looked behind her and finally found her teacher.

"Teacher!" she shouted in surprise.

Latiya was slightly embarrassed: "I, I will go back to heal..."

Seeing Latiya running away in the blink of an eye, Qiong Ying looked confused.

Why do I feel like the teacher is avoiding me...

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